Season 01
Season 03
Lydia Salce marries young. After 17 years of bumpy times and divorce, she then has her yearned-for child. Still, having nil experience dating brings about a slew of losers. Thinking church might help, biker-dude Michael McKee joins her bible study. Coincidentally, the man-with-a-past also works with Lydia. Marriage follows, but the leopard's spots (or tatoos) never change and only the most ferocious will survive. Written by M. Dalgetti
All Episodes - S02
Jameelah is studying her way out of urban Baltimore. She falls for James, a drug dealer. Incarceration can't separate them, and they get married. When reunited the relationship becomes volatile and erupts, Jameelah stabs James five times in a fit of rage. Written by Anonymous
It's love at first sight for Jonathan and Courtney, who are both deaf. The honeymoon is short-lived when Courtney leaves him for her ex-husband. Jonathan turns to another woman. When Courtney finds out, a fight ensues with Jonathan dead from a stab wound. Written by Indigo Films
Sherrse Gaines falls for first love, Greg. But when he cheats, she leaves him. Then she meets Steve who is unfaithful too. Sherrse takes him back but continues to play the field. Steve gets jealous attacks her. Sherrse fights back with a pair of scissors. Written by Anonymous
Sherrse Gaines falls for first love, Greg. But when he cheats, she leaves him. Then she meets Steve who is unfaithful too. Sherrse takes him back but continues to play the field. Steve gets jealous attacks her. Sherrse fights back with a pair of scissors. Written by Anonymous
Sherrse Gaines falls for first love, Greg. But when he cheats, she leaves him. Then she meets Steve who is unfaithful too. Sherrse takes him back but continues to play the field. Steve gets jealous attacks her. Sherrse fights back with a pair of scissors. Written by Anonymous
Annette Hernandez is plagued by mental demons and addiction. After stabbing Cameron, she finds out she's pregnant.They reunite but Annette can't keep her demons at bay and the couple split. She starts dating but after a fight, Tony ends up dead. Written by Anonymous
Annette Hernandez is plagued by mental demons and addiction. After stabbing Cameron, she finds out she's pregnant.They reunite but Annette can't keep her demons at bay and the couple split. She starts dating but after a fight, Tony ends up dead. Written by Anonymous
Annette Hernandez is plagued by mental demons and addiction. After stabbing Cameron, she finds out she's pregnant.They reunite but Annette can't keep her demons at bay and the couple split. She starts dating but after a fight, Tony ends up dead. Written by Anonymous
Monica Fairview is a gorgeous sugar daddy addict who dates men like Rob to keep her living in luxury. But Rob's need for total control and Monica's penchant for drama spins the couple into a physical quarrel that ends with Monica stabbing Rob in the back. Written by Anonymous
Monica Fairview is a gorgeous sugar daddy addict who dates men like Rob to keep her living in luxury. But Rob's need for total control and Monica's penchant for drama spins the couple into a physical quarrel that ends with Monica stabbing Rob in the back. Written by Anonymous
Monica Fairview is a gorgeous sugar daddy addict who dates men like Rob to keep her living in luxury. But Rob's need for total control and Monica's penchant for drama spins the couple into a physical quarrel that ends with Monica stabbing Rob in the back. Written by Anonymous
Lydia Salce marries young. After 17 years of bumpy times and divorce, she then has her yearned-for child. Still, having nil experience dating brings about a slew of losers. Thinking church might help, biker-dude Michael McKee joins her bible study. Coincidentally, the man-with-a-past also works with Lydia. Marriage follows, but the leopard's spots (or tatoos) never change and only the most ferocious will survive. Written by M. Dalgetti
Lydia Salce marries young. After 17 years of bumpy times and divorce, she then has her yearned-for child. Still, having nil experience dating brings about a slew of losers. Thinking church might help, biker-dude Michael McKee joins her bible study. Coincidentally, the man-with-a-past also works with Lydia. Marriage follows, but the leopard's spots (or tatoos) never change and only the most ferocious will survive. Written by M. Dalgetti
Lydia Salce marries young. After 17 years of bumpy times and divorce, she then has her yearned-for child. Still, having nil experience dating brings about a slew of losers. Thinking church might help, biker-dude Michael McKee joins her bible study. Coincidentally, the man-with-a-past also works with Lydia. Marriage follows, but the leopard's spots (or tatoos) never change and only the most ferocious will survive. Written by M. Dalgetti
When Crystal Johnson believes her boyfriend is cheating on her, she stabs him with a kitchen knife. Crystal finds love again with another man but when she suspects he's also a cheater, he too ends up on the wrong side of her blade.
When Crystal Johnson believes her boyfriend is cheating on her, she stabs him with a kitchen knife. Crystal finds love again with another man but when she suspects he's also a cheater, he too ends up on the wrong side of her blade.
When Crystal Johnson believes her boyfriend is cheating on her, she stabs him with a kitchen knife. Crystal finds love again with another man but when she suspects he's also a cheater, he too ends up on the wrong side of her blade.
Carol Singh immigrates to New York from Suriname hoping to live the American dream, which includes getting married. But when her jealous boyfriend Dave becomes increasingly violent, a fight with in the kitchen leaves Dave dead and Carol behind bars. Written by Anonymous
Carol Singh immigrates to New York from Suriname hoping to live the American dream, which includes getting married. But when her jealous boyfriend Dave becomes increasingly violent, a fight with in the kitchen leaves Dave dead and Carol behind bars. Written by Anonymous
Carol Singh immigrates to New York from Suriname hoping to live the American dream, which includes getting married. But when her jealous boyfriend Dave becomes increasingly violent, a fight with in the kitchen leaves Dave dead and Carol behind bars. Written by Anonymous