David poses a s a fireman to hide he's a doctor in birthing class, but can't help expertly correcting the medically incompetent instructor. Bryan faints, so he stays at home feeling guilty, but finds himself the hero of husbands who dared not tell their partners they don't want to attend. Goldie has contractions so early, David decides to stop he car to the hospital and deliver their son, assisted by manning-up Bryan. Written by KGF Vissers
All Episodes - S01
Spoiled-rotten Angelino gay 'queen' Bryan Collins's latest 'must have' infatuation is a tall order, but nothing is cuter then a baby. His indulgent partner, doctor David Sawyer, even agrees to do all the hard work so 'fun daddy' can just enjoy playing and prancing. However that requires a host mother, not so easy to find, especially with Bryan's outrageous expectations. Then an opportunity knocks: Goldie Clemmons, a small town mother, decides to abandon her dead-end waitress job and move to L.A. in search of a better life for herself and supportive daughter Shania (9). She's a good mother and needs the cash to stay one. Written by KGF Vissers
David, Bryan and surrogate mother to be Goldie anxiously wait for confirmation of her pregnancy, which David MD ultimately can proclaim. Meanwhile her mother fields her secret weapon to attempt luring her daughter back home: her adulterous, deadbeat but hunky husband Clay Clemmons, who is coached how to act contrite and irresistible. The gay couple however elaborates a terribly sweet deal. Written by KGF Vissers
Bryan can't resist buying baby clothes, but David sticks to the agreement to wait until elaborate medical test results indicate Goldie, whom they delight with use of their lavish guest house, is carrying a healthy kid for them. Bryan starts practicing the hard parts of parenting on weird Shania's self-inflicted ridicule at school and decides to stand up against gay-bashers as their kid shouldn't be embarrassed about its fathers. David is scared when his straight basketball mates scold his 'liberty-waste', yet finds new courage trough reliving how he met Bryan. Written by KGF Vissers
The presidential mock election at Shania's school opposes the Republican Clemmons family to the Democrat gays. Bryan foppishly accepts grandma's dare to disprove that they are sanctimonious liberals without actual colored friends, who support Obama just because of his race. Bryan recruits from his Hollywood circle, with surprising results. Clay finally files for sole custody. Written by KGF Vissers
David plans a family dinner to tell his mother about the baby; mother-in-law miseries plague Goldie; Jane feels a unique sensation when she happens upon a younger man; and Shania fears that her father will win a custody battle.
Bryan can't resist planning an outrageous society extravaganza when Shania announces she wants a fake wedding with school mate Wilbur. The fuzz rekindles tensions about David's refusal to consider a gay marriage until it's legal, and even doubts if so, but both gays prove their parental skills. Grandma Jane's vicious sabotage campaign fails. Written by KGF Vissers
Are you there God? It's me Bryan.
Bryan is furious and mortified when a cheesy private video he made as anniversary surprise for David is posted on Internet. That's the result of his PA using his laptop to demonstrate posting to grandma Jane, who converts to virtual communication to set up a real estate business in LA so she needs not return to Ohio. The boys can't resist cheating after grudgingly promising to partake in an unplugged Thanksgiving resulting from Goldie's dumb attempt to educate and shut up Shania. Amused and supportive 'audience' reactions at work make Bryan reconsider. Written by KGF Vissers
The gay couple agrees with Shania's plea for a non-traditional, 'green' Thanksgiving celebration, without modern amenities. That creates more problems then foreseen, such as a live turkey none of them dares slaughter. The guests seem rather at ram course then willing to give thanks for anything. Written by KGF Vissers
The parenting trio agreed not to ask for the baby's gender, but gynecologist Dr. Venkatashar slips out what seems to simpleton Goldie to state it's a boy. David is ecstatic and starts planning cool boys fun with his basketball buddies. Bryan, who hoped for a girl, now fears to be outnumbered by machos but tries to man up and join the little league where David already volunteers to coach. Bryan's athletic ineptness proves total, but his unorthodox way with knaves an instant hit, despite his own father having been a nightmare bigot anti-role-model. Written by KGF Vissers
Everything must go.
When Bryan invites his hottest ex Monty for dinner, as possible date or mate for lonely gynecologist Gary, the incurable womanizer reveals surprisingly having developed his own child wish. Worse, he wants Goldie to carry his baby, while David and Bryan want two more babies, also trough her. Written by KGF Vissers
Bryan and David each want to enjoy fatherhood to the fullest, considering to stay at home while his partner continues earning the family income. So each has a go, by way of test, minding Shania while Goldie is treated to a spa holiday. Neither finds parenting the brat nearly as easy as expected. Written by KGF Vissers
Grandma Jane is attracted to real estate colleague Brice and Bryan's production assistant Goldie to Latino outdoors studio handyman Chris. As there are doubts whether both men are suitably straight, before actual dating moves they are invited to a home dinner for an elaborate test process, devised by Bryan, which proves too invasive. Written by KGF Vissers
As real estate colleague Brcie is definitely not gay, Jane works up the courage to date him, but keeps wrestling with fears from her unhappy marriage. The gay couple being envious of lactating mothers' intimate bonding bonus, Bryan takes charge of a campaign to eradicate intolerance to breastfeeding in public places, by flash-mob. Written by KGF Vissers
Davis and Brian lovingly raise a darling puppy as 'practice child', but despite their heroic efforts it's killed in a fluke traffic accident, a trauma devout Catholic Bryan puts to his father confessor. Long-absent father Clay deals surprisingly well with brat Shania's insufferable, class-disruptive imitations of British aristocratic fictional characters. Written by KGF Vissers
The gay couple is treated to a pointless 'baby shower' by the girls, so they decide to donate the absurd gifts to a foster program charity. There they impulsive resolve to foster a child on top of their baby, which also inspires Bryan's assistant. Written by KGF Vissers
Halloween is Bryan's favorite holiday, when all costumes go and everyone always wears what he wants as a group. Now however there's a contagious rebellion, starting with a fellow gay father's cross-dressing-obsessed son, which affect even David. Clay arrives and demands a go at taking Shania to rick or treat, firmly scolding the absurdity of Goldie reproaching him to be not much of a father while denying him any opportunity even to see her. Written by KGF Vissers
David poses a s a fireman to hide he's a doctor in birthing class, but can't help expertly correcting the medically incompetent instructor. Bryan faints, so he stays at home feeling guilty, but finds himself the hero of husbands who dared not tell their partners they don't want to attend. Goldie has contractions so early, David decides to stop he car to the hospital and deliver their son, assisted by manning-up Bryan. Written by KGF Vissers
David is delighted by the local scout troop's awe for his badges-attested skills when he joins despite the antiquated statutory ban on gays. Even Brian, who abhors the boyish 'hardships', is delighted by the welcoming atmosphere and camaraderie. Yet David is ratted out to the HQ and officially expelled. Written by KGF Vissers
The gay couple to be is getting nowhere with the wedding preparations as their tastes differ on just about everything, including baby boy names. David convinces Bryan to invites his estranged, terribly bossy mother, who constantly sides with David. The boys decide to flip a coin, but it also keeps piking David's preferences. Written by KGF Vissers
Eager to spare their baby a 'bastard' trauma, David and Brian decide to get married. Determined to resume his rightful place as Shania's father, Clay proposes to remarry Goldie. The nuptial festivities are abruptly aborted when early contraction occurs, so the wedding party rushes to hospital. There it's David and Bryan's turn to rejoice in the start of their parenting journey. Written by KGF Vissers