Season 01
Season 02
Wander splits into the different parts of his personality. When Lord Hater falls off the Villain Leaderboard he blames Peepers and fires him!
All Episodes - S02
Hater accidentally lists Wander as his emergency contact during dental surgery; Wander then spends the rest of the day with a loopy Lord Hater. Wander turns superhero.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
When Lord Hater discovers the prisoners in his dungeon are having a party, he desperately wants to join in the fun. Hater finally gets to meet his villain hero, Major Threat.
Wander is determined to deliver a note from lord Hater to the Dominator, in an effort to bring them together; In an effort to stop the Dominator's advancing forces, (and impress the Dominator), lord Hater builds a new assault vehicle.
Wander's white lie sets off a ridiculous chain of events that threatens to expose a hidden planet to Dominator. Lord Hater steals Wander's hat in order to impress Dominator.
When Wander gets his finger stuck in a black hole, he struggles to pass the time until Sylvia returns with a suitable plug. Wander and Hater live in concert!
Sylvia becomes jealous of the mysterious new rebel fighting Dominator's forces. Dominator takes a night off to explore a nearby city and makes an unlikely new friend - Sylvia.
Wander comes down with a cold and must depend on Sylvia to take on his many helping duties. Wander discovers a new species and accidentally exposes them to an entire new world.
With just one surviving planet left, Wander and Sylvia lead a band of rebels in a final stand against Dominator while Lord Hater rushes to conquer the planet first.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.
Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs.