Episode #1.4

Episode #1.4

1917:- Tommy and Michael are haunted by memories of their dead comrades with Tommy determined to look out for the very young Derek. The war seems to be turning to the Allies' advantage and Michael's trench is attacked with him and his friend Fr4eddie taking prisoner though Michael determines to escape. Tommy gets himself onto the prisoner detail, allowing him to visit the hospital and Joanna, who informs him that she is pregnant. Back at the fighting Derek, suffering from shell-shock, runs off into No-Man's Land and Tommy risks his life by going after him. Written by don @ minifie-1



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HD Episode #1.1

Episode #1.1


Episode #1.1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.3

1914:- In Germany young Michael learns from his father William that events at Sarajevo could lead to full-scale war whilst in England, another teen-ager, nature-loving Tommy is also made aware of events by his father David. Both boys are anxious to join up and fight, despite their mothers' trepidation, and both lie about their age in order to enlist. Tommy and his friend Cyril are sent to Maidstone barracks, meeting other volunteers Anthony, Ben and Kevin, all eager to fight the 'Bosch' and placing bets on who will get shot first. On arrival in France and preparing to go into battle they, like their young German counterparts, soon realize the terrifying experience of war. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Episode #1.2

Episode #1.2


Episode #1.2 - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.1

Tommy and his friends are ordered forward wearing cumbersome gas masks which they tear off as they restrict their vision. However there is a gas attack and, having being rescued by a married soldier who takes a bullet, Tommy recuperates in a field hospital where he falls for Joanna, a Polish nurse. After hand to hand fighting against the Russians on the Eastern front Michael returns for a three day leave with his parents, who are suffering the privations of the war. He marries his sweetheart Katie but is soon back in France and for him, as with Tommy, the respite is over. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Episode #1.3

Episode #1.3


Episode #1.3 - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.1

1916:- Both the German and British regiments arrive at the Western Front with Tommy being reunited with Joanna. She tells him that her brother has been killed in action and expresses her fears for his safety. Everybody is expecting a major offensive and it duly comes in the form of the terrifying battle of the Somme. The German dug-outs are heavily shelled with Michael having to be rescued from the rubble. This gives the British undue confidence and many of them, including Tommy's friends, are mown down by machine gun fire, Tommy and Michael being among the few survivors. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Episode #1.4

Episode #1.4


Episode #1.4 - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.7

1917:- Tommy and Michael are haunted by memories of their dead comrades with Tommy determined to look out for the very young Derek. The war seems to be turning to the Allies' advantage and Michael's trench is attacked with him and his friend Fr4eddie taking prisoner though Michael determines to escape. Tommy gets himself onto the prisoner detail, allowing him to visit the hospital and Joanna, who informs him that she is pregnant. Back at the fighting Derek, suffering from shell-shock, runs off into No-Man's Land and Tommy risks his life by going after him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Episode #1.5

Episode #1.5


Episode #1.5 - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6

Joanna and her baby are living with Tommy's parents who read news of a likely armistice to her whilst in privation-hit Germany William and Susan also hear that peace is imminent. On the Western Front news of the Kaiser's abdication and flight fuels optimism and the Treaty of Versailles is drawn up. Unaware that the fighting is shortly to end Tommy takes Kevin's place mending broken barbed wire. He encounters Michael and they fight . Peace is indeed declared but for the two lads the war is over for good. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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