Cry Havoc

Cry Havoc

As the crew of Nathan James find the mastermind behind the Immune communications network, they also find themselves trapped between the the mercenaries on the sub and civilian blockades being fed mis-information by the Immunes. Chandler sends the President, Dr. Scott and the cure off the ship under the protection of XO Slattery as the Nathan James crew head into the inevitable final showdown with those on the sub. Written by Tracey Styles



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HD Unreal City

Unreal City


Unreal City - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Chandler after saving his children, meets up with his men who were not on the ship or got away and inform him of what happened--that Granderson's people took over the ship. Chandler says they can't get it back by themselves so he decides to throw a wrench in Granderson's plans. They attack one of her facilities and wreck it. Someone there says he's part of the resistance. He takes them to meet the leader who is planning to attack Avocet, Granderson's base of operations. Nolan upon learning what's going on goes to Avocet and sees that Scott is being held captive. Back on the ship, Grnaderson's people tries to collect all of Scott's material which they need to mass produce the cure. But the one thing they need the primordial was hidden by Quincy and he's been shot. They're ready to do what they have to, to get it. One of the crew who was not caught tries to throw a wrench on their plans. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Fight the Ship

Fight the Ship


Fight the Ship - EPS 02

IMDb: 9.1
41 min

Chandler and Thornwald set out to go after Granderson. Tex tries to get Scott out of Avocet but they see they got Kara. Scott deduces that they will use her unborn child to get the cure. So they try to save her. Back on the ship they lock Slattery up but he gets out and goes to ops and discovers the crew who are not being held and tries to help them regain the ship. Written by

Country: USA
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HD It's Not a Rumor

It's Not a Rumor


It's Not a Rumor - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Now the ship is reconquered, the cure in production and Granderson dead, CO Chandler's happiness seems complete when he finds his family, relatively safe. he decides to grant many crew a chance to search for their loved-ones, starting in Norfolk. However hat opens a floodgate of emotions,u potentially upsetting commitment .to the cause. Chandler himself resolves to resign and be with his family, but they convince him to obey his calling and help save the world in humanity's worst crisis in history. Another rebellion is brewing, to seize the cure. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Solace



Solace - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Chandler is excited when his officers discover a hospital ship nearby, which may be ideal for a much bigger lab. It's easily, found, but boarded by ruthless killers, who slash the medical staff and wreck lab equipment. Chandler's team, luckily joined by Australian super warrior SCPO Wolf(man) Taylor, overcomes them with great effort, as they take hostages and laid bombs, only to find the lab useless. Meanwhile communications officer Mason proves himself on sonar, locating what must be a submarine, actually the base from which the fiends came, where the survivors return to present their informer, a rogue scientist , to their elusive big boss. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Achilles



Achilles - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

The British brothers both survived the failed raid o the ship, but now chase it in their nuclear submarine. Captured cahoot Juan Carlos is treated harshly, beyond doc Scott(s endurance, but despite near-torture by Slattery, actually plays a dirty game, pretending to have switched side. Slowly Chandler realizes they're facing a competitor for control of the cure, who already controls a European territory (actually thanks to traitor scientist Niels) and now wants world exclusivity. It comes to cat and mouse games, a torpedo duel and ultimately a shocking launch. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Long Day's Journey

Long Day's Journey


Long Day's Journey - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Now the labs on land are wipe out by the submarine's missiles, Chandler sees its elimination as top priority, but it's off sonar, as Mason works out hiding its location by radio buoy, which is blown up. Checking up on Scott's mentor Dr. Hunter's last message while he and his lab were eliminated, she finds leads on his method to make a powder variation of the cure, which can be spread massively like crop dusting. Infrared location shows the whereabout of the British brothers. Chandler leaves Slattery in command while he, Green, Tex and Taylor approach them incognito on land, in what turns out a Florida cult base of immune followers, which even claims legal US power. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Alone and Unafraid

Alone and Unafraid


Alone and Unafraid - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Having penetrated undercover the well-guarded Florida base of sect of 'chosen' for immune Americans where the British brothers hope to draw control of America from politician Jeff Michener, thirteenth in cabinet rank but highest known survivor, hence a constitutional pretender president, Chandler decides to recognize him as PotUS, hence commander in chief. Chandler arranges to be recruited as presidential bodyguard. Greene volunteers as dirty work henchmen, hence finds out about cult scientist Niels' gruesome experiment to contaminate locals with the virus. Wolf mans the rally point for extraction. Slattery searches for the submarine, where moral drops dangerously low. Dr. Scott finds the powder works, but not when scattered realistically, yet finds binding inspiration in cooking. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Safe Zone

Safe Zone


Safe Zone - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Trying to piece together Dr. Hunter's lost formula, Rachel grapples with the fact Niels, her sworn enemy, is on board Nathan James, while Chandler works to gain intel and reverse the brainwashing Michener suffered at the hands of the Ramseys.

Country: USA
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HD Uneasy Lies the Head

Uneasy Lies the Head


Uneasy Lies the Head - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Chandler and his team set out to find supplies and materials for Dr. Scott's lab, only to tangle with bounty hunters and the Immunes. Meanwhile, Rachel's effort to find a spreadable cure depends on the scientist who nearly erased mankind.

Country: USA
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HD Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire


Friendly Fire - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Rachel is hard at work on a new, more efficient version of the cure while Alisha decodes a message found on a cell phone recovered from the Immunes on land.

Country: USA
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HD Valkyrie



Valkyrie - EPS 11

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Sean Ramsey broadcasts a message implicating the Navy in a devastating disaster.

Country: USA
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HD Cry Havoc

Cry Havoc


Cry Havoc - EPS 12

IMDb: 9.4
42 min

As the crew of Nathan James find the mastermind behind the Immune communications network, they also find themselves trapped between the the mercenaries on the sub and civilian blockades being fed mis-information by the Immunes. Chandler sends the President, Dr. Scott and the cure off the ship under the protection of XO Slattery as the Nathan James crew head into the inevitable final showdown with those on the sub. Written by Tracey Styles

Country: USA
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HD A More Perfect Union

A More Perfect Union


A More Perfect Union - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

With their mission now fully dedicated to spreading the cure, Nathan James puts a call out to civilians to meet at pre-selected ports across the country, where all will receive the cure. However, small Immune factions remain active in their quest to fight the cure and fulfill Ramsey's dreams.

Country: USA
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