Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Jimmy is happy with his life. Sasha talks with Cruz about taking the Sergent's exam. Ty and Sully find an injured woman, who later says she was raped by police.
All Episodes - S05
Lt Johnson's burns are very bad, and he is transferred to another hospital by helicopter, with Doc and Mrs Johnson at his side. Kim finds out that Aaron is dead. Faith goes to surgery for her wounds. Bosco tells Swersky what happened, and then talks to the FBI. Written by wendyh65
Kim discovers that her former lover was a drug user. A new paramedic starts, who Doc blames for Alex's death. Bosco tries to get Faith out of trouble for shooting Cruz. Taylor's funeral is held.
Faith goes home. Fred's mother arrives to help. Ty and Sully chase a truck that skips a checkpoint, and find themselves dealing with something quite unexpected.
Jimmy struggles as Acting Lieutenant. Bosco and Monroe deal with a rapper causing problems. Ty is thinking about law school again. Faith is not making any progress with her recovery.
Bosco, Ty and Sully attend a rally where a judge's car is bombed. Cruz wants out of uniform and plans a sting operation. Sully is chosen for protection detail. Faith is back in hospital.
Judge Halsted's housekeeper is injured in the blast. Munroe orders a rape kit for Cruz. The case of Letty's killer comes to court.
Cruz reveals to the house that she was raped, and her attacker is transported by Bosco. Faith is finding counseling difficult.
Sully and Ty are still studying for their law entrance exam. Doc is back, and takes charge. Barnes wants a plea-bargain and gives up Buford. Kiely is seriously ill, and Carlos is tested to see if he's a match for donation.
Carlos tracks down Kiely's aunt, then finds out more about his own family in his bid to find a donor. Bosco and Monroe deal with a turf war between laundry suppliers.
Sully pulls a little girl from a burning deserted building. Bosco arrests a paedophile working as Santa in a toy store. Carlos gets a message from someone who thinks he might be Carlos' brother.
Bosco and Munro are called out to an anonymous call for help, and find a guy who says he has been in a fight.
Jimmy is happy with his life. Sasha talks with Cruz about taking the Sergent's exam. Ty and Sully find an injured woman, who later says she was raped by police.
Jimmy proposes. A new Captain arrives at the fire house. Cruz extracts a murder confession from a man who Munro saw elsewhere at the time of the crime.
Steeper orders the paramedics out of the house. Bosco finds out Allie Nardo has visited Rose Boscorelli. Doc invites Christian along in the bus.
Sasha loses her off-duty weapon. Doc prepares for a special day in the firehouse. Faith returns to work. Bosco takes a personal day for a family emergency.
The investigation into Doc's actions starts. Rose invites Bosco to dinner, unbeknown to him with his brother. Fred is upset that Faith is partnering with Bosco again. A dead body is found, near signs that a drug war is starting. Cruz is miffed at being left out of a raid. Written by wendyh65
Questions are asked about why Cruz and Dade were watching Bosco's brother. Autopsy reveals that Dade was poisoned by Teflon on the bullets. Bosco searches for Mikey. Mikey says he was the driver, but not the shooter.
Sasha rear-ends a car that has a child in the front seat. Ty and Sully sit the LSAT exam. There is a new firefighter in the crew, a former cop, which causes friction between the two houses.
Bosco's father engages an expensive lawyer for Mikey. Kim gets caught up in a rave where anti-crime and the drug squad are making a raid, and a fire is started. Cruz continues to compete against the drug squad.
Sasha returns to work. Bosco prepares for his brother's court appearance. Sully's breakfast routine is broken when the owner of a restaurant he frequents is killed in a hold-up. Rebecca collapses, and it is found that she has been badly abused. The LSAT results arrive. Written by wendyh65
Sully and Ty discover a headless body in the trash. A new medic joins the team. Faith sits vigil with Rebecca, and tries to understand how a mother could allow this to happen to a child. Mikey is located.
Faith pleads for her marriage. Bosco prepares for his brother's funeral. Donald Mann plots revenge including killing all the police who were at his son's death.