Mr. Quince hears from the city council about hos project. Astral tells Devon a secret. Brendoni helps Hailey with a school project. A weird friendship forms.
All Episodes - S01
Astral, a young fairy princess, decides to leave her home in the enchanted realm of Athenia and enroll in a human high school.
When Hailey takes Astral under her wing, Astral is forced to choose between her new friends and fitting in.
Astral and Morgan joined the Fall Dance Committee. Astral and Hailey compete for the theme for the fall dance. Morgan discovers a secret about Astra.
Astral spends time hanging out at a local café until her fairy powers get her and her friends into trouble.
Things are shaken up for Astral after she gets some confusing advice from Morgan and a surprising visit from a friend from home.
Hailey tries to expose Astral's ''true'' identity with surprising results.
Astral and Devon are sick with a cold. Morgan tries to help Astral deal with her first cold ever and Brendoni tries to help Devon feel better, both don't quite do what they set out to do.
Astral and Tristan go on their first date. Brendoni, Devon and Morgan work on a group science project. With Brendoni taking the lead, what could go wrong?
Astral and Morgan decide to have a girl's night at the Quinn's house, but Brandoni tries to convince Astral to do something more exciting. Brandoni tries to change Devon's image.
Astral persuades Brendoni to cast a love spell on Tristan. Devon struggles with his newfound notoriety as the ''Party King.''
Astral, Brendoni and Morgan try to stop Peter's plans to build a research center. Hailey uses Devon to get close to Tristan.
Mr. Quince hears from the city council about hos project. Astral tells Devon a secret. Brendoni helps Hailey with a school project. A weird friendship forms.
The winner of the fall dance theme is announced. Astral and Brendoni try to get jobs.
Astral becomes obsessed with winning. Hailey tries to make Tristan jealous by faking a relationship with Brendoni. Feelings get hurt by many.
Astral tries to show Tristan the power of love. Devon learns some news that is sure to upset Astral. Peter reveals a big secret that will change the lives of all.
Astral tries to change Peter's mind about his construction project That could destroy Athenia. Winston must make a tough decision. Devon tries to cope with learning about Peter's secret.
King Oberon and Queen Titania meet with Spartania King Reed. Astral meets with King Reed's son Prince Cliff. Brendoni tries to teach Morgan to dance. Morgan gets a date for the Fall dance.
Astral, Morgan and Devon try to raise support to save the woods, just when they are gaining momentum someone stops them. Hailey, campaigns for her and Tristan to be Fall Dance King and Queen but is angered when the competition arrives.
Astral and her friends are locked in the gym and find a way to escape.Peter and his construction workers are stopped from the mob to save the woods,Winston and Peasblossom help ,and something very unexpected happens.
Strange secrets are being kept in Athenia as one of the characters returns from a journey. Meanwhile, Astral wants Tristan to ask her to the dance, and Haley still wants to win queen at a beach themed dance.