Beyond the Sea

Beyond the Sea

After two college students are kidnapped on the one year anniversary of a similar kidnapping at a different school, Mulder is convinced that they are dealing with a serial killer. He's ready to deal with the case on his own as Scully has recently lost her dearly beloved father but she insists on working her way through this difficult time. Mulder is annoyed when a self-declared psychic who is soon to be executed in the gas chamber, Luther Lee Boggs, offers to give them information about the case in return for a permanent stay of execution. Mulder is convinced he's a sham as far as being a psychic goes and is convinced that Boggs is orchestrating the kidnappings using outsiders. Scully, who has had her own encounter with the supernatural recently, isn't so sure and takes Boggs far more seriously. Written by garykmcd



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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files - EPS 00

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 60 min

Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully work in an unassigned detail of the bureau called the X-Files investigating cases dealing with unexplained paranormal phenomena. Mulder, a true believer, and Scully, a skeptic, perceive their cases from stand points of science and the paranormal. Written by ZachMichalik

Country: Canada
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HD Pilot



Pilot - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Skeptical FBI Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully is reassinged by Divison Chief Scott Blevins to work with the believer Fox William Mulder. Their first case together takes them to Bellefleur, Oregon; where the fourth member of the BHS class of '89 has been found dead...with two mysterious pink marks on her back, which all other victims have had. Written by Marc-David Jacobs

Country: USA
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HD Deep Throat

Deep Throat


Deep Throat - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Mulder and Scully investigate the mental breakdown and disappearance of a U.S. Air Force officer, Col. Robert Budahas, once a well regarded test pilot. Mulder's research reveals that there is a pattern of breakdowns at Ellens Air Force base but Scully thinks there are any number legitimate medical reasons for what has happened. Mulder is soon in touch with local UFO enthusiasts and learns where in the area is best to view UFOs. He comes across two young people who regularly sneak onto the base through a hole in the fence to sit back and watch. Mulder believes the aircraft the locals are seeing were built using alien technology and it becomes apparent that the U.S. government is hiding something and will go to great lengths to keep it that way. Throughout, Mulder receives advice and a friendly warning from an unknown man, Deep Throat, who warns him to be careful and confirms Mulder's suspicions about aliens. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Squeeze



Squeeze - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Scully and Mulder are called in when a businessman is found dead in his office. The doors and windows were locked from the inside and the only other possible opening is an extraordinarily small air vent, which no person could possibly go through. The dead man also had his liver torn out. There is also a strange elongated fingerprint on the vent which leads Mulder to find two sets of old cases the first dating to 30 years ago and the other 30 years before that. All of the victims had their livers torn out of their bodies. More importantly, the elongated fingerprint is an exact match, despite the long interval in between events. Mulder is convinced that the killer is the same man who comes out of hibernation every 30 years to feed his appetites. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Conduit



Conduit - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Mulder and Scully travel to Sioux City to investigate the disappearance of a teenager, Ruby Morris, whose mother Darlene claims was abducted by aliens. There's some reluctance on the part of the FBI to even open an X-File on the matter until Mulder finds that the Darlene was also supposedly abducted during a girl scout outing when she was a teenager. Ruby had something of a wild reputation and the local authorities believe she may have run off with a biker. Ruby's younger brother Kevin is seeing something on the television that he can translate into binary code, something that is of interest to the NSA. For Mulder, the case is far too reminiscent of his sister Samantha's abduction by aliens when he was 12 and she 8 years old. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil


The Jersey Devil - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

When a homeless man is found in the woods just outside Atlantic City with his arm and shoulder chewed off, Mulder thinks it may be the work of the fabled Jersey Devil. Mulder has an X file from a killing in 1947 where a man who stopped to fix a flat tire was snatched and dragged into the woods in front of his wife and children. The agents are in Atlantic City informally but they get little or no support from the local police. It's clear that they know there is beast out there but are worried about the impact it might have on tourism if it became widely known. Mulder and Scully investigate on their own with the help of a park ranger and a paleontologist. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Shadows



Shadows - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.4
46 min

Scully and Mulder are called in by two secretive government agents and asked if they've ever had an X file with similarities to their most recent case. Two men were found dead in an alley but still have a residual electrostatic charge and it appears their throat and larynx were crushed, but from the inside. Mulder manages to get a fingerprint from each of the dead men and learns they both had ties to terrorist organizations. Using video firm a nearby ATM, they find that the two men had attacked Lauren Kyte a secretary at Defense Department contractor HTG Industrial Tecnologies. She's recently decided to leave her job after the death of her boss Howard Graves, who recently committed suicide. Lauren isn't sure how she got away from those men or how they were killed. It all leads Mulder to believe to believe that Lauren may have a guardian angel. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Ghost in the Machine

Ghost in the Machine


Ghost in the Machine - EPS 07

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

Mulder and Scully are asked by Mulder's old partner Agent Jerry Lamana for help on a case. Benjamin Drake chairman of Eurisko, a major computer company, was electrocuted at the office. The dead man was a personal friend of the Attorney General and Jerry doesn't want to mess up on such a high profile case. Computer genius Brad Wilczek co-founded the company with Drake and had a falling out over the direction of the company. Mulder wonders is someone might have hacked into the Eurisko building's elaborate computer system to use it to electrocute Drake. He turns to his new contact, Deep Throat, to try and figure out what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Ice



Ice - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.9
46 min

Mulder and Scully head off to Alaska when the scientists working on the Arctic Ice Core project have seemingly gone crazy and killed each other. The project team had just beaten the record for the deepest core sample when they soon began to act oddly. Along with two scientists and a helicopter pilot, the agents arrive at the deserted post and soon find that an ancient micro-organism from one of the deep core samples is responsible. The helicopter pilot is the first affected and has to be restrained. One other of the group is also infected and the chief scientist in the group thinks it's Mulder. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Space



Space - EPS 09

IMDb: 6.2
47 min

Mulder and Scully travel to Houston after a NASA employee, Michelle Generoo, shows them evidence that a space shuttle may have been sabotaged. They had recently had to abort a launch just seconds before lift-off and another launch is now scheduled. The man in charge of the program is a legendary Gemini astronaut, Col. Marcus Aurelius Belt. He claims there's nothing to the scrubbed launch that they weren't aware of and the talk of sabotage is nonsense. The second launch goes off without any problems but ground control is soon encountering difficulties communicating with the craft. It's all related to something that happened to Belt during his last Gemini flight and it's now affecting his judgment. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel


Fallen Angel - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

With inside information courtesy of Deep Throat, Mulder heads off to Wisconsin where the Defense Department is in the process of reclaiming a downed UFO. He sets off on his own and finds the crash site only to be knocked out by a soldier. In the brig, he meets Max Fenig, a UFO enthusiast who was also arrested for being too close to the clean up site. Mulder, who has been working on his own, is rescued by Scully but he is clearly in big trouble and faces a professional conduct hearing. When Fenig is found dead, it is clear that there are forces within the government who will go to any length to keep the existence of alien life forms a secret. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Eve



Eve - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Scully and Mulder are called into investigate a strange case of a man found sitting in his backyard having been exsanguinated and having two bite marks on his neck. The man's daughter, Teena, only remembers seeing what she calls red lighting. They've barely started the investigation when they learn there has been a virtually identical attack on the west coast. When they meet that man's daughter, Cindy, she is identical to Teena. Deep Throat provides Mulder with information about the Litchfield experiments, attempts at gene modification where children, named Adam and Eve, were produced. They trace a common link from the girls to Dr. Sally Kendrick who was fired for her position at a fertility clinic for experimenting in eugenics. The agents take the girls into protective custody but it's not the girls who need protecting. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Fire



Fire - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Mulder is approached by a former love interest, Scotland Yard Inspector Phoebe Green, who needs help on a case. To date, three British politicians have spontaneously combusted, burning to a crisp. There has been no trace of accelerant being used and little to connect the three deaths. Green is in the U.S. providing security to Sir Michael Marsden and his family and wants to make sure nothing happens to him while he is visiting. Mulder tells Scully that he wants to take care of this himself - somewhat to her annoyance - but she eventually finds crucial evidence that leads the to the killer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Beyond the Sea

Beyond the Sea


Beyond the Sea - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.8
46 min

After two college students are kidnapped on the one year anniversary of a similar kidnapping at a different school, Mulder is convinced that they are dealing with a serial killer. He's ready to deal with the case on his own as Scully has recently lost her dearly beloved father but she insists on working her way through this difficult time. Mulder is annoyed when a self-declared psychic who is soon to be executed in the gas chamber, Luther Lee Boggs, offers to give them information about the case in return for a permanent stay of execution. Mulder is convinced he's a sham as far as being a psychic goes and is convinced that Boggs is orchestrating the kidnappings using outsiders. Scully, who has had her own encounter with the supernatural recently, isn't so sure and takes Boggs far more seriously. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Gender Bender

Gender Bender


Gender Bender - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Mulder and Scully investigate a series of bizarre deaths, all of which involved healthy young adults who died of massive coronaries after having sexual intercourse. Mulder believes the heart attacks were brought on by massive amounts of pheromones though Scully is somewhat skeptical. The geographic distribution of the murders leads them to Massachusetts and a religious cult known as the Kindred. The sect allows them into the group provided they surrender their weapons. They are also upset to learn that one of them may be committing murders in the outside world. They have a secret however, one that will astound the open-minded Mulder. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Lazarus



Lazarus - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Scully and another agent, Jack Willis, are on a stakeout in a bank that they believe has been targeted by a pair of married robbers. In the ensuing gunfire, both the robber and Agent Willis are seriously wounded. At the hospital, Agent Willis is revived and the robber, Dupre, dies. As time goes on, Mulder becomes convinced that it is Dupre's consciousness that survived but in Willis' body. Scully is disbelieving even after Mulder demonstrates that the new Willis is now left-handed and has forgotten Scully's birthday, even though they were born the same day. When Jack takes Scully prisoner, it's up to Mulder to rescue her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Young at Heart

Young at Heart


Young at Heart - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.5
46 min

The man whom Mulder worked for before calls him to tell him of something weird, a robbery and a note left for him. When Mulder reads it, it's how a criminal whom he pursued 6 years ago would leave notes for him. Thing is the man died a few years ago in prison. But when more crimes occur Mulder wonders, if the man is really dead. And later someone calls Mulder and talks like the man but the voice is younger. Mulder goes to the prison where the man died and inmate says that on the night he died he was in the infirmary being treated for an infection to his hand and the doctor said he's dead but he saw he was alive and the doctor threatened him. Later Mulder's mentor is killed. Mulder later learns that the doctor who treated the man was working on a secret project to reverse the aging process. But he was so reckless that he was shun by the medical community. Mulder thinks the doctor was working on it and needed elderly test subjects like the criminal so he thinks he did it so the man is ... Written by

Country: USA
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E.B.E. - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a possible encounter between a trucker and a UFO in Tennessee. For Mulder the evidence of a close encounter is overwhelming. With information from Deep Throat, who turns out not to be as useful as it has in the past, Mulder turns to the three Lone Gunmen for help in locating the truck as it makes its way across America. Scully is amazed the the Lone Gunmen's level of paranoia until she finds a bug in a pen in Mulder's desk. They follow the truck but it doesn't lead to a happy conclusion. Deep throat does explain his motivation, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Miracle Man

Miracle Man


Miracle Man - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

The FBI is called in to assist Sheriff Maurice Daniels who thinks that a young preacher, Samuel Hartley, is responsible for several deaths. Since he was a young child Hartley has reputedly been able to cure the sick by the laying on of hands. As a boy he revived someone who had been badly burned and pronounced dead at the scene. He and his stepfather, Calvin Hartley, now run a revival-like tent ministry but Samuel's attempts at healing has resulted in several deaths. As far as Sheriff Daniels is concerned, Samuel is a murderer and wants to get the proof to arrest him. Mulder isn't so sure and wonders if there might be other forces at work. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Shapes



Shapes - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

A Montana Native American reserve is the center of attention as Mulder and Scully investigate the strange death of a local Indian man. The shooters claim they saw a monster attack them, and an old legend of lycanthropic nature comes forward. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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HD Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls


Darkness Falls - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Mulder and Scully head off to the Pacific Northwest when there are reports that 30 loggers seem to have simply disappeared. Mulder is aware of a similar case for the 1930s and along with a Forest Ranger and a representative of the logging company, the agents head off into the woods. They know that environmental activists are active in the area and when they come across one of them, he says that a swarm of bugs that only comes out at night is responsible for the deaths. A body they find wrapped in a bug cocoon seems to bear out his claim. With no way to communicate with the outside world and with the gas for the generator running low, they have to find a way to survive. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Tooms



Tooms - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Mulder seems to be the only person concerned at the prospect that Eugene Tooms is about to be released from the psychiatric institution he's been in for several months. His pleadings fall on deaf ears as Tooms has never been convicted of a crime and the review board find Mulder's claims preposterous. Mulder is convinced Tooms will strike again and begins to follow him while Scully contacts the retired police detective, Frank Briggs, who had helped them in their earlier investigation. An old corpse from a long ago killing helps them out. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Born Again

Born Again


Born Again - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Mulder and Scully are called in by the Buffalo Police Department after an experienced detective, Rudy Barbala, jumped to his death through a window from the upper floor of the 14th precinct. He was interviewing a young girl at the time, Michelle Bishop, but there was no one else in the room with them. Mulder immediately begins to suspect that Michelle may have telekinetic powers, something that seems to be proven when Scully finds a large burn mark on Barbala's body much as Mulder as predicted. Michelle says there was a ghost in the room with them and her rendition of him leads then to the case of dead detective Charlie Morris, who was killed in a police raid. In fact,Charlie may be back and seeking revenge against the policemen who got rid of him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Roland



Roland - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate the murder of a jet propulsion scientist who was trapped in a wind chamber and sucked through a jet engine when the unit was activated. It isn't the first death among the scientists there, with Arthur Grable having died in an accident several months before. As they gather evidence in the case the main suspect becomes the janitor, Roland, who is autistic but with a great knowledge of fluid mechanics. When Mulder finds a connection between Roland and the first dead scientist, it opens up any number of possibilities. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Erlenmeyer Flask

The Erlenmeyer Flask


The Erlenmeyer Flask - EPS 24

IMDb: 9.1
46 min

Deep Throat contacts Mulder in the middle of the night to give him some important information. A man successfully evaded police when at the end of a high speed chase, he jumps into the river and promptly disappears. One of the officers did manage to shoot but the blood he leaves behind is green. Mulder follows the clues and it leads him to information that he only dreamed existed. It does mean death for someone however and perhaps the end of the X Files investigations. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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