Soprano Home Movies

Soprano Home Movies

It's Tony's birthday and he and Carmela are planning to spend the weekend with Bobby and Janice at their cottage. It doesn't start off well when Tony is arrested on a gun charge by the local police. He's quickly released when the local Sheriff drops the charges but the Feds will roll the charge into their RICO investigation. The weekend at the lake with Bobby and Janice starts off well, though too much alcohol and a competitive game of Monopoly leads to Bobby and Tony having a fight. Tony sends him to Montreal to do a hit, something Bobby has never done. AJ throws a party while his parents are away. Phil Leotardo is home again after recovering from his heart attack and a stretch of physical therapy. He seems to have little interest in assuming any leadership role in his family. Written by garykmcd



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HD Members Only

Members Only


Members Only - EPS 01

IMDb: 9.0
53 min

Johnny Sack is in prison awaiting his trial and trying to run his crime family through Phil Leotardo. Hesh's son-in-law is badly beaten by some of Phil's men who thought he was encroaching on their territory. Hesh demands compensation. One of Tony's good earners, Gene Pontecorvo, inherits $2 million from an old aunt and asks Tony for permission to retire. Tony's obviously cool to the request and says he'll think about. When Syl tells him it can't be done, Gene feels trapped and can see only one way out. Ray Curto dies without anyone knowing that he was an informant for the FBI. Carmela's house project isn't going too well after her father uses sub-grade material and an inspector issue a stop-work order. Uncle Junior's dementia is getting worse and when his nurse has to leave unexpectedly, Tony finds himself as the only one available to sit with him. It's a decision that may prove deadly. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Join the Club

Join the Club


Join the Club - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Tony is in a coma in hospital after being shot by Uncle Junior who, with his deteriorating dementia, thought he was an intruder. Doctors are pessimistic and have told Carmela to prepare for the worse. Syl takes temporary charge of the family and with Tony's poor prognosis, sees himself as his natural heir. Carmela, Meadow, a somewhat reluctant AJ and several captains maintain a 24 hour vigil. As for Tony, he dreams he is a businessman on a trip to California. Unfortunately, he seems to have taken someones briefcase and wallet by mistake. He has no identification and only a small amount of cash on him. As a result of the mix-up everyone thinks he someone by the name of Finnerty, including two Tibetan monks who are dissatisfied with the heating and cooling system he sold them. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Mayham



Mayham - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.6
57 min

Tony is still comatose and if anything, his condition is deteriorating. The doctor's are trying to control a fever-causing infection and Carmela is increasingly worried, if that's possible. The strain of leading the family and constantly settling disputes among the captains is affecting Syl whose asthma is acting up. He orders Paulie and Vito to each give Carmela $100,000 as Tony's share of a recent big score. They both hold off waiting to see if Tony lives or dies. Vito sees himself as Tony natural successor and starts to prepare the way. Bobby Bacala and Christopher learn what AJ has been planning. As for Tony, his dream continues where he is mistaken for someone by the name of Finnerty. When he sees a poster announcing a Finnerty family reunion, he drops by only to find a familiar face as the doorman who urges him to go inside the brightly lit house where everyone is waiting for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Fleshy Part of the Thigh

The Fleshy Part of the Thigh


The Fleshy Part of the Thigh - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Tony has regained consciousness but is not yet feeling like himself. The owner of Barone sanitation has died and his son Jason wants to sell the company but Tony advises against it. The potential buyer is affiliated with Johnny Sack and Tony wants to make sure he gets the cut he thinks he deserves. Johnny Sack doesn't quite agree with the amounts requested. Tony makes it clear that Jason Barone is responsible for coming with the cash he expects. Paulie is shocked when his Aunt Dotty, a nun, tells him that she gave birth to him when she was a novitiate and that the woman he thought was his mother is actually his aunt. He feel that he's been lied to and somehow cheated of ever knowing his real mother. Bobby Baccala meanwhile enters into a strange pact with a rapper. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Mr. & Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request

Mr. & Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request


Mr. & Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.7
53 min

Johnny Sack's daughter Allegra is getting married and he gets released for 6 hours under the supervision of two Federal Marshall's to attend. It's a happy day for himself and his wife though he still has time to get a little work done. Johnny wants Tony to eliminate someone for him and Tony reluctantly agrees. He tells Christopher to bring in two men from Sicily to do the job. The Marshall's are pretty strict with Johnny about leaving on time and when they drag him away before his daughter and her new husband leave the reception he breaks down and cries. Phil Leotardo describes him as a weakling. Tony has been worrying about how his own men perceive him and decides it's time to remind them that his recent surgery hasn't made him any less of a man. Two hoods making a collection in a gay bar see Vito dancing with another man and wearing his leathers. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die


Live Free or Die - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

The news about Vito's extracurricular activities at a gay bar in New York is spreading quickly. Christopher hears it from an acquaintance at an AA meeting and soon passes it on to the other members of the family. Most are disgusted with him but Tony isn't about to rush to judgment where a man's reputation is at stake. It all seems like it's true when Benny Fazio approaches him and Vito takes off in his car. When Meadow overhears her mother and Rosalie Aprile talking about it, she tells them - and eventually her father - what Finn saw the morning he got to work early. As for Vito, he is in hiding in a small New Hampshire town hoping to track down his cousin who lives somewhere in the state. Vito begins to notice that there are obviously other gay men living in the town. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Luxury Lounge

Luxury Lounge


Luxury Lounge - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Artie Bucco is having trouble with his restaurant. His sales are down 40% from the previous year and many of his regular customers have found a new Italian restaurant that is more to their liking. Thinks get worse when investigators from Amex arrive to tell him that credit card numbers are being stolen from the restaurant. When he learns that it's one of Christopher's crew who is involved, it leads to a fight and requires Tony's intervention. Tony blames the whole situation on Christopher who is off to Los Angeles with Carmine Lupertazzi Jr. to see if they can interest Ben Kingsley in starring in their movie. It's pretty apparent that he's not interested but Christopher doesn't get the signals. Christopher is amazed at the swag stars receive and is almost desperate to some of his own. Lauren Bacall proves to be the source, though not in a conventional way. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Johnny Cakes

Johnny Cakes


Johnny Cakes - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Tony is approached by an attractive real estate agent with an offer to buy a building he owns in the old neighborhood. The building is leased to an old established business and Tony hesitates to sell them out. Both Tony and Carmela are frustrated with AJ who has dropped out of college and is working a few hours a day at Blockbuster. Unknown to his parents he's also out clubbing and spending money he doesn't really have. He visits his Uncle Junior - but the call is anything but social. Phil Leotardo is inquiring about Vito's whereabouts. Tony tells him to mind his own business but Vito's wife is Phil's cousin and he has no intention of dropping it. Vito is still in hiding and afraid to return knowing what wiseguys think of gays. He's interested in a short order cook from a nearby diner but has a bit of trouble dealing with it all. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Ride

The Ride


The Ride - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

It's time for the annual church fête and as usual Paulie is responsible for the 5 day affair. It's always been a money maker for Paulie - Tony's father, Johnny Soprano, had control of it before him - but a new parish priest thinks that the $10,000 Paulie contributes as the church's share is too low and thinks $50,000 would be more appropriate. Paulie balks at the figure, at least in part he says because his own costs have been rising. One thing he does to save money is to hire second-rate carnival rides, something that comes back to haunt him when one of the rides breaks down and people are injured. Paulie is also under a great deal of stress after his doctor doesn't like the results of his PSA test and schedules a biopsy. When Christopher's girlfriend Kelly tells him she's pregnant, he asks her to marry him. He's still fighting his addiction however and falls off the wagon. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Moe n' Joe

Moe n' Joe


Moe n' Joe - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Johnny Sack is in jail and the Feds seem to have a pretty strong case against him. His lawyer is trying to get the best deal possible but he's definitely going to get a long jail sentence and lose most of his assets. In the end, he agrees to 15 years and his his wife gets to keep the house and her pension account. He also has to admit in open court that he was a member of La Cosa Nostra, something that doesn't sit well with some of his fellow mobsters. Johnny turns to Tony to get cash from some of the investments the Feds don't know about. Tony takes his cut, as expected. Tony recounts to Dr. Melfi the difficulty he had growing up with his sister Janice. Despite all of that, he still arranges a great deal for her on a house. Vito is still living in New Hampshire with his friend Jim. He finally admits to Jim that he's not a writer but doesn't quite come clean about his past. He tries working at a regular job but that's not quite his style and in the end, he packs it in and returns to ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Cold Stones

Cold Stones


Cold Stones - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

Vito approaches Tony in a shopping mall and asks if he can have back in and suggests he might be able to set himself up in Atlantic City. Tony is non-committal and they arrange to meet again. Before that happens, Phil Leotardo learns Vito is back in town and exacts his revenge. Tony sees this as Phil's attempt to exert some control over the New Jersey family. Tony's about had it with AJ loafing around and gets him a regular construction job at the Esplanade work site. Carmela and Rosalie Aprile go off to Paris for a holiday. They are just in awe of the city and Carmela begins to wonder about their place in the world. Sil and Carlo have a run-in with one of Phil Leotardo's men that gets just a bit out of hand. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Kaisha



Kaisha - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.4
59 min

Christopher has been dating real estate agent Julianna Skiff. He isn't quite sure how to tell Tony but that's the least of his problems: they're regularly smoking heroin. Tony decides the time has for a little retaliation against Phil Leotardo over what he did to Vito and arranges to have one of his wire stores blown up. Before it all gets out of hand, Carmine Jr. arranges a meeting between between the two sides. It seems to be going okay but doesn't end well. Phil's men urge him to do something about the Soprano family but before he can do so, Phil finds himself in the hospital. AJ goes out on a date with Blanca and they begin a relationship. AJ says he has no problem with the fact that she has a three old boy but it doesn't go over well with Tony and Carmela at Christmas-time. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Soprano Home Movies

Soprano Home Movies


Soprano Home Movies - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.9

It's Tony's birthday and he and Carmela are planning to spend the weekend with Bobby and Janice at their cottage. It doesn't start off well when Tony is arrested on a gun charge by the local police. He's quickly released when the local Sheriff drops the charges but the Feds will roll the charge into their RICO investigation. The weekend at the lake with Bobby and Janice starts off well, though too much alcohol and a competitive game of Monopoly leads to Bobby and Tony having a fight. Tony sends him to Montreal to do a hit, something Bobby has never done. AJ throws a party while his parents are away. Phil Leotardo is home again after recovering from his heart attack and a stretch of physical therapy. He seems to have little interest in assuming any leadership role in his family. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Stage 5

Stage 5


Stage 5 - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.7

Johnny Sack learns from his oncologist that his cancer has spread and he how has only a few months to live. He gets a ray of hope from a fellow prisoner, oncologist Warren Feldman, who is in jail for having murdered his wife. His hope is short-lived and Johnny Sack is soon dead. It all leads to lack of leadership in the family with two contenders to replace him. One of the contenders is gunned down at dinner with Sil. Phil Leotardo decides he needs to leave a legacy and acts to fill the void. Christopher's movie, Cleaver, premieres but Carmela for one thinks the movie strikes a bit too close to home. Tony doesn't quite see it that way. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Remember When

Remember When


Remember When - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.5

Paulie shows up at Tony's house to tell him he's learned the Feds are looking into a murder case from the early 1980s. In fact it was Tony's first killing where he made his 'bones'. Tony decides he and Paulie need to lay low for a while and they head off on a road trip to Florida. They reminisce about the old days but Paulie is definitely getting on Tony's nerves. They also find that many things along the route have changed over the years. Tony is particularly interested in knowing who may have told Johnny Sack about the fat joke directed at his wife. Uncle Junior meanwhile has taken to organizing a poker game with his new friend Carter Chong. Junior's as grumpy as ever but continues to suffer from memory loss from time to time. Carter likes Junior's rebellious attitude but things change when the doctors change Junior's meds and he becomes far more docile. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Chasing It

Chasing It


Chasing It - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.2

At the Borgata Casino, Tony decides to let it ride after winning at roulette. Tony loses everything he'd won, and then some, on 23. Meanwhile, Vito Jr. is going through a rebellious phase. Tony asks Phil to talk to Vito Jr. Phil grudgingly agrees. AJ proposes to Blanca over a nice dinner, promising her that he will rise from pizzeria night manager to restaurant chain owner in no time, and coaxes a yes out of her. At the Puerto Rican day parade, Blanca meets up with AJ and returns his engagement ring, telling him she just doesn't feel it. Written by Dennis

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Walk Like a Man

Walk Like a Man


Walk Like a Man - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.7

Christopher and Paulie are making a lot of money off selling stolen tools through Christopher's father-in-law, Al Lombardo. When some of Paulie's guys break into Al's store to take some of the equipment, Christopher goes ballistic and takes matters into his own hands. Paulie has his own way of getting back at him. Tony takes Christopher to task for not being around much. Christopher explains the temptations at places like the Bing but Tony is anything but sympathetic. Christopher is soon drinking again and it leads to tragedy. Tony tells Agent Dwight Harris about the two Muslims who used to hang around the Bing but who seem to have suddenly become observant. AJ is depressed over his break up with Blanca and there's not much Tony or Carmela can say to console him. He's crying a lot and quits his job. Tony tells him to go to a party Patsi Parisi's college-aged son has organized at the Bing. He starts hanging around at their frat house and is all too keen to get involved in their ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Kennedy and Heidi

Kennedy and Heidi


Kennedy and Heidi - EPS 18

IMDb: 9.0

An asbestos-disposal impasse raises tensions between the New York and New Jersey families. A car accident leads to tragedy, and Paulie receives even more bad news. Tony has a revelation. After a racially motivated attack and bullying in college by Jason Parisi,Jason Gervasi and Mark Iscaro, AJ lands back in depression. Written by Emphinix

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Second Coming

The Second Coming


The Second Coming - EPS 19

IMDb: 9.1

Phil turns down a compromise in asbestos disposal with Tony. A.J despairs about the world and his future, which drives him to horrible consequences as he goes over the edge. Carmela doesn't know what to do about about her son. An affront to Meadow pushes Tony to his limits, and the consequences put the New York and New Jersey families at each others' throats. Written by Emphinix

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Blue Comet

The Blue Comet


The Blue Comet - EPS 20

IMDb: 9.4

The Beginning of the End. Phil finally puts the hits on the Soprano clan and Tony puts a hit on Phil which results in mistaken identity making everyone think its safe when its not and it results in a Death and Coma. After this happens Tony separates from his family to go into hiding as he sends Carmela, Janice, and the kids into hiding. Written by Shawn

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Made in America

Made in America


Made in America - EPS 21

IMDb: 9.0

Tony meets with FBI Agent Harris trying to get information on where Phil Leotardo may be hiding. They all attend Bobby's funeral. Tony is in a safe house with several of his men. He recalls a conversation with Bobby about the suddenness of death. Phil is not happy his men haven't been able to eliminate his rival. Tony gets Carmine Lupertazzi to organize a sit down with Phil's men and they agree to make the peace. That makes Phil the odd man out. Janice visits Uncle Junior to tell him about Bobby but the old man's dementia has worsened and he has no idea who she is. Meadow and Patrick Parisi are making wedding plans. Paulie is feeling his age and isn't sure he wants to take the big construction job Tony has offered him. AJ announces he wants to join the army but his parents have an alternative for him. Tony, Carmela, AJ and Meadow decide to go out for dinner. At the restaurant, Tony is keeping an eye on the guy at the lunch counter and just as Meadow arrives to join them............... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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