Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
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Season 05
Season 06
What appears to be the disappearance of a college student becomes more complicated when the team discovers that the victim is an impostor with multiple identities.
All Episodes - S07
New boss Clark Medina gets polite decline from Martin to become his team deputy, and a rude hostile attitude from predecessor Jack, who declined a more lucrative Wall Street job offer, to take on the case, normally left to the city police, of Medina's friend Mark Duncan 's shortly-missing teen son Will. The gentle, smart, generally liked knave resented his domineering father's vicarious ambition, denying him his own choices. Will discarded the residence doorman's advice to seek help after having been hit bloodily on the street, apparently by an ex-con, making the team look for counterfeiters like Mark hunts professionally. Hacking-gifted Will also got in trouble by helping lazy classmates to exam papers, yet got declining grades and was blamed bitterly when the school countered the scam by ultimate questions switching. Furthermore, Will's girlfriend Lilah Pritchard's overprotective big brother Terrance 'warned him', and he found out about his father's adultery, with awkward twists. Written by KGF Vissers
Prompted by brass and media, boss Clark Medina gives complete priority and reserves nearly all resources to the case of a missing white girl, which fits the MO of a serial killer who kills within hours and uses a spotted type of car. Only Martin, who wrestles with mixed loyalties, convinces him to allow at least some effort being put simultaneously in the disappearance of Ariana Murphy, who helped acquaintance Fran Costello, who claims her separated husband Andrew shot neighbor Tyler who gave her sanctuary and his girlfriend, but that proves a time-consuming cover-up for another drama. After Jack solves the serial killer case by illegal torture of the suspect's brother, Medina promises him his job back, aiming already for a bigger promotion. Written by KGF Vissers
Bank employee Erin MacNeil, who hated being assigned to the mortgage foreclosures, is reported missing. The team soon suspects it's no expropriated client, nor a coincidence that $100,000 was siphoned from her branch and works out how she managed that. Remarkably she didn't intend to keep it and run, but never got over her unwanted pregnancy and destined the money for a young father whose gratitude soared as his partner objected and he learned she stole it, but returning the money proved even more perilous. Written by KGF Vissers
While investigating the disappearance of a paraplegic man, the FBI discovers that an insurance fraud investigator was harassing him, and that he was involved with a group that busted sexual predators.
Rob Simms, CEO of a New York-based airline charter business, goes missing after an incident with fatal victims and is spotted on the way to LA, which opportunity Jack seizes to rekindle his relationship with Sam, albeit with a caveat. Rob was involved in an extortion case and abducted, but a childhood trauma apparently involving his junkie father before he went to live with his uncle, whom he confronts about a long-suppressed murder suspicion. Written by KGF Vissers
Hospital resident Erica Loza goes missing after pissing off everyone, even puzzled perfect boyfriend Seth, who chose ignoring she was keeping secrets. The team finds her, despite an admirable track record starting from a slum, the key in the organized theft of controlled substances, leading to her mob-connected former foster brothers. Written by KGF Vissers
Teen Daphne Stevens is reported missing with her mother Sherri Brinkman, an unstable psychiatric patient who couldn't accept the divorce custody terms in favor of her ex-husband Rick Stevens and his new partner Jenny Alden, whom she accused of poisoning Daphne. Sherri is soon found, reporting Daphne ran away from her, and only teen step brother Mark Alden understands Daphne, who later posts a goodbye video. Written by KGF Vissers
Widower bar owner Ken Gilroy is reported missing by his worried-sock daughter Addy, who seems to keep secrets for the FBI. Their ailing business boomed since an heirloom statue of Saint Teresa started weeping, attracting a flock of paying worshipers. Slowly the team finds out Ken not only had contact with a desperate illegal immigrant father but has also been bothered by a mob goon a lunatic fake priest and a drunk who is actually his brother and Addy's biological father John Gilroy, in deep debt leading to desperate moves. Meanwhile Jack babysits Sam's baby and meets the biological father Brian Donovan, who regrets having signed away his parental rights. Written by KGF Vissers
Suburban friends Julie Fisher and Cate Connelly jointly go missing, without apparent link or abduction motive. The team gradually works out they were kidnapped by mob enforcer Mario Castro, the motive -concerning a seemingly lucky husband- still remains clouded after one is shot and left behind as the women switched places. Written by KGF Vissers
A mother and infant son disappear, but it turns out to be a fake kidnapping to protect them from a dangerous man from the father's past. But it turns out that a dangerous man from the mother's past puts the plan in jeopardy.
Brilliant psychotherapist Justin Morgan, who specializes in criminals and victims, goes missing after talking a woman out of a death jump. He was threatened by a frustrated patient, but his alibi checks out. Justin is the only visitor to his brother David Morgan, who was hailed as serial rapist-murderer but maintains his innocence, which big brother vowed to prove, before he moves to Chicago for his fiancee's dream job. Justin freaked out after meeting in therapy Monica Swall, who claims to be victim of the same rape MO, which might prove David's innocence, and the weapon was found I Justin's apartment. Written by KGF Vissers
While the team investigates the disappearance of a Russian immigrant who was trying to bring her brother into the United States, Samantha recovers in the hospital from her automobile accident.
The CEO of a failing ski supply company disappears after his plane crashes in the Pennsylvania woods, and the team thinks it's connected to his millionaire father. Meanwhile, Martin gets new disturbing news about his girlfriend.
A journalist investigating a politician disappears. The team discovers that she checked herself into a mental health facility, but is she checking a source or having a breakdown of her own?
Young Stacey Tan disappears from Chinatown shortly after her paternally-disapproved lover, tattoo artist Frankie Jones, who is found killed by a drug overdose in the apartment of a petty criminal friends and his drug dealer roommate Patrick Gravich The latter is linked by Stacey's father's dodgy firm to a snuff movie. However the team digs on, aided by Chinese FBI agent Yang Jian, finding more dirty secrets and ancient traditions, culminating in morbid superstition. . Written by KGF Vissers
Jack Malone and the agents investigate the disappearance of 18 year-old Shay Hanson, his daughter Hanna's boyfriend. Jack hands the case off to Samantha. Shay has been in town for two weeks, living in a hotel in Queens but he hasn't been there lately. He spent most of his days in the park with other artists sketching but had recently sold his much-loved car for less than its full value and obviously needed money. The investigation reveals that one of Shay's good friends, Charlie Wilkins, was the victim of a hit and run in Chicago not long before he left for New York. Written by garykmcd
The FBI investigates the disappearance of Derek Wilson who vanished after hiring a boat to take him to precise coordinates. He co-owns a sporting goods shop but is also a professional scuba diver. He had received a phone call the afternoon before his disappearance while picnicking in the park with his girlfriend Robin Feretti and her young son Travis and quickly left. The site where Kevin went diving reveals three bodies wearing cement overshoes. When Jack and Elena go to interview Robin, they find Travis hiding in the closet and it seems his mother has been kidnapped. It seems that an old friend of Derek's, Edgar Campbell, needs his services and is prepared to go to extreme lengths to make sure he cooperates. Written by garykmcd