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HD Angel




IMDb: 9.1
44 min

The Team have reason to believe that Angel has been utterly corrupted with power when they find evidence that he has joined the Circle of the Black Thorn, the most evil of secret societies. Wesley, Gunn, Spike, and even Illyria discover some surprises when they urge Angel to side with the forces of Good again. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Angel




IMDb: 9.4
44 min

When an ancient sarcophagus arrives in the laboratory at Wolfram and Hart, Fred opens a small compartment and is infected by an ancient disease that slowly begins to kill her. As Angel and Spike travel across the world in order to help her, Wesley slowly begins to realize that there may be no stopping this disease. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Audrey asks Sonya to help organize her wedding to Ndale - unaware that Ndale has told Sonya he is only marrying Audrey to stay in the country. Lorraine tells Michael she wants drastic budget cuts and to make Waterloo Road a fee-paying school,shocking him when he sees that she intends to take in pupils from private schools. When he protests she replaces him as head with Nikki. Kevin realizes that Malone has put pressure on Dynasty to stay with him by forcing himself on her sexually. He persuades Connor,terrified that Malone will expose his marriage to Imogen,that they should form an unlikely alliance with Barry Barry to shoot Malone. However Dynasty confides in Christine that Malone raped her and he is arrested. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

On the last day of term when the school is preparing for the prom Michael arrives to find that Alan Dixon has already sent letters to the staff announcing Waterloo Road's closure. However he tells them he has agreed to run Lorraine's school and invites them to come with him,most of them agreeing despite it being in Scotland. He gives a motivational speech to the pupils telling them they represent the spirit of the school and will take anybody who wants with him as Maggie,previously a care worker,will be superintending a lodgings house. Josh returns to school,improved in his mental health, but Eugene Garvey's gang,seeing Finn as a traitor after his rescuing Naseem,capture him though they are observed by Ronan,who alerts Tom and they rescue Josh. However he has overheard that Kyle and Tariq are planning to smuggle a crossbow into the prom to fire at Finn. Kyle takes his position as the dance starts but Tariq,unable to see it through,alerts Michael,who calls the police. Kyle fires but ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Scout falls for Ukrainian pupil and would-be football star Danilo,an asylum seeker, and they agree to get married,despite Phoenix's attempts to stop Scout. When Danilo fails to show for football practice Phoenix alerts Tom and he and Sian dash to the registry office. The wedding has been performed but it illegal and Danilo will be deported. More upsetting for Scout is the news that it was a marriage of convenience to get Danilo's visa, for which his brother paid Scout's mother.As a result Scout calls the police to arrest her. Kyle slips into school and,after trying to steal Lorraine's credit card,disrupts Nicki's class with the Mansfield twins restoring order. Finn is dared to torch a lock-up by the Murray gang,unaware that Trudi's sister Naseem is inside,leading to his risking his life to save her. The two gangs confront each other but are dispersed by Michael's arrival. Later in the day Michael attends a local education authority meeting and is told that Waterloo Road is to be ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.9

Jez moves out. Josh returns to school but takes himself off his medication. Whilst researching for his project about plague victim John Ingleby he becomes obsessed with a plague pit under the school. At a seance Emily tricks him into believing that Ingleby is trying to contact him,which has a disastrous effect on him during an exam. Finn and Trudi reconcile but only after she has had an abortion,leaving him distressed that he never told her of the pregnancy and,to avenge himself on Tariq and Kyle,he joins Eugene Garvey's gang. Janeece is stood up by Craig on her wedding day and Daniel discovers not only that he has robbed her and cleared her account but is known to the police for doing it before. However at the reception Janeece convinces the guests that she dumped Craig. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Grantly returns to school less than a week after his wife's death and is supported by Harley,as well as Maggie,to whom he is becoming close. On the day of the school fun run star athlete Mercedes Garvey injures her ankle and when Jez takes her home she misreads the signs and throws herself at him. After he has rejected her she claims he made a pass at her and Tom has to get the truth out of her. Her brother Eugene belongs to the Murray Set Boyz and DSC members Kyle and Tariq set out to pick a fight with him. Craig publicly proposes to Janeece whilst Trudi dumps Finn without telling him of her pregnancy and Sian tells Jez their marriage is over. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 9.6

Trudi confides in Tariq that she is pregnant by Finn but they agree to keep it quiet and she arranges for an abortion. After Josh freaks out in Nicki's class Tom tells his son about his suspected condition and suggests they see a psychiatrist. Grantly's wife Fleur deteriorates and he walks out of school,leaving a letter of resignation,to take her away from her care home to the cottage where they spent their honeymoon. Tom follows and persuades him to return Fleur to the home,where she dies,having recognized Grantly. Back at school Michael refuses to accept the resignation and grants him compassionate leave,Harley being an unexpected comforter. In the light of Grantly's loss Janeece announces that she and Craig,a boyfriend she has only recently met,are getting engaged. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.3

Following the hit and run Tom and Jez return for the new term,Tom unaware that Josh is into drugs. Jez is prime suspect for running Michael over but,now back with Sian,dare not confess that he was with Janeece. However Daniel eventually tumbles to the truth and Linda is arrested. A hulking youth Mason Price joins the school,having been released from Young Offender Centre where he knew Tariq and immediately goads Tariq into joining his gang the D.S.C.Finn takes against Price and is hi-jacked by the gang,who force him to have a knife fight with Finn. Fortunately Trudi rings the police and alerts Daniel,who confiscates the knife. However Kyle sees the gang as his means of getting at Finn whilst Grantly falls foul of new canteen cook Maggie,after criticizing her cuisine. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Jez turns up at school and spreads the news of Sian and Michael's affair and resigns on the spot, leaving the staff worried that the prize giving ceremony will be far from the focus of the day. Grantly later confronts Michael to tell him that Jez is intending to make a formal complaint to the Governors, and it soon begins to appear to Sian that her mess cannot be tidied when he pulls Madi and Zach out of class and is set on going to Ireland with them. Nearby, Wayne Johnson slips into the school after waking from his coma with a strong urge to get revenge on Michael for the last time. Michael's last day of term begins badly, when he finds a threatening note left on his car dashboard. Linda's reputation slacks more and more after facing Sian about her affair and then watching her being dragged off into a classroom by Wayne, hesitant about her actions. Eventually the secret unfolds and Michael finally gets the opportunity to look into the eyes of his stalker. Elsewhere, Emily tries to ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Local radio DJ Viv O'Donnell comes to give a masterclass in radio journalism, but Trudi's admission that she is subject of an arranged marriage she does not want is accidentally broadcast to the school. Viv's shy daughter Andi is victimised by Scout and Emily but reconciled with her mother after trying to prove she is sexually experienced and throwing herself at an embarrassed Ronan. Angry that Michael has blamed him for Andi and Ronan skipping school together and believing his work is considered inferior to Sian's,Tom resigns,only to witness Jez,who has discovered his wife's infidelity,punch the headmaster. All this makes Madi's contribution to Viv's project,that the move to Waterloo Road was good for her family,seem somewhat ironic. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Michael is now being targeted by a stalker who rings him at all hours and keys his car. He has a very fraught day when local benefactress Margaret Harker visits the school with a view to donating money. Firstly he discovers during a class that Phoenix was sending him the emails and gives him a hundred pounds for the evidence. Then new pupil Freddie Jackson collapses playing football and it is discovered that he has had a heart transplant,making him the object of bullying and ridicule. However,during a debate on freedom,he wins the sympathy and admiration of the school with an impassioned speech,as well as securing funds from Margaret. Scout and Emily get matching tattoos whilst Finn gets drunk in front of Trudi,making a fool of himself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.6

Michael tries unsuccessfully to discover the sender of yet another email and,after the local press expose his salary,is consoled by Sian,whom he tells of his break-in. A new teaching assistant,Greg Barrington,arrives and quickly gets Tom to tell him his grievances about Michael. However he is an undercover journalist out to discredit Michael and is exposed by Tariq. After yet another argument Vicki and Ronan decide to call it a day whilst Matt is attracted to the joys of fatherhood when Rosie announces her pregnancy. Sian arrives at Michael's house saying she wants to leave Jez and rekindle her affair with the head. They kiss but are observed by Linda,who is displeased with Michael after he accused her of employing Greg without checking his credentials. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.3

Madi and Zak are mugged on the way to school,prompting Jez to start a boxing class but when Zack floors Hartley it seems doomed. However Tariq proves to be excellent at ju-jitsu and Michael asks him to lead the self defence groups. Finn attempts to befriend Tariq in the hopes that it will soften his attitude towards Finn and Trudi. However,after Finn has betrayed a confidence to Ronan about Tariq being bullied in the Young Offender Unit there is a fight and Tariq is identified by staff as the agressor. Michael pockets the disc from the school's CCTV security camera showing his fight with Wayne Johnson but is alarmed when he receives an email showing the fight and his house is broken into. Daniel gets into Linda's good books by taking her rabbit Roger to the vet though Roger causes havoc when he gets loose in the school. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Vicki sees a counsellor whilst Matt becomes a sperm donor for his friend Rosie. Matt is not happy when Michael wants him to include Tariq in the school orchestra but is impressed when Daniel records Tariq rapping. In an effort to leave home Scout gets a job as a night carer for a woman with Multiple Sclerosis,lying that she has experience in a retirement home. However Emily steals the woman's drugs and gets high at school,leading to Scout having to quit. Michael tries to distance himself from Linda after their little fling though Linda tells Sian. There is more trouble for Michael when an aggressive Wayne Johnson turns up at school,blaming him for his homelessness. A fight ensues,which spills out onto the road and Wayne is run over,the whole thing being captured on film by Phoenix Taylor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Phoenix begins to hit it off with Nelson,to the extent that Michael must insist he stops truanting to work with his father on the building site whilst Daniel impresses Scout and the members of Matt's orchestra with his prowess on the guitar. Vicki is stressed out,revising for resits and,after Ronan has borrowed money from Madi as a tide-over for the rent,she becomes jealous and hits him. However she walks into a shelf and Ronan is accused of hitting her. Jez organizes a rugby match against St Mary's School,aided by ex-pro Ken,who drops Zack from the team. Matters are not helped by the tension between team members Finn and Tariq and hostility towards Ronan. Fimally Vicki makes a public announcement exonerating Roanan and they are reconciled. After the match Linda and Michael share a kiss. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.0

Grantly is annoyed that Michael has appointed Linda Radleigh over him as Head of English but Linda has her work cut out on her first day,being charged to look after Emily James . Emily's sister Lindsay is being released from Young Offender Unit after killing their abusive father but is planning to move to Leeds to make a fresh start. Emily goes after her and has to be rescued by Linda after accepting a lift. Daniel ends up in hospital after overdoing his keep fit exercises to impress Janeece and Finn and Trudi agree to meet in secret whilst Denzil steals a guitar for Scout - who tells him that Liam is now in care. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

Michael makes Sian and Tom joint deputies and gives an impassioned speech to persuade more students to take 'A' Level English in the wake of Grantly's efforts to scupper his initiative. The school is interrupted by Sarah,Jez's bitter ex-wife who turns up and dumps their children on him, pleasant Zack and extremely stroppy Madi,who makes a show of herself at Vicki and Ronan's flat-warming - where Tariq warns Fin off his sister - as well as ruining the Diamonds'dinner party for their colleagues. Michael discovers that Phoenix Taylor has deliberately set his father Nelson up to appear as a drunk out of spite when Nelson has been dry for years. Matt encourages Scout's talents on the guitar. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

Karen's replacement is new broom principal Michael Byrne,who fails to impress Janeece,whom he sends on an administration course,and Grantly. He does make Tom deputy head,having virtually promised the role to Sian Diamond,who joins the staff with recently-wed husband Jez - who tells the others that Sian and Michael were once a couple. Finn falls for new pupil Trudi,falling foul of her brother,gang leader Tariq Siddiqui,who joy-rides in Ronan's car,Michael's failure to expel Siddiqui being another source of grievance with the old guard. After discovering that brothers Phoenix and Harley Taylor have been covering up the recent death of their grandma,with whom they live,for fear of being returned to their drunk father,Michael threatens ex-pupil Wayne Johnson,recently acquitted in court of the attempted murder of the headmaster. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Him




IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Whilst Afzal recovers in hospital Ross sends Him for testing to show his telekinesis but falls out with the scientist Magda, feeling she is exploiting the boy for financial gain. Afraid that his powers are genetic and uncontrollable Him visits Rose in her care home but she dies before she can help. However Ross latches on to her husband's condition and contacts Ed for confirmation. At Rose's funeral there is reconciliation between Him and his family before he forgers his own solution for his future. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Him




IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Though angry with Him for running off Ed and Beth fail to connect him to the water tank exploding and Victor is also unhappy that Him is corrupting Faith after finding evidence of the boy's unwanted gift. After he opens up to Ross his fear that his powers are controlling him he goes for a brain scan but no abnormality is found. When both visit Rose, who has had a stroke, mutual concern reconciles Him with his father, who suggests Him moves in with his family and admits that he took up medicine because of his own father's belief that he had psychic powers. Faith also starts to get close to Him but his jealousy of her dating his friend Azfal leads to another bad thing happening and Him turning to Ross for help by demonstrating his frightening capabilities Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Him




IMDb: 6.6
45 min

A 17 year old boy known only as Him has inherited his grandparents' telekinetic powers and now lives with his mother Hannah, stepfather Victor and Victor's two children. His poor college performance brings harsh words from father Ed whilst driving home and Him's response is to force the car off the road before running off. Visiting grandma Rose he expresses his fear that he is unable to control his powers whilst she urges him to use them only for good, not anger. However, after confessing to his psychiatrist Ross his feelings for stepsister Faith, he has an argument with Ed's wife Beth, unleashing his powers with a vengeance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Fearless




IMDb: 8.0

Fourteen years ago 23 year old Kevin Russell was imprisoned for killing school-girl Linda Simms. His girlfriend Annie believes his confession was forced from him by DI Olivia Greenwood and asks maverick lawyer Emma Banville to take up his case. Emma is also sheltering Miriam Attar, wife of Yusuf, a doctor working in Syria, which makes her a target for the security forces. From transcripts of the original interviews Emma believes Greenwood totally led the confused Kevin and with her young assistant Dominic finds anomalies at the crime scene but is harassed by Linda's family and the gutter press - which jeopardizes the chances of Emma and partner Steve adopting. Emma's appeal is partially successful, declaring the conviction unsafe and bailing Kevin for a retrial. This makes Emma enemies in high places on both sides of the Atlantic. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 8.2
48 min

Ethan and Ray fight. Grace apologizes to Evie. Leni and Grace discover the original source of Ethan's money. Sarah and Grace team up to track Ethan and Ray. Grace receives pushback when filing her report. Ethan is visited by high-ranking official. Grace is tasered and abducted, and Evie calls out for her, yielding no response.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 7.9
49 min

Leni and Grace make a surprise discovery in Vancouver. The truth about Cheat's death is revealed. Ethan and Ray follow their own leads to Vancouver and disagree about what to do with the money. Evie decides to stay with Tom.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Ethan and Ray are forced to decide what to do about Spud. Leni and Grace speculate about the money Ethan has given away. Ethan tracks Grace. Billy tries to win Evie back, and she confronts Grace, who finds a new clue in the search for Sarah.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Ethan tells Grace they borrowed money from the wrong men. Suspicious, he checks out her background. She tries to help Billy but it backfires. Ray realizes something is wrong with Spud, and they have a heart-to-heart talk.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 8.0
45 min

A panicked Spud seeks Ethan's and Ray's help and hatches a plan for leaving town. Grace shares what she learned about Ethan with Leni and Elliot. Alec attempts to alter his deal with Campbell. Elliot makes an arrest which creates problems.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 7.4
46 min

Someone from Grace's past visits her, which creates a problem with Ethan. Leni's Pentagon contact reveals new information. Grace finds out about Billy's fight. The taskforce plants a bug to spy on Ethan and his team.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 7.6
49 min

Grace contemplates Elliot's proposal that she go undercover. Elliot confronts Leni about speaking to her Pentagon contact. Billy gets into a fight. Spud and Ray find a potential asset who can help them. Ethan meets with a contact to ask about Nina.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 7.4
48 min

Grace discovers Ethan hasn't been truthful about the night Cheat died. Leni reaches out to a Pentagon contact to discover how Ethan and his team met. Detective Lee follows Ethan, who, along with his team, feels endangered. Billy and Evie grow closer.

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HD Rogue




IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Grace and team start search for Sarah after getting her cry for help voice message. Elliot lets Leni in on detail about the investigation. Cheat's partner's deal with aftermath of his death by eavesdropping in on police calls.

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