Season 03
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Maidie Brant and her son Matthew dog and horses are attacked by an injured cougar. Maidie tells her son he must kill the dog and horses due to their severe injuries but he refuses so she does it. It leaves them stranded when Hawks finds them. She is headed east and is willing to pay the Major top dollar for horses. Adams tells her he needs all their stock to reach the next town where stock can be purchased at a cheaper price but she refuses to return there. The Major and friend Orbio de Costa notice her severe attitude toward life and survival are taking a toll on her son as she refuses to allow him or herself to develop a friendship or accept help. de Costa learns she had to support her sick husband for ten years with him showing no gratitude or interest in how she did it. He decides to give her a pair of his horses but when Matthew runs off, a cougar attack causes the death of de Costa as well as the boy attacking do Costa thinking it is his mother. It awakens her to what she has ... Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S03
This time the Major, Hawks, and Wooster are returning to St. Louis by stagecoach from San Francisco while Flint is going by sea with Angela, a Latin dancer. When a patron tries to kiss Angela after her last dance, Flint and friend Caleb Jamison start a fight resulting in a broken arm for Caleb. Caleb was to drive the initial stage run to St. Louis to win a US Post Office Mail contract. Having previous experience as a driver, Flint agrees to drive the stage whose passengers include Adams, Hawks, Wooster, and others including a woman who appears to be Angela but she denies it. When the stage reaches New Mexico the woman and three other passengers hijack the stage. They want Flint and others to accidently drive the stage into Mexico to smuggle weapons to revolutionaries there. Flint and Caleb have to decide whether to help while Angela admits to Flint who she really is. Caleb is also faced with financial ruin for him and his father due to the lost contract. Written by Anonymous
A new train full of greenhorns is formed in St. Louis. Samuel Evans and Humphrey Pumphret are typical examples. Although Major Adams gives explicit details on what supplies to take, as usual the greenhorns don't listen and the merchants take advantage of them. Samuel is a dedicated bachelor traveling with his aunt but Humpphrey's daughter Melanie catches his eye. The members of the train go by riverboat to St. Joseph where they learn how to handle their wagons and break in their new horses. The men have to quickly learn how to handle problems they encounter. The relationship between Samuel and Melanie takes a turn when it appears Melanie contracts cholera and Samuel decides to stay with her. As Adams knows will happen, the greenhorns develop into people able to handle the roadblocks in front of them on their way west. Written by Anonymous
The Major agreed to take a reporter, C.L. Harding, with the wagon train to Fort Laramie. When the reporter arrives, Adams is surprised and unhappy to learn the reporter is a woman, Celia Lucinda Harding. He tries to back out but her editor changes his mind. Harding is a new independent woman whose position usually riles the Major but they develop a love hate relationship with the love mostly hidden. When a new judge has to be elected on the train, Harding asks the Major to allow the women to vote as well which he vehemently opposes. She organizes the women plus Wooster into a strike. No cooking, mending, or affection for the men until they are allowed to vote. Things become so bad for the men they plead with him to allow the women to vote. After a women's demonstration stampedes the horses and they are found, Harding and the Major try to mend their differences. As they do so, Arletta asks the Major is they are in Wyoming. After Adams confirms they are in Wyoming, Arletta informs him ... Written by Anonymous
Scouting ahead of the train Flint discovers a young man bleeding to death from a stab wound and a knife nearby. He takes the body and knife to Sheriff Hixon who he knows. The Sheriff recognizes the body as that of the youngest Zamora brother who has a reputation as a trouble maker. His father Estaban Zamora, a Basque from Spain, is on the train planning to join his three sons in the new country herding sheep. The sons tell him a horse fell killing his son but Estaban quickly realizes they are lying. The Basque tradition requires the father to exact revenge for the killing of a son. Everyone including the sons want to prevent Estaban from following the tradition. As Esteban asks questions, he soon learns his youngest son was running with a group of sheep rustlers and the family name is smeared. The Sheriff tells Estaban there is little evidence showing him the knife Flint recovered. Estaban recognizes the knife as one he made for his sons and confronts the eldest son Manuel. His wife ... Written by Anonymous
Madame Elizabeth McQueeny presents Major Adams papers from officials in Washington D.C. requesting he take her and her group to the west with the wagon train. She tells the Major that she plans to open a girls finishing school in the west to introduce them to new wealthy pioneers there. Adams willingly takes her and her girls on the train. The son of the Blower family, Stanley, works as a driver for McQueeny. One of the girls Roxanne rides with him and the two eventually develop a close relationship resulting in Roxanne telling him they are all actually entertainers which is considered a degrading position for women. When word spreads to the women of the camp, they demand Adams evict the group from the train at the first safe opportunity putting the Major into the position of having to comply. However, when Stanley and others develop the disease spotted fever, it is McQueeny who takes charge and knows how to handle the disease. Her and her girls handle the victims is a quarantine area... Written by Anonymous
On the way to Fort Hastings Flint is joined by his Sioux friend Curly Horse at a water hole as Flint is attacked by a Cheyenne brave. Traditionally enemies, the Cheyenne and Sioux may be working together. Curly tells Flint the Major's daughter Martha is still at the fort. Martha wants little to do with Flint partly because he left her plus she thinks he is a renegade white man because of his friendship with Curly Horse and the Sioux. A patrol led by Capt. Wade Forrest to whom Martha is engaged is attacked by the Sioux. He is wounded in the leg and hides while the other survivor Private Carpenter goes on foot to Fort Hastings for help. The Major decides to send Flint and Curly Horse to rescue Forrest. The Sioux have taken Forrest prisoner so Curly Horse goes to his camp while Flint returns to Fort Hastings. Flint finds everyone dead except Martha who is partly crazed. He is able to sneak Martha out but her actions lead to the Sioux capturing them. Black Panther wants Martha for his ... Written by Anonymous
Orphan Tuck Hardy is being escorted by his grandfather Cappy Darrin to Kingston to live with his wealthy Uncle Mason according to his mother's will. Cappy has raised Tuck to love the sea and both want to go to sea and see the world. Cappy has been trying to steer Adams off course to miss Kingston but when he fails, Cappy and Tuck decide to strike out on their own to bypass Kingston and head for San Francisco. The two steal supplies, tie up Wooster, and scare the horses to make their escape. The next day the train continues on to Kingston but when the train is close to Kingston, Adams leaves to find Cappy and Tuck. He finds Tuck sick with Cappy by the Platte river after a failed attempt to sail their wagon across the river. They return to Kingston where Cappy prays for Tuck's recovery. Written by Anonymous
Due to rainstorms blocking their normal route, Flint is scouting for a new route. He finds one but is confronted by three hands who tell him the owner will not allow passage and to leave. Flint turns the table on them taking their weapons and forcing them to take him to the owner Felizia Kingdon - an elderly woman. She states she controls 300,000 acres ruling it with an iron fist learned from her seafaring father. When Flint proves his mettle against her best hands, Felizia decides to hold him to marry her granddaughter and take over the ranch. The foreman and granddaughter with the aid of the maid help Flint escape with Felizia as a hostage. A slip made by Felizia tells Flint she is having the foreman Alex murdered to make room for Flint. Taking Felizia with him, Flint tries to save Alex. Fate intervenes to help Flint and causes reality to settle in with Felizia. At the end she reveals to Flint the truth about what the ranch cost her. Written by Anonymous
The wagon train is needing meat but the area is too dry to support much life. While scouting for meat, Flint stumbles into a lush valley. Although there are several signs warning trespassers to stay out, Flint enters anyway. Jess MacAbee confronts Flint telling him to leave and that they have no livestock. Flint leaves but finds cows and other signs of food so he returns in a stealthy manner confronting Jess. When Jess's wife and five daughters see Flint, it is their first contact with anyone from outside since Jess brought his wife Belle there 20 years earlier. Flint updates them on the outside world which upsets Jess who has the daughters and wife doing all the work while he relaxes and protects them from Indians. Jess and Belle decide that Flint must marry one of the daughters but Flint wants nothing to do with it. Jess runs off a neighbor who has six boys much to Flint's unhappiness. When a group of friendly Indians appear, Flint uses the situation to bring the neighbor back and... Written by Anonymous
Major Adams and Hawks find a boy camping in a ravine as they near Fort Stoneman in hostile Indian territory. He is heading east alone and refuses to go with the train to the Fort to catch a ride east. A massive thunderstorm scares off several horses and floods the ravine. The boy escapes and comes to the train for help. Ultimately he has to go with the train to the Fort where Adams wants to buy horses but needs permission from his old commander Col. Benedict who is on a week long drunk. Adams who found the boy had been flogged soon learns he is the son of Benedict who court martialed him for stomping on the US flag at the funeral of a dear friend. His father carried out the flogging himself resulting in his mental breakdown. General Phil Sheridan is coming to inspect the Fort. The family has a long military tradition but the son wants to be a violinist. Knowing the boy's father and mother, Adams tries to explain things to the son who learns facts he did not know earlier. Written by Anonymous
The womanizing Duke Vittorio Botecelli is ordered to San Francisco by his King. He joins the Adams wagon train along with his butler Josef. The Duke continues his womanizing ways on the train earning the ire of the husbands and Major Adams. Adams tell the Duke he must stop or he will find a bullet in his back. The Duke tries to abide by Adams wishes but when he meets the single Julie Crail things change. Her father was a school master and Major Adams promised to take her west. She is impressed with the Duke's educated ways enjoying his company. Much to the Major and her friend Todd's chagrin they develop a close relationship. However, the Duke tells her their time is an escapade causing her to avoid him until he rescues her from a runaway team and wagon. The train is met by a coach carrying the Duke's future bride and her father to meet the Duke and take him back to Italy for their wedding. The Duke immediately realizes he must leave Julie but he is in love with her and for the ... Written by Anonymous
The wagon train comes down out of the Rockies into a lush valley where the livestock can graze and the people can rest a couple days before Christmas. A couple of the men are making preparations for Christmas with gifts and decorations. After the members of the train have gone to sleep the Ute Indians attack. Three people are killed and some wounded while the Utes lose five braves and several wounded. The dead include the two men making preparations for Christmas. After the attack Mrs. Sherman notices her little boy Jimmy is missing. The men search the train with no luck while also tending to the wounded. By the end of the next day on Christmas eve the Major goes alone to search for Jimmy in the area around the train's camp. He stumbles upon Jimmy and the Ute Chief's son sound asleep at the same time as the Chief. At that point they must decide the future for themselves and the people they both lead. Written by Anonymous
With the wagon train stopped 3 days for repairs, Flint rides off into Sioux territory to look for a white girl who disappeared 11 years ago in the same area. Her father Amos Marshall is on the train hoping to find his daughter who was 8 when the 5 wagon train they were on was attacked and he was the only survivor. When Flint is shot in the thigh by a Sioux arrow, Flint shoots the brave. The brave, son of Chief Red Cloud, crawls to his village while Flint is rescued and tended to by a white woman who never speaks and lives with four wolves. The woman thought by the Sioux to be related to the white buffalo woman is asked by Red Cloud's men to tend to his wounded son but she refuses. However, the men see Flint's hat and tell Red Cloud she has a white man with her. Red Cloud has Flint brought to their village where he is hung by his arms. Red Cloud plans to kill Flint unless his son clears him. The woman -- who may well be the missing Ruth Marshall -- then saves Flint's life by agreeing ... Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis
As the wagon train nears the town of Coal Train, Hawks discovers a woman nearly dead by a cabin. They take her to town where the Sheriff identifies her as Lita Foladaire the wife of Jess Foladaire who was a Captain under Major Adams in the war. As the doctor examines her, she passes away. With Jess out of town, Adams and Hawks decide it is their duty to determine who murdered his friend's wife. They trace her steps through the day as she visited her father, the church, her doctor, and a lawyer. They learn she was beautiful marrying a man much older than her against her father's wishes and that she lost a baby which shattered her relationship with Jess who put high value on the family line. She was killed at the home of the artist Carlotti who painted her portrait. They discovered she made out a will leaving everything to her husband's younger brother Clay. Carlotti felt the relationship between Lita and Clay was more than it should have been. Upon Clay's return followed shortly by her... Written by Anonymous
Flint takes leave to visit Fort Young to see the Harris family. Colonel Harris has returned to command the Fort and they helped raise Flint who spent much time with them growing up. Upon his arrival he learns Charity Harris was killed by Comanches and the mother of Bowman Lewis, Princess, is now a captive of the Army and Bowman is Chief of the Comanches known as Red Bow. After talking with Harris, Flint is sent to Bowman about a meeting with the Army. Flint learns it was a few Comanche braves leaving the tribe for Canada who killed Charity Harris. Bowman agrees to the meeting but when Harris arrives with a large force aiming to attack, the Comanches wipe out the Army forces. Growing up with the Army, Bowman understands and uses military tactics. Harris sends Princess with Major Shegan to arrange another meeting at the Fort with Bowman. When they arrive, Harris takes Flint and Bowman captive. As Harris prepares to leave the Fort with his captives an Indian war party of many tribes ... Written by Anonymous
Maidie Brant and her son Matthew dog and horses are attacked by an injured cougar. Maidie tells her son he must kill the dog and horses due to their severe injuries but he refuses so she does it. It leaves them stranded when Hawks finds them. She is headed east and is willing to pay the Major top dollar for horses. Adams tells her he needs all their stock to reach the next town where stock can be purchased at a cheaper price but she refuses to return there. The Major and friend Orbio de Costa notice her severe attitude toward life and survival are taking a toll on her son as she refuses to allow him or herself to develop a friendship or accept help. de Costa learns she had to support her sick husband for ten years with him showing no gratitude or interest in how she did it. He decides to give her a pair of his horses but when Matthew runs off, a cougar attack causes the death of de Costa as well as the boy attacking do Costa thinking it is his mother. It awakens her to what she has ... Written by Anonymous
At Morgan Falls Joe Hanify comes into the train dying of consumption asking for Flint. He asks Flint to take his 17-year old son Larry and $342 to his brother in California. Flint takes Joe's body to Morgan Falls finding Larry in jail for robbery and the scourge of the town. Flint persuades the Sheriff to release Larry to him with the warning that the boy's actions are on Flint's head. Flint opts to not share Larry's past with anyone in camp. Larry settles in well, friendly with Aggie Donovan and a great singer. Flint leaves on a scouting mission returning to Arapaho finding an employee of the train Callahan drunk and mad. At camp a watch and $20 piece were stolen. Larry told Adams he saw Callahan steal the watch which was found in his bedroll. Flint questions Larry but he is convincing as usual. That night Larry goes to Arapaho trying to win big in a poker game with the $20 but loses $250. He returns asking Aggie for help but she refuses as she doesn't trust him. After Larry leaves, ... Written by Anonymous
The Adams wagon train is waiting for the Tucker, Bernard, and Gantry families to cross the desert to join them. The small group of three wagons loses their scout and leader to a rattlesnake bite. He has left them with maps but there are two routes. One is shorter but Mr. Tucker believes it to be the worst way to go versus Bernard who disagrees. Bernard was a Sergeant under Tucker in the Army. Bernard is tired of taking orders and wants to lead but Tucker destroys their rifles and takes their water to force them to follow him. Tucker and his wife Sabrina together provide the leadership and will power to continue. Water runs low, wagons break down, horses die, and Mrs. Bernard mental stability weakens. The biggest and strongest, Gantry's son, dies further straining relations. With the loss of a horse they chop the three wagons down to two two wheeled carts that they are forced to abandon later when the water is exhausted. Mr. Tucker goes ahead hoping to reach the Adams train for help ... Written by Anonymous
The wagon train hits two dry water holes in a row in the desert forcing severe water rationing. Ben Burns is on the train with his granddaughter and her husband to be John Colter who is a city boy with no outdoor skills. Ben tells Adams that he found Shining Water in the area over 30 years ago and it never goes dry. Adams sends Flint, Ben, John and a few other men to look for it. Ben falls climbing a cliff leaving him with what appears to be fatal wounds but he is not dead and the group is out of water except for Flint's emergency ration. Flint and John stay with Ben who continues to live. During a Shoshone Indian scare, Flint is bitten on the leg by a rattlesnake. Flint is out of his head for a couple of days leaving the scared green John to fend for himself. He decides to suffocate Ben with Flint's jacket and buries Ben. John and Flint head for the wagon train stumbling upon Shining Water. They make it to the train which returns some men to Shining Water with John leading them as ... Written by Anonymous
Ricky and Laurie Bell live in Baltimore, Maryland married for twelve years. Both came from high society but Ricky has lost the family fortune and the two decide to go west. At St. Joe Ricky signs up with Major Adams and buys the necessary supplies and equipment only to learn Laurie is pregnant. They decide to stay at St. Joe for a year until the baby is born with Ricky working at a blacksmith shop. The following year Ricky convinces Adams to allow them to apply the previous year's non-refundable deposit to the current year and train. The couple's relationship is strained as Ricky resents the attention Laurie pays to the baby. The divide increases until the train is hit with a deadly fever. Ricky sees it as his chance to be a hero by helping with the sick while allowing him to be separated from Laurie. Ricky comes down with the fever himself forcing Laurie to choose between the baby and helping Ricky. Adams tells her to stay with the baby. Once the fever dissipates Ricky recovers but ... Written by Anonymous
As a young orphan boy Tom Tuckett encounters a convict in the marshes. The man has the boy bring him a file which he uses to remove his chains. Later, a mysterious benefactor pays for Tom to attend some of the best schools including law school, become a gentleman, and join the wagon train to San Francisco where a job awaits him. He finds two friends are on the train - Miss Stevenson and the girl she raised, Elizabeth. Miss Stevenson was left at the alter leaving her with a lonely and cruel attitude toward life and love which she has passed to Elizabeth. Tom met Elizabeth when she was fourteen and has loved her ever since although she thought him to be common. Nat Burikett surprises Adams at night. He is the cause of the many Indian drums they have heard. Tom believes Miss Stevenson is his benefactor but it is Nat, the convict wanted for treason for warning the Indians about an Army attack when he was a Lieutenant. Tom learns Elizabeth is going to San Francisco to marry as he leaves ... Written by Anonymous
Adams stops the train for fresh horses and to pickup new members. A single wagon comes into camp with Tracy Sadler and helper Cadge Waldo asking to join. Tracy offers to pay Cadge to find Fletcher Forest and a twelve year old boy. Cadge locates them asking Tracy if she wants him to kill them. She tells him no harm is to come to the boy. She reveals the boy is her son who she lost when she went to prison for killing his father. She meets them at Flint's hoedown. The son, David, takes an instant liking to her but Fletcher is wary. David tells Tracy his father has no love for women. As Tracy and David become closer, Fletcher tells her to stay away from both of them accusing her of being his mother. Tracy decides to tell David the truth. The suddenness of the revelation causes David to runaway. While flint locates him, Fletcher and Tracy worry but drunk Cadge decides to settle the issue by taking Fletcher at gunpoint. Fletcher is able to take the gun wounding Cadge. He learns Tracy had no... Written by Anonymous
Flint spots a man collapse and offers him water. The man, Jupe, pulls a knife on Flint taking him captive. Jupe takes him to a camp where he sees Phelan who was kicked off the wagon train last year for stealing. The leader is Alexander Portlass who treats Flint in a civil manner compared to the others. He needs Flint's scouting skills to decipher clues on an Aztec tablet he stole that leads to Montezuma's treasure. He hopes to have a room at the British Musuem dedicated to his find. Flint escapes, recaptured and put in an Oregon boot to prevent another escape. He leads then to a canyon he believes might be the location. While collecting firewood, the Latigo Kid finds an Aztec war club. When he uses it in a fight with Jupe, Alexander is forced to kill Jupe to save the Kid. The Kid leads them to the site where he found the club which has writing on the wall. Flint finds a cave behind the wall. The Latigo Kid enters the hole resulting in his death as claimed by by the Aztec gods. Phelan ... Written by Anonymous
Christine Elliot arrives in St. Louis just before her father passes away. He is moving his school for boys from St. Louis to Sacamento, California. He has closed the school but he leaves eleven orphan boys in Christine's hands to take west. However, since he never had legal guardianship of the boys, Mr. Morton W. Snipple wants the boys to stay behind living at his orphanage for the money they will bring in from the government. Christine along with Abigail decides to leave in the middle of the night to join the Adams wagon train who has already been paid to take them. A twelfth boy joins the group as they leave. Adams initially balks at two women with twelve boys but relents. After a rough start all is well. Christine, a widow, meets Phillip Ayers on the train who had been an orphan raised by her father. He is going west to teach. He asks her to marry him but to her dismay the boys veto the idea which she will not override. Snipple arrives with a deputy to take the boys but Hawks and ... Written by Anonymous
Adams and Hawks spot buzzards overhead finding Joshua Gilliam who has been severely whipped with a bull whip. They return to the train where Greta Halstadt tends to his wounds. Joshua tells them he is a school teacher who was whipped for giving a student a lashing. He is very friendly with Greta to the dismay of her mother Freda. Greta has been teaching the kids on the train but she suggests having a trained teacher would be beneficial to the kids. Joshua is a great teacher and his cultured manners wins Greta's heart. Joshua attempts to secretly hypnotize Greta but Freda interrupts. Freda tells Joshua that Greta will not receive her inheritance unless Freda blesses her marriage. As part of a history lesson Joshua teaches the children about the Salem witch trials while at the same time convincing them witches exist indirectly describing Freda. The children become frighten by Freda causing her to have a nervous breakdown aided by Joshua's tricks. He uses hypnosis to tell Freda to ride ... Written by Anonymous
At camp Margaret Hamilton (Maggie) decides to run off during the evening during another tantrum. She and her parents are from the city with no experience in the west. Maggie has a long history of running away since being a child. The next morning her dad reports her missing to Adams who sends Bill to bring back Flint who has seen signs of a small party of renegades drinking. Maggie becomes lost leaving signs for anyone following her. The renegades find her sign and capture her while finding she is a hand full and literally bites the hand that feeds her. Flint finds the trail catching the group while they sleep except for Sam Bass who frees Maggie thinking she is going to cooperate with him. Cherkee Ned hears Sam leave camp and follows him. He kills Sam while Flint knocks out Ned. Maggie takes Flint's horse while he steals one from the renegades and runs off the rest of their horses. He catches up with Maggie who fell off the horse. She still acts like a spoiled kid even after Flint ... Written by Anonymous
Adams has agreed to Chief Red Hawk's terms to kill no game while crossing his territory. It is taking longer than expected to cross and the train is down to hardtack for meat. Having lived alone in Indian territory all his life Jonas Murdock tells Adams he could catch game without the Indians knowing it. However, Adams is adamant there will be no hunting and has Hawks, a close friend to Jonas, verify Jonas he won't hunt. Young Alma Hardy tells Jonas her grandpa needs protein to stay healthy so Jonas decides to trap a few rabbits. Wooster following Adams' orders trails Jonas catching him trapping. Jonas severely hurts Wooster with his rifle butt. When Adams confronts Jonas with a punch, Jonas hits Adams who is speared in the back by a spit when he falls. Thinking Adams is dead, Jonas leaves camp. Hawks has Wooster take over the train and care of Adams while he goes after Jonas as promised to Chief Red Hawk. Jonas uses his Indian scout experience to steal Bill's horse and gun plus drug ... Written by Anonymous
Flint wore out and sleep deprived takes Adams offer to quit when Adams wants him to help with a busted wagon. He rides to the nearby town of Silver Creek. He has a few drinks with the saloon girl Sophie who gives him a knock out drug. He is shanghaied to work in a tunnel for a future railroad. The regular workers left when the work turned dangerous due to hot water springs. He is in with a rag tag group of men who are hoping escapee Amos Gibbon will bring help but the hopes are dashed when he is returned severely whipped and beaten. Flint and the men agree on a scheme to capture the guards but Gibbons informs on them resulting in the death of Miles. Flint develops a second plan for gaining their freedom using a piece of gold ore Tom found and dynamite Tom stole to trap the Judge and Morton with them. The plan works but the men are trapped in the mine due to an explosion. Adams, missing Flint, decides the men should go to Silver Creek finding a strange man claiming ownership of Flint's... Written by Anonymous
Charles Ivers is found murdered along with a bloody rifle next to drunk and passed out Bradley Mason. After Adams jails Mason, he decides the wagon train will hold a trial for Mason as they are too far from the law. A British Barrister agrees to be prosecutor but when the other two attorneys decline to defend Mason, the job is left to an elderly law professor who never practiced law. Adams is forced to stop a lynching lead by Mr. Miller and his two sons as the whole camp is itching for fast justice. Applewhite tries to put on a strong defense as he actually believes Mason to be innocent but Mason's memory is poor due to his drinking that evening. The only person to have faith in him is sixteen year old Eileen who is in love with Mason. Applewhite is able to prove some of the witnesses against Mason are unreliable but when Ivers' son Davy takes the stand accusing Mason of killing his father, Mason suddenly breaks down admitting he killed Ivers making it look like an open and shut case ... Written by Anonymous
As court reconvenes for sentencing, Applewhite asks to withdraw the confession and continue the trial as a new witness is available. Ivers' wife, Leslie Ivers, has joined the wagon train coming from San Francisco to meet her son and husband at his request. Adams grants Applewhite his requests allowing Applewhite time to prepare and allowing Leslie to speak to Mason. Applewhite questions the Cassidy family members and Eliott Drake about their relationships with Ivers. When Leslie Ivers testifies, she reveals that Ivers killed Molly Cassidy's husband and lead to Drake's father's death. Furthermore, she was first married to Mason who is Ivers' brother but her father annulled the marriage and forced her to marry Charles Mason (Ivers' real name) and Davy is Bradley Mason's son. Furthermore, a man sent to prison by Charles, Jed Fuller, threatened Charles causing him to go west. Bradley Mason takes the stand after realizing people had mistaken who threatened who during his argument with his ... Written by Annymous
Flint discovers a carriage overturned and stops a man whipping an Indian. Countess Baranof is traveling to Alaska with her bodyguard Col. Vasily a Cossock trained in the Russian concept of nobles being above other classes. The Countess is less bothered by the American idea of equality than the Colonel as she takes a quick interest in Flint. Flint releases the Indian taking the Countess and Colonel to the train as their horses and carriage are gone. The Countess tries to use her romantic influence with Flint to obtain a wagon and horses but when it fails she is able to convince Alex Foster to help as he wants to leave his wife. Flint tries to dissuade the Countess from going but the Colonel forces her to go as he is part of a revolutionary group in Russia who wants to takes the family fortune of the Countess. When Mrs. Foster says she was stabbed by the Countess, Flint goes after her to take her to jail. He catches the group where Mr. Foster has learned he was used and in danger from ... Written by Anonymous
A boy hurt in a crippling accident and a domineering mother meet a runaway boy who she feels is making him do things outside his capabilities. Another accident reveals something unexpected since it may pit two friends against each other.
When the wagon train enters Chiracua territory, it is attacked. Marie Hargrave is killed by an arrow while her husband is severely wounded by one in the shoulder. The Chiracua leave at nightfall but a young man rides into camp under a white flag. Adams and his men know him as Swift Cloud, son of Chief Fire Cloud. Adams had taken him to San Francisco four years earlier to see a doctor about a profound limp. The Chief wanted his son healed so he can be Chief but when he did not return, Chief Fire Cloud started attacking wagon trains believing his son is dead. Swift Cloud tells Adams he has learned the white man's ways and become a doctor. The people on the train refuse to let him treat them so he leaves for the Chiracua camp to see his dad. His dad is on his death bed from an infected bullet wound in the leg. He allows Swift Cloud to operate but Geema the Medicine man refuses to let him allowing Chief Fire Cloud to die. When Swift Cloud claims the title of Chief, his friend Straight ... Written by Anonymous
A small friendly band of Chiracawa Indians find Luke Grant out of his mind firing into the sky and yelling kill me. They turn him over to the wagon train led by Flint while Adams is gone and warn Flint unfriendly Apaches may be in the area. Shortly afterwards, a wagon with five women in it asks to join the train for a short distance for protection. They are a singing troop. The leader of the group, Victoria, tells Flint they were told Apaches may be in the area on the warpath. Later, she thinks recognizes Luke who slowly recovers but has no desire to live. One of the guards is killed by Apaches. The train cannot move trapped in camp with the Apaches near them. While outside the ring of wagons, Victoria is kidnapped by the Apaches. She has told Flint she and Luke were to be married but when she he needed one more year of singing school, Luke married another woman. Luke asks to go with Flint to see if they can rescue Vitoria but the odds are against them although Flint notices the ... Written by Anonymous
A stage rolls into Apache Flats with a dead woman on it. Saloon owner Casey thinks she died of bubonic plague and forces the stage to leave town with the woman but minus her luggage. They find a baby girl in the luggage. Although Casey wants to get rid of the baby, saloon worker Flo takes the baby with her. Wooster and Hawks arrive for supplies but Wooster goes to Casey's saloon for a single drink. After learning about the baby, he overhears two men arguing about who will kill the kid meaning a baby goat for a celebration. Wooster thinking they mean the baby decides to steal the baby taking her to the wagon train. Hawks and Adams notice him acting strange after they return with Hawks eventually finding the baby but he keeps Wooster's secret. A Sheriff arrives at Apache Flats with the baby's grandfather looking for the baby. Casey takes them to the wagon train where Wooster's attachment to the baby causes him to try to runoff with the baby. The men follow Wooster who finally ... Written by Anonymous
With ten days left to reach Sacramento, missionary Abigail Newkirk loses her driver to the higher paying mines. While in town trying to find her driver, she meets Sam Livingston who tries to help her. Sam has a pet pig, Endicott who he introduces to Abigail while telling her part of his history. That night still unable to find a driver, Abigail's prayers are answered when Sam and his friend Cass Fleming arrive offering to drive her as both have made the trip before. Cass owns part of a bank that was in financial trouble until Sam put up the money to bail it out now owning the controlling interest. Cass is running for US Senator in California. As they travel to Sacramento, Sam frequently has the wagon stop so he can reminisce about events in the past. Most involve the rough treatment he received as a sixteen year old from Cass and his friends. He lost his horse, was forced to work at gunpoint, and had one of the biggest gold claims stolen from him. Cass's plans for the bank and senate ... Written by Znonymous
At Denver medicine man Shadrack Bennington parts ways with Princess Fatima who wants to marry him and go east. Shadrack steals her lion Caesar who is part of his show. Shadrach and Wooster ask Adams while he is half asleep if Shadrack can join the train to San Francisco to which Adams agrees much to his regret later. Adams per usual blows his stack when he encounters Caesar staring him in the face and hears Shadrack is making proposals to young women. Shadrack continues to put his show on for the wagon train selling his magic potion until it runs out. He entices Jennifer 'Jenny' Robertson to be his new Princess in his act. She quickly learns to enjoy the life falling for Shadrack while the orphan Winfy Robertson takes to Shardrack as a father figure and enjoys Caesar. At San Francisco Shadrack leaves Jenny and Winfy behind to be free and on his own much to their dismay. Winfy is close to death when Adams finds Shadrack bringing him back to see Winfy and give him his magic potion. ... Written by Anonymous