Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
From PBS KIDS: When Chris and Martin go in search of an obscure rainforest creature to add to their Life Lists, the Wild Kratts becomes embroiled in the complex relationships of a tropical rainforest.
All Episodes - S02
From PBS KIDS: Chris and Martin try to help a lion named He who breathes fire get past obstacles and back to his pride, who are under siege from two intruder lions.
From PBS KIDS: Chris and Martin try to help a lion named He who breathes fire get past obstacles and back to his pride, who are under siege from two intruder lions.
From PBS KIDS: When Chris and Martin accidentally lose a Power Disc on the African savannah, the Wild Kratts goes into crisis mode to find the disc before it gets into the hands of Zach Varmitech.
From PBS KIDS: When Chris and Martin accidentally lose a Power Disc on the African savannah, the Wild Kratts goes into crisis mode to find the disc before it gets into the hands of Zach Varmitech.
From PBS KIDS: After getting caught in the middle of a tussle between a grumpy rhino and an outraged elephant, Martin and Chris decide to have a contest to decide what's stronger - elephant or rhino powers.
From PBS KIDS: After getting caught in the middle of a tussle between a grumpy rhino and an outraged elephant, Martin and Chris decide to have a contest to decide what's stronger - elephant or rhino powers.
From PBS KIDS: When Aviva and Koki accidentally miniaturize themselves and get carried away by termites, Martin and Chris must split up to search for them.
From PBS KIDS: When Aviva and Koki accidentally miniaturize themselves and get carried away by termites, Martin and Chris must split up to search for them.
From PBS KIDS: The Wild Kratts are on a mission to defend the honor of the wild turkey and to stop Gourmand, who is hunting for the largest, fattest turkey in the forest.
From PBS KIDS: The Wild Kratts are on a mission to defend the honor of the wild turkey and to stop Gourmand, who is hunting for the largest, fattest turkey in the forest.
From PBS KIDS: As Chris and Martin search for the answer to why giraffes have long necks, a mischievous giraffe begins secretly taking Creature Power Suit parts and supplies from the Tortuga.
From PBS KIDS: As Chris and Martin search for the answer to why giraffes have long necks, a mischievous giraffe begins secretly taking Creature Power Suit parts and supplies from the Tortuga.
From PBS KIDS: A miniaturized Martin wants to check out insects in the rainforest, but Chris wants to investigate the world of the Spider monkey. Chris wins when he puts mini Martin in his backpack and heads off through the treetops.
From PBS KIDS: A miniaturized Martin wants to check out insects in the rainforest, but Chris wants to investigate the world of the Spider monkey. Chris wins when he puts mini Martin in his backpack and heads off through the treetops.
From PBS KIDS: When the creature adventuring Kratt Brothers take a nasty tumble, the Wild Kratts sets off on a mission to find and recreate one of the greatest of all biotech engineering secrets. Spider silk.
From PBS KIDS: When the creature adventuring Kratt Brothers take a nasty tumble, the Wild Kratts sets off on a mission to find and recreate one of the greatest of all biotech engineering secrets. Spider silk.
From PBS KIDS: Martin and Chris are trying to decide on their next wild cat adventure when they learn that Zach Varmitech has decided to catnap a Black Jaguar to use as a symbol for his new spybots.
From PBS KIDS: Martin and Chris are trying to decide on their next wild cat adventure when they learn that Zach Varmitech has decided to catnap a Black Jaguar to use as a symbol for his new spybots.
From PBS KIDS: Martin and Chris realize that the Hummingbird might be the ultimate flier in the Creature world and ask Aviva to create a new power disc with its powers. The only problem - it's not easy to touch a Hummingbird!
From PBS KIDS: Martin and Chris realize that the Hummingbird might be the ultimate flier in the Creature world and ask Aviva to create a new power disc with its powers. The only problem - it's not easy to touch a Hummingbird!
From PBS KIDS: When Chris and Martin go in search of an obscure rainforest creature to add to their Life Lists, the Wild Kratts becomes embroiled in the complex relationships of a tropical rainforest.
From PBS KIDS: When Chris and Martin go in search of an obscure rainforest creature to add to their Life Lists, the Wild Kratts becomes embroiled in the complex relationships of a tropical rainforest.
From PBS KIDS: While exploring the world of the seahorse, Martin and Chris uncover a plot by Donita Donata to capture these amazing creatures and turn them into living jewelry.
From PBS KIDS: While exploring the world of the seahorse, Martin and Chris uncover a plot by Donita Donata to capture these amazing creatures and turn them into living jewelry.
From PBS KIDS: The Wild Kratts are on a mission to decode the secret language of one of the smartest creatures on Earth - Dolphins!
From PBS KIDS: The Wild Kratts are on a mission to decode the secret language of one of the smartest creatures on Earth - Dolphins!
From PBS KIDS: While the Wild Kratts explore the life cycle of the Bull Frog, they uncover a plot by Zach Varmitech to destroy the frogs' habitat. With the help of some Wild Kratts kids, the team moves quickly to stop Zach.
From PBS KIDS: While the Wild Kratts explore the life cycle of the Bull Frog, they uncover a plot by Zach Varmitech to destroy the frogs' habitat. With the help of some Wild Kratts kids, the team moves quickly to stop Zach.
From PBS KIDS: Aviva loves the Tortuga design, but feels there's something missing. Martin and Chris realize it can't really swim, so they decide to get some bio inspiration for this feature by exploring the world of the sea turtles.
From PBS KIDS: Aviva loves the Tortuga design, but feels there's something missing. Martin and Chris realize it can't really swim, so they decide to get some bio inspiration for this feature by exploring the world of the sea turtles.
From PBS KIDS: When the miniaturized Kratt Brothers get swept up and lost in a current of plankton, they become part of a crowd of fish larva all headed to the most populated and diverse habitat on Earth - the coral reef.
From PBS KIDS: When the miniaturized Kratt Brothers get swept up and lost in a current of plankton, they become part of a crowd of fish larva all headed to the most populated and diverse habitat on Earth - the coral reef.
From PBS KIDS: Koki wants to leave the Sonoran Desert to resupply the Tortuga, but Chris and Martin don't want to go until they track down a mysterious lizard. But they'll need the help - and powers - of their friend the Road Runner.
From PBS KIDS: Koki wants to leave the Sonoran Desert to resupply the Tortuga, but Chris and Martin don't want to go until they track down a mysterious lizard. But they'll need the help - and powers - of their friend the Road Runner.
From PBS KIDS: While checking out how coral reefs are formed, the Wild Kratts discover that Zach and Donita have sent robotic Parrotfish to collect coral to make jewelry. Martin and Chris must use the power of the greatest hunters of the reef to stop this evil plot. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS: While checking out how coral reefs are formed, the Wild Kratts discover that Zach and Donita have sent robotic Parrotfish to collect coral to make jewelry. Martin and Chris must use the power of the greatest hunters of the reef to stop this evil plot. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS: On their way to return some Hispid hares to Asia, the Wild Kratts accidentally lose them in a wintery North American forest. Martin and Chris must use the amazing winter adaptations and strategies of the Snowshoe hare and lynx to locate the hares before it's too late. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS: On their way to return some Hispid hares to Asia, the Wild Kratts accidentally lose them in a wintery North American forest. Martin and Chris must use the amazing winter adaptations and strategies of the Snowshoe hare and lynx to locate the hares before it's too late. Written by Anonymous
From PBS KIDS: The Wild Kratts get an urgent call from a group of North American Wild Kratts kids telling them almost all of the trees in the forest are dying. It's a race against time to solve the mystery and help the forest and the creatures who live there. Written by Anonymous