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Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

In this parody of the series Muppet Babies, the Drawn Together Babies have a grand adventure: hiding the body of the babysitter they accidentally killed while at the same time trying to convince her boyfriend that she is still alive.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Wooldoor becomes the cereal mascot of Quackers cereal after the original mascot is mysteriously murdered. Wooldoor parties it up Hollywood-style with his new cereal friends, and soon finds himself addicted to Crunchberries. Toot discovers that the cereal industry is evil and tries to bring it down before they lose Wooldoor forever. Written by Dan

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Spanky Ham has a one night stand with Charlotte the Spider, who thinks he's Some Pig, and the relationship quickly turns into a fatal attraction. Meanwhile, Captain Hero comes face to face with his arch nemesis, and forges an unlikely bond. We also learn the origin of Ling Ling's violent tendencies - he never truly wanted to be a fighter, oh no, all he wanted to do was dance. Written by Dan

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Second half of Lost in Parking Space, Part One. Toot drinks saltwater and goes insane, prompting the others to kill and eat Ling-Ling. Foxxy is kidnapped by the manager at Hot Topic, who reveals the truth behind the store's success. And a sinful Clara shows up to torture Foxxy. Meanwhile, Xandir befriends two homeless men and learns an important lesson about leadership. Written by Dan

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Tired of Clara's constant preaching, the rest of the house-mates decide to go to the mall without her. When she discovers the house empty, Clara assumes that the Rapture has taken place, but she's somehow been left behind. A delivery guy shows up asking her to sign for a package, but she assumes that it must be Satan ordering her to sign over her soul. Through Xandir's bad parking, meanwhile, the rest of the house-mates end up stuck in the parking lot with no food, no water, and slowing freezing to death in the cold weather. Foxxy climbs out the roof to get help, but is distracted by a Hot Topic store. Just as she discovers that Hot Topic has crates of Drawn Together merchandise that they're keeping from the public, someone hits her over the head. What will happen in the conclusion to this two-part cliffhanger? Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 6.8
21 min

Foxxy and Captain Hero agree to pretend-date so Hero can be part of the Cool Kids crowd and return the favor to Foxxy by saving the world from a meteor; meanwhile, Ling-Ling gets mixed up with cockfighting and leads the chickens of Mexico in revolucion! Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

The house-mates return home to find they've been burglarized. Hero panics and decides to buy a gun, which escalates to an assault rifle once he discovers how much he enjoys shooting animals. When Bambi confronts him, carrying the bullet-riddled corpse of his mother, Hero has a change of heart and decides to rid the world of high-power weapons. Foxxy, meanwhile, is investigating the burglary, leading her to discover her grandson Ray-Ray living upstairs with all his stolen goods. To protect him from the police, Foxxy secretly hides him in the walls of the house, from where he spies on the other house-mates and falls in love with Toot. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 6.9
22 min

After mistaking him for a Hasidic Jew, Clara shoves Wooldoor into the pool and almost drowns him. She reluctantly nurses him back to health, but after being praised for doing so she comes to relish the attention and starts plotting to keep Wooldoor incapacitated. Meanwhile, Captain Hero discovers a huge mentally disabled baby is rampaging through the city. After doing some investigating, he realizes that he must be the child's father, and the mother is none other than Hero's own sister. He vows to help his son live a productive life, but soon finds that caring for a special needs child is more than he is capable of. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

The Producer announces yet another contest for the house-mates: a spelling bee against the Peanut's gang. Foxxy refuses to take part, citing a vow she made after a racial incident brought a humiliating end to her early career as a champion speller. The rest of the group proves to be hopeless in the contest, so Foxxy decides to put the past behind her and step up to the podium once more. Meanwhile, Hero inadvertently discovers that Clara gets sexually aroused by car accidents. Smitten with this unknown side of her, he begins causing accidents to enjoy the fruits of her passion. Eventually, however, he starts resenting that Clara doesn't think of him as anything more than a crash provider. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Wooldoor's new children's show is finally about to go on the air, and Clara is upset because she thinks the program will turn kids gay. She takes her cause up with the Senate, but an impassioned speech from Foxxy wins the day and the show is allowed to go on. While Wooldoor and the guys are celebrating afterward, a musclebound man pulls out a gun and starts trying to kill the Sockbat. After rescuing Wooldoor, Xandir reveals that he's from the future, where the program did in fact turn everyone gay. The killer is one of the last of the straights, sent back to stop the show from continuing, while Xandir was sent to stop the assassination. Meanwhile, Toot tells the other house-mates about the mythical Wienermobile that travels around giving hot dogs to good people everywhere. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

After Ling-Ling hears that his father has attempted suicide, he invites the elderly battle monster to come live at the house. At first, Jun-Jee is not happy with the arrangement, but he changes his mind after seeing Toot near the swimming pool. Toot initially brushes off his advances, but quickly becomes more enthusiastic after learning that Jun-Jee is extremely wealthy, much to Ling-Ling's displeasure. Meanwhile, a Greek family moves in next door and Hero, thinking that it's actually a fraternity, becomes upset that they won't let him join. In retaliation, he forms his own fraternity with Xandir and Wooldoor as pledges, and starts a series of pranks to show the rival frat who's boss. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 6.1
22 min

The house-mates arrive at a big reunion show hosted by the Producer, with many of the show's secondary characters in the audience. During the show, 'best-of' clips are run, naming the show's most romantic moment, most racist moment, most disturbing moment, and so on. Throughout the show, the Producer reminds the house-mates that at the end he will announce the winner of the big prize. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

The house-mates are confused when Toot acts surprised when they through her a birthday party, but they realize that since she was a big star in the 1920's, she must be so old now that her mind is going. They ship her off to a nursing home where she is horrified to find herself surrounded by invalids incapable of functioning like adults. When the nurses leave the room, however, the rest of the patients let her in on their big secret. Clara, meanwhile, decides to go under the knife to rid herself of the Octopussoir that has been hampering her love life up to now. The operation is a success, but she soon becomes obsessed with correcting every new flaw she imagines she sees. The Octopussoir, however, goes on to enjoy a fulfilling life of its own. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Having come out of the closet to all his friends in the house, Xandir decides the time has come to tell his parents the truth. Nervous about how they'll react, he asks the house-mates to role-play their probable reaction. After first treating him with ridicule, they agree to take his request seriously: Captain Hero pretends to be Xandir's father, while Toot plays his mother. This leads to role-playing within the role-playing in which Toot and Hero switch roles, Xandir ends up enslaved to a sadistic pimp, and nearly everyone ends up getting killed. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

The Producers arrange a badminton contest between the house-mates and another group of cartoons, during which Captain Hero's shameful weakness is exposed: he's terrible at sports. Hero despairs of ever finding a sport he can excel at, until he hears about a charity walk to raise money for AIDS research. Ignoring Foxxy's explanation that the event is non-competitive, Hero insists that he's going to get in shape and win the walk. When his initial efforts fall short, however, he decides to turn to chemical means of gaining an edge. As this is going on, Wooldoor goes to the mall with Spanky, where he gets pressured into stealing candy. Wooldoor is caught by mall security an punished with hard time. He serves his sentence without problems, but discovers upon release that the rest of the world has changed. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

After watching a badly-written TV show, the house-mates talk about how wonderful it would be if they had some way of knowing beforehand what shows are worth watching. Just then, a copy of Entertainment Weekly magically comes down the chimney with all the information they'd been hoping for. Inside, however, they find a review of their own show, which receives a grade of F. This sends everyone into a panic and causes Spanky, who is singled out for particular criticism, to give up reality TV and return to his former life. Meanwhile, Hero says that his gay friend Tim is in town for a visit, and asks Xandir if he'd like to show him around. Xandir quickly realizes that Tim is actually Hero wearing glasses, and sets out to make Hero acknowledge that he has feelings for men as well as women. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

The house-mates discover that Wooldoor has been making regular visits to the live-action world, where he has made friends with a cow. The others, trying to warn him to stay in the animated world, refuse to let him bring the cow home, but relent when the cow saves them from a live-action squirrel. Sadly, the cow has contracted rabies from the squirrel, and it falls upon Wooldoor to put his beloved pet out of its misery. Meanwhile, Toot gets an invitation to her fat camp's 10-year reunion party, but nobody will agree to be her date. Things look hopeless for her until she discovers a cheat book listing all the secret controls to make Xandir do whatever she wants. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

After going out on what first appears to be an ordinary mission, Captain Hero returns tearfully carrying the body of his faithful sidekick, Captain Girl, killed by arch-villain The Mad Libber. Wooldoor sees the chance to fulfill his lifelong dream and asks to be Captain Hero's new sidekick. Hero reluctantly agrees, but Wooldoor soon finds that nothing he does is good enough to win his mentor's approval, and he is fired. All seems lost for the Sockbat until he sees a news alert that The Mad Libber is about to strike again, so he decides to go out and prove his worth as a crime-fighter. Meanwhile, Captain Girl's death causes Toot to re-evaluate her life, leading her to the conclusion that she needs a baby to make herself complete. Before taking the plunge, however, she decides to try out her maternal instincts by first taking care of a Nicaraguan baby for a few weeks. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

To boost ratings, the Producers announce that Foxxy and Clara will have to start showering together. Hero wastes no time in using his X-ray vision to spy on them, but while Clara is disgusted at his behavior and storms off, Foxxy is turned on and invites him to continue watching. Continued exposure to Hero's X-rays, however, gives Foxxy a brain tumor, which causes her to start regressing into an old minstrel-style caricature. Horrified by what he's done, Hero gives up his super powers, which ends up turning him into a quadriplegic. Meanwhile, while the house-mates are trying to figure out how to cure Foxxy, she gets taken away to an 'erasement camp' for politically incorrect cartoons, run by a giant mouse bent on turning the universe into the happiest place on earth. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Another of Captain Hero's weaknesses is revealed: he assumes anyone or anything using the word 'Super' in their name is automatically an enemy he must do battle with. When he learns of the TV show 'Super Nanny' he issues a challenge to her by acting like a spoiled child. When Super Nanny does appear, however, he finds her to be a much more powerful adversary than he expected, and is soon submitting meekly to her disciplinary tactics. While the house-mates are grateful to have some peace around the house, could Super Nanny have an ulterior motive? Meanwhile, Spanky sets out on a mission to get Ling-Ling to pass a driving test. Ling-Ling is at first a dismal failure until Wooldoor offers him a chance to change. It may be just the thing Ling-Ling needs, but what will he have to give up in return? Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

When the house gets haunted by poltergeists, Foxxy does some investigating and discovers that the house was built over an Indian burial ground, and the occupants are demanding restitution. To appease the spirits, the house-mates give them the backyard, which suddenly becomes an enormous ghost casino. Seeing an opportunity to get rich quick, Spanky and Hero team up to bet on rigged superhero fights. Foxxy, meanwhile, sees her own opportunity and opens a strip club next door. When Clara finds that her father the king is one of Foxxy's best customers, she becomes a stripper herself to try and get the attention that he never gave her when she was a child. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

When Wooldoor is discovered frantically humping the kitchen appliances, Foxxy realizes that he's beginning puberty and initiates him in the art of masturbation. Princess Clara is disgusted by Wooldoor's enthusiasm for this newfound activity, and sets out to convince him to channel his energies toward God. Her first effort, however, inadvertently causes the gang to discover that Wooldoor's sperm (which he calls a Clum Baby) has the power to cure disease. While Spanky and Foxxy begin selling Wooldoor's Clum Babies as a miracle cure, Clara looks for some other way to get Wooldoor to control his urges. Meanwhile, Ling-Ling has been going to clubs every night and picking up female battle monsters to fight with before ditching them the next morning. His life in the fast lane comes to a screeching halt when his father calls with an announcement that a permanent battle partner has been arranged for him. Is Ling-Ling ready to settle down for a life of fighting just one monster? Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Captain Hero's friend from college, Unusually Flexible Girl, shows up at the house one day. It seems that while they were 'friends with benefits' at school, they made a pledge to get married if they were still single by the time they turned 30, and now that the big birthday has arrived, she's ready to make good on the promise. Captain Hero is taken by surprise however, even more so when he learns that she's been deliberately staying single because she's in love with him. Hero asks Wooldoor to try and convince UFG that she shouldn't marry him, but Wooldoor manages to mess it up and ends up engaged to UFG himself. This of course makes Captain Hero change his mind and try to get UFG back, which in turn makes Wooldoor want her for real. While this is going on, Foxxy hears her old band mentioned on a 'Where Are They Now?' show. Incensed that the group has been forgotten, she tracks down her old band-mates and convinces them to make a comeback. After a wild night of celebrating, however, ... Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Captain hero begins having a nervous breakdown after being overwhelmed by anxiety from the childhood loss of his parents when his planet Zebulon crashed into its sun, leaving him as the only survivor. While he tries to come to terms with this, the other house-mates clue him in to the fact that Zebulon was never destroyed and that his parents are probably still alive. Just at that moment, his parents' spaceship lands on the front lawn. His joy at seeing them is soon crushed when they reveal that they had actually tried to get rid of him because a psychic had told them years earlier that their son would become the most pathetic hero in history. When his attempts to prove them wrong fail disastrously, Captain Hero flies off in a rage to take revenge on the planet that rejected him. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

After it's revealed that Foxxy has been solving crimes without a license, she decides to go to college and earn a degree. The SATs, however, are stacked against her and there is no way for her to pass. Knowing that Asians are masters at standardized tests, she asks Ling-Ling to go in her place. Ling-Ling gets caught, unfortunately, prompting Foxxy to investigate the matter on her own and uncover a huge conspiracy. Meanwhile, Spanky contracts a computer virus, but can't get the medicine he needs to save his life because he has no health insurance. When Xandir tells him about the insurance that questers get, Spanky decides to get married with Xandir so he can get medical treatment. This naturally infuriates Clara, so she sets out to defend the institution of marriage by stopping them. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

After surviving the helicopter crash at the end of the previous episode and landing on a tropical island, the house-mates are informed that the show is over and they're now celebrities. When they try to cash in on their new fame, however, they find that nobody is interested. Disappointed, they return to the house, the one place they belong. Wooldoor, however, is overcome by depression and kills himself, so the other house-mates hold interviews to replace him, finally selecting Strawberry Sweetcake. Wooldoor then proceeds to come back from the dead and reveal that the Sweetcake people have being carrying out a program of genocide against the Sockbats. Strawberry promises that that's all in the past, but Foxxy is not quite convinced and decides to do some snooping. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

After a season of living together surrounded by video cameras, the house-mates begin to show signs of cabin fever. Toot finally announces she's had enough, and urges the others to smash all the cameras and blow up the house. Foxxy, however, convinces them to try non-violence first, and stages a sit-in. Finally, the producers agree to a change in the show's format: an eccentric billionaire named Bucky Bucks shows up to split the house-mates into two teams and assign them business challenges; the team that loses will have one member fired, until the last person left receives a prize. Though Toot still wants to blow the house up, Foxxy persuades everyone to play along, until at last she discovers that her trust in the producers has been betrayed and she agrees to give Toot's plan a try. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Spanky and Foxxy are passing the time playing pranks on the pizza delivery guy when Clara asks if she can join the fun. Her attempt fails miserably, however, and ends with her being arrested. Her father the king shows up and insists that if she won't leave the show, she must keep away from Spanky's bad influence. For all the mean things Spanky has done to her, she finds this restriction impossible to obey. Meanwhile, Captain Hero and Xandir begin a tentative love affair, only to have it constantly interrupted by calls for the Captain to save the world. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

The Producers announce that someone will get a visit from a family member this week. Princess Clara is excited when a royal carriage rolls up, but her joy turns to horror when the guest turns out to be her mentally disabled cousin, Bleh. Captain Hero and Spanky are about to begin tormenting Bleh until they discover that she's actually gorgeous, so they instead make a bet over whether Hero will have sex with her. Meanwhile, as Xandir and Toots console Ling Ling over the non-appearance of his father, they inadvertently discover that he secretes an addictive hallucinogen when depressed. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

The Producers announce a contest in which the winning team will have unlimited food for a week, while the other team starves. Foxxy, Ling-Ling, Xandir and Toots are on the winning side, and waste little time in abusing their good fortune: Foxxy makes Captain Hero humiliate himself for snacks, while Toots balloons up to massive size after pigging out. Meanwhile, Spanky blames Wooldoor for their team's loss and bullies him mercilessly, but when Clara sings Wooldoor a song about standing up for himself, Spanky gets a truly evil idea for finding food. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

After he becomes inordinately excited over the gift of a sewing machine, the other house-mates begin to wonder if Xandir is actually homosexual. He denies it at first, but after undergoing a number of tests, he finally in confronted with the undeniable truth. Meanwhile, Ling-Ling turns out to be an expert at sewing, inspiring Spanky to put him to work making knock-off sneakers. This angers the army of child garment workers who show up to put and end to the unwelcome competition. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Drawn Together

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Jealous of everyone else's contentment, Toots decides to make trouble by convincing Princess Clara that Foxxy has gotten her pregnant by kissing her. After Foxxy sits everyone down for a lesson on where babies really come from, Clara tearfully reveals that her vagina has been cursed by her evil stepmother, making it impossible for her to have sex with anyone until she finds her one true love. While Foxxy tries to help Clara find her true love, Ling Ling grows increasingly upset that nobody else is washing the dishes. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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