Ferdy visits Mia at home where her new man, Seb, tells him what he thinks of men like him.
All Episodes - S02
Anna and Miles have doubts about each other after finally getting together at a party. Egg says goodbye to both his father and his writing career. Milly is taken aback by the arrival of an attractive new trainee at the firm.
Anna is up against Miles in a court case. Anna changes her plea without telling Miles and wins the case, much to his annoyance. Kira is angry that Kelly has returned to work and taken her job back as receptionist. Warren is surprised when Ferdy calls to the house. He tells him that the wedding never took place due to his fiancée finding out that he was bisexual. Warren allows him to stay at the house for a while. Written by GusF
The housemates come to an agreement that Egg can cook for them by paying him for groceries each week. Egg loses the money at the bookmakers and claims that he was mugged. Ferdy is still upset at having split from his fiancée, although Warren is adamant that he is gay. Anna, now up for tenancy at her law firm, has not impressed the other barristers with her underhand tactics against Miles. Egg applies for a job as a chef. Written by GusF
Miles has placed a lonely hearts advert in a magazine and sets himself up on some dates - with limited success. Egg is enjoying his new job at the café working with a girl called Nicki. Warren is frustrated with Ferdy staying at the house as Ferdy is showing no interest in him. To relieve his anguish he goes to the local park to pick up a man, but is arrested by the police. Written by GusF
Warren tells O'Donnell what has happened, but as a reporter shows up at the office, O'Donnell becomes uneasy about the bad publicity. Anna assists Miles on a case and helps him to win. With Warren's story in the newspaper, O'Donnell asks him to consider handing in his resignation. When Warren refuses, O'Donnell is forced to sack him. Written by GusF
Warren attends a line-up and is being defended by Milly. Kira has asked Jo out, but she has a plan to play hard to get. Egg is paranoid that Nicki fancies him and feels awkward when they go out for a drink together until she tells him that he's not her type. O'Donnell tells Milly that she must drop Warren's case. Milly passes it onto Anna, who gets him off with a small fine. Written by GusF
Warren has decided to leave and travel the world - beginning with Australia. Egg discovers that Nicki has a five-year-old son. The others begin to discuss who to rent Warren's room out to. Milly is angered when Rachel is suggested, due to her increasing dislike of her co-worker. Dale calls to see Warren but they are unable to reconcile their differences. Later, a farewell party is thrown for Warren before he sets off on his travels the following morning. Written by GusF
An advert is placed in the local newspaper for a new housemate. A number of people are interviewed but none of them are deemed suitable. Miles calls Rachel to tell her to move in, but when Milly finds out she is annoyed and tells Ferdy that he can have the room. Kira and Jo go out on a date, and Kira's hard to get act is making Jo eager for more. Written by GusF
Ferdy visits Mia at home where her new man, Seb, tells him what he thinks of men like him.
O'Donnell asks Milly to go to Paris with him on a conference. Milly agonises over her decision, but ultimately declines. Ferdy gets some hashish and while he's out of the house, the Police call to question him about the smashing-up of the car. Miles and Egg, who is stoned, are left to deal with them. On returning, Ferdy lies and gives Miles and Egg as alibis, much to Miles' fury. Written by GusF