Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
A surprise visitor delivers divorce papers to Kimmy. Jacqueline comes up with a plan to get Russ's dad to rename the Redskins.
All Episodes - S03
Back in New York, Titus goes to great lengths to score an audition for Sesame Street. Jacqueline encourages Kimmy to play hardball with the Reverend.
Titus unleashes his inner Beyoncé when he suspects Mikey of cheating. Kimmy checks out colleges, and Jacqueline and Lillian clash over city politics.
A surprise visitor delivers divorce papers to Kimmy. Jacqueline comes up with a plan to get Russ's dad to rename the Redskins.
Kimmy makes a splash at Columbia University while doing odd jobs to save up for college. Titus sings backup for a controversial musician.
The FBI enlists Kimmy's help when former mole woman Gretchen tries to start a cult of her own. Titus is stricken with a strange disease.
Kimmy goes to her first college party with her new friends. Jacqueline calls Titus for backup when Russ's brother puts the moves on her.
Titus goes after big pharma when a drug company steals his likeness. Lillian convinces Kimmy that the weatherman can't be trusted.
Titus makes a shocking confession, and while a hurricane hits, Kimmy tries to make her bunker fun by adding fun games and puzzles.
Titus takes Kimmy to Church for Good Friday and discovers a snake in their mists Meanwhile Jacqueline gives Lillian a make over for her new boyfriends family
Titus becomes outraged when he discovers his bodega now charges to use the rest room facilities and decides to act upon it by stealing the bathroom key with Kimmy Meanwhile, Jacqueline fights for the Red-Skins name to be changed once again. Written by Harry Halë
Kimmy discovers the humiliating power of the Internet. Titus wonders if he's compatible with Reuben. Jacqueline takes care of Mimi after butt surgery.
Russ' transformation opens doors for Jacqueline. Kimmy wrestles with a philosophical dilemma. Artie invites Lillian on a European cruise.
Kimmy decides to become a crossing guard. Buoyed by the success of Boobs in California, Titus tries to win back Mikey with help from Jacqueline.