Masane's new life as the indentured lethal arm of the Doji Group is wrought with peril, but there are perks as well.
All Episodes - S01
Masane Amaha is a woman on the fringe of society, but her strange destiny was written long ago. She exists as a soul with no memory, bouncing rootless from town to town with her young daughter, Rihoko.
Enter the Cloneblades: Bioengineering and shattered corporate alliances at their best. Having created a breed of powerful woman warriors, confrontation is inevitable when so many desire the same thing - ultimate power.
Masane has been ravaged in her first real bought with her clone contemporaries. Rescued from certain death by the Doji Group, she is whisked away as her savage assailant makes chase, blood lust unquenched.
The Child Welfare Ministry is not quite done with their meddling, and this time they come bearing DNA evidence. So what exactly defines true family? Is it simply shared blood? Or is it the bonds of real life? Whatever it is, there's no running away from this glaring truth. Written by Anonymous
Even warriors need rest, to recover their spirits as much as their physical selves. And as the residents of the Natsuki Building head off for some fun in the sun, beach party style, Masane's left with her own little rain cloud to darken the day... Written by Anonymous