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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

With the threats of both the Replicators and the Goa'uld greatly diminished and the sister ship to the Prometheus, the Deadalus, now under construction, SG-1 is anxious to get a ride on the new ship. However, the mood is somewhat darkened by a phone call informing Dr. Jackson of Catherine Langford's death. After the funeral, Catherine's niece gives Daniel a few odds and ends that her aunt wanted him to have. Upon delivery it is discovered that almost her entire collection was shipped to Daniel's lab. He finds in one of her books a possible location of a ZPM, but scans of the area showed that it was no longer there. Daniel proposes that they use the Ancient time machine to take it from Ra at Giza in 3000 BC. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

All galactic forces are focusing on the planet Dakara where there may be an Ancient device that could stop the Replicators. Sam and her father Jacob are already there trying to enter the room where they hope to find the weapon. When they do find it they get help from an unexpected corner. Baal has taken to visiting O'Neill - via a holographic image - urging him to join forces with the Goa'uld to destroy the Replicators. Teal'c and Master Bra'tac meanwhile have joined the other members of the free Jaffa for what may be their final attack against the Goa'uld. As for Daniel Jackson, he is still RepliCarter's prisoner. Her attempts to probe his mind awakens memories in him. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Seven years ago Joe Spencer, a small town barber, bought a strange looking stone at a yard sale. Every time he touches the device, he has a vision of the SG-1 team and a mission they've undertaken. Over time, he becomes very involved in what he sees. He tells the stories to family and friends, couching it in terms of a science fiction story he's developed. He even tries to make contact with Jack O'Neill, but with little success. As his obsession with SG-1 grows, his friends become bored with it all and his wife leaves him. With little to lose, he tracks down Jack who seems to know exactly what he's talking about. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Ex-Vice President Kinsey comes to Jack informing him of the Trust's activities including what seems to be a plan for the Russians to reclaim the Stargate they lent to the United States. He decides to use Kinsey as their inside man with the Trust. Kinsey wears a wire for his meeting with the Trust to set up a meeting with a high-ranking Russian general. The plan goes south when the signals get jammed just as the Trust makes an astounding revelation to Kinsey and they beam out. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

Ishta and her band of female free Jaffa are in dire need of relocation after the system lord Moloc discovers there whereabouts. O'Neill offers them sanctuary at the SGC while Carter and others try to identify a suitable planet for them. When Ishta is invited to a summit of free Jaffa, she walks into a trap. Meanwhile, Teal'c is upset that his son Rya'c has decided to marry one of Ishta's followers, Ka'ryn. He feels that his son cannot both take a wife and be committed to the cause of freeing all Jaffa. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Owner and CEO of Colson Industries declares in a press conference that there is alien life and that he has proof. SGC fails in its attempts to keep him quiet on the battle over the Antarctic. However, they are greatly surprised when the proof he shows the media are not his satellite images, but a living Asgard. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

General O'Neill is still in the early days of commanding the SGC and faces a major problem when newly arrived Russian Col. Alexi Vaselov collapses in his quarters. Dr. Brightman's belief that Vaselof may be contagious seems correct when Daniel, who was with the Russian when he collapsed, apparently goes mad and tries to leave the base through the gate. O'Neill locks down the SGC but the problem isn't contagion: the essence of Anubis is alive and well and seeking a new host. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

The Asgard fleet has managed to destroy the Replicator ship, with Carter aboard, but cannot contain the debris. Talks break down with the System Lords, ending in a Ha'tak being dispatched to test Earth's new defensive capabilities. The Prometheus waits to engage the incoming enemy, but Thor arrives in the Daniel Jackson, with Teal'c aboard. They enlist the help of Daniel and Jack, still in stasis, to remove the threat of the replicators to the new Asgard homeworld. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 9.5
44 min

With Jack having the knowledge of the Ancient repository once again in his mind, he and Daniel attempt to unearth the location of the lost city of the Ancients. Bra'tac, bringing with him the news of an impending attack on the Tau'ri by Anubis, takes Teal'c to help him acquire ships and warriors for the defense of Earth. Dr. Weir attempts to cope with the overwhelming nature of her new job, while also dealing with the unrelenting ego of Vice President Kinsey. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Vice President Kinsey briefs Dr. Weir on the Stargate program before her meeting with the president. SG teams 1, 3, and 5 go off-world to attempt the extraction of a newly found Ancient repository device. Upon arriving at the location of the device, SG-1 comes under fire from Goa'uld ships. With no other way to disallow Anubis from claiming the knowledge for himself, Jack submits himself to the dangerous device. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

The newly inaugurated President of the United States is briefed by the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the Stargate program. Former Senator, now Vice President, Kinsey attempts to get his running mate to back his policies for the program, but the president decides to look into the situation himself. Kinsey gets Richard Woolsey to convince the president of his agenda. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Agent Barrett of the NID calls SG-1 to Los Angeles for a consult on a mass murdering of a rogue sleeper cell by a young woman. There they find many Goa'uld artifacts relating to Sekhmet, a subordinate of Ra. But how this operation is related to the Goa'uld eludes SG-1. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

The documentarian still a thorn in their side, SGC encounters an unforeseen predicament. With half of SG-13 off-world engaging enemy Jaffa, SG teams 1, 5, and 7 go in as backup. In the midst of heavy fire, O'Neill takes a staff blast to the chest. Many deaths from the encounter hit SGC hard and Senator Kinsey orders a full investigation into the matter. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The president has asked a documentarian to SGC to create a film about its operations. His arrival is unwelcome to most and he begins to clash with the base personnel. Nevertheless, he conducts his interviews with SG-1 and the scientists in the employ of SGC. Meanwhile, an off-world SG team finds the remains of an Ancient city. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The Tau'ri and Tok'ra have used their captured super-soldier to determine his planet of origin. Though with Daniel, Dr. Lee, and the Ancient device they found in the hands of Honduran kidnappers, SGC must find a way to retrieve them if they are to have any chance of defeating the newly encountered super- soldiers. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

After being saved by a group of free female Jaffa, SG-1 is taken to the females' homeworld to meet their leader, Ishta. Ishta proposes an alliance between her all-female rebel group, Haktil, and the Tau'ri. The Tau'ri offer her Tritonin to supplant their practice of taking the symbiotes from defeated Jaffa in the service of the Goa'uld. However, since Tritonin has only had two test subjects, Teal'c and Bra'tac, they are cautious to spread it among their ranks. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The captain of the Serrakin prisoner transport ship Cerberus seeks Major Carter's help in winning a race and offers in exchange full access to their ion engine technology. He further explains that it is not through official channels and that they will only learn what they pick up by helping him tune up his ship. Sam agrees to help and insists upon running the race with him. However, the competition for this race is steep and there is no telling whether the team will be able to surpass their rivals. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

At a hopeful mining outpost for Naquadah a member of the survey team is kidnapped by an unknown foe. Based on mining artifacts, Daniel speculates that the creature may have been an Unas. When Teal'c finds the missing man as part of a collection of corpses warning others away from the area, their suspicions appear to be confirmed. Daniel brings Chaka to the planet to help negotiate with the leader of the tribe of Unas. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

On a planet with an extremely toxic atmosphere, there exists a bubble within which exists a livable atmosphere. Inside the bubble lies a seemingly less advanced society of humans. They reveal to SG-1 that they once were highly industrialized and poisoned the air. They voluntarily simplified their lives and constructed the barrier to keep out the bad air. They also show SG-1 their link, a neural interface that gives them access to all their computer records, including history, science, etc. When one of the citizens disappears in the night and the entire population forgets she existed, SG-1 begins to think things are not what they appear to be. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

SGC security stop a teenager who has gained access to the facilities by using Jack O'Neill's key card. When asked how he got hold of the card, his answer is simple: he claims to be Jack O'Neill. Although incredulous at first, the knowledge the young man displays about their operation eventually convinces them that they are in fact dealing with Jack. All he can remember is being in a dream-like state and being taken by the Asgard. Medical tests reveal that his body is changing at the cellular level and Jacob Carter recommends that Jack be put into stasis until they can figure out what exactly has happened to him. Jack's solution is to leave the SGC without permission. Soon after he leaves, Dr. Carter and Jacob figure just who they are really dealing with. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Anubis's superweapon has been put out of commission, but Yu's fleet has been diverted to the other side of the galaxy by Yu himself, allowing Anubis to escape into hyperspace. Jonas has been captured by Anubis and Daniel is still aboard Anubis's ship, evading capture. Anubis uses the mind probe on Jonas, learns of Naquadria, and begins his attack on Kelowna. The Kelownans seek aid from the SGC. Jack and Sam arrive on Langara to discover that they have given Anubis Naquadria in order to secure their safety. They communicate with Daniel who is attempting to free Jonas. Teal'c has convinced Yu's first prime to seek a new leader of the System Lords, Baal. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

A group of nomads on an alien planet find Daniel Jackson naked in the middle of ruins and take him in. Jonas translates the tablet Daniel said was important and discovers that it describes the last city the Ancients were building before the plague. He surmises that the list of addresses Jack put into the computer while storing the Ancient data were Ancient outposts in temporal order. Thus the last of the addresses should be the City of the Lost. SG-1 visits the planet and happens upon the nomadic people, now inhabiting the ruins of the Ancient city. There they find Daniel, but discover his memory is gone. They must recover his memories in order to discover the secret to defeating Anubis. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Riding in the elevator at SGC, O'Neill is visited by Daniel Jackson who needs his help. Daniel tells him that Anubis is headed for Abydos to search for something called the Eye of Ra, a relic that would make Anubis all-powerful. It's essential that SG-1 go to Abydos and secure the Eye but no has seen it - including Daniel - nor has anyone ever been able to find it. On the planet they see their old friend Skaara and with Daniel's help locate the Eye. They also find a tablet that speaks of a lost city of the ancients. When Anubis and his troops land in force there is little anyone can do to stop them. In the end it's left to Daniel to decide if he will try to stop Anubis - thereby breaking a cardinal rule of the Ancients. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

On a routine mission, SG-1 encounters a civilization desperate to be freed from the clutches of a Goa'uld. While on the planet, Jonas falls ill and is suspended from active duty. His mysterious illness is diagnosed as a brain tumor but gives him the unbelievable ability to glimpse the future, a future where O'Neill and SG-1 are walking into a trap! Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

On a shakedown cruise of the Prometheus, the ship's hyperdrive regulator becomes irreparably damaged. A nearby planet was listed on the cartouche of addresses found on Abydos and thus may have a stargate. After a short jump towards the planet, the naquadria reactor overloads and must be jettisoned. After the reactor explodes above the planet causing damage, the fate of SG-1 and the crew of the Prometheus is in the hands of a once Goa'uld-controlled world that they're off to a rough start with. Written by Indeed, Tim and TCT

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

The powers that be have decided the time has come to share the secret of the stargate with its allies and major powers. The Russians have known about it for some time but for the ambassadors of France, the United Kingdom and China it's a major revelation. They are given a thorough briefing on the SGC's activities from the beginning and are upset that the USA had chosen not to inform them earlier. They generally feel that this will become an international incident. Senator Kinsey is also at the briefing and proposes that the entire operation be turned over to the NID something that meets with some approval. It takes the intervention of an old friend to keep General Hammond in command. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The Russian SG team brings back a man who claims that his people are being experimented on by Nirrti. SG-1 investigate where the experiments are conducted, with the Russian SG team as backup. The inhabitants worship Nirrti as their god and savior from a terrible plague. SG-1 attempts to use the same device Nirrti used on the people to reverse the mutations, but the people turn on them at the arrival of Nirrti. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

A television news crew has unearthed information about an Air Force project called Prometheus. They believe it to be a generator, but know it uses Trinium, an element not found on Earth. In order to keep them quiet the Air Force allows them to film the X-303, a spaceship based on Asgard technologies, otherwise known as Prometheus. Things turn south when the news crew arm themselves and hold the Prometheus, as well as Sam and Jonas, hostage. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

SG-1 makes first contact with the planet Pangera. It seems to be a peaceful world that have recently discovered ancient Goa'uld ruins. They offer Earth their greatest discovery, a drug called Tretonin, which they say keeps them entirely disease free. In return, they want the gate addresses for specific worlds, most of which turn out to be Goa'uld home worlds. An investigation further reveals that the wonder drug is based on Goa'uld symbiotes and the Pangerans reveal another secret - they have a symbiote queen, found in the ancient ruins. When a Pangeran guard is seriously injured, SG-1 asks the Tok'ra for help. They soon realize that the queen is the founder of their race. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Stargate Command is approached by representatives of Jonas Quinn's home planet seeking military hardware. Their world is divided into three territories and there is a long history of war among them. Jonas' country fears that the other two territories are about to sign a non-aggression pact thus making them vulnerable to attack. In return for arms, they are offering an abundance of naquadria. SGC isn't about to get involved in what amounts to a civil war but there's another possible outcome when Jonas' one-time professor, Doctor Kieran, tells them of an underground movement ready to overthrow the government and seek out a lasting peace. SG-1 travels to Jonas Quinn's home planet to obtain information on the situation there but not all is as it seems. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

The Tok'ra Thoran arrives at SGC to advise that Col. O'Neill, who had been with the Tok'ra recovering from his illness, walked out of the Tok'ra base and now cannot be found. In fact, O'Neill is now a prisoner of the Goa'uld system lord Ba'al. While with the Tok'ra O'Neill had agreed to been implanted with a symbiote which would allow him to heal. Sam explains that that only the symbiote could have the base and O'Neill would know nothing of it. In fact, O'Neill doesn't know where he is, isn't aware of the information wants and seemingly will be tortured until he talks. O'Neill gets help from an unexpected source. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

After Sam receives an emergency call from geneticist Dr. Richard Fleming, SGC learns that he has been working for Immunotech a company owned by Adrian Conrad, who implanted himself with a Goa'uld symbiote in order to cure himself. Fleming has now gone missing and General Hammond orders Sam, Jonas and Teal'c to investigate. They head to Oregon when Fleming lived and worked and learn from the local Sheriff that Fleming isn't the first Immunotech worker to disappear. The locals are acting strangely and seem to suffer from memory lapses. What they eventually find is a town full of Goa'uld and NID seemingly aware of everything that is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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