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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.8
25 min

At a business cocktail party at the Tate's home, Samantha meets the snobbish daughter of a client, who provokes her into using her witchcraft to hit her in the eye with an hors d'oeuvre. Later at home, Darrin berates Samantha for what he considers her childish and potentially business costing behavior, but when Larry takes that same tone about Samantha, Darrin stands up for his wife, and begins to rail on Louise. This argument leads to Larry and Darrin parting as friends and co-workers as Darrin quits. Samantha, with Louise's help, concocts a plan to prevent Darrin from getting another job. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 6.4
25 min

Darrin is dismayed to see yet another one of Samantha's relatives stop by for a visit, this time an Irish leprechaun named Brian O'Brian. What Darrin quickly learns is that Brian is not a relative of Samantha's, but one of his, or at least a figment of one of his Irish ancestor's imaginations. Brian has come to the US to retrieve his last pot of gold, which was snatched from beneath him when the fireplace in which he was hiding it was transported into a new house in the US by the house's wealthy new owner, James Dennis Robinson, his US house nearby where Darrin and Samantha live. With no pot of gold, Brian is without his leprechaun magic. Samantha can't use her witchcraft to get the pot of gold for him since it has leprechaun magic on it, meaning that Brian has to retrieve it himself. Breaking into the fortified Robinson mansion may be difficult enough, but Brian hadn't even considered that the pot of gold may have been discovered in its move, which may reduce him to a mere mortal for... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 6.4
25 min

Darrin is dismayed to see yet another one of Samantha's relatives stop by for a visit, this time an Irish leprechaun named Brian O'Brian. What Darrin quickly learns is that Brian is not a relative of Samantha's, but one of his, or at least a figment of one of his Irish ancestor's imaginations. Brian has come to the US to retrieve his last pot of gold, which was snatched from beneath him when the fireplace in which he was hiding it was transported into a new house in the US by the house's wealthy new owner, James Dennis Robinson, his US house nearby where Darrin and Samantha live. With no pot of gold, Brian is without his leprechaun magic. Samantha can't use her witchcraft to get the pot of gold for him since it has leprechaun magic on it, meaning that Brian has to retrieve it himself. Breaking into the fortified Robinson mansion may be difficult enough, but Brian hadn't even considered that the pot of gold may have been discovered in its move, which may reduce him to a mere mortal for... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 6.4
25 min

Darrin is dismayed to see yet another one of Samantha's relatives stop by for a visit, this time an Irish leprechaun named Brian O'Brian. What Darrin quickly learns is that Brian is not a relative of Samantha's, but one of his, or at least a figment of one of his Irish ancestor's imaginations. Brian has come to the US to retrieve his last pot of gold, which was snatched from beneath him when the fireplace in which he was hiding it was transported into a new house in the US by the house's wealthy new owner, James Dennis Robinson, his US house nearby where Darrin and Samantha live. With no pot of gold, Brian is without his leprechaun magic. Samantha can't use her witchcraft to get the pot of gold for him since it has leprechaun magic on it, meaning that Brian has to retrieve it himself. Breaking into the fortified Robinson mansion may be difficult enough, but Brian hadn't even considered that the pot of gold may have been discovered in its move, which may reduce him to a mere mortal for... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Because she can't get a babysitter and she can't cancel her important appointment, Samantha reluctantly allows Endora to babysit Tabatha for the first time. Samantha's only worry about allowing Endora to sit is Darrin's feelings about Endora's use of witchcraft in the house. Despite Endora's vow not to use witchcraft while sitting with Tabatha, Endora can't help herself when Gladys Kravitz comes over the show off her nephew Edgar, who is the same age as Tabatha but who Mrs. Kravitz states is far more advanced than Tabatha. So what Endora decides to do is allow Tabatha to speak, answering Mrs. Kravitz's question directly. Mrs. Kravitz calls in the press to cover the story, which shouldn't be an issue since Tabatha can't really speak, but Endora, who is angry at Darrin for berating her, makes Tabatha speak in front of the reporters. Beyond Samantha needing to convince Endora that what she did was wrong, they have to come up with a way to stop the story cold as their life has become a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Because she can't get a babysitter and she can't cancel her important appointment, Samantha reluctantly allows Endora to babysit Tabatha for the first time. Samantha's only worry about allowing Endora to sit is Darrin's feelings about Endora's use of witchcraft in the house. Despite Endora's vow not to use witchcraft while sitting with Tabatha, Endora can't help herself when Gladys Kravitz comes over the show off her nephew Edgar, who is the same age as Tabatha but who Mrs. Kravitz states is far more advanced than Tabatha. So what Endora decides to do is allow Tabatha to speak, answering Mrs. Kravitz's question directly. Mrs. Kravitz calls in the press to cover the story, which shouldn't be an issue since Tabatha can't really speak, but Endora, who is angry at Darrin for berating her, makes Tabatha speak in front of the reporters. Beyond Samantha needing to convince Endora that what she did was wrong, they have to come up with a way to stop the story cold as their life has become a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Because she can't get a babysitter and she can't cancel her important appointment, Samantha reluctantly allows Endora to babysit Tabatha for the first time. Samantha's only worry about allowing Endora to sit is Darrin's feelings about Endora's use of witchcraft in the house. Despite Endora's vow not to use witchcraft while sitting with Tabatha, Endora can't help herself when Gladys Kravitz comes over the show off her nephew Edgar, who is the same age as Tabatha but who Mrs. Kravitz states is far more advanced than Tabatha. So what Endora decides to do is allow Tabatha to speak, answering Mrs. Kravitz's question directly. Mrs. Kravitz calls in the press to cover the story, which shouldn't be an issue since Tabatha can't really speak, but Endora, who is angry at Darrin for berating her, makes Tabatha speak in front of the reporters. Beyond Samantha needing to convince Endora that what she did was wrong, they have to come up with a way to stop the story cold as their life has become a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Samantha finds a horse in her back yard. Wanting to find from where the horse came, Samantha turns the horse into a human. In her human form, the horse tells Samantha that her name is Dally Ran, is a race horse, but ran away when the opportunity arose as she feels she is the neglected horse among her trainer Jack Spindler's stable. Dally Ran's purpose in races is to set a blistering pace for all the other horses to follow. As all the horses fade in the stretch including Dally Ran, Dally Ran's sister, Adorable Diane, comes from behind to win and gain all the glory. Dally Ran is certain she could win if just given the chance. Later that evening, Darrin brings home his old friend Gus Walters for dinner. From out of town, Gus is having trouble trying to raise money for his new business venture. As she likes the Stephens and Gus, Dally Ran, or Dolly Rand as she is now being called, suggests Gus raise the money through betting on the horses, about which she obviously knows. Gus reluctantly ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Samantha finds a horse in her back yard. Wanting to find from where the horse came, Samantha turns the horse into a human. In her human form, the horse tells Samantha that her name is Dally Ran, is a race horse, but ran away when the opportunity arose as she feels she is the neglected horse among her trainer Jack Spindler's stable. Dally Ran's purpose in races is to set a blistering pace for all the other horses to follow. As all the horses fade in the stretch including Dally Ran, Dally Ran's sister, Adorable Diane, comes from behind to win and gain all the glory. Dally Ran is certain she could win if just given the chance. Later that evening, Darrin brings home his old friend Gus Walters for dinner. From out of town, Gus is having trouble trying to raise money for his new business venture. As she likes the Stephens and Gus, Dally Ran, or Dolly Rand as she is now being called, suggests Gus raise the money through betting on the horses, about which she obviously knows. Gus reluctantly ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Samantha finds a horse in her back yard. Wanting to find from where the horse came, Samantha turns the horse into a human. In her human form, the horse tells Samantha that her name is Dally Ran, is a race horse, but ran away when the opportunity arose as she feels she is the neglected horse among her trainer Jack Spindler's stable. Dally Ran's purpose in races is to set a blistering pace for all the other horses to follow. As all the horses fade in the stretch including Dally Ran, Dally Ran's sister, Adorable Diane, comes from behind to win and gain all the glory. Dally Ran is certain she could win if just given the chance. Later that evening, Darrin brings home his old friend Gus Walters for dinner. From out of town, Gus is having trouble trying to raise money for his new business venture. As she likes the Stephens and Gus, Dally Ran, or Dolly Rand as she is now being called, suggests Gus raise the money through betting on the horses, about which she obviously knows. Gus reluctantly ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Samantha is trying to design and sew an evening gown for a business dinner she and Darrin are going to with an important client, the Glendons. Samantha's dressmaking the mortal way isn't going very well, so Endora convinces Samantha to get some inspiration from French couturier, Aubert, which she does so clandestinely. When Darrin unwittingly criticizes Samantha's mortal creation, Samantha feels what is best for all concerned is to create a gown through witchcraft, using one of Aubert's new designs. The gown is a hit at the dinner, so much so that Darrin, wanting to please the client, offers Samantha's services as gown designer and seamstress to Mrs. Glendon, Mrs. Glendon's sister-in-law and Mrs. Kravitz. Having no aptitude as a designer or seamstress the mortal way, Samantha feels she has no other choice but to create those three gowns also using witchcraft, and also using three of Aubert's not yet released designs. These three gowns will be debuted at a business cocktail party ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Samantha is trying to design and sew an evening gown for a business dinner she and Darrin are going to with an important client, the Glendons. Samantha's dressmaking the mortal way isn't going very well, so Endora convinces Samantha to get some inspiration from French couturier, Aubert, which she does so clandestinely. When Darrin unwittingly criticizes Samantha's mortal creation, Samantha feels what is best for all concerned is to create a gown through witchcraft, using one of Aubert's new designs. The gown is a hit at the dinner, so much so that Darrin, wanting to please the client, offers Samantha's services as gown designer and seamstress to Mrs. Glendon, Mrs. Glendon's sister-in-law and Mrs. Kravitz. Having no aptitude as a designer or seamstress the mortal way, Samantha feels she has no other choice but to create those three gowns also using witchcraft, and also using three of Aubert's not yet released designs. These three gowns will be debuted at a business cocktail party ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Samantha is trying to design and sew an evening gown for a business dinner she and Darrin are going to with an important client, the Glendons. Samantha's dressmaking the mortal way isn't going very well, so Endora convinces Samantha to get some inspiration from French couturier, Aubert, which she does so clandestinely. When Darrin unwittingly criticizes Samantha's mortal creation, Samantha feels what is best for all concerned is to create a gown through witchcraft, using one of Aubert's new designs. The gown is a hit at the dinner, so much so that Darrin, wanting to please the client, offers Samantha's services as gown designer and seamstress to Mrs. Glendon, Mrs. Glendon's sister-in-law and Mrs. Kravitz. Having no aptitude as a designer or seamstress the mortal way, Samantha feels she has no other choice but to create those three gowns also using witchcraft, and also using three of Aubert's not yet released designs. These three gowns will be debuted at a business cocktail party ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.3
25 min

Samantha has noticed that Endora seems to be softening to the idea of Darrin, even to the point of giving him gifts. For Darrin's upcoming birthday, Endora decides to give him a gift without telling him: three wishes. Darrin throws off the first two wishes quickly, but it may be that last wish which may cause the most problems. Larry is stuck at a fogged-in Chicago airport, which is not good timing as one of his most temperamental clients, Mr. Turgeon, is sitting in his office to renew his contract. After Larry telephones Darrin to keep Turgeon preoccupied until he can get back to New York, Darrin makes his third wish: to be Larry Tate for a day. After Darrin overcomes the shock of being Larry, Darrin has to deal with Turgeon without knowing anything about the client, and deal with Louise who believed her husband was in Chicago. That latter situation may be a touchy one as bedtime rolls around and/or if Larry returns home earlier than expected, that is unless Samantha can reverse the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.3
25 min

Samantha has noticed that Endora seems to be softening to the idea of Darrin, even to the point of giving him gifts. For Darrin's upcoming birthday, Endora decides to give him a gift without telling him: three wishes. Darrin throws off the first two wishes quickly, but it may be that last wish which may cause the most problems. Larry is stuck at a fogged-in Chicago airport, which is not good timing as one of his most temperamental clients, Mr. Turgeon, is sitting in his office to renew his contract. After Larry telephones Darrin to keep Turgeon preoccupied until he can get back to New York, Darrin makes his third wish: to be Larry Tate for a day. After Darrin overcomes the shock of being Larry, Darrin has to deal with Turgeon without knowing anything about the client, and deal with Louise who believed her husband was in Chicago. That latter situation may be a touchy one as bedtime rolls around and/or if Larry returns home earlier than expected, that is unless Samantha can reverse the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.3
25 min

Samantha has noticed that Endora seems to be softening to the idea of Darrin, even to the point of giving him gifts. For Darrin's upcoming birthday, Endora decides to give him a gift without telling him: three wishes. Darrin throws off the first two wishes quickly, but it may be that last wish which may cause the most problems. Larry is stuck at a fogged-in Chicago airport, which is not good timing as one of his most temperamental clients, Mr. Turgeon, is sitting in his office to renew his contract. After Larry telephones Darrin to keep Turgeon preoccupied until he can get back to New York, Darrin makes his third wish: to be Larry Tate for a day. After Darrin overcomes the shock of being Larry, Darrin has to deal with Turgeon without knowing anything about the client, and deal with Louise who believed her husband was in Chicago. That latter situation may be a touchy one as bedtime rolls around and/or if Larry returns home earlier than expected, that is unless Samantha can reverse the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 6.7
25 min

Darrin's parents are coming by for their first ever visit to see Tabatha. Their visit coincides with another by Endora. While Darrin's father's primary focus is coming up with business ideas to get him out of retirement, the grandmothers are in quiet competition with each other, especially as the favored grandmother to Tabatha. But that competition ratchets up a notch when Darrin and Samantha learn that both grandmothers have purchased the identical stuffed bear for Tabatha. Endora gets the upper hand when she places a spell on her bear, which dances every time anyone says the name Tabatha, who ends up being fascinated by the dancing bear. While Darrin's mother sulks, Darrin's father, on the other hand, sees the dancing bear as a business opportunity that could reap him and Darrin millions. Samantha and Darrin have to figure out a way to convince Endora to take the spell off the bear, or come up with a way to nix the inevitable deal Darrin's father will make with the toy manufacturer ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 6.7
25 min

Darrin's parents are coming by for their first ever visit to see Tabatha. Their visit coincides with another by Endora. While Darrin's father's primary focus is coming up with business ideas to get him out of retirement, the grandmothers are in quiet competition with each other, especially as the favored grandmother to Tabatha. But that competition ratchets up a notch when Darrin and Samantha learn that both grandmothers have purchased the identical stuffed bear for Tabatha. Endora gets the upper hand when she places a spell on her bear, which dances every time anyone says the name Tabatha, who ends up being fascinated by the dancing bear. While Darrin's mother sulks, Darrin's father, on the other hand, sees the dancing bear as a business opportunity that could reap him and Darrin millions. Samantha and Darrin have to figure out a way to convince Endora to take the spell off the bear, or come up with a way to nix the inevitable deal Darrin's father will make with the toy manufacturer ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 6.7
25 min

Darrin's parents are coming by for their first ever visit to see Tabatha. Their visit coincides with another by Endora. While Darrin's father's primary focus is coming up with business ideas to get him out of retirement, the grandmothers are in quiet competition with each other, especially as the favored grandmother to Tabatha. But that competition ratchets up a notch when Darrin and Samantha learn that both grandmothers have purchased the identical stuffed bear for Tabatha. Endora gets the upper hand when she places a spell on her bear, which dances every time anyone says the name Tabatha, who ends up being fascinated by the dancing bear. While Darrin's mother sulks, Darrin's father, on the other hand, sees the dancing bear as a business opportunity that could reap him and Darrin millions. Samantha and Darrin have to figure out a way to convince Endora to take the spell off the bear, or come up with a way to nix the inevitable deal Darrin's father will make with the toy manufacturer ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 7.4
25 min

While Samantha waits for Darrin alone in a fancy restaurant, she is hit upon by an obnoxious drunk who refuses to leave her alone despite her constantly telling him to do so. Darrin, upon his arrival and seeing the situation, wants to protect his wife's honor which leads to a physical altercation with the drunk. As it looks as if Darrin is going to get beat up by his much larger adversary, Samantha decides to use witchcraft to knock out the drunk, which on-lookers believe was all Darrin's fists doing. Later in private, Darrin is humiliated that his wife fought his battle for him. However, Darrin and Samantha just want to put the incident behind them and move on. That may not be easy as the rest of the world won't leave the story alone as unknown to Samantha and Darrin at the time, the drunk is heavyweight contender Jolting Joe Kovacks. The story ends up being front page news. The front page story has three resulting outcomes. First, Kovacks, despite being truly sorry for his actions ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 7.4
25 min

While Samantha waits for Darrin alone in a fancy restaurant, she is hit upon by an obnoxious drunk who refuses to leave her alone despite her constantly telling him to do so. Darrin, upon his arrival and seeing the situation, wants to protect his wife's honor which leads to a physical altercation with the drunk. As it looks as if Darrin is going to get beat up by his much larger adversary, Samantha decides to use witchcraft to knock out the drunk, which on-lookers believe was all Darrin's fists doing. Later in private, Darrin is humiliated that his wife fought his battle for him. However, Darrin and Samantha just want to put the incident behind them and move on. That may not be easy as the rest of the world won't leave the story alone as unknown to Samantha and Darrin at the time, the drunk is heavyweight contender Jolting Joe Kovacks. The story ends up being front page news. The front page story has three resulting outcomes. First, Kovacks, despite being truly sorry for his actions ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 7.4
25 min

While Samantha waits for Darrin alone in a fancy restaurant, she is hit upon by an obnoxious drunk who refuses to leave her alone despite her constantly telling him to do so. Darrin, upon his arrival and seeing the situation, wants to protect his wife's honor which leads to a physical altercation with the drunk. As it looks as if Darrin is going to get beat up by his much larger adversary, Samantha decides to use witchcraft to knock out the drunk, which on-lookers believe was all Darrin's fists doing. Later in private, Darrin is humiliated that his wife fought his battle for him. However, Darrin and Samantha just want to put the incident behind them and move on. That may not be easy as the rest of the world won't leave the story alone as unknown to Samantha and Darrin at the time, the drunk is heavyweight contender Jolting Joe Kovacks. The story ends up being front page news. The front page story has three resulting outcomes. First, Kovacks, despite being truly sorry for his actions ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.7
25 min

When Darrin and Samantha receive news that his parents, Frank and Phyllis Stephens, are coming by for a visit in a couple of weeks to meet Tabatha for the first time, they reminisce about the less than uneventful last visit Darrin's parents had with them. The story... Aunt Clara takes Samantha up on her offer to come by anytime for an extended visit and plans to stay for the weekend. Darrin's parents are also coming by to stay for the weekend, they who Samantha has not yet met. As Samantha is nervous about that first meeting if only because she doesn't consider herself a seasoned housewife probably up to the standards of Mrs. Stephens Sr., Samantha is glad for Aunt Clara's arrival if only to have some moral support from one of her relatives. Aunt Clara can't help but provide more than moral support, that help in the form of witchcraft to make Samantha the perfect housewife. And Aunt Clara sees nothing wrong in being up front with the Stephenses that she and Samantha are witches ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.7
25 min

When Darrin and Samantha receive news that his parents, Frank and Phyllis Stephens, are coming by for a visit in a couple of weeks to meet Tabatha for the first time, they reminisce about the less than uneventful last visit Darrin's parents had with them. The story... Aunt Clara takes Samantha up on her offer to come by anytime for an extended visit and plans to stay for the weekend. Darrin's parents are also coming by to stay for the weekend, they who Samantha has not yet met. As Samantha is nervous about that first meeting if only because she doesn't consider herself a seasoned housewife probably up to the standards of Mrs. Stephens Sr., Samantha is glad for Aunt Clara's arrival if only to have some moral support from one of her relatives. Aunt Clara can't help but provide more than moral support, that help in the form of witchcraft to make Samantha the perfect housewife. And Aunt Clara sees nothing wrong in being up front with the Stephenses that she and Samantha are witches ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.7
25 min

When Darrin and Samantha receive news that his parents, Frank and Phyllis Stephens, are coming by for a visit in a couple of weeks to meet Tabatha for the first time, they reminisce about the less than uneventful last visit Darrin's parents had with them. The story... Aunt Clara takes Samantha up on her offer to come by anytime for an extended visit and plans to stay for the weekend. Darrin's parents are also coming by to stay for the weekend, they who Samantha has not yet met. As Samantha is nervous about that first meeting if only because she doesn't consider herself a seasoned housewife probably up to the standards of Mrs. Stephens Sr., Samantha is glad for Aunt Clara's arrival if only to have some moral support from one of her relatives. Aunt Clara can't help but provide more than moral support, that help in the form of witchcraft to make Samantha the perfect housewife. And Aunt Clara sees nothing wrong in being up front with the Stephenses that she and Samantha are witches ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.1
25 min

Although Samantha admits to the act of witchcraft in feeding infant Tabatha, the act itself makes Darrin ponder if Tabatha is indeed a witch. His belief that she is is strengthened when the Kravitzes give to Tabatha a gift of one share in a stock that has not moved in twenty years, and by the next day the stock increases by 6 points, almost doubling its worth. Samantha believes it is just coincidence, but as she convinces Darrin that she or Endora had nothing to do with the stock's rise, Darrin believes Tabatha manipulated the market for her own benefit. As an experiment, Darrin buys Tabatha a share in another stock of her pointing, which also nearly doubles its worth overnight. Beyond the Kravitzes wanting to get in on whatever is causing the Stephenses seemingly to get rich - even if it is by voodoo as Gladys suspects - only one thing may convince Darrin that none of the unusual stock activity was of Tabatha's doing. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.1
25 min

Although Samantha admits to the act of witchcraft in feeding infant Tabatha, the act itself makes Darrin ponder if Tabatha is indeed a witch. His belief that she is is strengthened when the Kravitzes give to Tabatha a gift of one share in a stock that has not moved in twenty years, and by the next day the stock increases by 6 points, almost doubling its worth. Samantha believes it is just coincidence, but as she convinces Darrin that she or Endora had nothing to do with the stock's rise, Darrin believes Tabatha manipulated the market for her own benefit. As an experiment, Darrin buys Tabatha a share in another stock of her pointing, which also nearly doubles its worth overnight. Beyond the Kravitzes wanting to get in on whatever is causing the Stephenses seemingly to get rich - even if it is by voodoo as Gladys suspects - only one thing may convince Darrin that none of the unusual stock activity was of Tabatha's doing. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 5.1
25 min

Although Samantha admits to the act of witchcraft in feeding infant Tabatha, the act itself makes Darrin ponder if Tabatha is indeed a witch. His belief that she is is strengthened when the Kravitzes give to Tabatha a gift of one share in a stock that has not moved in twenty years, and by the next day the stock increases by 6 points, almost doubling its worth. Samantha believes it is just coincidence, but as she convinces Darrin that she or Endora had nothing to do with the stock's rise, Darrin believes Tabatha manipulated the market for her own benefit. As an experiment, Darrin buys Tabatha a share in another stock of her pointing, which also nearly doubles its worth overnight. Beyond the Kravitzes wanting to get in on whatever is causing the Stephenses seemingly to get rich - even if it is by voodoo as Gladys suspects - only one thing may convince Darrin that none of the unusual stock activity was of Tabatha's doing. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.0
25 min

After nine months of waiting, Darrin and Samantha welcome their first child, who they would name Tabatha, into the family. In fact, Darrin is so happy that he even embraces Endorra, who for the first time shows emotion as she and Darrin shed a few tears together. However, the fun really begins when Darrin meets Sam's lookalike cousin Serena. Unfortunately, Darrin thinks Endorra cast a spell on his daughter to cause her to age overnight and he tries to catch Serena, who he thinks is a now adult Tabatha. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.0
25 min

After nine months of waiting, Darrin and Samantha welcome their first child, who they would name Tabatha, into the family. In fact, Darrin is so happy that he even embraces Endorra, who for the first time shows emotion as she and Darrin shed a few tears together. However, the fun really begins when Darrin meets Sam's lookalike cousin Serena. Unfortunately, Darrin thinks Endorra cast a spell on his daughter to cause her to age overnight and he tries to catch Serena, who he thinks is a now adult Tabatha. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched




IMDb: 9.0
25 min

After nine months of waiting, Darrin and Samantha welcome their first child, who they would name Tabatha, into the family. In fact, Darrin is so happy that he even embraces Endorra, who for the first time shows emotion as she and Darrin shed a few tears together. However, the fun really begins when Darrin meets Sam's lookalike cousin Serena. Unfortunately, Darrin thinks Endorra cast a spell on his daughter to cause her to age overnight and he tries to catch Serena, who he thinks is a now adult Tabatha. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Because he doesn't want Samantha to do any heavy work or do that work using witchcraft, Darrin wants Samantha to hire a maid. She reluctantly agrees, her reluctance due to the fact that she doesn't want a stranger invading her house and their lives. After a few less than satisfactory interviews, Samantha finally decides to hire Naomi Hogan. Naomi admits that she is not the best housekeeper in the world - in fact, she admits that she is quite inept at it - but she's nice, honest, and she needs the money to put her son through medical school. Naomi ends up being a great housekeeper, but it's all with Samantha being her secret shadow, she who uses her witchcraft to right all Naomi's many wrongs. Not knowing what's going on, Darrin agrees to Louise's request to lend Naomi out for an evening to prepare a fancy meal for a business dinner party which will not include Darrin and Samantha. Samantha then has no option but to tell Darrin the truth. They have to figure out a way to get invited to... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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