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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Archer, Malory, Lana, and Ray travel to Monaco during Gran Prix week to make an expensive trade for a secret disk. Archer is given to hold the $4 million in untraceable bearer bonds, but Lana and Ray aren't sure he can be trusted with them. Meanwhile, back at ISIS headquarters, Cyril finds out that Malory took all the money from everyone's 401Ks to pay for the trade. Everyone back at ISIS decides to find a way to get their money back, no matter how unethical. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.6
20 min

Pam and Cheryl are gabbing on their way to ISIS and they are, once again, late for work. A van approaches the pair and men proceed to kidnap one of them. Life is so damned unfair: Cheryl did not even take time off last week when her parents were killed in a car accident... this could make her really late! When the non-kidnapped drone reaches ISIS, she receives a very lukewarm welcome until railroads and Tunts arise. Then, it becomes all about kidnappers, voice modulation software ...and how much one's colleagues value a co-worker. Perhaps perennial cheapskate, Malory, is not the best person to ask. Lana is horrified; later, she is literally wet with jealousy and the fearless ISIS crew operates with its usual efficiency to save its team member. How much of a piece of Malory will an angry ex-kidnap victim demand? Can Malory afford to lose it? How many times will Brett get shot before the ISIS liability insurer cancels them for good? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.9
21 min

Krieger suspects there is something wrong with Archer's chemo medicine and Archer learns he and his new friend, Ruth, are not getting real cancer medication. Instead, Ruth and Archer are getting sugar pills and Zima. Archer and Lana go on a rampage where Archer hosts a game of Family Feud between members of the Irish mob and Honduran janitors to learn the name of the man in charge: Franny Delaney. The real cancer medications cause horrible side effects for Archer, as he mourns the death of his pal, Ruth. Cyril goes on his own rampage, tormenting Krieger about being a Boy From Brazil, just because he made Portugeuse flash cards for Archer. It's a dog's life for Krieger...and as Archer loses his hair, toenails and his mind, he gains new respect for the healing medical properties of marijuana. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.5
22 min

When Malory has a breast cancer scare, she makes the mistake of telling Lana within the same galaxy as Pam, who texts the secret to but Archer and Ray. Archer knows how to uncover ISIS secrets: just ask Pam. When Malory sees Dr. Spelvin, he finds Malory tested as a false positive ...and Archer has a dead crawfish in his right lung! (Who knew AmPetCo was such a mistake?) Archer O.D.s on positivity, Lady Vagina cancer and little pink ribbons. Seamus gets more than that for which Trinette bargained. It may be so boring and forever taking, but some of the gang are determined to see Archer through his cancer... even after Archer takes off with Woodhouse's little brother, Dicky. Their prepaid snort in Las Vegas turns out to suck and blow for both Dicky and Archer. (Figgis, you got some 'splainin' to do!!) On the eve of Archer's surgery, Lana puts 100% of herself into Team Cure Archer, who is shitfaced and spouting love. Four hours late for his surgery, Archer gets positive results. And then... Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Oscar winning actress, Rona Thorne, is taking on the CIA and the KGB in Deitrich Viener's new movie thriller, Disavowed! Since Rona wants her performance to be amazing, Rona wants to train not only with ISIS, but with Lana Kane. Rona says she is SO inspired by Lana, the epitome of an empowered woman! Lana hesitates about sharing highly classified covert ops with anyone outside the agency, but when Archer offers his services, Lana immediately agrees to work with Rona. Meanwhile, Malory takes advantage of the access to Rona's Hollywood agent and Cyril; this results in a taut, sexy thriller-sequel to Mandingo. Pam borrows something from Rona and tells Cheryl and Ray. It is an Operation Dick Sledge, flashback at Rona's apartment; Steele and Cassius find their own Pinch Two and experience jungle fever at ISIS. Surprisingly, absolutely no one but Archer and the computer nerds seem to be paying attention to current events; Archer is the only one who is not totally starstruck. Will it ... Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Archer cannot hear Lana over the sound of his deafening awesomeness; but, Cyril cannot perform under pressure and is rudely vanquished at darts. The Salad is not rendered unto Caesar and the gang is disgusted with Cyril. A despondent Cyril makes new acquaintances. The next day, the ISIS computer system has a worm...or a pirate. The mainframe thinks Russia is launching missiles at the U.S. Krieger is unable to fix the computer system, and the agent cover list is about to go public. Choices have consequences and Cyril is learns who his friends really are (sort of). Krieger catapults into bereavement and then, back into the dating game. The Emily Post of weapons knows the etiquette of asking for a katana. Will Cyril ever learn to shoot straight? Are the twins warming up to Archer? Hello, Kitty! meets Hunch, hunch! What, what? for the gang at ISIS. Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Woodhouse tells Archer about his WWI escapades. His former superior and BFF Reggie, suggested a tontine (French AND illegal, even in a Napoleonic Code state.) Each man contributed £50 and, after years of compound interest, the literal last man standing would collect the lot. The 100+ year old Woodhouse was 1 of 3 remaining old soldiers still alive and eligible to receive nearly £1,000,000. Dr. Who money or not, Archer would still kill his old valet to collect. Back at ISIS, Pam sets up her own tontine, while encouraging Cheryl to slurp glue. Wee Seamus becomes the embodiment of bouncing baby boy, when Archer rushes to save a friend. Can Woodhouse, figuratively, knock sense into Archer's head? How much can wee baby Seamus drink, literally, before designated adult sees he has a problem? Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Lana and Archer head to the decreasing wetlands Southwest of New Orleans to protect an AmPetCo oil pipeline from ecoterrorist, Joshua. Back at ISIS, Malory schemes for socialist tax credits by going lean and green. However, this idea may not float with Pam. What about Malory's ice and Krieger's clones? Malory may have a few things to rethink. Slogging the swamp, Archer confesses his top 3 fears and Lana meets an old friend. Will Archer find a ride home before he runs out of beer? Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Trinette sues Archer for child support for baby Seamus and she serves a subpoena ordering Archer to submit to a blood test. Too bad for Archer--ODIN will administer the test...via Barry, and the blood sample will be stored in a vault with top at First National Bank. Barry takes a liter (8 gills) of blood from the metric-challenged. Back at ISIS, the rest of the gang plans a shower for Trinette and Seamus; Lana suggests the perfect venue: Archer's apartment. Lana is sure the whole thing will make him crazy. A night of partying and substance abuse yields the world's worst shower gifts for Trinette. Will the DNA test results be positive? Either way, Archer is sure to pay... Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Archer gets a bo-bo from Nikolai Jakov's Huns, but no sympathy from his mother. Malory's frustrations cannot be satisfied with lock factory equipment. A hedge fund is really a Ponzi scheme. Cheryl is the big mouth who spreads the word: Malory is selling out to ODIN, in more ways than one! Has Len Trexler finally won his lady love? Archer does not want a new boss or father. Barry tells Lana the sale could give her an opportunity for advancement, but only if Lana will advance horizontally, as well. Malory and Lana look out for their own asses, so Archer steps up to lead those remaining. (Phrasing! Boom!) The gang crowd-sources a plan to save ISIS. Can Len Trexler be induced into a change of heart? Krieger mentions the deep-cycle marine battery and his patented breath strips, and Archer has a revelation about anatomy. A plan is born and bare hands get dirty. A tiny microchip and Krieger's magic, might make it possible to alter... change Len's mind. What goes on in the mainframe may not..... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.4
22 min

German billionaire, Herr Conrad Schlotz, controls all European Videotex services. His nubile, out-of-control daughter, Anke, is determined to have her 17th birthday bash at an exclusive Alpine ski resort in Gstaad, Switzerland. El Frente Rojo made threats on the Schlotz heiress, so Malory accepts the mission to guard Schlotz's princess, a probable devotee to Sharon Stone films. Secretly, Malory wants to score: Schlotz, financing for ISIS and some absinthe, a heady threesome! Some wedding tackle named Wilhelm hooks a razor and Pam hooks a fellow dairy enthusiast. Malory is classic Mother and interrupts an intimate Green Russian hot tub party. If what happens in Gstaad stays in Gstaad, will anyone but Lana know the truth about Archer feeling up his kindred spirit? Will Pam keep quiet about her new special friendship--and special cocktail? Will Ray ever reconcile to losing (earning Bronze in men's downhill slalom in the Winter Olympics?) Dukes! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.0
22 min

On the heels of Cyril's latest disgrace, Malory issues new ISIS policy, No Banging Co-Workers. Come Monday, it will be alright... but no one will come at ISIS. Archer is unconcerned with trivialities until he sees the latest from Frederick's of Latvia... and hears Nikolai Jakov address him as son. Malory always told Archer his father was Black Jack Archer, winner of the Navy Cross with military funeral and 21-gun salute. Nikolai is fuming: he cannot believe Malory slept with that mudak Trexler and Gene Krupa...or was it Buddy Rich? Nikolai calls his Huns and Lana hatches her own capitalist revenge plot: the ball-slappy sex way! The last thing Archer needs is another hole in his head ...or a loud rendition of Mulatto Butts. Take a number or a cleaver. Whether it is Ubil Mat or just a big jazzy blur, at least the old gal's still got it: all 6 right in the 10 ring. What is a 'Jane Hathaway'? Does Brett have the right stuff? And, what about Client #37? Girl, please! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.1
22 min

On mission in Paris, Archer's situational awareness and amazing driving skills are enough to locate enemy agent Kasparov. The constant bickering between the ISIS Bendersons figuratively invites Barry Dylan to claim the capture and the bounty for ODIN. He tosses a business card to Lana; Archer grabs it and goes to work in Paris, bonding with mudak Len Trexler. Lana packs for her own Paris ODIN interview. An absinthe-sodden Malory plays with matches as clingy Cyril tags along with Lana. Barry finds Archer deep in HR matters and is happy when Trexler orders some housecleaning. Archer reeks; Lana makes decisions about jobs, Paris, black flags, curtsying and Archer. He and Lana find Cyril deep in the previous HR matter. (Allo!) Would flensed, flaming Woodhouse PJs be comfy? Always the sport, Archer offers Lana the chance for revenge HR. Lana goes ahead and pouts. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.7
21 min

The Uffizi disaster moved ISIS off the security consultant work for foreign powers and governments, so when ISIS gets a job in San Marino, Malory sends her two best agents. The pair test palace security for the wealthy microstate (or principality, depending on one's view). When mudak, Len Trexler, steals the San Marino contract for ODIN, Malory commits three phrasing errors in a row. Commence Operation Rub Len Trexler's Big Fat Nose In It! Days of Oktoberfest with gallons of schuetzie, Jagermeister, beer and absinthe cannot disguise a tiny champagne-colored thingamabob or labor issues at ISIS. Ill-equipped and stranded, Archer and Lana strike forth to make the diamond hot, but it is all bread and roses, entitlement crap and collective bargaining at ISIS. With a finite quantity of gin and Archer's fate in the hands of the drones, will Malory finally crumble to Labor? It may be all muffins and denial, but can you really put a price on good...personnel? Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Trudy Beekman books the last passage on rigid airship, Excelsior, which runs on non-flammable helium and is the next big thing in luxury travel, but Malory refuses to be outdone by her nemesis. The Captain receives a bomb threat and ISIS is hired to thwart disaster. Malory bogarts a luxury stateroom while the married couple from Hell shares a cramped single; of course, there are stowaways. The menu includes choke sex, Campari Vodka and one semi-indecent proposal from a Sikh. Fiacci knockoffs, an eye patch and a vealy vulva, are only decoration. Will Lana get to visit the Led Zeppelin Suite? Oh, the humanity! The NATO phonetic alphabet (and Wales) will never be the same! Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Lana desperately needs to escape Cyril's oppressive brand of love and bask in the sunny south of France as a guest on the mega-yacht of Skorpio (it's a mononym.) Lana frolics and drinks champagne...and starts to thwart a dangerous arms deal. Meanwhile, the Micromanager and Nikolai are aboard The Chum Guzzler watching her at work. Malory gets a mixed signal, and Archer goes off half-cocked to rescue Lana. Is three company or a crowd if one counts Skorpio, two ISIS agents and one chocolate fountain? At HQ, Krieger, Cyril, Cheryl and Pam have fun, frolic and fuss at Fort Kickass. Count on Cyril to always pull a boner! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Malory and Nikolai have committed hard-core hanky panky; Cuban agent, Ramon Limon, has the goods on Malory--on tape. Archer is the only one Malory can trust and asks him to go to Miami to work The Honeypot. This is usually Archer's very favorite spy ruse, but he is not happy when he hears logistics. Enter Woodhouse and two genuine gay guys, Charles and Rudi, to insure Archer goes from sneezing glitter to burying roosters to bonding. Will Archer throw up his ceviche before he can grab the sex tape? Claymore is not the only thing that blows in a volatile Miami spy caper. Written by LA-Lawyer

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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.7
22 min

If Malory invites the ISIS drones to her home, there must be a catch. She wants the U.N. contract from stuffy Torvald Utne, so she throws a dinner party. Everyone shows up with a date but Archer-- even the sensual Carina, squired by dashing Woodhouse. (Archer's hoors pilfer her prescription meds and are not allowed.) The lively ISIS crew repels staid, formal Utne. Luckily, Archer hits the ATM and returns with a bag of blonde eye candy who satisfies Utne's urges. With two Huns in the kitchen, Archer needs baby aspirin, ends up talking to Tiny Man, and wonders if Malory switched aspirin for LSD again. Sudden death turns into a team-building exercise. If Longpig is the alternative, the remaining guests are happy to give up dinner and help a neighbor. It is win-lose-lose: especially for Trudy Beekman! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Archer's says his big mouth gets him into trouble 1/3 of the time, but it is the kiss of death for non-Anglo agents of ISIS. Malory needs to replace them and gets a double whammy with Conway Stern, black Jew. His stuff gets way too close for Archer's comfort. Lana mistrusts Conway as much as Archer dislikes him. When Archer and Conway go on a secret mission involving Wilhelm Schmeck, Lana is determined to follow them. Why is Lana afraid... does she think Conway is a perfidious mole who will figuratively stab Archer in the back? Truckasaurus hands are finally in season. Lana gets a big hand for quick thinking and saving the mission...figuratively and literally. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Suave, skillful prowess in the arts of counter-espionage, Krav Maga and dumb luck form the recipe for Archer's success. At a gala in the British Embassy, a drunken Archer single-handedly thwarts a Sein Finn attack. His manly exploits churn the loins of the female guests... including those of Lana, whose date is Mr. Saran Wrap. Malory would do anything to prevent her son from getting involved with Lana again. She hatches a scheme to turn Cyril into a dashing Jr. James Bond. Unfortunately, Archer is the one who has to train Cyril. Add ice cubes, a hooker in the trunk, and then shake, do not stir. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Archer




IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Archer is tortured by Crenshaw, an ISIS agent who sounds German, Russian and American in rapid succession. Malory, the head of ISIS deems the performance of her agent son unsatisfactory. In his terraced penthouse, drunken Archer ping-pongs a French stewardess, marvels at her dog, Abelard, and harasses his ancient British valet, Woodhouse. At ISIS, Archer is an HR nightmare who does not play well with office staff: Pam Poovey, portly head of HR, who dresses like Malory; Dr. Krieger, the mysterious food rapist, and probable Nazi scientist; Carol (soon to be Cheryl) Gimple, doe eyed, attractive, space cadet secretary to Malory; Lana Kane, huge green-eyed field agent (and angry ex-girlfriend of Archer); and Cyril Figgis, meek comptroller and Lana's new f-buddy. Discrepancies arise with Archer's operational account; he is determined to bury the evidence. Sterling Archer may not have the password to the ISIS mainframe, but he does have sturdy rappelling gear, tactalnecks...and a ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Nip/Tuck




IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Manya Mabika, a Somalian model, wants the surgeons to give her an orgasm by reverting her traditional female circumcision as a girl, even if the experimental technique for an artificial clitoris is highly unreliable. Macho Christian proves a far better 'parent' for Wilbur then his nymphomaniac mother Gina; when he refuses to have a baby with her, she uses Wilbur as blackmail leverage. Sean and Julia have good sex, but he cannot accept she doesn't get an orgasm. Patient Elias Perri has absolutely no body-hair, and is pushed by his life-coach, Ava Moore, to try a donor-hair transplant to erogenous zones. Sean makes an appointment for Julia with Ava, who gets into a row on the value of therapy with Julia's mother, Dr. Erica Noughton. Once she has her fake clitoris, Maniya asks Dr. Troy to be her 'true healer' in bed- when she gets no orgasm, he insists with Sean to revise her clitoris, but all it really takes is a lesson in female self-pleasing by Liz. Christian is shocked to find Gina ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman


BoJack Horseman

IMDb: 7.4

A child actress from the sitcom BoJack starred in 20 years ago shows up at his house leading to a series of chaotic events.

Country: USA
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HD Lip Sync Battle

Lip Sync Battle


Lip Sync Battle

IMDb: 7.4

Shaquille O'Neal and Aisha Tyler face off.

Country: USA
Genre: Music,
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HD Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

IMDb: 8.7

Sex education in America; GOP Debate; India's short-lived porn-site ban; overpricing at Whole Foods.

Genre: Comedy, News, Talk-Show,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.3
30 min | 22 min | 27 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica and Rachel fight over who gets Phoebe's ugly painting. Joey gets mad at Chandler for lying about watching his audition tape. Ross can get a big grant, but Charlie's ex-boyfriend is in charge of it. He bribes Ross for the grant if he gets Charlie back. Charlie breaks up with Ross to get back together with her ex-boyfriend. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.3
22 min | 22 min | 30 min | 28 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica and Chandler let Joey write a letter of recommendation for adoption, but they find out that he sent the letter written in crayon. The adoption agency thinks a kid wrote it. Rachel's sister, Amy, visits again, and moves in with Joey and Rachel. Phoebe keeps ruining Mike's chances of proposing. While watching Emma, Amy gets Emma's ears pierced. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.8
22 min | 30 min | 22 min | 26 min (extended DVD edition)

Ross deals with finding out about Rachel and Joey's relationship almost as well as when he found out about Monica and Chandler. Ross invites Rachel and Joey to a dinner party with him and Charlie. At dinner, Ross gets drunk quickly and embarrasses himself. Rachel and Charlie go home which leaves Joey taking care of Ross. In the morning, Joey and Ross talk and Ross says he will get used to Joey and Rachel. Frank Jr. and his kids come to town and he asks Phoebe to have one of them, but he is not willing to give up any of them. Chandler and Monica visit friends of Phoebe's who adopted a son but Chandler accidentally reveals to their son that he was adopted after which he tells Frank Jr.'s kids that Phoebe gave birth to them which they also did not know. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 22 min | 30 min | 30 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica, Chandler and Phoebe find out that they can hear through the walls in their hotel rooms. Monica and Chandler cover the wall where they can hear Joey and Rachel kissing, and Phoebe covers the wall where Charlie and Ross are kissing. Both couples put their relationships on hold while they wait to talk to the other before proceeding. On the plane home, Ross tells Joey about him and Charlie, but Joey doesn't tell Ross about him and Rachel. Monica decides to get rid of her poofy hair by getting corn rows. Back in New York, Ross walks in on Rachel and Joey kissing. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.7
22 min

To the other friends' fury, it keeps raining except during Ross's speech, which to their amazement is a big hit with the paleontologists. Joey's scientific ignorance decides Charlie to turn her favor to Ross, then they must flee the other academics who intend by tradition to throw the key note-speaker into the pool. Chandler and Phoebe knew better, but Mike accepts to play table tennis against ever-obsessive fluffy monster Monica; when she gets injured, Chandler jumps in and crushes Mike. Rachel can't hide her feelings for Joey anymore, so when he sees Ross and Charlie kiss... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.5
22 min

Chandler gives advice to David, but that makes David want to propose to Phoebe. Although Phoebe is still in love with Mike. Monica calls Mike who shows up there right in the middle of David's proposal. Mike proposes instead. Phoebe gets back together with Mike, but doesn't accept his proposal. Monica's hair gets all poofy after getting off the plane. Charlie and Ross enjoy themselves when rewriting Ross's speech. Rachel keeps changing her mind on when to tell Joey that she has feelings for him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.0
22 min

When Joey hears that his girlfriend Charlie is an insecure shopper, he volunteers expert Rachel, who dreads being alone with her, so she makes sure Phoebe comes along, by saying she needs a dazzling outfit for the party she's going to just to save face as her ex Mike is coming too. Gynecologist Dr. Connelly tells Chandler and Monica they should keep trying the natural way, but realistically consider a surrogate mother -a nightmare for Monica- or donor sperm insemination, so Chandler invites his 'perfectly eligible' colleague Zach for dinner; they scare him with endless health and genealogy questions, yet Monica has another objection... Ross hopes to be the key note speaker at a paleontology convention on Barbados thanks to his spectacular theory, but it makes professor Sherman, who can get it for him, literally fall asleep. After embarrassing misunderstandings in the shop, Phoebe bumps into David, who is back from Minsk, for good... Written by KGF Vissers / correction: sLiDe.gR

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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