Chance tries to figure out why he's the only one of his friends invited to a classmate's party, while the gang pulls off a prank that makes Herman's creepy life-size doll appear to come to life just in time to scare a babysitter.
All Episodes - S02
Chance, Herman and Dusty become mesmerized by a new dinosaur virtual reality game at school which inspires the next set of pranks that include Bailey disguised as a mind-melding robot from the future and a stunt that leaves an unsuspecting camp counselor believing he's discovered a real spaceship in the woods.
Chance tries to figure out why he's the only one of his friends invited to a classmate's party, while the gang pulls off a prank that makes Herman's creepy life-size doll appear to come to life just in time to scare a babysitter.
Mr. Dingley gives an assignment where the kids have to write letters to themselves 20 years into the future. Meanwhile, the gang pulls off hilarious pranks that include a wild skunk scaring a babysitter, and a target who believes he's witnessing a 3-D printer that can print out real food.
After the entire class raves about Courtney Lynn's recent birthday extravaganza, Bailey stresses about her upcoming birthday party.
The team tries to teach Bailey's new friend Vlad the art of pulling off a great practical joke, just in time for them to pull off an epic prank involving a teacher's aide, aliens and the military.
Hilarity continues when Uncle Will and the kids bring a Loch Ness Pool Monster to life and stage a fake game show Date My Mom! to prank a contestant with a series of gross and wild challenges.
When the students learn their much-anticipated class trip has been cancelled due to budgetary reasons, they devise a plan to fight back. Meanwhile, Uncle Will, Dusty, Chance and Herman turn a mall upside down for a special presentation to prank a security guard.
The unexpected pranks get smellier and wilder when Uncle Will, Chance and Dusty pull off a fake commercial for Stank Be Gone foot spray and trick another target into thinking he's transporting a wild rhinoceros to the zoo.
The unexpected pranks get smellier and wilder when Uncle Will, Chance and Dusty pull off a fake commercial for Stank Be Gone foot spray and trick another target into thinking he's transporting a wild rhinoceros to the zoo.
The unexpected pranks get smellier and wilder when Uncle Will, Chance and Dusty pull off a fake commercial for Stank Be Gone foot spray and trick another target into thinking he's transporting a wild rhinoceros to the zoo.
When Bailey discovers that Clumsy Carl is going to ask her to an upcoming dance, she desperately searches for a different date and lands on Herman.
When Bailey discovers that Clumsy Carl is going to ask her to an upcoming dance, she desperately searches for a different date and lands on Herman.
When Bailey discovers that Clumsy Carl is going to ask her to an upcoming dance, she desperately searches for a different date and lands on Herman.