Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
A man tries to distance himself from the voices while three men on a step discuss who's hot and who's not. Sketches include: Cathy and Kathie, Bruce, Steps 1, Chad's 13th Birthday, Shirling Guy, and Steps 2
All Episodes - S04
A man has a loveless relatioship with his dog while the hyper businessman has heart problems and the bigot cabbie delivers rush-hour baby. Sketches include: Channel 7 News, Dog, Whores 1, Mechanic, Spider, Whores 2, Whores 3, Executive, and Cabbie Written by Anonymous
In the episode Cathy and Kathie gossip about the new girl and Darryl explains that he sees an Oompah Band in his head. Sketches include: Fight Pickers 1, Cathy and Kathie, Fight Pickers 2, Darryl, Fight Pickers 3, Buddy, Cyril, and Rednecks
It's hard not to laugh when a weird plastic surgeon turns his assistant into a rat and a whore turns tricks for asthma medication or is it. Sketches include: Francesca Fiore, Whores 1, Fantasy, Rat, Whores 2, Phil, Whores 3, and Dean
A the governor calls a wrong number at a crucial moment and the fight pickers take on a biker and his goldfish. Meanwhile, Bruce talks about various sad people. Sketches include: Wrong Number, Bruce 1, Fight Pickers 1, Pit of Ultimate Darkness, Fight Pickers 2, Bruce 2, Danny Husk, and Bauer at Kyle's Written by Anonymous
In this wacky episode, a seriously injured patient takes time out for a few gags, an apparently Jamaican director introduces his very sexist new film, and Myra has an out of body experience while choking at a Thanksgiving dinner. Sketches include: Channel 7 News, Emergency Room Joker, Scott, Out of Body Experience, Sex Girl Patrol, and So Says You!
In this Kids in the Hall episode, Kathie describes how she became a Blue Jays fan, Fran learns about salsa, peanut sauce and meals in a pill, and an ax murderer needs blade sharpened during a murder. Sketches include: Rednecks, Kathie, The Losers 1, Ax Murderer, Times Are Changing, The Losers 2, Forced Date, What Am I Doing, and The Losers Written by Anonymous
Chicken Lady visits the house she grew up in and a doctor confuses his patients' names. Sketches include: Sarcasm, Chicken Lady, He's 45 1, Bad Doctor, Thug, He's 45 2, He's 45 3, and New Widow
A man is visited by door-to-door religious missionaries and a businessman is stunned to discover fellow businessmen can read his thoughts. Meanwhile, Kevin discusses the similarities between his family and an airport movie series. Sketches include: Whores 1, Gavin, Danny Husk, Dull, Whores 2, Kevin's Family, My God They Can Read My Thoughts, and Awkward Thanksgiving Written by Anonymous
Chalet 2000 is a hilarious episode long sketch starring Buddy, the Queen of England, and a beaver.
Check out this group of Kids in the Hall sketches that feature Michael the incompetent receptionist who can't remember anything and the old women that are taken advantage of by psychics. Sketches include: Michael, Pit of Ultimate, Cops 1, Psychic Delivery Service, Cops 2, Answering Machine Messages, Cops 3, and Francesca Fiore Written by Anonymous
Anal-probing aliens question their work, the Kids sing Do, a Deer, and the whores discuss plastic surgery. Sketches include: Best Friend, Aliens, Good Worker, Whores 1, Armada, Do Re Mi Song, Dave, Whores 2, and Nena
In this episode, the Kids discuss the fine line between a nice guy, a loser, and a potential stalker and someone tries to detract from Ted's Church of the Very Bright Light. Meanwhile, a man lices through his hangover to tell the tale. Sketches include: Lucky Lobster, Fine Line 1, The Sudelmans, Ted's Church, Fine Line 2, Buddy, Apathetic Cop, and Danny Husk Written by Anonymous
From a man who demonstrates the sound his fridge makes to Mark announcing that he's unlocked the secret of nudity, this episode of Kids in the Hall is sure to keep you laughing. Sketches include: Cops 1, Sid and Sharisse, Cops 2, Fraud Businessman, Whores and Rudy, Mark, Cops 2, Tarzan the Businessman, and Detective Peter Prince Written by Anonymous
Check out this group of sketches featuring an inexperienced cannibal on trial, a visit from Santa, and the announcement of the Spot Bellini contest winner. Sketches include: Cannibal on Trial, Santa, Paul Bellini, Wrong Number, Tammy Video, and My Art Written by Anonymous
On a first date, a heroin junkie explains that heroin will always come first and her second, a pilot who doesn't want to fly is sitting in the seat next to you, and an intense flirt is really just trying to make new friends. Sketches include: The Flirt, Awkward Talk, Cops 1, Junkie on a Date, Scared Pilot, Cops 2, Melanie, and Sausages Written by Anonymous
A man tries to distance himself from the voices while three men on a step discuss who's hot and who's not. Sketches include: Cathy and Kathie, Bruce, Steps 1, Chad's 13th Birthday, Shirling Guy, and Steps 2
Watch Franscesca Fiore in Yugoslavia, a group businessman partake in an office flirting competition, and a man who's amazed at how much has changed after he wakes up from a twenty minute nap. Sketches include: Janitor Retires, Marriage Denial, Francesca Fiore, Cops 1, The Flirt, and No-Chocolate Diet Written by Anonymous
In this episode of Kids in the Hall, Kevin ponders whether he should use his celebrity status to his advantage, Buddy remembers a friend while at a cemetary, and the Whores talk about who they pretend to be when they're working. Sketches include: Whores 1, Darryl on a Date, Whores 2,Fireman Wannabe, Buddy, Steven the Stupid Drunk, Whores 2, and Kevin Written by Anonymous
A filipino boy claims he is white, barry white, and he makes joke in English. Meanwhile, an architect doesn't react well to a proposal to leave out the atrium and an art class rebels against the stereotypical beauty personified by the model. Sketches include: Bruce 1, Filipino Boy, Sid and Sharisse, The Architect, Bruce 2, Politically Correct Art Class, Bruce 3, and Sexual Surrogate Written by Anonymous
You won't believe what the Bigot Cabbie, the whores, and the cops are all up to in this episode of Kids in the Hall. Sketches include: Cabbie 1, Money Momentum Guys, Cops, Whores, Stupid Affair Attempt, Pickle Nightmare, and Cabbie 2