Noblesse Oblige

Noblesse Oblige

It's Summer 1929 and Georgina and Robert Stockbridge have fallen in love and want to marry. Richard and Virginia couldn't be happier and the happy couple set a date to marry in June 1930. They don't count on Robert's parents objecting however. The Duchess of Buckminster loves her son very much and having read of some of Gerogina's exploits in the society pages, questions his choice. She meets Georgina and comes away more impressed than she likely expected. Robert's parents decide that he is to go abroad for several months and if he still feels the same on his return, they will give their consent. Below stairs, Mrs. Bridges and Ruby have a major row leading the scullery maid to resign. She quickly finds a job through an agency but finds that working for the imperious Mrs. Waddilove is anything but a joy. Mrs. Bridges has a similar experience with Ruby's replacement leading them both to reconsider what has happened. Written by garykmcd



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HD On with the Dance

On with the Dance


On with the Dance - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.1
51 min

It's July 1919 and everyone is celebrating the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Hudson allows the servants to go watch the victory parade, Georgina marches with her fellow nurses and James attends at the Royal pavilion. Richard and his new bride Virginia return to London and begin to search for a new home. James however is having difficulty moving on, still feeling the aftereffects of the wounds he suffered and most of all, the loss of his wife Hazel. The house is too large for just he and Georgina and despite his pleas that Richard and Virginia take up residence at 165 Eaton Place, Virginia insists they find a home of their own. Faced with no other option, James give the servants a months notice and plans on selling the house. Georgina suggests they invite Virginia's two children for an afternoon and it leads to a surprising outcome. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD A Place in the World

A Place in the World


A Place in the World - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.6
53 min

It's February 1920 and James Bellamy is still trying to find his way in the world. After writing a letter to the Times on the current lack of support for World War I veterans who are suffering with the high level of unemployment and lack of government programs, he accepts an offer to stand for the Conservative party in a by-election. His father thinks that politics isn't for amateurs and isn't very supportive of James' desires. When Richard does offer him his help, James refuses it. Below stairs, the servants receive a visit from Edward and Daisy who have clearly fallen on hard times. Daisy had a miscarriage and lost their baby and Edward is unemployed. Neither have eaten for some time and Edward is clearly one of those veterans that James Bellamy had written about. Edward is too proud to accept the charity of his friends and his bitterness leads to harsh words with Mr. Hudson. On a subsequent visit, they learn what true friendship means. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Laugh a Little Louder Please

Laugh a Little Louder Please


Laugh a Little Louder Please - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.5
51 min

Georgina continues to have many admirers and seems to go from party to party with a bevy of young men following her every move. One in particular, Robin Eliott, is particularly keen on her though Georgina doesn't quite reciprocate his ardent feelings for her. With Richard and Virginia away, Georgina convinces James to let her throw a party at 165 Eaton Place. It proves to be something of a wild party, where guests bring a bottle of liquor or wine to gain admittance - something that shocks the staid Hudson - and where some of the costumes being worn are more than revealing. When in a quiet moment Robin presses Georgina to marry him, she makes it quite clear that she simply wants to have fun and make up for the years she has lost. She is not ready for the outcome of her rejection. Meanwhile the new governess, Miss Treadwell, arrives in the midst of the partying and its aftermath. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA , UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Joy Ride

The Joy Ride


The Joy Ride - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.0
51 min

James surprises everyone by announcing that he has bought an airplane. Her has been taking lessons and now has his pilot's license but his father thinks it's just another frivolous act on the part of his unemployed son. When he mentions it to Virginia she is thrilled by the thought of going up in the air and James invites her to go flying with him that afternoon. She would like to but had promised Richard she would sit in the spectator's gallery in the House of Lords that afternoon while he delivers a blistering attack on the coalition government. When Richard makes it quite clear that she is expected to be there, Virginia rebels and goes off with James for an afternoon of flying. When fog begins to roll in and their return is delayed, worry sets in. As the hours go by, Richard cannot help but wonder if his wife and only son are alive. When they receive reports that a lighthouse reported seeing a low flying aircraft out over the sea, he and everyone in the household assume the worse. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA , UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Wanted - a Good Home

Wanted - a Good Home


Wanted - a Good Home - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.9
49 min

It's Spring 1922 and young William is preparing, at the age of 8, to set off for boarding school. Everyone in the house is excited at the prospect with Mrs. Bridges preparing preserves for him to take along and Daisy sewing name tags in all of his clothing. Both William and his sister Alice have to put up with Miss Treadwell, the children's' governess. She is demanding and brooks no nonsense in the classroom. Trouble begins when the staff, Miss Treadwell excepted, give the children the gift of a puppy. The governess takes an instant dislike to the animal and when Richard and Virginia go away for a few days, she is left in charge of the household. She oversteps the mark however when she orders Hudson to have the animal put down. Rose will not hear of it and they hide the animal until the Bellamys return. The somewhat paranoid Miss Treadwell's rant on their return seals her fate. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD An Old Flame

An Old Flame


An Old Flame - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.2
52 min

It's Spring 1923 and James has a chance meeting with Diana Newbury in a nightclub and manages to rescue her from a potentially embarrassing situation when the police raid the club. He's on his own with Georgina in America and Richard and Virginia in Scotland and Diana joins him at a remote cottage for a couple of weeks. He feels a bit odd cuckolding his longtime friend Bunny Newbury but they plunge headlong into their affair without much concern for anyone else. Their ardor cools however and they quickly grow bored of one another. When Bunny hears what has happened he speaks to Richard Bellamy who is aghast at what his son has done. As the prospects dawns on James of just what he has done, he looks for a way out. Below stairs meanwhile, Edward finds himself in a pickle with his wife Daisy. Having accompanied James Bellamy as a valet he knows all too well what went on and mentioned to Daisy that Diana had her ladies maid, Violet, with her. When Daisy meets Violet by chance, she ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Disillusion



Disillusion - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.1
51 min

It's Spring 1924 and Georgina has returned from visiting Elizabeth in New York City. On her return from a visit to the Wembly Exhibition, she tells Virginia what she saw: Hudson and Lily the parlor maid, touring the exhibition holding hands. Virginia isn't quite sure what to make of it all and whether she should even raise the issue with him but before she can even decide what to do, Hudson gives Lord and Lady Bellamy one month's notice telling them that he has fallen in love with Lilly and that they are to be married. Lily however isn't so sure and and feels trapped by the turn of events. While she has enjoyed her outings with Hudson, he's never really asked her to marry him and he's not what she would want as a husband. She is left with little choice but to tell him in the frankest terms how she views their relationship, leaving broken hearts all 'round. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Such a Lovely Man

Such a Lovely Man


Such a Lovely Man - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.9
53 min

Richard Bellamy has decided that he wants a post in government, specifically an under-secretaryship at the Foreign Office, and begins to lay the groundwork for an appointment. As part of that, he realizes that Sir Guy Painter will have much to say about it all and invites him to dinner. Virginia cannot abide the man and tells Richard so but he begs her to be civil with him and think of his, Richard's, future. Soon however, it becomes very obvious that the has taken a romantic interest in Virginia. He begins to drop to see her unexpectedly and even makes her a gift of a rare first edition. Romance is also in the air below stairs where it turns out Ruby has been corresponding with a stranger thanks to an ad in the newspaper. Hudson and Mrs. Bridges insist that he be invited to tea so they can look him over. He too has a romantic interest in Ruby and proposes. Her response and the reason behind surprises everyone. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Nine Days Wonder

The Nine Days Wonder


The Nine Days Wonder - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.4
48 min

It's May 1926 and the national miners' strike becomes a general strike with all public services coming to a grinding halt. There's no sympathy for the strikers at 165 Eaton Place. Above stairs, James in particular sees this as a precursor to a Soviet-style revolution. Below stairs, Mr. Hudson echoes Winston Churchill's belief that of the miners are reds, something Ruby takes objection to as her uncle Len is a miner and she proclaims, he is no red. James volunteers to drive a municipal bus and Frederick goes along to try and keep the peace. Lady Prudence Fairfax offers free lodging to young men who have come down from Oxford to work as strike breakers. Mr. Hudson goes to work as a Special Constable and is incensed when he returns to find that Ruby's Uncle Len and another miner have stopped in to visit. When the strike is called off after 9 days, it's all seen as a waste by those involved. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Understudy

The Understudy


The Understudy - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Hudson has been feeling unwell and somewhat tired of late. Hudson tells no one but on the very evening that Lord Bellamy is entertaining the French Ambassador at dinner, he has what is diagnosed as a mild heart attack. He'll be unable to serve and the task falls to Edward - much to Frederick's dismay as he felt the task should fall to him. With Virginia away and unable to return - she possibly has the mumps - Georgina substitutes as a last minute replacement as hostess. The dinner goes off without a hitch but when Dr. Foley decides that Hudson should go away for a few months of rest and recuperation, the question of who should replace him comes up. James feels that Frederick should get the job. Frederick and Edward - with Daisy poking him in the ribs to stand up for himself - are practically at each others throats and Rose thinks that neither of them deserve the position. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Alberto



Alberto - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.5
51 min

It's June 1927 and Georgina has decided to take a turn acting in the movies which has become all the rage. She's introduced to movie producer Paul Marvin by her friend Lady Dorothy Hale and after a few drinks, he invites her to be in one of his films. After seeing an announcement in the paper, James lets her know in no uncertain terms that he's dead set set against it and tells her she's embarrassing herself and the household. Frederick the footman meanwhile is unhappy with his lot in life. It's not just that Edward has been made the under butler, it's that he's beginning to wonder if - and where - the grass might be greener. After flirting with Dorothy he is soon having an affair with her and accompanying her on outings with her friends. Lady Dorothy steps over the mark when as a joke she arranges for Frederick to play the part of her lover in the movie. It might have all blown over if it weren't for the fact that James and Lady Prudence decide to drop by the studio to see Georgina's... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Will Ye No Come Back Again

Will Ye No Come Back Again


Will Ye No Come Back Again - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.9
52 min

The Bellamy household packs up and goes to Scotland when Lord Bellamy is loaned a cottage for a ten day holiday. Virginia, Alice and Rose are in Paris but everyone else, including a reluctant Georgina, goes along. Their reception is anything but warm when Hudson, Edward, Daisy, Ruby and Mrs. Bridges arrive to find that no preparations have been made for them. The ghillie, Roderick McKay and his wife aren't very friendly either. McKay suggests they return to London without delay. When that doesn't work he seems to go out of his way to make their stay unpleasant. As Hudson eventually learns, the ghillie has a secret. Georgina meanwhile dislikes the place from the moment they arrive and is bored. When James reveals his burning love for her, she tells him there can be no future for them and he returns to London. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Joke Over

Joke Over


Joke Over - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.5
50 min

It's summer 1928 and Georgina continues her carefree life of parties and all-night outings. She's on a scavenger hunt disrupting the household when they take Lord Bellamy's car, over the objections of Edward the chauffeur, and set off for a spin in the country. The rather inexperienced Georgina is at the wheel when a cyclist suddenly darts in front of her car. One member of the group Lord Robert Stockbridge, son of the Duke of Buckminster, was following them in his own car and saw all that had happened. When the man dies, an inquest is called and Georgina learns that several of her so-called friends have opted not to appear and one, an American, has suddenly remembered he needed to return home. When Sir Geoffrey Dillon advises them that Lord Stockbridge will not be called as a witness, it's apparent that the Duke has intervened on his son's behalf and it all looks rather bleak for Georgina. Robert proves to be made of sterner stuff however. Below stairs, Edward is upset at having been... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Noblesse Oblige

Noblesse Oblige


Noblesse Oblige - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.3
51 min

It's Summer 1929 and Georgina and Robert Stockbridge have fallen in love and want to marry. Richard and Virginia couldn't be happier and the happy couple set a date to marry in June 1930. They don't count on Robert's parents objecting however. The Duchess of Buckminster loves her son very much and having read of some of Gerogina's exploits in the society pages, questions his choice. She meets Georgina and comes away more impressed than she likely expected. Robert's parents decide that he is to go abroad for several months and if he still feels the same on his return, they will give their consent. Below stairs, Mrs. Bridges and Ruby have a major row leading the scullery maid to resign. She quickly finds a job through an agency but finds that working for the imperious Mrs. Waddilove is anything but a joy. Mrs. Bridges has a similar experience with Ruby's replacement leading them both to reconsider what has happened. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD All the King's Horses

All the King's Horses


All the King's Horses - EPS 15

IMDb: 9.2
51 min

It's October 1929 and James Bellamy returns to 165 Eaton Place after a two year absence in America. He's made a killing on the stock market and returns with wonderful gifts for everyone. In addition, he tells Georgina that he will pay for her wedding to Lord Stockbridge and for their honeymoon. Even Rose gets a bit of the itch to invest and asks James to help her invest the £1200 her late fiancé had left her. It all begins to go sour however when James learns too late of the Wall Street stock market crash and he loses everything. He had borrowed heavily to invest and now finds himself in debt beyond anything that is recoverable. Rose has also lost her nest egg and is now not only trapped in her job but feels that she has lost the last connection to her lost loved one. When Lord Bellamy hears that James invested Rose's money they have a frightful row, perhaps the worse they have ever had in their always difficult relationship. For James, there can be only one way out of the predicament... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Whither Shall I Wander?

Whither Shall I Wander?


Whither Shall I Wander? - EPS 16

IMDb: 9.3
55 min

It's Summer 1930 and Sir Geoffrey Dillon informs the family that he has finally managed to work his way through the detail of James Bellamy's estate. In his will he left pretty well everything to Georgina but she will have nothing to inherit. The house will have to be sold along with the contents with the proceeds used to pay down the debts he left behind. Still distraught at James deaths, Georgina anxiously awaits the return of Robert Stockbridge from his forced trip around the world. They have been writing each other constantly but she has now gone nearly three weeks without a letter and she tells Virginia she is certain that he has changed his mind. When he does return, he reaffirms his desire to marry her but she is the one who now refuses, stating that she is penniless and has no money to pay for her wedding. She flatly refuses to let the Bellamys pay and talks of going abroad herself. It's Virginia who comes up with a plan make things right. Below stairs, the servants have been ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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