

The ensuing negative attention turns Royce against Burrell, who takes the heat while Rawls comes to the rescue. At school, Prez's reward/punishment program meets with mixed results, and Colvin looks to restore order by separating disruptive corner kids from more attentive stoop ones. Chris tries to enlist Michael into Marlo's ranks, spooking Randy along the way. Dukie debunks Randy's special dead theory. Written by WyattJones



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HD Boys of Summer

Boys of Summer


Boys of Summer - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.4
58 min

In the Season Four premiere, four boys from West Baltimore play out their summer vacation in the streets. Meanwhile, Marlo has solved the problem that baffled Stringer Bell: how to maintain discipline--read: murders--without getting police attention. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Soft Eyes

Soft Eyes


Soft Eyes - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Pearlman fights Freamon on the issue of subpoenas, worrying about her future career, and hesitant to antagonize Clay Davis and Andy Krawczyk in the lead-up to an election. Freamon, however, argues now is the perfect time to go after those with the most power, as they are under scrutiny. When Davis receives his subpoena, he angrily confronts Royce, who in turn brings the issue to Rawls and Burrell, telling them he wants no more surprises of that nature. Namond visits Wee-Bey in prison, receiving a lecture on the ethics of being a hopper. When he tries to get Bodie to hire Michael, Bodie refuses, but Namond says Michael can have his job. Bunk continues to investigate the murder of Fruit, but finds his prime suspect missing. As Carcetti becomes convinced he is incapable of winning the election, Herc catches Royce in a compromising position, and is advised the situation could be spun into a career opportunity. Later, when a state's witness is killed, Carcetti is handed ammunition for his ... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Home Rooms

Home Rooms


Home Rooms - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

Omar begins to realize he may have become a victim to his own reputation, and decides he needs to re-assert his dominance on the street. Marlo visits Bodie's corner, giving him the option to either leave, or sell the Stanfield package, and becomes increasingly interested in Michael when he sees him working for Bodie. Still smarting over the debate with Carcetti, Royce employs petty tactics, but angers Watkins over his refusal to fund witness protection until after the election. When Bunk visits McNulty and Beadie for dinner, he is shocked to find McNulty sober, faithful and enjoying domestic life. Meanwhile, the New Day face the problem of New York dealers muscling in on the Eastside, and in an effort to show a united Baltimore front, Prop Joe asks Marlo to stand with them. Following up on their promise to Royce to put a stop to the MCU's political investigation, Burrell and Rawls send the ruthless Lt. Marimow in to replace Asher and prevent the unit from pursuing any wire ... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Refugees



Refugees - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.4
59 min

Cutty continues to mentor Michael whilst also taking work as a truant officer for Tilghman Middle School. Greggs and Freamon leave the MCU in disgust at Marimow's agenda, with both heading to homicide, where Burrell assigns Greggs to the murdered witness case, hoping her lack of homicide experience will stall the investigation until after the election, whilst Freamon joins Bunk in trying to find Fruit's killer. The newly promoted Sgt. Herc and Det. Rick Dozerman are transferred to the MCU, and Herc is thrilled to learn the unit is going back to taking doors. Bubbles continues to pressure Sherrod into attending school. Bodie reluctantly agrees to sell Marlo's package, as Chris and Snoop continue to assess Michael as a potential recruit. Meanwhile, when Marlo turns down the offer to join the New Day, Prop Joe turns Omar onto a high stakes poker game in which he plays. Elsewhere, Colvin and Professor David Peranti begin an academic study of at risk children. Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Alliances



Alliances - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

The ensuing negative attention turns Royce against Burrell, who takes the heat while Rawls comes to the rescue. At school, Prez's reward/punishment program meets with mixed results, and Colvin looks to restore order by separating disruptive corner kids from more attentive stoop ones. Chris tries to enlist Michael into Marlo's ranks, spooking Randy along the way. Dukie debunks Randy's special dead theory. Written by WyattJones

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Margin of Error

Margin of Error


Margin of Error - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

With Election Day approaching, the three mayoral candidates make last-minute appeals. Carcetti wrangles for votes as he responds to a potentially devastating smear. Norris and Greggs get a lead on the Braddock case, but end up being detoured. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Unto Others

Unto Others


Unto Others - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Omar tests the waters in prison, learning there is a five-figure bounty on his head, and turns to an unlikely ally for help. Cutty learns one of his best fighters, Spider, has left the gym and gone back to selling drugs. Prez finds an unexpected way to get his students interested in math. Namond tries to get himself kicked out of the pilot program, and, by extension, get expelled. Bubbles learns Sherrod hasn't been attending school, and is again attacked by the same addict. After Carcetti wins the election, he and Royce make their peace. Acting on advice from Freamon on how to play homicide politics, Greggs makes an unexpected breakthrough in the dead witness case. Prop Joe advises Marlo to steal the MCU's camera so they can find out who set it up. Pearlman meets her new boss, Rupert Bond, and is surprised by his attitude. Meanwhile, Namond bumps with Sherrod over territory, Cutty apologizes to his students, Carcetti visits the weekly ComStat, taking notice of Daniels' manner of ... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Corner Boys

Corner Boys


Corner Boys - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

To monitor the pulse on the street, Carcetti makes the rounds with members of the force. While Proposition Joe shows off his vocal range, Chris shows Snoop how to expose, and dispose of, New York infiltrators. Colvin uses corner logic in class. A newly sober McNulty attends an Irish cop wake - with a not-so-sober Bunk. Michael is dismayed by the unexpected return of a missing family member. Written by WyattJones

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Know Your Place

Know Your Place


Know Your Place - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

Carcetti speaks to Daniels about the police department, sounding him out on his opinion of Burrell and Rawls, and offering him a promotion to CID commander, whilst Burrell and Rawls turn on one another. Poot returns to Bodie's corner after his stint in prison. Bunk secures Omar's release. Carcetti experiences his first conflict since winning the election - a budget battle with Council President Nerese Campbell, who reveals she was planning on taking over as mayor after Royce. As Carcetti, Wilson and Watkins strategize on how to get rid of Burrell, Herc continues to try to pressure Marlo into returning his camera, with Bubbles leading him to a possible witness, and Herc promising to return the favor by protecting him from his attacker. In Tilghman Middle School, Prez and Randy enter a business arrangement, and Colvin offers an incentive to the pilot program students, but the results are not what he expected. Meanwhile, Prop Joe ingratiates himself with Marlo by alerting him to the fact... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Misgivings



Misgivings - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Acting on Clay Davis' advice, Burrell seeks to burnish his reputation by ordering the department to double their street arrests. The mandate does not sit well with McNulty, who sets his sights instead on cracking a string of church robberies. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD A New Day

A New Day


A New Day - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

After flexing his muscles around the city, Carcetti faces his first dilemma when a group of ministers protests Herc's mistreatment of one of their own. Randy gets the cold shoulder at school. Omar and Reynaldo pay a menacing visit to Proposition Joe, with their own proposition. Freamon has a revelation at a crime scene that promises to blow the lid off an unsolved mystery. Written by WyattJones

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD That's Got His Own

That's Got His Own


That's Got His Own - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.7
59 min

On the trail of missing bodies, Freamon turns to a higher authority after being rebuked by Landsman. Carcetti finds his promises of prosperity undermined by the school debt, forcing him to contemplate groveling before the Governor in Annapolis. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Final Grades

Final Grades


Final Grades - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.1
79 min

Distraught at Sherrod's death, Bubbles attempts to commit suicide. Carcetti agonizes about whether to take the governor's financial offer, fearing it could be used against him if he makes a run for governor himself in two years. As Cutty recovers from being shot by Michael's crew, Colvin makes an interesting suggestion regarding Namond. Freamon re-enlists Greggs into the MCU, and begins to build his investigation into the bodies in the vacants. With the case sprawling, Burrell gives Daniels a free hand to oversee it as he sees fit, leading to Freamon bringing Chris and Snoop in for DNA sampling. Bodie reaches breaking point over Marlo's murder of his people, and turns to McNulty for help. As the New Day debate how to handle Omar's robbery of their shipment, Prop Joe introduces Marlo to Vondas. Meanwhile, Omar tries to sell Joe back his own drugs. Test day arrives in Tilghman Middle School, as Dukie makes a decision about his future. With Randy's foster-mother badly burned after the ... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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