Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Slaughter and Hogan own a thoroughbred stallion they have abused and challenge riders to win $10 by staying on it ten seconds. He breaks loose at Medicine Bow killing Hogan. Randy finds the horse tangled in a tree and takes the sick horse to Charlie Orwell who is a vet and drunk. Charlie heals the horse but warns everyone he is dangerous including Jody Wingate who visits Charlie and is attracted to him. He returns the horse to Randy at Shiloh where Slaughter arrives to claim the horse. When Judge Garth sees how Slaughter mistreats the horse, he forces Slaughter to sell him the horse. Garth asks Randy to kill the horse but Randy returns him to Charlie who in a drunken stupor frees the horse. When the horse raids the local ranches for mares, Randy, Jody, and Charlie track down the stallion and recapture the mares. Charlie gentles the stallion but Slaughter releases their mounts and shoots Charlie. Randy is forced to ride the stallion for help and Charlie comes to realize his feelings ... Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S03
Emmett Ryker is summoned to Medicine Bow by John Hagen to stop Ed Hale from completing a cattle drive and paying a mortgage owed to Hagen. Ryker, however, always works on the side of the law and turns down the job. Hale is killed anyway and everyone assumes Ryker did it. When Ryker learns this, he decides to help Hale's daughter Janet and Trampas who has been seeing Janet frequently and was asked by her father to help with the drive. He deals himself in by cutting cards with her for half the ranch and wins. Hagen calls in Sam Lake who has a similar reputation to Ryker's but unknown to Hagen Lake and Ryker are close friends. Lake sides with Ryker and the two overpower Hagen's men sent to stampede the herd. When Lake is killed by Hagen's man, Ryker comes after Hagen. In the end of course The Virginian trumps both Trampas and Ryker, the new deputy, when it comes to women. Written by Anonymous
The Hendricks family has moved to a ranch near Shiloh. When they attend a local dance, Wally and Trampas both ask the daughter Jenny to dance not realizing she cannot due to a club foot. When Trampas pushes her on not dancing with him, her father hits Trampas and takes his daughter home along with her brother Arnie. Trampas feels bad and with Betsy's urging visits the Hendricks to apologize. Arnie feed up with the attention his sister receives from their father, tries to impress a saloon girl Joan by holding up a stagecoach and stealing $642 from the passengers but shoots a guard in the shoulder during the robbery. Trampas asks Jenny to attend other social functions which she gladly does. At the same time Wally the blacksmith takes a keen interest in her but is shy. Carl Hendricks tries to hire Trampas as a foreman with the understanding he would marry Jenny but Trampas declines. During an argument between Arnie and his father, Carl is accidentally stabbed and dies. Arnie tries to ... Written by Anonymous
Slaughter and Hogan own a thoroughbred stallion they have abused and challenge riders to win $10 by staying on it ten seconds. He breaks loose at Medicine Bow killing Hogan. Randy finds the horse tangled in a tree and takes the sick horse to Charlie Orwell who is a vet and drunk. Charlie heals the horse but warns everyone he is dangerous including Jody Wingate who visits Charlie and is attracted to him. He returns the horse to Randy at Shiloh where Slaughter arrives to claim the horse. When Judge Garth sees how Slaughter mistreats the horse, he forces Slaughter to sell him the horse. Garth asks Randy to kill the horse but Randy returns him to Charlie who in a drunken stupor frees the horse. When the horse raids the local ranches for mares, Randy, Jody, and Charlie track down the stallion and recapture the mares. Charlie gentles the stallion but Slaughter releases their mounts and shoots Charlie. Randy is forced to ride the stallion for help and Charlie comes to realize his feelings ... Written by Anonymous
James Templeton arrives at Shiloh with the stated intention of writing a story about Judge Garth due to interest back east in him as a territorial senator from Wyoming. He soon proves to everyone he is a man of man talents. He can ride bucking broncs, shoot fast, play the violin, dance, is well traveled, and heroic to everyone and especially Betsy. The lone exception is Trampas who has a dislike for him. A second man, Ray Harding, an attorney contacts Judge Garth about an old case the Judge ruled on and then fails at an attempt to blackmail the Judge about the case. Harding and Templeton are working together to scam the Judge but their ploy is not working. Templeton develops a love for Betsy and sees life with her as a better future but Harding hires three hands fired by Garth to help kidnap Betsy for ransom. Templeton has to make a decision on what to do when he is caught with Betsy by the kidnappers. Written by Anonymous
The Virginian returns to Medicine Bow and meets the new school teacher, Felicity Andrews, who has every man in the area entranced with her dance lessons and beauty. When her older sister Kate sees Felicity's interest in The Virginian, she goes to Shiloh to buy Felicity a riding horse for her birthday and ask The Virginian to her birthday party. He accepts and as he sees the impact she has on others including her pupils his interest in her develops as well. After a relatively short courtship, he asks her to marry him and she accepts. When Kate learns the monetary investment The Virginian is making for their home, she tells him the truth. Felicity has a fatal illness with little time left. Her mother had the same illness leading to their father killing their mother and committing suicide. Felicity does not know about her illness. The Virginian must decide what to do as their wedding is soon. Written by Anonymous
A pretty young woman arrives in Medicine Bow and finagles a job at the Banner newspaper. In order to gain a reputation as a reporter, Miss Samantha Fry (writing as Colonel Sam Fry), writes a series of articles about a chance-heard person, presumed dead: The Brazos Kid. She has been fired many times back east for more than exaggerating the truth In her reporting. Samantha, despite repeated warnings from various people, including The Virginian, insists upon writing more suggestive, inflammatory stories until an inference of hers turns attention on The Virginian. Bounty hunters show up in Medicine Bow putting his life in danger. Although The Virginian denies being the Brazos Kid, he has a secret he can't reveal that would clear his name but harm a friend and his family. Written by heathentart
Millionaire Paul Leland is pushed off his private train car and left stranded in the desert where The Virginian finds him on the verge of dying. The Virginian is driving a herd of cattle to Washington for higher prices to save the ranchers in Medicine Bow. He is on a tight schedule to beat the California herds and has no time, men, or supplies to cater to Leland's demands. Leland further feels the wrath of a man put out of a job when Leland closed a stage line through the area. He is forced to work as the cook's helper and tries to hire men to escape the drive but is unsuccessful. His ire causes a stampede destroying supplies and injuring four men including Hogy, the cook, who has tried to help him. When he is forced then to work as a cow puncher, he starts to take ownership of the job and a desire to see it done right. When the drive is over, Leland still has an issue to settle with The Virginian. Written by Anonymous
An orphanage near the Shiloh ranch is home to a group of boys, including one Toby Shea, who likes to tell wild tales about his father but the stories are dismissed by the other boys who call him a liar. As a result he tries to run away but runs into Trampas on the road who convinces him to return to the orphanage. However, Toby starts pretending that Trampas is his father, much to Trampas' dismay. Trampas is more interested in the pretty woman who is the new teacher at the orphanage, but agrees to momentarily help Toby out. Toby's real father is released from prison and tracks down Toby via information related to his dead wife. Along the way he is confronted by his two partners in the robbery for which he served time. They want their two thirds of the $9,000 he contends fell off his saddle in a river. He makes his way to the orphanage where he visits Toby but doesn't reveal his identity. In Medicine Bow he takes a job at Shiloh when The Virginian looks for hands. At a Shiloh party for... Written by heathentart
Steve runs into his childhood sweetheart, Jane Carlyle, who is singing at the saloon in Medicine Bow. When he tries to renew their relationship, she brushes him off. The next day US Marshal Cass contacts Judge Garth and Steve to ask Steve's help. They believe Jane is part of the Jack Wade gang. Steve doesn't believe it but agrees to help. He changes personality, cheats at dice, and antagonizes his coworkers until The Virginian confronts him in the saloon and Steve quits creating concern among his friends at Shiloh. He continues to push the relationship with Jane who begins to rekindle her old feelings for Steve. Steve tells her he is going to rob $50,000 arriving in Medicine Bow and she tries to talk him out of it leading Steve to believe she is innocent. However, Wade hears what is happening via his man Neal Fairburn. He forces Jane to setup a meeting with Steve to see what he knows about the shipment. Steve tells how easy it will be to steal the money when it arrives. Jack liking ... Written by Anonymous
Craig Ryan returns home after attending college studying mining engineering. He has signed a contract with a group to re-open his dad's silver mine and make it profitable by processing the ore on site. However, their financial resources are limited and they have a very tight deadline to produce enough refined silver to pay off the loan or lose the mine. Craig is consumed by the task ignoring his local friends feeling they abandoned his father. When Judge Garth complains about them holding back water, Craig buys and takes pipe ordered for a rancher to correct the problem supposedly. Sam, an old trapper trespassing is forced off the property by Craig due to a water danger created by the mine. After an equipment breakdown, Craig cons Judge Garth to loan him mules. When cattle start dying, the ranchers obtain an injunction to shut down the mine. However, when Sam is found dying by the river, Craig at the demand of his father takes Sam to the doctor but their business partner Whit tries to... Written by Anonymous
Victoria Greenleigh arrives in Medicine Bow from Philadelphia with her companion Mrs. Clancy to open a new law office in Medicine Bow. She finds an office and house to rent - both owned by Judge Garth. As the Judge is out of town she must deal with The Virginian who inadvertently gives her a bad impression when he appears to question her ability as a woman to practice law. The Virginnian returns to correct the misunderstanding and being in the midst of a legal dispute about a saddle he ordered is forced to hire her as his attorney. Meanwhile a second problem is occurring on Shiloh where three men are camping and butchering Shiloh cattle for food. The Virginian tells them to leave but they ignore his orders. Victoria wins The Virginian's case and another developing a reputation as an able attorney. When The Virginian catches the three men still butchering beef he has them locked up for trespassing but not rustling hoping they will be scared out of the area. Not knowing all the facts ... Written by Anonymous
Colonel John Briscoe is trying to put a railroad through several ranches but has used friends in the legislature to obtain the land at unfair prices. When his son Scott along with Ryker try to gain access to the land under a court order, Sam Horn tries to stop them with force resulting in a scuffle between him and Scott. Judge Garth delays it with a legal maneuver but the ranchers know they will lose their land. Sam is good friends with Peg Dineen who works as a waitress at the restaurant. While Sam and Ryker are having a meal there, Scott enters and sees Peg resulting in another scuffle between Scott and Sam. Peg and Scott had planned to get married until Scott's father sent him to Europe when told their plans. When Scott learns Peg had his baby, he asks his father for help but he refuses. Scott upon learning Sam is taking $2,500 to Laramie for a new appraisal tries to steal the money and is shot by Sam but there are no witnesses making it appear Sam shot Scott in retaliation. John ... Written by Anonymous
Judge Garth is the executor of the estate of a neighbor and his widow Maggie Menken. Maggie and Betsy have gone to Chicago to visit a relative and help Maggie heal from the loss of her husband. While there she meets Charles Boulanger who is a French portrait painter. When Maggie and Betsy return to Medicine Bow, Charles decides to follow them. In reality Charles is an American painter who owes significant money to men trying to collect. Judge Garth is wary of Charles when he arrives and more so when he learns his fee to paint Maggie which he allows at Betsy's urging. He and Betsy learn that he is overcharging but Betsy notices that Maggie is extremely fond of him and they are enjoying each other's company. The men from Chicago track down Charles at Maggie's and he tells them he is going to pay them back with an expensive original painting he going to steal from Maggie. Judge Garth learns of the plan but says nothing to Maggie to prevent hurting her feelings. When Judge Garth finds ... Written by Anonymous
Ryker is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Abe Clayton who raised him. Abe is a tough outlaw recently released from prison. The Sheriff, however, is not happy to have Abe in town. Ryker has a room and job lined up for Abe but Abe spurns both. Abe overhears plans for a big sale of Shiloh cattle in Medicine Bow and settles into an abandoned homestead adjacent to Shiloh. Abe's brother, nephew, and adopted daughter Rita along with her outlaw boy friend join Abe at the homestead. The men spy on the herd being collected by the Shiloh hands for sale. The uncle and his son have a successful ranch and Ryker and Rita still have a close relationship even though they are unrelated. Ryker realizes they are planning trouble and tries to persuade the members of the group to leave or change their plans but to no avail. The Sheriff, Ryker, and The Virginian assume they are planning to rustle part of the herd. The Sheriff and Ryker ride with the herd to stop any rustling. When nothing happens, they ... Written by Anonymous
The Virginian and Judge Garth visit a group of settlers who are moving into the public lands used for grazing by the nearby ranches. Judge Garth and Barney Wingate check with the Land Office learning that their usual automatic renewal on the lease for the lands was stopped. When they investigate banners being raised in Medicine Bow, they learn an old classmate of Garth's, Matthew J. Cosgrove, who is a congressman in New York is bringing immigrants from there to settle in Wyoming to curry favor with his constituents. He also arranged to have his nephew, David, a lieutenant in the Army to be there on a make work project to fix a bridge. David stops at Shiloh to meet Betsy but learns by accident that Judge Garth has a low opinion of his uncle. Garth's main concern is that the land being settled is poor quality for farming and the settlers will lose everything on it. Cosgrove swears the government blessed the land for farming but when Garth tries to verify it, he finds it not to be true. ... Written by Anonymous
Ten years ago, Judge Garth and his neighbor, Junius Antlow were on the best of terms, but one night, it all changed. Today, a rock slide has closed a pass that allowed Garth's herds to move from outlying pasture to the ranch. Garth is forced to seek out Junius to ask permission to cross his lands to bring the cattle in. Antlow is filled with hate and refuses, so Garth is forced to bring in Chinese laborers and a construction overseer to blow a tunnel to allow the cattle to pass. The Antlows use every tactic they can to block the tunnel until the price to to be paid is too high. One of Junius' tactics is to have Colton add explosives causing a cave-in that kills two workers and injures a third with The Virginian hurt during the rescue. The two are taken to Shiloh where they discover the worker is a young woman passing as a man, who falls in love with The Virginian as they recover. Betsy learns the ways of the Chinese from her as she learns about American life style. Written by heathentart
The Virginian and crew must hire extra hands to drive cattle back to Medicine Bow due to a bridge out on the train route. One of the men hired, Eddie Laredo saves Trampas's life during a stampede. Eddie seems to be a quiet worker who does his job well so Trampas convinces The Virginian to hire him full time. Everyone is happy with his work but he is not a joiner and reads a lot. During a trip to Medicine Bow two men and a women hide burrs under Eddie's saddle resulting in him being bucked off on Main Street. Later one of the men is killed by Eddie with the woman as a witness but he is let go. Later the woman is found dead and Trampas swears he saw Eddie in town that night. When Trampas finds the shirt he saw Eddie wearing with blood on it, Eddie shoots Trampas. After Eddie is arrested, he says he remembers nothing of either incident but is sorry about Trampas. The community and prosecutor assume Eddie is guilty but Judge Garth feels there may be another factor. He suggests the idea ... Written by Anonymous
While riding in the hills, Betsy finds a large herd of wild horses and Clint Evers trying to capture them. When a mountain lion threatens them, Clint takes Betsy to the cabin he shares with his father Martin. As Betsy leaves the next day, Martin asks her not to tell he and his son are there. On the way back Betsy is bitten by a rattlesnake and Clint is forced to take her to Dr. Spaulding. A man there recognizes Clint and tells Ryker about Martin being wanted in Laramie for killing a prospecting partner. Betsy refuses to tell The Virginian where she was and Clint shows up at Shiloh looking to recover the horses he abandoned when Betsy was bit which The Virginian buys. Ryker visits Shiloh to learn more about Clint and tells Betsy about Martin being wanted. Betsy returns to tell Clint and Martin about Ryker's visit. After going out to catch horses, Clint and Betsy return to the cabin to find Martin with broken ribs due to being bucked off a horse. When they can't help Martin and their ... Written by Anonymous
Ryker shoots two men during a bank holdup and recognizes one of the men as one of two men he was searching for years ago in the murder of two people. He questions the man and gets a lead on the second man. He leaves for Silver City to hunt for Charlie McMasters. At Silver City he learns McMasters was supposedly killed at Cripple Creek by Indians. The Sheriff jails Ryker until he agrees to accompany a young woman Lucille Carver to Cripple Creek. She is looking for her father John Carver who she does not remember and was killed at Cripple Creek. They are attacked at Cripple Creek and then go on to Fort Shields. Ryker learns there that one man survived Cripple Creek and had a large amount of gold. He leaves Lucille at the fort while he goes on to Deadwood. On the way the Silver City sheriff waylays Ryker after telling him he is after the gold. At Deadwood Ryker and the sheriff meet again and they learn that someone sent for Lucille claiming to be her father. Ryker meets with Lucille and ... Written by Anonymous
Clara Malone's bank robber boyfriend dies from a gun shot in a Laramie hotel. With his two partners chasing her for the money he hid, Clara fakes her suicide and leaves on a stage. The Virginian is the other passenger when the stage loses a wheel killing the driver and dazing her and The Virginian. A fire causes her to faint but The Virginian comes to in time to rescue her. She has lost her memory and it does not appear to be returning so she starts a new life under the fond wing of The Virginian plus Martha Winslow the school teacher. When one of the men looking for her spots her at a dance, Trev tells the sheriff he is her brother and wants to take her to another doctor in Salt Lake City. A drapery fire again frightens Clara and brings back her memory. The men force her and The Virginian to take them to the money at an old fort but The Virginian gives the sheriff a message for Trampas to indicate what is really happening as they leave town. Written by Anonymous
Trampas is sent to Albuquerque, New Mexico with a herd of cattle for the local cattlemen's association and is to return with over $18,700. He makes the trip and successfully settles the cattle transaction but is forced to put the money in cash in the hotel safe. He mets a lovely lady Charity who mistakes him for the guide/guard she is trying to hire. After she learns she needs $1500 to hire the guide, she decides to borrow it from Trampas by stealing his receipt for the money. The next day Trampas learns the money is missing when he tries to get a bank draft for the money. The hotel and local sheriff think he and the girl are trying to pull a con on the hotel as they left together. He tracks her down and is forced to go with her after the guide who stole the money and supposedly a jeweled ring she is trying to sell. The Virginian sends Ryker after Trampas when they don't hear from him and the man who Charity believes jilted her all end up on the trail of Charity, Trampas and the ... Written by Anonymous
While in Casper, Wyoming The Virginian runs into Mark Shannon who is kicked off a trail drive of a herd owned by him and his sister Peggy but run by Jack Slauson as the trail boss and boyfriend of Peggy. After breaking up the fight, The Virginian hires Mark to work at Shiloh. He confides to The Virginian he did not resort to his gun because he is inept with it. The Virginian teaches him how to handle a gun but warns him that it shouldn't be used to settle arguments. As the Shannon herd approaches the Medicine Bow area, they receive a report it may contain Spanish Fever which could wipe out the local herds. When Slauson shows some willingness to work with the local ranchers, Mark challenges him, wounds him severely, and takes over the drive. Although the herd proves to have the fever, Mark decides to stampede the herd through forcing a showdown ultimately with The Virginian. Written by Anonymous
Ryker's friend John Conway is expecting Rita who he met in a hospital in San Franisco to arrive and marry him. Being shy with women, John asks Ryker to join them for dinner to break the ice. At work Ryker receives a mail message from the Gar brothers recently released from prison for a robbery during which Ryker killed the third brother. Rita seems distant to John but he is unsure why. When Ryker returns Rita's lost suitcase from the railroad, he finds her drunk. He later sees her riding wildly in a buggy and after stopping her, confronts her about her relationship with John. She tells John the truth about losing her husband and two children during a boating accident. She says she will never love John or have children with him and gives him the option to back out of the marriage. Ryker tells the Gar brothers they had better leave town by the next day. They decide to ambush Ryker that night but stumble onto John as he is going to see Rita to tell her to stay. Ryker encounters Rita at ... Written by Anonymous
Randy is in Cobb's Run, Kansas waiting for The Virginian to arrive the next day. After helping a man with an injured arm he meets in the saloon, he finds himself duped into tricking the sheriff to open the bank door. A group of four men rob the bank of $47,000 but are interrupted during their escape by the deputy. Randy and the sheriff who were knocked out, both come to during the escape and shooting with Randy being mistaken by the sheriff for one of the robbers and is shot by the sheriff. The sheriff who has a reputation as one of the best lawmen, swears he locked the door behind Randy but he didn't. Randy is charged with murder and robbery. The Virginian arrives the next day but his support of Randy is dismissed by everyone due to the sheriff's reputation. The Virginian locates one bandit wounded in the escape but he dies before returning to town. Randy is tried, found guilty, and sentenced to hang. The Virginian posts a reward for information on the two remaining bandits but ... Written by Anonymous
Charles Daniels has purchased timberland near the grazing lands of the Medicine Bow ranchers. The ranchers are concerned that his clear cutting the land will ruin the grazing lands but Daniels refuses to listen to them. Daniels' daughter Katherine arrives to join him. Daniels' foreman Paul Rogers has planned to marry Katherine but when she arrives she has second thoughts about Paul. Meanwhile Dave Ferguson, a rancher's son, takes a shine to Katherine and her to him. When Paul spots Katherine and Dave dancing outside a local dance, he attacks Dave and pulls Dave's gun which goes off killing Paul. Daniels wants revenge and Katherine to keep quiet about what happened. However, Katherine's honesty forces her to tell the truth resulting in Dave's release. Her father unsatisfied decides to go after Dave himself for revenge but is shocked at what he learns. Written by Anonymous
Ryker asks Trampas to escort a prisoner, Young Bob Coulter, wanted for murder of a woman to Coulter Junction as Trampas is close friends with the sheriff there. The trip is uneventful but Trampas is asked by Young Bob's father twice for favors which Trampas declines. He learns the sheriff was dragged and killed by his horse but Kitty, the sheriff's daughter, questions whether an expert wrangler like her father could be killed by the horse as does Trampas. Trampas proves the horse is ridable and not likely to have killed the sheriff but the current deputy is hard to convince. As Trampas learns more, he comes to suspect Young Bob killed the girl and then the sheriff to escape arrest but the elder Bob's men stop Trampas's investigation as he has the same suspicions. However, Trampas unwillingly to be stopped finds proof that leads to an unexpected revelation about the truth in both deaths. Written by Anonymous
The Virginian arrives at Honesty, Wyoming to bring Major Ralph Forrester back to Medicine Bow to settle a lawsuit involving $8,000 of worthless land deeds. The law prevents him from taking the Major back as he not a regular peace officer. Honesty is owned by the Major and his wife. The saloon is run by Jennifer a woman The Virginian slowly comes to recognize as the relative of friends. Unknown to the Major's wife he has been stealing from her but she is aware of his interest in Jennifer. The Major is using the threat of a manslaughter charge against Jennifer in Cheyenne to control her but she has no interest in the Major and tries to stay out of his schemes. When the Major realizes The Virginian is close to exposing his problems, he uses the stolen money to pay off the lawsuit but steals the money back as The Virginian prepares to leave town. When The Virginian confronts him, he decides to leave and take Jennifer with him. On his way to meet Jennifer the Major is shot and killed ... Written by Anonymous
Old time cowboy Murdock and his grandson Willy walk into Medicine Bow looking for a job as a top cow hand but he is years beyond his prime. They stop The Virginian but he turns Murdock down for Shiloh. Murdock uses the little change they have to play poker with Belden, Randy, and Trampas. Although he wins initially, he loses all but a dime which he uses to buy Willy soup and himself a beer. Trampas feeling sorry for him, decides to hire him for Shiloh. Murdock continually says he has a twenty dollar gold eagle coin in boot for emergencies but only Willy believes him. Murdock tries to do the work but consistently makes mistakes including branding a neighboring ranch's cattle with the Shiloh brand and stampeding their cattle causing the owner to break his arm. His animosity with Trampas grows with Willy's worship of the younger Trampas. When Trampas goes to fire him under The Virginian's orders, Murdock knocks over a kerosene lamp burning down the barn and the winter pasture for the ... Written by Anonymous
The Virginian arrives in Monolith, Arizona to buy cattle from the Landers family. Upon arrival the city Marshall warns him not to buy cattle from them. The next day the Virginian inspects the cattle and buys $5000 worth. When he and two of Landers boys return to town, one of the boys ends up in a fight but all three are arrested. The Virginian learns that no one likes Marshall Frome or his brother the deputy because of their heavy tactics. The brothers are released from jail but The Virginian is not. The Landers bring in the herd of cattle for The Virginian but the Marshall seizes the cattle and Shiloh money. The Marshall is shot by someone and assumes it was Billy Landers. when The Virginian goes to see Jake Landers, he finds Tom Landers using a running iron to brand cattle. On his return to town he spots Deputy Ben Frome who has been dragged by the Landers boys. At the Marshall's office he learns they skinned a couple of the cattle to prove that the Landers have been systematically ... Written by Anonymous
Trampas, looking forward to the big dance in town, is sent instead by the Virginian to Mexico to return with a bull purchased by Judge Garth. While in Laredo waiting to cross over into Mexico, Trampas becomes involved in fights with three Texas Rangers over the beautiful red haired singer and saloon owner, Carmelita Flanagan. The three Rangers are sent by Captain Parmalee to look for a lost train carrying gold. Trampas and the Rangers leave Laredo at the same time and direction so he travels with them. They find the train with the crew killed, gold stolen, and a baby alive from the family of one of the crewmen. Trampas goes with them into Mexico to recover money stolen from the train and to save the baby which needs milk. After crossing the Rio Grande, they run into the Mexican Federales who order them back to Texas but the Rangers ignore the order to take the baby to Mama Dolores in a nearby town. There they are attacked by the Yaqui Indians. The men realize they may be involved in ... Written by Anonymous