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IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Now addicted to both amphetamines AND cocaine, shapely Pam has a problem; the team plans to restrain and keep her locked up until she is clean. Krieger finds a spare brain chip: who shall receive a transplant? An unexpected visit from law enforcement causes Cyril Esq. to wax Socratic on the 4th Amendment. Cyril shouldn't quit his day job. The team has to scramble to keep Agent Holley from finding cartel product, hostages or actionable criminal offenses. Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Pam decides to use the million dollars in counterfeit money, acquired in the cartel's previous encounter, to buy amphetamines from the Yakuza. Mr. Moto threatens Pam and Cheryl insults Mr. Moto. A murderous Tunt arms ISIS with old family weaponry. Someone gets shot and needs a hospital, requiring tunnel egress. Archer becomes the team negotiator. It is a lose-lose proposition. Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Do ri me fa so la ti BLOW: As Cheryl trains to sing under Ray's tutelage, the rest of the team gather with them at Tunt Manor and attempt to run their new cartel. Pam takes a real liking to their product and Archer gets to revisit an old amigo. Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.6
19 min

After the FBI storms ISIS HQ, the team is charged with an alphabet soup of crime, including treason. Malory negotiates to secure the release of the entire team, but this entails giving up ISIS. Back at the HQ the team huddles; they fantasize, brag and crowd resource. Archer asks a very important question then has a vivid idea via musical montage, which foreshadows the entire Season 5 of Archer Vice. Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Once on board the underwater laboratory, the Isis crew find they have very little time to rescue the lab from its deranged captain. But of course, the Isis crew's conflicts and Archer's recklessly impulsive tendencies don't exactly help things. Written by halo1k, Anonymous

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IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Malory's new hobby is collecting payloads of B-52 bombers: Mark-28 hydrogen bombs. She wants ISIS to recover an H-bomb and then give it to the U.S. government, in exchange for a huge reward...or ransom. ISIS must obtain a deep submergence vehicle, or DSV. to obtain an H-bomb. With 2 DSVs in existence and the Russians having one of them, it is a problem. Malory wants to beat the Russians, so when Cheryl announces her stupid gross brother, Cecil owns the other DSV, things start to look up. Archer loves that Cecil owns an island, undersea lab and a choppersaurus, with wet bar and buffet. Cecil seems to be generous with his toys and without strings, or does Cecil and his Vegan girlfriend, Tiffy have ulterior motives? One hoax later, the ISIS crew learns of the sinister mission in store for them. Those crazy Tunts! Why does Cecil insist on non-diegetic music? Will Archer ever define wildly liberal use of the bar? Grab an Epi-pen and get your jumbo scrimps on! There's more to this ... Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.8

Father Guido Sardouchebag and Sister Golden Hair surprise everyone at ISIS with their vintage RC look for a top-secret covert op in Vatican City against a rebel faction of the Swiss Guard. Lana is confused, verging on angry, not to be asked to go on, if not run, the mission; she is the only agent fluent in Italian, German, French and Romansh. Ray cannot go, as the good Cardinals would see through his gay ...hillbilly accent? And, Cyril has a thing about church stuff. Unsure about black nuns and the whole RC thing, Lana still knows she is essential to the Rome mission. Archer never pays attention to context and he may, indeed, avere la testa il culo, but the king of situational awareness may be the one whose head is furthest up his own ass. In an op not called the old switcheroo, the agents go on Trope Alert (non si traduce bene) to save His Holiness the Pope, from danger. It may not translate well but Archer does know Freebird. Will His Holiness the Pope dispense indulgences... Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Lana is not open to other cultures, mainly Tangier, Morocco; Archer is blissfully at home, toking hashish, drinking and farting falafels, all driving Lana out of her muezzin -addled mind. The pair was sent to Tangier to extract Kazak and bring him to ISIS... but first, they have to get past Moroccan intelligence. A huge, hairy problem tackles Lana... someone forgot to tell Fred and Daphne to pack the Scooby Snacks! Who knew kufta could smell like THAT? Lana goes on her usual hormone-furled, know-it-all bitchfest and she storms off into the desert. At ISIS, Pam scores 100% on the IFAAB and qualifies as an ISIS field agent. Will Kazak talk Archer into rescuing Lana from the desert? Does Archer really drive a car like Parnelli Frickin' Jones? Either way, with Kazak on the case, life is a real GAS! Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.9
20 min

Archer and Lana go undercover as husband and wife while staying in a luxurious penthouse in New York's high rent district. But tensions between the two soon become as intense as if they actually were a real married couple. Meanwhile, the rest of the Isis crew decides to eavesdrop on the newlyweds. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Archer, Lana and Cyril travel to Texas to prevent Moreno, infamous coyote, from smuggling illegal aliens into the country. When Archer realizes the coyote is lovely Señorita Mercedes Moreno, he punches and shoots The Defiant Ones, who go back to ISIS. Archer offers to drive Texas 797 SRS, the station wagon containing the illegals. Mercedes, Chuy, Lupe, Marisol, Paz and gang meet the Border Patrol. Is Archer autistic or is he merely insane? Will anyone but Archer learn to count bullets? Was 8-track REALLY the way to go? Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.8
23 min

The Isis crew takes on an undercover mission working as the wait and bus staff for a celebrity chef. There, they try to save an ambassador from being murdered, while Archer takes on a job as a cook working for the nightmarish head chef and discovers he's a natural. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Archer is bitten in the asp by a poisonous cobra in Turkmenistan and Ray refuses to suck out the taint. Archer hallucinates into a fever-dream cinema montage where he is accompanied by cut-rate James Mason. In the conscious world, Cyril and Ray are in charge of the mission and must locate and trade for anti-venom to save Archer's life. At HQ, Malory worries because the guys are not answering the sat-phone. Lana pitches her usual fit; this time, because Malory refuses to consider sending a black woman into a black-ops mission in misogynistic Turkmenistan. Pam and Cheryl egg on their fight, flinging gurpgork all over the fire. Cut-rate James Mason helps Archer look back on his life and as the guys try to save Archer, will Archer uncover an important memory? Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.6
21 min

It is Opposite World at ISIS. Cheryl does not imprison Lana and Malory in the vault; and Archer does not shoot Ray and Cyril with poison darts. All of this activity is not done so Archer can spend some time with Katya, upset at the continued absence of Barry, still trapped at the ISA space station. Cheryl is not running interference, Krieger does not contact Barry with Archer's pre-prepared scripted gibberish and Pam does not use her AV skills. The goal of this plot is not to make a sex tape that will not drive a wedge between Barry and Katya. But remember: it is Opposite World. Will Archer regain his long lost cyborg crush or is there an opposite agenda afoot? Who wears the pants in a marriage with a cyborg? And who is running the KGB? Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 7.7
21 min

It might not be a bounty hunt and it might not be evening, but Midnight Ron is chock full of crime. Drunk in Montreal, Archer torched his passport. When neither Malory nor any other of the ISIS gang will help Archer, stranded at the casino, his new stepfather decides to rescue him. Does it matter that Ron Cadillac has his own agenda? Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.0
21 min

After the space crash, Ray is paralyzed. For Fourth of Juluau, Ray was confined to his wheelchair. Now, Ray cannot go with Archer, Lana and Cyril to Rome on the Morelli caper. As Malory and Ron Cadillac prepare to leave on a cruise, the trio goes to the armory to get their gear for Rome. Krieger offers Ray a pair of bionic legs. Ray freaks out and a battle of science v. religion ensues. Krieger drugs coffee and Pam readies to assist (while slamming 40 oz. brews). Carol/Cheryl obtains medical supplies from Rodney and spills the news about Krieger making Ray into a stupid cyborg. It is Archer's turn to freak. He hits the armory with his rocket launcher; Lana runs toward the explosion. Archer cannot reach Ray in time to save the human race from the rise of the machines, so he crawls into the ceiling duct work. There are several enlightening flashbacks. And Lana really turns up the heat. Will the Micromanager ever learn not to obsess? Can Lana make it hot enough to extract Archer? And, ... Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Lucas Troy trained at ISIS with Lana, Ray and Archer; he is Archer's bro, wingman, and BFF. Lucas tops Malory's shit list because he was her star graduate but went to work for ODIN. Malory announces Lucas is dead: a traitor and murderer who stole bearer bonds and uranium, but died in a plane crash. Archer is outraged; he assumes ODIN has a mole and Malory is jealous of his friends. Lana and Malory think Lucas was gay; Ray said Luke was a meathead frat-boy asshole jock, but definitely not gay. When Archer gets a phone call he claims is about a lemur and a tranq gun, he leaves. Lana goes to the armory for ammo and meets Rodney, the new armory czar; she learns Archer just got 14 days worth of rations, snow gear but no tranq gun! Vermont is his real destination; Archer has tracked one of Luke's old identities and hopes Vermont has liquor stores. Lana and Cyril follow him. At Twin Oaks BandB, BFFs reunite. Archer's focus is clearing Luke's name, but Luke has other ideas: There's Something ... Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Archer has amnesia and, for the past two months, he believes he is Bob who has been married to Linda and is stepfather to her three kids, Tina, Gene and Louise. A KGB hit squad shows up, Bob decides to go on a spa weekend to protect Linda and the kids from further attacks. At ISIS, Lana has succeeded in locating Archer at Bob's Burgers. Lana reports his probable amnesia and the KGB hit squad to Malory and the core group. The ISIS gang joins Bob at the spa to jog the memory of super spy, Sterling Archer. Lana is deployed as a half-arsed Honeypot. When yet another KGB hit squad goes into action, more than Archer's memory is jogged. Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Once on board the international space station, Archer and the Isis crew have very little time to save the crew on board from being taken over by space pirates, but an even sinister motive looks to make things even worse for Archer and Isis. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.3
21 min

The Isis staff is called by NASA to stop the international space station from being taken over by space pirates. During training, Cyril proves to be a more than adequate pilot, while Malory attempts to make drinks in low gravity, and Lana has an unusually weak stomach. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 7.8
22 min

What's red and white and blonde all over? Krieger invites Archer to his apartment lab (Gross!) to learn the answer: Katya. It is a dream come true for Archer to be able to flick a titty and turn ON a smoking hot cyborg. But, Malory calls his fiancee an abomination; and Archer had his rope pulled during a long night of banging tail lights! When Archer finds Katya's robo-gina in the sink, he freaks out and faints. Woodhouse suggests some white vinegar, mineral oil and elbow grease will keep her little pleasure boat looking Bristol. At ISIS, Archer drinks with Cyril and some of the Rat Pack while Katya confides in the girls. She does not want to be an abomination but she wants to marry Archer, the man she has always loved. Barry shows up before the wedding, determined to kill Archer and Katya flies to defend him. As the two cyborgs fight, it's bone dancing, swaying to the music... soon, there is no one else in the whole wide world. Katya asks Archer a hard question. Will Katya and her ... Written by LA-Lawyer

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IMDb: 8.0
22 min

After a wild night involving Archer hitting on the widow of a deceased Isis agent and some heavy drinking, Archer wakes up in his apartment to discover that he's had the best sex of his life. Unfortunately, who he discovers that it was with jeopardizes his ability to perform on the job. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.0
22 min

The Isis crew heads to West Virginia when Ray gets a call from his brother, who desperately needs assistance against a crooked Sheriff who is abusing his power and putting the family crop in danger. Meanwhile, Archer hits on Ray's brother's unusually attractive wife. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.5
22 min

Archer and Lana are called over to Malory's apartment on what was supposed to be an off night for the Isis crew. There, they are shocked to discover what appears to be a dead body, some foreplay, and a few random gun shots. As they put together the pieces of the mystery, they soon discover that there's more to this story than meets the eye, and does Archer have enough spaghetti and meatballs for everybody? And what is underneath Malory's trench coat? Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 7.8
21 min

For Archer's birthday, Malory and the Isis crew surprise him with a souped up Dodge Challenger, complete with all the latest high tech gear. Unfortunately Archer turns his back for one second and the car's gone. Archer and Lana soon head to the underground of New York City's street racing scene to get the car back. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.4
21 min

The Isis crew is ordered to transport a dangerous terrorist across the border to Canada. A drunken Archer wants to fulfill his lifelong dream of fighting a bunch of random guys on the top of a speeding train. Meanwhile, the rest of the Isis crew boards against Malory's orders on Cheryl's private cars. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Cyril is promoted to field agent just as the Isis crew is called to bring in the bounty on a South American drug lord - Armando Calzado. But Cyril's incompetence gets him lost and Archer and Lana thrown in jail and they have become a target for Calzado to hunt. Meanwhile, the rest of the Isis crew is ordered by Malory to take a drug test, and uses an experimental detox cure from Krieger with predictably disastrous results. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Archer is stunned to learn that his mother is dating his man crush - Burt Reynolds. As Archer and Burt bond, they soon discover that they have more in common than once thought, while Archer has to defend the rest of the crew after his carelessness gets them in trouble with a ruthless gang of Cuban drug lords. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.2
19 min

Malory finally sends Lana and Ray to get Archer back. But Archer has quickly settled into his new role as king of the pirates. But Archer and Rip soon go from leading the pirates to being their prisoner, and Malory must negotiate for Archer's freedom. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.2
20 min

Rick Riley finally convinces Archer to come back to Isis. However, along the way back, Rick's plane gets ambushed and he and Archer soon find themselves stranded on a mysterious island whose people are in need of a leader. Will Archer be the man for the job? Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.5
22 min

Archer is still reeling from the death of his fiancée by taking a siesta to an island in the South Pacific. Malory, needing Archer back, sends noted adventurer Rick Riley to retrieve Archer and escort him back to Isis. Archer refuses until he's dragged out. Written by halo1k

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IMDb: 8.3
21 min

After saving Archer back in Russia, Katya Kazanova goes back to the United States with Archer. However Malory and Lana are skeptical of Katya's defection to the West. The KGB labels Katya as a double agent, and all hell breaks loose in ISIS. Archer now has to fight for Katya's innocence as every ISIS agent comes after her. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.1
20 min

A Finnish sky-diving enthusiast hits Ray in the eye and steals his mission (Dukes!) Ray will be unconscious for an hour...does he not know how BAD that is for him? Ray reports back to ISIS where the general discussion turns to a steamy, 40-year affair between Malory and Nikolai Jakov. Malory thought her affair was secret...then, she remembers Pam. But, Pam isn't fazed; apparently, there is this new thing the kids are doing called shuttin' the damned door. If Malory wants both whipped creme and privacy, she had better get with it. The gang learns Archer is at the dreaded Lubyanka Prison; Nikolai threatens all sorts of pain if Archer does not pass his test. For $250,000 and other valuable consideration, Barry Dylan agrees to infiltrate the KGB. Barry might not be a lawyer but he understands assumption of the risk, as all previous missions with Archer have cost him the figurative arm and leg. Archer and Barry hang around Russia with KGB in lukewarm pursuit. When one of them goes ... Written by LA-Lawyer

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