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HD DC's Legends of Tomorrow

DC's Legends of Tomorrow


DC's Legends of Tomorrow

IMDb: 0

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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Lillian, inside Newport Sanatarium, runs into someone she knows there, the balance of power having shifted from what it was on the outside. But when Lillian discovers what the inmate in charge is up to, Lillian figures there is a better way to do things on the inside. Meanwhile, Beatrice and Frederick are both determined to find their mystery love from the ball before the other, to gain the upper hand in forgetting about the other first and more fully. Hortense, who knows full well who each mystery person is, decides to have some fun of her own to help her twin siblings find their true love. And it's Family Day among the servants. Being an orphan, Garfield feels left out. So he decides that he will try and discover his biological parents' identity. He will have to decide how far he will go to to find out what he wants, while others possibly in the know have to decide what they want to divulge to Garfield what they know. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD For the People

For the People


For the People

IMDb: 8.8

Sandra and Kate go head-to-head on a high-profile case involving a young woman accused of leaking classified information; Allison struggles to make a case for a client; Leonard seeks professional legitimacy at the cost of a personal relationship. Written by joesrichmond20

Genre: Drama,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 0

Beatrice is gaining some notoriety, but not the kind she wants: Edison's house was burglarized, the burglars who stole and have made for public viewing Beatrice's sex film. Beatrice doesn't know why she should be vilified, especially as she was kidnapped and tricked into making the film, she taking what she believes is decisive action to get rid of the cause of her problems. But when she and Dodo learn that others are making money off the film, they figure they should be able to cash in as well. Lillian, on the other hand, is jealous of Beatrice's new found fame, Lillian who wants that fame even if for the reason Beatrice has attracted the attention. Lillian has to figure out a way to usurp her sister. Meanwhile, the police investigating the cause of the burglary, and Victor and Albert abhorring the types of their new neighbors lead to new careers for the pair. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Celery is hosting her annual masquerade ball. She has a very specific agenda for this party, namely to get Colonel Beauregard Trimbald, the toilet king of Tallahassee, to fund Frederick's presidential bid. Not only are Lillian and Beatrice not invited to the ball, but they receive official non-invitations explicitly stating that they are not invited. Regardless, they are determined to crash the ball. They each take a different path to entry, separating themselves from each other once in. They both make a connection at the ball, Lillian's which has the potential to derail Celery's goal, and Beatrice's which looks to replace the love she no longer feels for Frederick. Meanwhile, Garfield is finding that he is ill-equipped to replace Peepers as head butler at Bellacourt Manor. Regardless, he feels it's his duty and right. In doing his job, as badly as he is, he is unaware that someone else is trying to steal the job right in front of him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD United States of Tara

United States of Tara


United States of Tara

IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Having been well and dissociation-free for the last several months, Tara sets out to rebuilt her life with Max's help by making new friends. But things take a turn when a neighbor of the the Gregsons' suddenly commits suicide and the family unexpectedly is given responsibility of the house and estate. Meanwhile, Marshall struggles to fit in at school as an out-and-proud gay guy, while Kate lands a new job after graduating early from high school. Elsewhere, Charmaine's boyfriend, Nick, brings up the question of marriage to her. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD I Didn't Do It

I Didn't Do It


I Didn't Do It

IMDb: 8.4
23 min

When Logan learns his friends think he runs very awkwardly and strange, he fakes an injury to get out of Lindy's charity jog-a-thon for the endangered snot otter. Meanwhile, Delia inadvertently gets Brenda fired from Rumble Juice and tries to find the inept employee another job. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family,
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HD Code Black

Code Black


Code Black

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

When a police officer arrives at the emergency room with an explosive bullet stuck in her leg, a risky operation is needed to be performed by Wills, Leanne and Jesse; a magician having difficulty breading comes to Angel's memorial for help.

Genre: Drama,
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

The team investigates a burglary at a cyber-security company, but Callen must steer clear of the crime scene after Hetty reveals his girlfriend, Joelle, is one of the lead witnesses. Also, the team discusses their personal holiday travel plans. Kensi and Deeks are given the chance to get even closer to each other. Written by Viktor Larsson

Country: USA
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.1
29 min

A pitch to a CEO of a fast food chain causes conflict between Marty and Denna.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.2
28 min

Marty and the Pod hatch a new plan with Gage motors; Jeannie considers an attractive job offer.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.4
29 min

Marty and Jeannie pitch opposing strategies to a Seattle-based skin care company. Doug, fed up with Sarah's antics, passive-aggressively puts his foot down. Clyde begins discussing a business idea with an unlikely partner.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.2
29 min

Marty is eager to grow the business; there is a new normal at Kaan and Associates.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.5
28 min

In the season 3 finale, Marty's new-found optimism is rocked when Kaan and Associates receives a serious blow, while Jeannie attempts to rectify the situation. Roscoe finds a constructive outlet to help work through his relationship issues.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.0
27 min

Kaan and associates are back trying to fix Dolla Hyde. Roscoe figures out what his dad has been talking about all the time, himself.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.0
26 min

Marty and team work with Marissa McClintock to take back McClintock media organization. Marty feels sad and alone getting back with Monica, while Doug and Sarah call it quits. Clyde tries to get back to being friends with Marty.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD House of Lies

House of Lies


House of Lies

IMDb: 7.5
28 min

Marty works with Dre to further the company without Lucas. Marty faces issues at home. Clyde's insecurity about a baby persist.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

At Lillian and Laverne's wedding, a Bellacourt and Fusselforth do get married, but... Lillian feels the only way to deal emotionally with the aftermath of the ceremony is through drink. Beatrice, who is still at the abbey, wants to atone for her sins so that she can go to heaven. But she wants to go to the heaven party with her best friend, her sister Lillian, who Beatrice believes she can and has to save before Lillian can join her in the afterlife. Peepers gets his secret wish when Dodo returns to Bellacourt Manor to confront the Commodore and Celine, who are now awash with Fusselforth money. Their negotiations come down to a duel between the women, with the victor receiving all the spoils, although Dodo seems to be fixated primarily on one inconsequential holding of the Bellacourts. Victor and Albert have a discussion stemming from Blanche's delicate condition. And Garfield makes his first move in wooing Flobelle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

After knowing him for two days, Lillian is able to coerce barely functioning elderly wealthy media mogul Laverne Fusselforth V to ask her to marry him, which may be more welcome news for the Commodore than anyone else, he who has wanted at least one of his daughters to marry into money to solve the family financial problems. However, another emotional connection is made between the Bellacourt and Fusselforth families which may upstage Lillian's wedding day. Lillian decides to take decisive action to ensure the day is hers, which includes making sure she becomes Mrs. Laverne Fusselforth V before it's too late. Meanwhile, Taft approaches Frederick with incriminating photographs of him with Beatrice in compromising positions in order to force him to resign the vice-presidency. Frederick takes some actions to get himself out of this problem, which only time and public reaction will tell if those actions work. One of those actions is to send Beatrice away so as not to become either a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Lillian and Beatrice decide that they want to become famous for actually doing something. What they want to do is write and sing a hit song, and as such call in composer Scott Joplin as a collaborating songwriter. Despite some hiccups along the way, the collaboration does result in a record being pressed. The final product, however, surprises both Lillian and Beatrice and does not give them the fame they want. They believe they can get justice and the fame that was so rightly theirs by crashing a concert given by Joplin. Meanwhile, virginal Peepers has been having carnal thoughts ever since the carriage ride he took with Dodo. Everything now makes him have uncontrollable erections and sometimes uncontrollable orgasms without even touching himself. He goes to Hamish to do the only thing he believes will stop these feelings. Hamish comes up with another solution for Peepers. And Blanche and Dr. Goldberg get married, so that Blanche will have a father for her yet unborn child, and Dr. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

What is assumed to be a contagion, most likely typhoid, has spread amongst the servants, quarantining their quarters and the kitchen downstairs in the process, leaving Peepers as the only unaffected servant left to tend to the needs of the Bellacourts. When news spreads within the manor that the press is coming to cover the event, Lillian wants to be seen as front and center in tending to the servants from a safe distance so that she can be front page news. In the process, Lillian accidentally gets trapped and ends up being quarantined with the servants. In her confinement with the servants in what will end most likely in death with them, Lillian may truly come to a downstairs perspective of life in the manor. Meanwhile, Victor, Albert and the Marquis de Sainsbury have formed a barbershop trio which will ultimately compete in the Boston Barberfest in a week's time. Arguing amongst themselves, they come up with what they believe is the definitive method to determine who will sing ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

The Roosevelts are invited to Bellacourt Manor by the Commodore, who hopes to convince Teddy to tap Frederick as his vice-president, while Lillian sets out to woo Frankiln, and Beatrice bonds with Eleanor. Also: The servants go on strike, much to Peepers' dismay.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Hamish's trial for the murder of Scoops LaPue is approaching. Because of the secret connection he has to Hamish, the Commodore does whatever he can to ensure that Hamish is not convicted. Because the Commodore's relatively simple plan entails Frederick playing a part, it is not a guarantee that it will come off as envisioned. Meanwhile, others have their own goal for the trial. Lillian, who will be a witness, wants to upstage everyone else to get front page newspaper coverage. Beatrice wants to see someone - anyone - die. Wheelbound Chair, who is also a witness, wants to see Hamish convicted as he tried to blackmail her. And Peepers, the true murderer, seeks advice from a trusted old source about what to do. Hamish's innate knowledge of a specific part of the female anatomy and a chorus of groupies attending the trial may affect the outcome despite what the Commodore, Lillian, Beatrice, Chair and Peepers want. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

The Commodore invites a prince to Bellacourt Manor, sparking an intense romantic rivalry between Lillian and Beatrice. Peepers clashes with the prince's servant over proper butler techniques, and Hamish's cellmate attempts to teach him how to read.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Lillian and Beatrice are able to get annulments from Victor and Albert respectively, the two ex-husbands who will nonetheless still reside at Bellacourt Manor. Lillian and Victor's division of assets goes smoothly except for one point of contention: who gets to live in the Butternut Room? They both stage a sit-in in the room trying to outwit the other into giving it up. Albert has developed a nervous affliction. When he and Beatrice discover the cause, Beatrice decides to help Albert get over the phobia that is causing the affliction as the item in question is part of Beatrice's core being. Frederick and Celery have been living in Washington, DC as he begins his service to the public as a Rhode Island senator. Beyond playing jacks, Frederick can't help but be preoccupied by what he considers a three week old problem. Peepers holds a children's job fair, as he believes it is never too early to start one in the life of indentured servitude. The child he hires, Jay, has one specific ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

The Commodore receives advice from one of his lawyers on how to save his crumbling empire, the fall due to the many family scandals, from his affair with Celine and fathering her yet unborn child, to Dodo's morphine addiction, to banished Lillian and Beatrice's media fueled infamy as the pigs, their whereabouts which are currently unknown. With Hortense nixing a plan specifically related to her, the Commodore decides on Plan B, which requires not only finding Lillian and Beatrice, and buying off Victor and Albert, but also receiving a favor from a person of authority across the ocean. Meanwhile, Lillian and Beatrice have enjoyed their proverbial fifteen minutes (in actuality, two weeks) of fame, but have since faded back into obscurity to their and Penelope's dismay, she who has housed them since their banishment. They meet someone who has managed to be famous for quite a while and want to learn her secret, namely Harriet Tubman. For a price, Harriet agrees to help them brand ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water


H2O: Just Add Water

IMDb: 8.5
25 min

Lewis thinks he has invented a potion to make the girls waterproof for their big dance. However, his concoction has an undesirable side effect, turning the girls bright red right in the middle of the dance.

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HD H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water


H2O: Just Add Water

IMDb: 8.6
25 min

Rikki and Zane see a locket in a shop window that looks just like the one Cleo found by Mako Island. Miss Chatham tells the girls how her and her friends, Julia and Gracie, were mermaids when they were 15. Miriam buys the locket to spite Rikki. Written by grrlpunk

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HD H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water


H2O: Just Add Water

IMDb: 8.4
25 min

The strange old woman warns the girls about the dangers of the full moon but Cleo falls under its spell this time; she turns into a Siren and develops a singing voice that brings half the boys in the neighborhood to her doorstep.

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HD H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water


H2O: Just Add Water

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Byron asks Emma to coach him for the school swimming carnival. Rikki vents her frustration at Lewis's apparent disinterest in the girls as anything other than specimens.

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HD H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water


H2O: Just Add Water

IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Not convinced an interview with Emma's mum will win the short film competition, Rikki decides to get some award-winning shark footage. Zane recruits Lewis to re-enact a record windsurfing run.

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HD H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water


H2O: Just Add Water

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

After discovering Cleo's Mermaid diary, Cleo's little sister is determined to save the Gold Coast from the 'evil Mermaids'.

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