Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Spider-Man is the only one prepared to support Triton of the Inhumans as he returns to his home city to stop his people attacking and save New York from a war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Inhumans.
All Episodes - S03
Spider-Man realizes he has inspired a whole new generation of aspiring super-heroes and wants to encourage them to have S.H.I.E.L.D. training and form a new team, the New Warriors. However, Taskmaster and his Thunderbolts stage a surprise attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Carrier, and the New Warriors must face their first trial by fire when they strive to prevent a breakout of the Green Goblin, Dr. Octopus, Beetle and Scorpion. Written by Anonymous
Goblin uses Electro to power up the siege perilous to collect the DNA of other Spider-Men. Spider-Man follows Goblin and boosts the confidence of Spider-Man 2099 and helps Spider-Girl to defeat Norma Osborn.
Spider-Man continues following Green Goblin across the multiverse to stop him from collecting Spider-Men DNA. He helps Spider-Man Noir to renew his friendship with Mary Jane.
Spider-Man helps Spyder-Knight take down the medieval Dr. Octopus and save York, then helps Miles Morales forgive himself for what happened to Peter Parker in his universe.
Spider-Man finally ends up back in his own universe, he finds Green Goblin has injected himself with the Spider-Men DNA from all the universes to become the Spider-Goblin. With Electro's help from the Siege Perilous he summons all the Spider-Men dubbed Web-Warriors to battle the Spider-Goblin and save New York. Written by Anonymous
The Guardians of the Galaxy land on Earth to repair their ship at the same time Titus leads the Chitauri into targeting Nova's helmet. Now Spider-Man and Nova must work with the Guardians of the Galaxy to defeat Titus and the Chitauri.
Spider-Man is the only one prepared to support Triton of the Inhumans as he returns to his home city to stop his people attacking and save New York from a war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Inhumans.
In this first of a four part story, Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. battle their greatest foes for the fate of the planet. In the first round Spider-Man is chosen to be part of The Collector's team and is partnered with Hulk and Iron Man against The Grandmaster's team of villains consisting of Kraven, Molten Man and The Wendigo King.
In this second of a four-part story, Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. battle their greatest foes for the fate of the planet. Spider-Man is partnered with Captain America, Red Hulk and Iron Fist in a game of capture the flag against Sandman, Blastaar and Ymir. Then Spider-Man is partnered with Power Man, Black Widow and Skaar against Doctor Octopus, Absorbing Man and Zzzax in a game of last team standing but things become a problem when the Grandmaster starts changing the environment of the game.
In this third of a four-part story, Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. battle their greatest foes for the fate of the planet. Spider-Man teams up with Iron Spider, Agent Venom and Thor against Terrax, Attuma and Annihilus. Then Spider-Man uses LMDs to distract The Grandmaster so he, Iron Spider and Agent Venom can board Grandmasters ship to save the hostages. Can his plan succeed?
In this final part of a four-part story, Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. battle their greatest foes for the fate of the planet. The Grandmaster has won the Contest of Champions, but Spidey asks for a winner take all rematch, can Spider-Man win?