Season 01
Season 02
Zack and Cody want new bikes but can't afford them. A beauty pageant comes to the Tipton and Cody accidentally is put in it. Zack takes advantage of this and convinces him to stay in so they could use the prize money. Cody crushes on a pageant contestant, Rebecca, and wants her to win. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S01
When Zack and Cody want to make friends, they meet Max and Tapeworm. After the 'Drew Crew' finds out where they live, they suddenly want to hang out with the twins. London needs to higher her grades so Moseby hires Maddie to tutor her. In the meantime, Maddie develops a crush on Lance the lifeguard and asks London for advice on how to be mean because he is obsessed with water. Written by Andrew
Zack and Cody want new bikes but can't afford them. A beauty pageant comes to the Tipton and Cody accidentally is put in it. Zack takes advantage of this and convinces him to stay in so they could use the prize money. Cody crushes on a pageant contestant, Rebecca, and wants her to win. Written by Anonymous
Moseby won't let London go out with her friends because of an article about her in the newspaper, but Moseby lets London go out with her friends because Maddy is going. Maddie and Jason find they have a lot in common with each other and start to like each other. Maddie needs Zach and Cody's help to fool Jason into thinking that she is rich. Written by
A hotel inspector takes control of the Tipton from Moseby, causing him to lose his job. But Zack and Cody cause chaos in the hotel to make the inspector look bad and get Moseby's job back.
Zach and Cody have been spending way too much money which causes them to get grounded. But when they learn a celebrity couple are holding their wedding at the Tipton and that if someone can get a picture of the kiss they get $20,000.00, Zach and Cody will have to use their sly ways to sneak in and get the picture to pay off their moms bill. Will they succeed? Written by
Carrie receives anonymous flowers with a beautiful poem outside her door. She thinks they were sent by the concierge, but Zack and Cody don't think that he is telling their mother the truth. They set out to find their mother's real secret admirer. Written by
Zack and Max enter a dance competition, making Cody feel that Zack is better than him at everything. When Zack hurts his ankle by jumping on the bed, Cody has to step in for him, learning to appreciate his own abilities. London lends Maddie money for her parents, but then uses Maddie's indebtedness to exploit her ruthlessly. Written by Anonymous
Maddie gets her prom to be at the Tipton after London convinces Mr. Moseby. Maddie also wants someone special to ask her to the dance. Zack, thinking that he is the one that Maddie wants to take her to the prom, shows up to the prom in a tux. Written by Anonymous
Zack and Cody enter the Battle of the Bands that is held at the Tipton. Zack and Cody have some differences about their band, so they break up the band. Once it comes down to it, they realize that they work better together that apart.
Cody goes to Math Camp with Tapeworm. Zack misses him and has London drive him there. London learns to drive.
Estebon is accused of stealing from one of the guests at the Tipton, but Zack and Cody think that he is innocent. So, they set out to prove that he is innocent. London goes away on vacation, but cannot bring Ivana with her, so she had Maddie watch her. Maddie and Ivana bond, and Ivana is angry with London for leaving her. Written by
A accident with a football leads everyone to go crazy for a crazy crook's treasure.
London's father loses his fortune, so he must sell all of London's expensive things. London must move into Maddie's house until her father can find a place for her to stay. London learns what it is like to be poor, and appreciates a life that she's never had to experience. Written by Anonymous
London falls for the son of her father's enemy, who owns the St. Mark Hotel. They sneak around so they can be together and Maddie helps them. Zack takes advantage of Cody's ability to bake amazing cookies to make some money.
After London starts and rumor about Maddie dating the lifeguard, Maddie unintentionally starts a rumor about London wearing real fox fur. Cody decides that he wants to be separated from Zack and experiments with his look, but it ends up getting him into trouble when the interviewer for a contest that he entered shows up. Written by Anonymous
Mr. Moseby takes the twins to a baseball game so Carrie can get a day off, but he becomes the most hated man in Boston because he cost the Red Sox the game when he catches a ball for Cody. London sets Maddie on a date with one of her friends, but Maddie's hair will not cooperate. Written by Anonymous
Jesse McCartney comes to stay at the Tipton. Zack, London, and Maddy all try to get a piece of him. Cody enters a science fair held at the Tipton.
Facing the threat of summer school, Zack tries to fake dyslexia in order to get easier schoolwork.
Zack, Cody, Maddie, and London spend the night in a suite on the 6th floor which is said to be haunted, to prove--on a bet, which of the boys is more scared of ghosts. Zack isn't taken in by the ghost stories surrounding the suite until the ghost of the tenant who had died there actually makes herself known and haunts the group. Written by Greg Schwalm
When Zack and Cody's father arrives in town with his band, Zack decides that his dad is a lot more fun to be with than his mom, causing him to run away by stowing away on his dad's touring bus. Meanwhile, the boys' mom tries to make restitution for driving Zack away by forcing Cody to have non-stop fun with her. Written by portchelseanb
While snowed in on Christmas Eve, Carey pretends she's in Mexico. Moseby needs a singer and finally convinces Carey. The twins and their parents were supposed to go on vacation. London knits Maddie a Christmas present and Maddie complains. A customer goes into labor. Written by Anonymous
Fed up with London's obsessive shopping sprees and other wastes of money, Wilfred Tipton threatens to disinherit his daughter if she did not stop spending money immediately. Knowing she could never stop her spending addiction on her own, she elected Maddie's help, so Maddie started by taking all of London's credit cards away. The plot becomes serious when we discover just why London is addicted to spending her father's money. Max reveals how she really feels about Zack when she kisses him following a basketball game they were playing in, but Zack still thinks of her as one of the guys. This upsets Max who decides to shine Zack on, and won't acknowledge him on the court any more. Since Max and Zack are the two star players, the rest of the team talks Zack into asking Max out on a date to make her feel better. Feeling obligated to take one for the team, Zack reluctantly agrees. But Zack's feelings towards Max change when he sees her as a girl for the first time. However, Zack--not being... Written by
Inspired by a motivational speaker who emphasizes to people to Be the pilot of your own life, Cody sets out on a mission to get his friends and family to pilot their own lives, throwing everyone into turmoil and chaos. Meanwhile, Maddie and London compete--no holds barred--for a Trendy Teen title. Written by
Agnes has a crush on Cody, but when Cody doesn't know how to get rid of her Zack goes on the date for him. Then Agnes gets a crush on Zack. Zack and Cody have a plan to get rid of her, but when Cody doesn't like how it is turning out, Cody starts being nice to her again. Then Agnes likes Cody again. While this is happening, London's and Maddy's dogs begin to like each other. Then they go missing, and London and Maddy try to find them. When they find them, they realize that what is important is how their dogs feel. then Ivana and Scamp have puppies. Written by
When Wilfred Tipton decides to use the hotel lobby as a backdrop for a promo' commercial, all the employees (including the twins) are asked to audition. Though Carrie would be one of the best choices for the lead in the commercial, she is shot down by the director just because she had jilted him on a date years earlier. But Mr. Tipton--viewing the auditions on closed-circuit TV, overrides the director's decision and insists he gives Carrie the lead part. *Unlike most TSL episodes that have two plots, this is a one-act show, since virtually everyone in the cast is involved Written by
A visiting teenage prince from the island of Ishkabar visits the Tipton to address the entire Iskabarian community (all two of them), but is quickly influenced by the twins and ends up wanting to just be a regular kid. [*] London and Maddie stake out in London's room all night for a flying saucer London swore she saw... Duh, London! Written by