Season 01
Season 02
In order to try and get Shelly to like him again, Norm agrees to help her with a group of troubled young teenage girls, but things go wrong and Norm creates a mess which ensnares Shelly, too, which may cost them both their jobs, and driving Denby to try to make legal law, the Norm Law. Written by Justin Boggan
All Episodes - S03
Shelly has moved back from Colorado. Denby is forced to moved his office out into the work area while it's being worked on. After finding journal pages in the office printer, Norm is lead to believe Shelly is in love with him, even though she denies it. Danny wants to propose to Taylor. Written by Justin Boggan
In order to try and get Shelly to like him again, Norm agrees to help her with a group of troubled young teenage girls, but things go wrong and Norm creates a mess which ensnares Shelly, too, which may cost them both their jobs, and driving Denby to try to make legal law, the Norm Law. Written by Justin Boggan
In order to get Shelly to like him, still, Norm tries to attend a party dressed as a fireman, but he's already agreed to take some kids from a dangerous neighborhood go Trick-or-Treating, since they can't any longer, and has to decide which to do. Written by Justin Boggan
Laurie becomes paranoid her relationship with the much younger man, Dale, will come crashing to an end. Danny learns he's related to one of the most famous mass-murdering tyrannical despots in history. Norm gets a new older girlfriend, but little does he know there's a surprise ahead. Written by Justin Boggan
When Laurie mentions her, Danny, Shelly, and Denby are each taking in a foster kid for a week while they transition into a new home, Norm becomes surprised nobody thinks he would do it, and ends up having to after Mary, the alcoholic, is arrested. But things are shaken up when the kid Norm takes in turns out to be Billy. Written by Justin Boggan
Artie uses an electric device that shocks the muscles, to help him lose weight, but there are unintended consequences. Norm selfishly uses group therapy to get Shelly to like him again, but while there learns there might be more between him and Denby than they thought. Norm's dad suddenly shows up after being missing from his life for years. Written by Justin Boggan
After Norm's dad shows up after being out of his life for a long time, Norm and Artie regress and seek his approval. Danny has feelings for Shelly. After Shelly and Denby go to a symphony, Denby convinces himself Shelly is red hot for him.
Only one day into their newly-formed relationship, and both Danny and Shelly are nervous about revealing it to Norm. Denby enlists Laurie's help to make his ex-wife jealous at Civil Service ball he's attending. Norm calls Taylor for some help and she comes back, only to reveal she still has feelings for Norm. Written by Justin Boggan
When Danny learns Norm is now dating Taylor, Danny confronts him, saying he is just doing so to get back at him for dating Shelly. Norm denies it but wonders. Also, Denby rails about the condition of the men's room vs. the ladies restroom.
Norm asks for and gets a raise approved by Denby, but once Denby announces his dog Fifi is pregnant, Norm worries his raise is in jeopardy when he realizes Wiener Dog may be the father. Once the dogs are born half poodle and half Dachshund, Denby dumps them with Norm, but later Denby shows up suspiciously wanting the little doggies back. Danny tries to mend his broken relationship with Shelly. Written by Justin Boggan
Norm's friendship with Laurie becomes strained now that he is homeless and living with her. A girl from Norm's high school that he had a crush on, shows up at the office and has similar feelings for him. Norm accidentally gets Denby kicked out of his apartment. Danny and Denby try to get women on a business trip. Written by O2D
In six weeks, due to the stress of being homeless and living with Laurie and Denby, Norm gains a good deal of weight. Laurie awakes nights to find she has been sleep walking and ending up lying next to Denby. A thinner, now more well-off Artie, helps out his brother. Written by O2D
In order to avoid insurance fraud, Norm has to pretend to be in love with Laurie. Laurie uses this to get a guy she's been trying to hit on to become interested. Shelly becomes annoyed when she learns that Norm and Laurie are an item, which leads to a revelation. Written by O2D
Norm pranks Denby, embarrassing him in front of his grandson. Contrite, Norm befriends Denby only for Denby to attribute his intentions as manipulating him for early release from the community service he was required to do to avoid jail.
Norm resigns from the social service office, becoming a celebrity endorser for a predatory rent to own store. When he witnesses a former client being exploited and hears Denby's boss is taking away all the clients' benefits, he has a plan.
In this series finale Norm asks Shelly out and she says yes. He plans their date when Shelly introduces to the office a friend Travis from Colorado, saying he is in town visiting. Norm reacts and she warns him about his issue with jealousy. Written by calcaylor