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IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Jerry goes to buy a new car from David Puddy, who's been promoted to the sales floor. But after Elaine breaks up with Puddy (again), Jerry is worried that he wont get a good deal on the car. George seeks revenge on a mechanic after he accuses the mechanic of stealing his candy bar. Kramer takes the same car Jerry is looking at out on a long test drive to see how far he can go on free gas without filling up the tank. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 8.9
23 min

Kramer returns to HandH bagels after a 12 year strike. Elaine gives denim vest a fake number on her free sub card. Jerry meets a woman named Gwen who is two faced. (She doesn't look good in some light)George creates a fake charity called the human fund to give fake Christmas presents at Kruger. He invites Kruger over to celebrate Festivus when he can't cash the 20,000 dollar charity check to the human fund. Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 8.5
23 min

George goes out of his way to seek an apology for an insult. Elaine is insulted when a fellow co-worker is scared of her germs, while Puddy admits that he's a fellow germophobe. Jerry dates a nudist and learns the difference between good naked and bad naked. Kramer installs a garbage disposal in his shower. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 9.1
24 min

The famous backwards episode. Elaine decides to spite her old college roommate Sue Ellen Mischkie by taking her, Jerry and George to India to attend Sue Ellen's wedding. Elaine repeatedly reveals secrets about her past when Jerry discovers the combination to Elaine's vault. Jerry runs in to an ex-flame - Nina, who is a great conversationalist. George wears boots that alter his height to impress Nina and doesn't use the bathroom the entire time they are in India. Meanwhile, Kramer has a nasty encounter with a man named Franklin Delano Romanowski who tells him to drop dead. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 8.6
24 min

Kramer buys a meat slicer and really enjoys making fresh sandwiches. Elaine's neighbor goes to Europe but forgets to turn his alarm off, driving her nuts. George gets a new job at Kruger Industrial Smoothing. Jerry dates Dr. Siterides, a dermatologist. Thanks to George's suggestion, Jerry tries a revenge date when Dr. Siterides makes him feel inadequate for not saving lives, but the plans quickly backfire. George enjoys his new job at the incompetent company but when he sees a photo sitting on his boss's desk, he remembers when he first encountered Kruger. George steals the photo out and has himself airbrushed out. Elaine enlists Kramer to help her blow the fuses in her building. But when that finally turns the alarm off, they learn that Elaine's neighbor has a cat, and blowing the fuses shut off the automatic feeder. So she borrows the meat slicer in order to feed the cat, but gets slicer happy and cuts off part of her shoe. George, meanwhile, gets the photo back, but the photo store... Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.1
23 min

After Kramer rescues the set of the old Merv Griffin show from a dumpster, he sets it up in his apartment where he interviews anyone who happened to drop by. George's new girlfriend gives him a hard time after he strikes a pigeon with his car. When he hits a squirrel she insists that he take it to the vet and then care for it at home. A new guy at the office is driving Elaine crazy. Jerry has a new girlfriend who inherited a fabulous collection of classic toys from her late father. She won't let Jerry touch them - let alone play with them - but he soon finds a way around that. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Kramer becomes annoyed at all the junk mail he gets, so he decides to stage a crusade against the post office. Jerry runs into Fragile Frankie, a former childhood acquaintance, who tries to sell Jerry a huge new van. Frank and Estelle try to find a way to spice up their love life, against George's objections. Meanwhile, Elaine dumps Puddy for a guy who does TV spots for an electronics store called Nobody Beats The Wiz. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Jerry starts gaining weight and his parents hire Izzy Mandelbaum (see episode The English Patient) to assist Jerry as a personal trainer. Kramer starts giving blood and uses his own refrigerator to store it, but it freaks Jerry out. Then, George starts dating a woman who uses incense, and he gets the idea to associate food and sex with his love life. He makes something called pudding skin singles using an Exacto knife. Back at Jerry's, he yells at Kramer to get the blood away from him, but then he pounds the table and the Exacto flies at him and cuts his throat. Jerry loses blood and Kramer gives Jerry some of his, causing Jerry to freak out. Meanwhile, Elaine is out in the suburbs visiting her friend Vivian. Vivian wants somebody to watch her troublesome son Jimmy but she doesn't think Elaine is responsible enough. So Elaine goes to great lengths to prove it, even taking Kramer's spot. Vivian then tells Elaine that she is experiencing some health problems, and that Elaine might ... Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
23 min

Frank sets up a new business selling computers and hires George and Lloyd Braun (seen in The Non Fat Yogurt and The Gum) to compete against each other in a sales contest. But Frank's relaxation technique drives everybody completely nuts. Jerry's new girlfriend encourages him to let his emotions out. Kramer takes Frank's screen door and puts it up in his apartment, creating Anytown, USA, but the local kids make relaxation difficult. Elaine discovers her shiksa appeal and suddenly every Jewish man in New York, including her former boss, is attracted to her. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Kramer sets up a new company - Kramerica Industries, and hires an intern from NYU to help out with the day to day activities of running a fake large company. Jerry thinks his girlfriend's navel is talking to him. George continues to work for Play Now even though his boss is trying to force him out after George lied about being handicapped. Elaine makes wagers with Jerry that she will not continue to see David Puddy. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Kramer discovers a new use for butter by applying it to his face while he shaves, but he accidentally cooks himself when he uses it as sunscreen. George gets a job with a company that makes playground equipment, and really enjoys it after he successfully convinces his boss that he's handicapped. Jerry is riding a wave of success at comedy clubs, but hates the fact that hack comic Kenny Bania is riding his coattails. Elaine is on her way back from Scandinavia with Puddy and they repeatedly break up and gets back together. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

With three months' severance pay from the Yankees, George decides that he's going to have a great summer. Things don't quite go as planned. Jerry meanwhile is dating someone new, Lanette, who he invites to attend the Tony awards with him. When he picks her up, however, she seems to already have a live-in boyfriend. Kramer is also at the awards ceremony and gets dragged on stage with some of the winners. He basks in the glow of having 'won' a Tony and the producers decide to use him to get rid of their star, Raquel Welch. At her work, Elaine makes a comment about a co-worker and is accused of being catty. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

While promoting Peterman's book, Elaine runs into Mr. Lippman, her former boss. She tells him about an idea to sell only the tops of muffins. Lippman does, and Elaine is shocked to see the store. But then Lippman gives Elaine a cut of the profits, and she tells him how to improve the business. Kramer learns that Elaine put her stories in Peterman's book anyways (see episode The Van Buren Boys), but when Peterman won't give Kramer a cut of the profits, Kramer starts the Peterman Reality Bus Tour. When Elaine has a hard time getting rid of the muffin stumps, she asks Kramer to take the bus to haul the trash to the dump, but the task is easier said than done. George is asked to watch a guy's suitcase on the street and is mistaken for a tourist. He then gets a date with the head of the New York tourist bureau and decides to run with it. But then the girl meets Steinbrenner and she thinks that George is working two jobs, and George ultimately gets traded to Tyler Chicken in Little Rock, ... Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Kramer and Newman begin preliminary planning on elaborate parties for New Year's Eve 1999, but separate over whether or not Jerry should be included. George gets a job offer with the Mets and devises creative ways to get fired from the Yankees. Jerry dates a girl named Valerie who uses her speed dial as a way of measuring relationships. But when Jerry takes over the top spot, Valerie's step mother steps in demanding that her spot be put back in place. Meanwhile, Elaine gets in a feud with the owner of a Mayan clothing store when she's completely ignored. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.1
26 min

George's new girlfriend often fills in her stories with the expression yada-yada leaving out much of the detail. Jerry tells him she's being concise but not knowing what's going starts to drive George crazy. Jerry meanwhile is convinced that his dentist, Tim Whatley, has converted to Judaism to he can tell Jewish jokes. When he continues to tell Catholic jokes, he even complains to Whatley's former priest. It all leads Kramer to accuse him of being an anti-Dentite. Elaine is asked by friends to be a character reference with a adoption agency but she doesn't exactly help them. Kramer and Mickey can't quite agree on which of two women they've met they'd like to date. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.9
23 min

George needs to find a way to have a nap at work. His glass wall doesn't seem to make that possible but he finds a way anyways. He runs into a bit of trouble when Mr. Steinbrenner wants to see him and decides to wait in George's office. Elaine has a problem with her new boyfriend Hal who has a new mattress delivered to house. Kramer has taken up swimming but finds the pool crowded. He finds a new place that gives him lots of room - the East River. Jerry is losing his patience with the man he's hired to install new kitchen cabinets. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Jerry visits his parents in Florida. Kramer asks Jerry to pick up some Cubans while he's there, but Kramer doesn't specify whether they are cigars or not. The next day, Jerry has an encounter with Izzy Mandelbaum, the founder of the Magic Pan crepe restaurant. Izzy challenges Jerry to a weight-lifting contest, but when Izzy takes it too far, he winds up in the hospital. Jerry goes to visit and learns that Izzy, his father and his son are nearly identical in age, and each one challenges Jerry to a weight-lifting contest. Meanwhile, back in New York, Elaine is repeatedly dragged to go see the best picture winning film The English Patient, but she absolutely despises it. Peterman nearly fires Elaine when she gets angry and leaves half way through the movie. Peterman gets so angry at Elaine that instead of firing her, he decides to teach her a lesson by making her go to Tunisia and live in a cave for six weeks. Jerry gets back to New York and Kramer learns that the Cubans aren't really ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Jerry accidentally knocks his girlfriends toothbrush into her toilet. He refuses to tell her and won't kiss her. Kramer adopts a section of highway and tries to improve it. Elaine tries to get chinese food delivered by using a janitors closet in a different building. George drops his Phil Rizutto key chain in a pothole, which gets filled and he tries to dig it out. Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

A co-worker of Elaine's thinks Elaine is called Susie, and Elaine doesn't bother to correct her, when she badmouths Elaine to Susie. Elaine complains of this to Jerry, who commiserates with her. Later, Peggy gets Susie called in front of Peterman, who demands that Elaine be there also. Elaine finds a way to wriggle out of the situation so that neither realizes Susie doesn't exist. Meanwhile, Kramer puts 100 dollars on a basketball game in Jerry's name with Mike, the guy Jerry called a phony in The Parking Space. When Kramer attends the game, he gets in a fight with the players, causing Jerry to win his bet. Mike doesn't have enough money to pay Jerry, however, so he tells him that he'll fix his trunk. As he's looking at it, Jerry doesn't notice him and closes the trunk on Mike's hands. Mike thinks this is a classic case of having his thumbs broken because he can't pay, so he promises he'll get the money. Later, as he's trying to fix it again, Mike falls into the trunk, which ... Written by lonedragon1422

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Kramer has a run-in with a gang named after president Van Buren, but he accidentally flashes their secret sign and becomes a member of the gang. Elaine finds this fascinating as she's ghost-writing Peterman's autobiography and needs some stories to use as filler material. George has to pick a scholarship recipient and picks an average Joe instead of an over achiever. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
24 min

George gets insulted by a co-worker named Reilly during a business meeting with the line Hey George, the ocean called and they're running out of shrimp. He plans to get back at him with the jerk store remark, which all his friends try to change. Jerry buys a new tennis racket from Milos, a tennis pro-shop worker, because he thinks he is a great tennis player. Jerry finds out that Milos is a terrible tennis player and Milos offers Jerry his wife, Patty as some sort of medieval sexual payola. Patty loses respect for Milos so Milos begs Jerry to let him win a game of tennis in front of Patty. Elaine is renting videos from Vincent's Picks and develops a secret phone relationship with him. She betrays him when she rents Weekend at Bernie's, a Gene Pick. Kramer asks Elaine to act as a witness to pull the plug if he ever goes into a coma because he watches The Other Side of Darkness. He finds out that the woman coma victim wakes up and changes his mind after he signs the will... Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Jerry buys his parents a Cadillac. His parents sell it to Jack Clompus for 6000 dollars and try and give the money to Jerry. Elaine has stock options at Peterman's and buys George coffee. George feels that she is sticking it to him. George tries to convince his parents to stay in Queens because he wants their money. They then decide to buy expensive things and move to Florida. Kramer's girlfriend has the jimmy legs and they sleep in the Costanza's apartment when they go to Florida. Jerry buys back the Cadillac from Clompus for 14000 dollars. Clompus crashes it along Alligator Alley. Jerry has to sleep in the Cadillac because he has no money. Elaine hires Morty Seinfeld because he thinks he needs to support Jerry. Peterman returns and dismisses Elaine from her position with no stock options. The Seinfeld's sell their condo and attach a camper to their Cadillac. Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Kramer gets a pet rooster that he names after Jerry. Jerry bounces a check at the local liquor store but has difficulty paying it off. So much in fact, that his parents think that Jerry is strapped for cash. Marcelino, the owner of the liquor store, tells Jerry that there is money to be made in underground cockfighting rings. When Little Jerry wins his first fight, Marcelino wants to buy the bird, but Jerry and Kramer refuse to sell. Meanwhile, as part of his duties with the Foundation, George goes to a women's prison where they have just donated a generous sum of money. George dates one of the inmates and gets really turned on by the concept of conjugal visit sex. When the prisoner escapes, George discovers something even better than conjugal visit sex - fugitive sex. Elaine dates a man who shaves his head, but when she convinces him to grow his hair in, he discovers that he's going bald and looks exactly like George. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

A shipwreck survivor beats George out of an apartment, so he decides to tell the apartment board the astonishing tales of Costanza. Elaine dates a guy who has had a series of really bad break-ups. Kramer gets a nagging cough and seeks veterinary advice. Jerry learns that Newman is up for a transfer to Hawaii and tries to help him deliver mail. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
23 min

When George's new girlfriend gets mononucleosis, he's told there'll be no sex for at least six weeks. Frustrated, he begins to realize he has interests in science and history. Jerry says the lack of sex has made him smarter as he's now concentrating on his brain. For Elaine however, the lack of sex is having the opposite effect. Jerry is supposed to speak at career day at his old junior high but is continually being bumped first by someone who goes over his time and then by a fire drill. Kramer doesn't like having to go outside the restaurant to smoke and seeing there are many in the same boat, decides to turn his apartment into a smoker's lounge. It all has a serious effect on his looks and turns to lawyer Jackie Chiles to get justice. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.1
23 min

Kenny Rogers' Roasters sets up shop across the street from Jerry and Kramer's apartment. Unfortunately, their unusually large chicken sign causes problems for everybody. Kramer and Jerry wind up switching apartments because of it - and personalities. Jerry is freaked out by a wooden doll in Kramer's apartment and Newman gets Kramer hooked on Kenny Roger's chicken. Elaine gets comfortable in her position as president of the catalog but is quickly accused of abusing her company credit card benefits. Especially when Elaine buys George an expensive hat and George purposefully leaves it at his girlfriend's apartment in hopes that it will score another date. Meanwhile, Jerry's old college friend has lunch with him and winds up getting fired, and takes a new job at the Chicken Roaster's. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Elaine falls hard for her new boyfriend, who gets hypnotized every time her hears the song Desperado. Jerry has to endorse hundreds of royalty checks from Japan because of his work on the Super Terrific Happy Hour Show The checks are worth 12 cents each. Jerry claims that he invented the umbrella twirl and then gets ousted by the umbrella salesmen he used to work with. Elaine's new boyfriend has a thing for a furniture designer named Carl Farbman. He buys Kramer a dresser made by Farbman. Kramer's Japanese friends run out of money and wind up staying in the drawers of the dresser. When the hot tub warps the drawers (Jerry can't open them because his hands are cramped from endorsing checks) he axes the Farbman dresser. Elaine's boyfriend tries to stop him but Jerry swings and hits him in the head. While at the hospital, the doctor loses his patient when he becomes hypnotized by Elaine's favorite song, Witchy Woman. Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Kramer volunteers to set up a Jewish singles mixer. He has a hard time finding a cook for the event until he learns that Frank was a cook in the Korean War. But Frank refuses to cook for the event because he experienced a severe case of shell shock. Meanwhile, Elaine tries to get rid of an unruly employee in Peterman's mailing room but winds up promoting the guy instead. Jerry dates a woman with a mentor, but he gets weirded out when he finds out that the mentor is dating hack comic Kenny Bania. Jerry, inspired by this, decides to take Bania under his wing and mentor Bania to the top. George has to give a report on the subject of risk management for the Yankees. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Kramer tries to get a refund for Jerry's broken stereo. Jerry is against the idea until he gets a mysterious package in the mail. Newman accuses Jerry of mail fraud when Uncle Leo signs for the package and an explosion is heard while he is talking to Jerry. George, meanwhile, gets involved with Photo Store Shelia when she accidentally slips an enticing photo in George's pictures. George decides to send one back, but the plan backfires. And Elaine gets a rash and is barred from every doctor in New York when she takes a peek at her medical chart. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
23 min

Kramer's friend Brody forces Jerry to bootleg the movie Death Blow. George follows Elaine to her office party and finds out that she has a unique dancing style. She starts to get a weird vibe from her subordinates and blames it all on George. George becomes the bad boy and wins the affection of Elaine's employee Anna. Jerry finds out that he is a gifted bootlegger and demands perfection while shooting Cry, Cry, again. Kramer tells Elaine she can't dance. She then videotapes herself dancing over the bootleg of Cry, Cry, Again. Elaine apologizes over the phone to George calling him a good seed. He tries to win back Anna's affection by pretending to be a bootlegger. George is arrested and has to be picked up by his father. While picking up Anna from the police station, Elaine and Frank Costanza throw fists. Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.2
24 min

Elaine meets Kevin's friends and feels likes she's entered the world of Bizarro Jerry where her world is in reverse. Jerry has a date with Gillian, a woman with man hands. George hits on a new sob story to try and get in with a beautiful receptionist. Kramer gets an unpaid job at a upscale firm. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.2
23 min

George is convinced that the chairman of the Susan Biddle Foundation thinks he killed Susan. He tries to record their conversation when he's not there but doesn't quite get it right. Elaine meets some old friends all of whom now have babies. She of course does not want children and that leads her to a like-minded new boyfriend, Kevin. Jerry's new girlfriend Pam drops in on Jerry but it's Kramer who is smitten. The more Kramer says he likes her however, the more Jerry does as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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