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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Follow holidaymakers at the Solana Resort in Benidorm. Hilarity ensues as guests try to get value for their Euros.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Follow holidaymakers at the Solana Resort in Benidorm. Hilarity ensues as guests try to get value for their Euros.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.6

Dominant Crystal Hennessy-Vass, the founder and chief executive of the Solana group, sweeps in, demanding that Joyce downgrade the hotel from a four to a three star, to give the impression that the guests are getting better value for money. After she has left a party of Dutch businessmen arrive and Les and Mateo, in their efforts to make them feel at home, are accused of racial stereotyping. Kenneth leaves hospital to find that Herbert has bought his salon and the Stewarts are invited by their raucous friend Queenie to the Costa Blanca Swingers Association party, where they meet former porn star Pepe De La Cruz and his wife Agnes, who turns out to be an old flame of Donald. Tiger tries to prevent Michael from seeing Elena but, impressed when Michael tricks the warring Dykes and Garveys into making up, tells him that she is waiting for him on the beach. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.7

Now appointed assistant manager Cyril organizes an eating contest, Hombre Versus Food though Kenneth does not take part and, encouraged by Liam, goes on a health kick, not that it does him much good. Mick discovers that Madge is not terminally ill, though, when confronted, she blames the doctor for a misdiagnosis whilst Tonya persuades Janice that she needs an expensive make-over at the spa where she is a beauty therapist. Meanwhile Michael and Tiger vie for the attention of the lovely Elena and Michael is delighted when she chooses him. The eating contest goes ahead, causing mass sickness as the meat was obtained from a butcher's dumpster. Joyce prepares to resign but she is saved when Cyril does a runner. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.1

Joyce takes a three day break leaving Les in charge. He is not very good, accidentally attacking Clive and being coerced by Bianca into sacking Mateo for flirting with her, though a full-scale protest with television coverage leads to his reinstatement. The Stewarts prepare to scatter the ashes of a deceased friend but the wind blows away the box, opening it to reveal what appears to be a severed head - actually Les's new wig, as the boxes got mixed up, All this determines Joyce to return to work early, with old flame Cyril, who has escaped from a Thai prison. Madge, meanwhile, is untypically nice to everybody, believing she is terminally ill, but, as she breaks the news to the Garveys a fight breaks out, due to Les's incompetence. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.7

A hung-over Martin wakes up in bed with Bianca and is appalled to learn she is a minor. He is in fear of Clive but agrees to meet him and is relieved to find it is because he told Bianca he had a villa and Clive wants to know how to build his own. Kenneth panics when an elderly client appears to die under the dryer and borrows Madge's scooter to dispose of the 'corpse' - which comes back to life whilst Joyce organizes a volleyball contest where the Stewarts in their anti-gravity boots thrash Michael and Tiger, who lose their holiday money in a bet as a result. However Tonya's superb showing at the karaoke wins it back whilst Martin finally hits the jackpot at the casino, thanks to Donald's lucky penny. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.3

Martin Weedon arrives with his noisy friends for his wealthy mate Jonty's stag weekend, immediately annoying staff and the other guests. Clive and Mick make up whilst their sons steal some odd pills from the Garveys' room to help the celebrants get high as the Stewarts take the partyers out on a night to remember, especially as Jacqueline is standing in for the stripper. Madge meanwhile undoes the harmony between the Dykes and the Garveys whilst next morning Mateo discovers that Joyce is not as opposed to Jonty as she had previously claimed. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

Mick is released from prison and Janice grudgingly accepts a lift from Clive to go and meet him though, thanks to Donald's navigation, they end up getting lost. Michael covers his tattoo in a bandage and begs Janice not to tell his father but he and Tiger still run riot, stealing cigarettes and raiding the office whilst the Dykes' daughter Bianca arrives and is mistaken for a prostitute. Mateo is angry when Joyce employs hunky young Jason as a barman on a week's trial as he is a hit with the ladies and better at making cocktails. Les introduces Mateo to a friend who will school him to beat the younger man at a cocktails shaking contest but in the meantime Kenneth discovers that Jason is a wanted man and provides information that will remove him from the Solanas. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

The Garveys arrive for the new season but run into trouble at customs when Madge's crushed tanning powder is mistaken for something illegal and Mick is held overnight. Meanwhile Kenneth, running his hair salon with Liam, accidentally starts a fire, which does not impress Clive and Tonya Dyke from Watford, who already see the Solanas as a dump. They are also less than impressed by the overtures of Jacqueline and Donald, who stage a protest to insure the free holiday they were promised. Whilst the Dykes' boy Tiger leads Michael astray - including getting a tattoo - Tonya is suspicious of Clive's genuine efforts to be helpful to Janice and Kenneth has to appear in front of the hairdressers' Mafia don Herbert, who turns out to be harmless and a friend of Kenneth's mother. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.3

When elegant Barbara Simmonds arrives Joyce is sure she is the hotel inspector who will give the Solana its fourth star so it is not a good idea for Joyce and Kenneth,angry because his salon has been closed for non-payment of rent,to start brawling in front of her. To compensate Joyce offers Mrs Simmonds free beauty treatment but of course she has been misinformed though fortunately she is able to bribe the real inspector. The Stewarts seek the help of the consul to see off Donald's heavy ex-cell mates but Mick has to admit failure when he tells Madge that all her - uninsured - tanning shops burned down ,though Michael still has faith in him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

As Madge prepares for her wedding to Mohammed Mick and Michael discover that he is no rich business man's son but a penniless actor out to marry Madge for her supposed fortune. The Garveys follow him to a medieval tournament recreation where the would-be groom gets his 'joust' deserts. Trudy meanwhile tries to play a trick on Sam by convincing her that she had sex with Liam but Sam and a borrowed pregnancy testing kit have the last laugh. Concerned that the Solana's bad press is due to a spy in the resort leaking all the disasters that have befallen it Joyce asks Donald and Jacqueline to shadow the staff to expose the culprit. Their result leads to a face from the past. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.2

After their night with the swingers,which Noreen enjoyed without understanding,she and Gavin get locked out on his balcony whilst Madge shocks her family by announcing her forthcoming marriage to Mohammed as a tax dodge to regain money owed to Mel by his father. The British Olympic Synchronised Swimming team arrive at the Solana,led by frosty Hazel McCafferty. Joyce delegates Liam to show the girls around but they trick him into taking them onto an 18 to 30 booze cruise. Whilst Trudy and Michael fail in their efforts to join the cruise as being too old or too young,come evening the girls are too smashed to give their gala demonstration. Fortunately Lesley saves the situation with an impromptu pool party and Joyce gets her own back on the snide Hazel. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

Hearing that a gang is abducting people to sell their organs,the Garveys are alarmed when Michael sees Madge getting into a car with a swarthy young man. Giving chase they learn that he is Mohammed,a Moroccan whose father did business with Mel and who is returning some of her late husband's belongings to Madge. Joyce aims to impress Victor St James,editor of the 'Costa Class' magazine,mistakenly believing that his loutish behaviour is a front to catch her out. After Mateo has burnt the paella and Trudy nutted Victor for thinking she was a prostitute Joyce is fearful of a negative review. However salvation comes from a most unlikely quarter. Donald and Jacqueline meanwhile set out to meet some swingers but,due to a misunderstanding,Gavin and Noreen unwittingly beat them to it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

Mick is not pleased when his gormless younger brother Pete,who owes him money,arrives for his stag party with cantankerous father Stan in tow. Nonetheless a fancy dress bar crawl ensues but all ends in anti-climax when Stan admits that there is no wedding and Pete is just taking a break from being his father's carer.After Joyce insists there should be life guard cover at the pool Trudy plans to get the kiss of life from Mateo but ends up being revived by Les dressed as Pamela Anderson whilst Kenneth's misreading of a text from Troy almost leads to his splitting him up from Gavin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

Kenneth starts to regret employing non-English speaking Carmen and offering free treatment at the salon as first prize in the dance contest Joyce is organizing,to be judged by her old flame,professional dancer Cyril Babcock. Janice is puzzled when young Jack,her former stalker,reappears and claims not to recognize her,involving her in a fight with Trudy. However come the contest he sweeps her off her feet confessing it was all a ruse to get close to her. Fortunately Mick comes to her rescue whilst Gavin and Carmen win the competition,releasing Kenneth from giving the prize. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.1

A busload of guests including Noreen,Gavin minus Troy and Sam with her raucous friend Trudy arrive at the Solana,unlike their luggage which got lost on the way. There are several changes - Madge has lost her bar,Kenneth has opened his own salon with local Carmen as his assistant and Liam is the complex's clumsy odd job man. Most significantly Janey has gone,replaced by snooty Joyce Temple-Savage,who aims to make the Solana more up-market - or at least efficient,having arrived incognito and been shocked by what she sees. This leads to open conflict with Madge and the near demise of Jacqueline and Donald,who has returned from the dead and a jail sentence for faking his death to claim the insurance whilst Sam,having broken her leg last year,has yet another mishap. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

After Donald's clothes and a suicide note are found on a beach Gavin and Kenneth help Jacqueline bid him farewell. The British consul however suspects an insurance fraud. Due to a misunderstanding at a gladiatorial theme park Janice finds herself in the arena where she defeats all-comers. Troy arrives in Benidorm,a wealthy man after his father left him several houses and four hundred thousand pounds. Pauline celebrates a successful divorce,Liam declares his appreciation of his father and Madge opens her bar,publicly thanking the Garveys for their support whilst Mateo is exposed - literally - as a cheat with a wife and children. Most of the Brits head home,except Jacqueline,who has an appointment in Morocco. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

Gavin learns that Troy's father has died so,to cheer him up, Kenneth takes him out for the day but,by design,ends up at a gay nudist beach where he gets chatted up by a bare hunk. Gavin is not pleased and sacks him. Madge has the chance to take over a bar - the site of Mel's former disability shop. She prays for a sign and gets one in the form of one of Mel's old thongs and agrees to go into business. Mateo accompanies Les on a double date to repay him for getting him his job back. Unfortunately Mateo has to drag up and gets arrested for importuning.Bananarama arrive for the 1980s evening and get mistaken for a tribute band as there are only two of them. Jacqueline,however,successfully makes up the trio but Liam is less successful in his persistent pursuit of Natalie. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

The resort is hit by a rain storm which floods the hotel. Whilst Les takes control Janice is thrown by the appearance of Johnny Neptune,whose marriage proposal she rejected years earlier. Reformed alcoholic Pauline is so bored she gets drunk and makes a show of herself when she wins the bingo and insults everybody before collapsing on Janey's dog. Donald drops a bombshell by announcing that he has only three months to live and tries out 'The Drugs Don't Work' at the karaoke as the song he would like played at his funeral. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 7.9

Gavin is puzzled as to how the supposedly penniless Kenneth is raking it in after taking strange men to his room until it turns out that he is giving them hair-cuts. Mateo reluctantly begins his water aerobics class,which ends with Donald being taken to hospital. Janey is all for sacking the Spaniard but Lesley comes to his defence,reminding him that he now owes him. The Garveys learn that a gangster calling himself Mr. Pink has bought Mel's debts and go to meet him at a deserted theme park. He challenges Madge to a Go-Kart race,which she wins,thereby cancelling the debts as well as gaining her an extra three thousand euros,thanks to a side bet. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.0

Noreen arrives in Benidorm with her bossy daughter Pauline who alienates the Garveys with her manner but ends up inside a rubber ring with Mick at a water park,causing Janice to suspect the worst. Natalie agrees to a date with Liam to spite Sam who comes too and falls off a table while dancing. Janey is impressed by Lesley's initiative,which annoys Mateo, who falsely claims that children are scared by his transvestism.This backfires on him when Janey suggests that he should also drag up to make it seem more natural.Madge's uncharitable response to the Stewarts' whip-round to ease her financial woes also comes back to bite her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Benidorm




IMDb: 8.1

The surprise is on the Garveys when their surprise visit to Madge reveals that she has sold the Palace and her villa - to Cilla Black - and left no forwarding address. They book in to the Solana,where the Stewarts are also staying.With Troy at his dying father's bedside Gavin has returned with work-mate Kenneth,who never stops eating. Cross-dressing Les is the new poolside barman and his gormless young son Liam is smitten with pretty tourist Natalie,to the scorn of her sarcastic friend Sam. When Madge is finally located she reveals that Mel left her with huge debts,forcing her to sell up and move into a trailer park from which she has just been evicted as she owes rent. Janice decides she should stay at the Solana with them and the family and staff close ranks to see off Scary Mary,the park owner,when she comes to collect Madge's arrears. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Sarah Jane Adventures

The Sarah Jane Adventures


The Sarah Jane Adventures

IMDb: 7.2
28 min (DVD)

Joined by his children Lord Marchwood takes Sarah Jane to the lab to meet up with Rani, Clyde and Toby. They find a machine which Sarah Jane believes is a time machine, through which the beast that attacked her entered, and that it also gives Darkening and the people that he has caused to vanish in the past immortality.She believes that Darkening will use the machine to escape to another galaxy. The beast is killed by Lord Marchwood who then, on Sarah Jane's instructions, gets Darkening to stand on a certain spot, where Sarah Jane turns him into electricity. Celeste Rivers reappears but, for all the evidence of the Marchwoods, Sarah Jane claims to still remain dubious about the existence of the spirit world. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Family, Sci-Fi,
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HD The Sarah Jane Adventures

The Sarah Jane Adventures


The Sarah Jane Adventures

IMDb: 7.4
28 min (DVD)

Sarah Jane, Rani and Clyde meet up with Professor Celeste Rivers and her young assistant Toby at the supposedly haunted Ashenhill Manor where, in 1665, the two children of its owner, Lord Marchwood, were allegedly made to disappear by a sinister alchemist called Erasmus Darkening. Indeed Professor Rivers also vanishes from the manor's nursery, where the toys come to life and the message 'Get Out' appears. Rani and Clyde discover a secret passage which leads to Darkening's laboratory, whilst Sarah Jane is saved from a marauding creature by the shade of Lord Marchwood himself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Family, Sci-Fi,
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