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This program delves deep into the atom to find the ultimate constituents of matter focusing finally on the theoretical Higgs Boson.
All Episodes - S01
This program examines some recent scientific theories of the universe and conceptions about God they may suggest.
After reviewing theories about how black holes form and how they were detected this program looks at their counterintuitive behavior that makes them seem so bizarre.
Since Einstein developed the theory of relativity physicists could no longer take time for granted and have been struggling ever since to understand it. This program examines the current thinking and emerging ideas about time. But when it comes to the possibility of time travel physicist have lots of ideas about how to do it but they can't agree if it is possible. Written by David Foss
Following a review of the discovery and evidence for the Big Bang this program examines the progress of scientists trying to determine what went on before the Big Bang that could have caused it.
Scientists explore a variety of ways that life may have formed on earth and try to recreate them.
This program considers the likelihood that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe and the prospects that it may inhabit a nearby planet. Then the various methods being used to look for alien intelligence are reviewed.
This program delves deep into the atom to find the ultimate constituents of matter focusing finally on the theoretical Higgs Boson.
Scientists have discovered that the universe we see is an incidental component of all there is. This program explains how dark matter and dark energy were discovered and how scientists are struggling to understand them.