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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.0
13 min

Dunces and Dragons: After a freak jousting accident at a Medieval Times-style restaurant, SpongeBob and Patrick are transported to a medieval version of Bikini Bottom. There they are mistaken for great knights and sent on a quest by King Krabs to rescue his daughter, the Princess Pearl, from the clutches of the evil wizard Planktonamor. To keep them company, the King sends along Squidward, the court jester (who was recently thrown in the dungeon for not being funny). The first obstacle they encounter is the dreaded Black Knight, an ornery squirrel who fights under the spell of Planktonamor. But Sir SpongeBob bests the Black Knight in a brilliant display of Ka-ra-te, and even breaks Planktonamor's hold on her. The Black Knight pledges herself to the heroes' cause, and the group of four marches on to Lord Plankton's lair where they encounter the giant fire-breathing jelly fish. Fortunately Sir SpongeBob has just the thing that will tame the dangerous beast, a krabby patty that he was ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 7.7
24 min

Selling Out: Mr. Krabs sells his restaurant to a conglomerate that plans to turn the Krusty Krab into a big corporate chain. At first the sell out brings the kind of peace and quiet Mr. Krabs always wanted. But his early retirement quickly turns into nothing more than one boring day after another, and Mr. Krabs finds himself living a life without purpose. So he takes a job as a busboy at the Krusty Krab only to find that it has been transformed into a heartless mockery of his former restaurant. With the help of SpongeBob and Squidward, Mr. Krabs stages a fast food coup against the new management. Funny Pants: Squidward has had enough of SpongeBob's incessant laughter, so he tricks his neighbor into believing that SpongeBob has a laugh-related illness. According to the made-up disease, if SpongeBob laughs one more time in the next 24 hours, his laugh box will explode and he will never laugh or giggle again. For the rest of the day, SpongeBob fights every single urge to chuckle. The ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 7.8
13 min

Skill Crane: When a Skill Crane is installed in the Krusty Krab, Squidward becomes obsessed with winning a stuffed animal from the machine. It's not long before he spends all of his money and the deed to his house on the Skill Crane-and still he can't win anything. Taking pity on his neighbor, SpongeBob, Skill Crane Champion, teaches Squidward his technique. The lesson works, and Squdward finally wins a prize. With his newfound confidence Squidward gets a little over zealous, and tries to apply his skills to a real construction crane with disastrous results. Good Neighbors: It's Sunday in Bikini Bottom, and all Squidward wants to do is enjoy the last few hours of me time before the work week begins. But SpongeBob and Patrick continue to intrude on his perfect Sunday with various activities from their Good Neighbor Club. So Squidward installs a high-tech security device designed to keep his good neighbors out. But the device malfunctions, mutates Squidward's house into a giant ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.6
25 min

Have You Seen This Snail?: While trying to beat a paddle-ball world record, SpongeBob forgets to feed Gary-for several weeks. So Gary runs away to downtown Bikini Bottom where he is taken in by a kindly old woman who confuses him with one of her many deceased pets. Once SpongeBob realizes that he has neglected Gary, he sets out in a town-wide search for him. Meanwhile, as Gary is wrapped in comfy blankets and indulged in and endless assortment of snacks, he discovers a very dark secret about this sweet old woman... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.4
24 min

the Lost Mattress: SpongeBob hears that Mr. Krabs cannot get a good night sleep on his lumpy mattress, so, with the help of Patrick and Squidward, SpongeBob buys Mr. Krabs a brand new mattress and throws the old one away. Once Mr. Krabs learns of the switch, he falls into a cash coma - all of Mr. Krabs' money was hidden in that old mattress. In order to revive their boss (and avoid possible jail time) SpongeBob, Squidward and Patrick must retrieve the mattress from the city dump, but first they have to get past the ferocious guard-worm that's sleeping on top of it. Krabs vs. Plankton: When Plankton slips and falls on some water at the Krusty Krab, he sues Mr. Krabs for failing to post a wet floor sign. If Plankton wins the case, he will be awarded everything that Mr. Krabs' owns, including the secret recipe formula. Only one man can defend Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob LawyerPants. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.2
12 min

Fear of a Krabby Patty: The Krusty Krab is now open 24-hours-a-day, which means that the Krusty Krab employees have to work round-the-clock and without a break. At first the prospect of never leaving work is like a dream come true for SpongeBob. But soon the relentless schedule takes its toll, and SpongeBob develops an inexplicable fear of Krabby Patties preventing him from doing his job. Plankton seizes the opportunity and disguises himself as SpongeBob's psychiatrist in an attempt to extract the patty's secret formula from the stressed-out sponge. Shell of a Man: Mr. Krabs is getting ready for a big reunion with his old seafaring buddies when he suddenly molts his shell. It seems the years of owning a fast food restaurant have taken their toll on Mr. Krabs' waist line. And now that his armor-like shell no longer fits, Mr. Krabs is left quivering, shell-less, and pink. Afraid that his tough-as-nails friends will only ridicule him, but reluctant to not make an appearance at the ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.1
14 min

SpongeBob Meets the Strangler: SpongeBob catches someone littering and turns him in to the police - but it's the Tattletale Strangler! The Strangler escapes custody and disguises himself as SpongeBob's bodyguard, all the while looking for a moment to strangle him. But SpongeBob leads a busy life, and the strangler grows weary. After finally revealing his true identity to SpongeBob, a random chain of events lands him in jail, and SpongeBob is safe. Pranks a Lot: SpongeBob and Patrick invest in some magic invisible spray at the local prank shop. They strip down and spray themselves - the stuff really works! They go on a major pranking spree, hitting just about everyone in town and getting away with it. It's finally Mr. Krabs that figures them out and he puts a floodlight on them for the whole town to see. Suddenly the joke is on Patrick and SpongeBob-they have no clothes on! Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.8
13 min

Missing Identity: SpongeBob has lost his name tag! He has no idea where it has gone. He retraces all of his steps, with help from Patrick, but to no avail. His mind and day rapidly deteriorating, he continues to search desperately until, miraculously, Patrick spots the missing identification. SpongeBob has accidentally gone the entire day...with his shirt on backwards. Plankton's Army: It is the 25th anniversary of Plankton's first attempt to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula. The entire Krusty Krab crew is on its guard, and foils Plankton at every turn. Plankton, defeated, decides to enlist the help of all of his plankton relatives - all millions of them. They storm the Krusty Krab and take Mr. Krabs by surprise, and finally manage to get the secret formula. But when Plankton gets to the most secret ingredient, he runs screaming, as does his army. The secret ingredient (in this decoy formula that Mr. Krabs set up) was a pound of fresh ground plankton! Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.7
25 min

The Great Snail Race: Squidward gets a pure-bread snail, Snelle, and decides to race her in the snail races. SpongeBob becomes competitive and enters Gary, coaching him to the point of exhaustion. At the races, Gary fizzles out, and Snelle comes to his aid, proving that it's not winning, it's about caring. The race trophy is given to Patrick's race entry - a rock. Mid-Life Crustacean: Mr. Krabs realizes that he is getting old. He's not so hip anymore. He overhears Patrick and SpongeBob hyping up a big night out that they're planning and figures that would be a good way to get hip again. He asks the guys if he can come along on their wild night on the town. They show Mr. Krabs a great(?) time...They hit the Laundromat, pick up trash under the highway, and stop at a kids' amusement restaurant. Mr. Krabs realizes that younger or not - they are not any hipper than he is. He tries to leave, but Patrick convinces him to go on their last big event of the night - a panty raid. Finally they're... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.8
25 min

New Student Starfish: It's another day of boating school for SpongeBob, and this time, Patrick wants to come along too. Patrick becomes the new student in SpongeBob's class, and from his introduction, begins getting SpongeBob in trouble. Every time Patrick does something wrong, it appears that SpongeBob has done it. In retaliation, Mrs. Puff takes gold stars off of SpongeBob's Good Noodle chart. Spongebob begins to seriously resent Patrick, to the point where the two of them fight and end up in detention. In the process, the light bulb keeping the class science project egg, Roger, alive, burns out. Patrick and SpongeBob have to put aside their differences and work together to save Roger. Clams: It's another day at the Krusty Krab when a random customer provides Mr. Krabs of his one millionth dollar! To celebrate, he takes SpongeBob and Squidward on a clam fishing trip. An over eager SpongeBob accidentally hooks the dollar with his fishing line and throws it out into the water - ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

SpongeBob's House Party: SpongeBob, while grocery shopping, discovers a how to throw a party kit. He decides to throw a big party and invites everyone he's ever known. Unfortunately for his guests, SpongeBob plans everything right down to the minute, sapping all the fun from his party. When he gets accidentally locked outside, the real party begins, but SpongeBob freaks out thinking that his planning isn't being followed. He spends the rest of the episode trying to get back inside his house and failing. When his guests leave the next morning, they tell him what a great party it was. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.2
13 min

Snowball Effect: When it snows in Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob and Patrick go out in the snow and play in their snow forts etc... They make a racket and Squidward complains. Squidward makes fun of them for playing in the snow. To show Squidward how much fun the snow can be, SpongeBob and Patrick throw a snowball at him. One thing leads to another and soon Squidward is involved in an all out snow war with SpongeBob and Patrick. Squidward takes it too far and goes crazy playing in the snow. One Krabs Trash: When Mr. Krabs has a garage sale and tries to peddle off everyone's trash as priceless heirlooms, he ends up selling to Spongebob a novelty soda drink hat, which to Mr. Krabs's surprise turns out to be the most sought after piece of merchandise in Bikini Bottom. Convinced Spongebob knew all along how much the hat was worth, a desperate Mr. Krabs attempts to scam the hat back from Spongebob. When Mr. Krabs finally succeeds in getting the hat back, an entire warehouse full of the hats is ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.1
12 min

Just One Bite: When SpongeBob learns that Squidward has never actually tried a Krabby Patty, he becomes obsessed with the idea that Squidward must try it. He badgers Squidward until he gives in. When Squidward takes a bite, he pretends to hate the patty, but secretly he loves it. Alone, he craves another bite, but doesn't want SpongeBob to know. In the end, he sneaks into the Krusty Krab late at night, stuffs his face with patties only to be caught in the act by SpongeBob. The Bully: There is a new bully in boating school named Flats who threatens to beat SpongeBob up after school. SpongeBob is terrified and tries to get help, but everyone is under Flats terror hold already. When the moment of truth comes, Flats throws a punch and falls on his face. SpongeBob realizes there was nothing ever to be scared of in the beginning. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.1
25 min

Club SpongeBob: SpongeBob and Patrick build a small clubhouse in a tree and get inside. When Squidward happens by they tell him he can't join the club because he wouldn't fit in. Pissed, Squidward insists on joining the club. He climbs the tree and gets inside. The three of them are squeezed inside a tiny space-SpongeBob and Patrick literally meant that Squidward wouldn't fit in. SpongeBob and Patrick then invite Squidward to join the club, but now he refuses. While trying to escape, they accidentally launch themselves out into the woods. They are lost. SpongeBob and Patrick consult their magic ball for directions while Squidward tries to make it home on his own. Squidward marches in circles while SpongeBob and Patrick wait leisurely for the magic ball's instructions. In the end, Squidward is driven crazy and joins their club just to get out of the woods alive. My Pretty Seahorse: SpongeBob finds a stray sea horse and adopts it. When it comes time to go to work, SpongeBob can't bear ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.9
24 min

The Algae's Always Greener: Plankton has a new invention that allows him to switch lives with Mr. Krabs. He is so excited because once he has Mr. Krabs life, he will also have the Krabby Patty secret formula. He uses it and at the Krusty Krab is immediately assaulted with all of the headaches of running a business, managing SpongeBob and Squidward - not to mention being a father to a demanding teenage daughter. To make matters worse, Mr. Krabs has now turned into him and is continuously trying to steal his secret formula. Plankton is driven crazy and before he can steal the formula, he switches back. It's more fun to try and steal the formula than lead Mr. Krabs crazy life. SpongeGuard on Duty: When Larry the Lobster is short one man for lifeguard duty, SpongeBob volunteers. Larry describes all the perks of the jobs: tanning, the chair, the whistle, the attention. What SpongeBob doesn't get is that you have to be able to swim. SpongeBob takes the job and spends all his energy trying ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.3
13 min

Graveyard Shift: In order to increase profits, Mr. Krabs decides that the Krusty Krab will now be open 24 hours a day. He orders SpongeBob and Squidward to work all night - what's known as the Graveyard Shift. At first SpongeBob is scared so Squidward taunts him by telling a scary tale about the Hash Slinging Slasher. Soon, their paranoia gets the best of them and they become convinced someone is stalking them, waiting to kill them-it turns out the guy just wanted an application. Krusty Love: Ms. Puff pays a visit to the Krusty Krab and Mr. Krabs is instantly smitten with her. He recruits SpongeBob to help him woo Ms. Puff. SpongeBob tries to play match maker, but he screws it all up and Mr. Krabs threatens his job at every turn. In the end, it turns out she didn't need much wooing, she was into Mr. Krabs the whole time! Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.3
14 min

Welcome to the Chum Bucket: Mr. Krabs loses SpongeBob's fry cook contract in a bet with Plankton and SpongeBob is forced to go work at the Chum Bucket. While there, SpongeBob is so homesick that he can't even fry up a single patty. At a loss, Plankton tries to comfort SpongeBob by showering him with gifts and attention. So much so, that SpongeBob soon acts like a spoiled teenager. Plankton tries to throw him out but SpongeBob says he doesn't feel like it. Plankton ends up having to pay Mr. Krabs to take SpongeBob off his hands again. Frankendoodle: When SpongeBob and Patrick discover a pencil from the surface they begin to draw with it. Everything the draw, comes to life! Soon, they begin to do small, lame pranks on the neighbors, the last of which is a crude, rough sketch of SpongeBob they call SpongeDoodle. SpongeDoodle quickly escapes and starts pranking all of SpongeBob's friends and SpongeBob is getting blamed for it. Then, he starts to prank SpongeBob and Patrick, too. ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.9
24 min

Wormy: When Sandy goes out of town for a few days, she puts SpongeBob and Patrick in charge of her pet caterpillar. When the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly overnight, SpongeBob and Patrick are terrified of this new creature. It ate wormy and now it's after them! They cause a panic around Bikini Bottom, warning everyone to be on the look out for the horrible monster butterfly. Patty Hype: Mr. Krabs keeps trying new sales gimmicks for the Krusty Krab, but none of them work. SpongeBob comes up with an idea for colored krabby patties, but Mr. Krabs just scoffs at him, reminding him to leave the creative thinking to him. SpongeBob gets his feelings hurt and decides to test his colored patty ideas for himself. He and Patrick set up a tiny patty stand in front of the Pineapple and suddenly colored patties are the rage of Bikini Bottom and stealing all of the Krusty Krab's business. Mr. Krabs is desperate to steal the gimmick from SpongeBob and by the time he does, the fad is ... Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 9.3
25 min

Dying for Pie: When Squidward accidentally lets SpongeBob eat an exploding pie, he feels guilty and resolves to makes SpongeBob's few remaining hours left in the world enjoyable. SpongeBob doesn't know why Squidward's being so nice, but he's thrilled to spend the day with him and he makes him do all sorts of fun activities. Squidward is miserable playing with him all day until he realizes SpongeBob didn't eat the exploding pie, he did! KABOOM! Imitation Krabs: Plankton schemes to steal the Krabby patty by disguising himself as Mr. Krabs and infiltrating the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob is torn in two as both Mr. Krabs give him conflicting orders all day long and he is going crazy trying to please them both. Eventually, SpongeBob exposes Plankton as a fraud and the two of them have a tartar sauce showdown. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.7
24 min

MuscleBob BuffPants: SpongeBob finds Sandy's rigorous physical training program too tough and chooses the easy way out by ordering a pair of fake 'bulky arms' as seen on TV. Fooling everyone with his new muscles, SpongeBob finds out there's no substitute for hard work when Sandy enters them both in the Muscle Beach Anchor Toss competition. Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost: SpongeBob and Patrick accidentally hit 'Squidward' with a flying shell, thinking they knocked him out. They place what is really a wax replica next to the heater, melting him. When a talcum-covered, real Squidward emerges from the bathroom, the boys think it's a ghost. Squidward sees this as his great chance to get the two to leave him in peace. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.9
24 min

Culture Shock: There's a talent show at the Krusty Krab and Squidward takes over the planning. SpongeBob, wanting to do his part as well impress his parents, offers to do anything. Squidward, afraid of disaster by putting SpongeBob on stage, delegates him to sweeping up. But determination will pay off for SpongeBob when he becomes the Grand Finale. F.U.N.: After another failed attempt by the evil Plankton to steal a Krusty Krabs' Krabby Patty, SpongeBob reasons that Plankton is just lonely and needs a friend, that's why he's so evil. After SpongeBob befriends Plankton, the two engage in a variety of friendship activities. Unfortunately, Mr. Krab's must show SpongeBob Plankton's true colors. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.6
24 min

Mermaidman and Barnacleboy: Watching their favorite show, reruns of the TV duo superhero show Mermaidman and Barnacleboy, SpongeBob and Patrick hear that their beloved heroes are living in a nearby retirement home. The aging superheroes discover their toughest challenge yet will be SpongeBob and Patrick, who have decided the duo must come out of retirement. Pickles: SpongeBob loses his self-confidence when an arrogant customer wrongfully claims SpongeBob forgot to put pickles on his Krabby Patty. With his perfect record now ruined, SpongeBob quits his job as he begins doubting his ability to do even the simplest task. Without SpongeBob, the restaurant fails to attract customers. When SpongeBob learns the Krusty Krab is in dire straits, he returns from the skids to save the Krusty Krab in an ultimate show down with the arrogant customer. Written by NAS

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HD SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants


SpongeBob SquarePants

IMDb: 8.6
24 min

Jellyfishing: When SpongeBob and Patrick find Squidward is recovering from a bicycling accident, SpongeBob and Patrick decide to take Squidward jellyfishing with them so that he can have his best day ever. Good intentions notwithstanding, SpongeBob and Patrick thrust poor Squidward into the far more hazardous rigors of their favorite pastime. Plankton!: SpongeBob falls victim to a scheme by the evil Plankton, Mr. Krabs' minuscule arch-rival with the Napoleon complex. Plankton hides out in SpongeBob's head and takes control of his brain. SpongeBob finds he must fight his own body to prevent himself from handing over the secret Krabby Patty recipe to Plankton. Written by NAS

Country: USA
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HD Raising Hope

Raising Hope


Raising Hope

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Virginia stops believing in magical things, but second guesses herself when a ghost appears in their house. When Burt discovers that Jim Hughes has secretly been living in their house's bomb shelter, Burt and Jim play along with Virginia's antics in order to make her believe in the paranormal again. Meanwhile, Burt and Virginia learn some news about Jim that scares them straight. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Raising Hope

Raising Hope


Raising Hope

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

When Burt (Garret Dillahunt) and Virginia (Martha Plimpton) discover that their storage locker is up for auction, they also realize they have misplaced a personal and incriminating home video that has fallen into the hands of another couple (guest stars Mike O?Malley and Liza Snyder). Meanwhile, Sabrina tries to get to the bottom of Jimmy?s epic sleepwalking habit. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Franklin & Bash

Franklin & Bash


Franklin & Bash

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

When Jared's father, Leonard Franklin (Beau Bridges) attempts to buy the firm from Stanton Infeld, Peter and Jared fight to save it. Peter also comes to the rescue of an old high school friend (Chris Klein) who is running for governor and wants to drop out of the race due to a scandal. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD 666 Park Avenue

666 Park Avenue


666 Park Avenue

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

Jane's vanishing act leads Henry to remember why they fell in love, while Shaw gives Gavin a taste of his own medicine, and Alexis exercises her powerful hold over Brian.

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the shooting death of Doug Bender who is found in the trunk of his car that had been towed by the parking authority. He had been shot at point blank range by a 9 mm pistol. Bender had been convicted of grand theft auto but was out on parole. His wife Millie says he has had a job since his release and has stayed away from criminal elements, something that is confirmed by his parole officer. The police learn that Millie Bender's brother, Max Sheridan, is on the run from criminal charges in Georgia and they suspect he may have contacted his brother-in-law to hijack a truck. The detectives biggest problem is having to deal with two bail bondsmen - bounty hunters - who are after Sheridan for skipping bail. They're not very helpful and when they kill Millie Bender, her baby sitter and put Max Sheridan in the hospital, ADA McCoy decides to charge them with murder and thereby challenges the very broad authority bail bondsmen have in the US. Written by garykmcd

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HD Rocket Power

Rocket Power


Rocket Power

IMDb: 7.3
24 min

Otto and Sam skip school; Ray receives a trial pass to an exclusive club.

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HD Rocko's Modern Life

Rocko's Modern Life


Rocko's Modern Life

IMDb: 7.9
24 min

After a big fight, Rocko and Heffer find themselves guests on The Nosey Show, a daytime TV talk show./Rocko is forced into a twelve-step self-help program in order to come to grips with his nail-biting problem.

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HD The Mysteries of Laura

The Mysteries of Laura


The Mysteries of Laura

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Laura looks into two different love triangles. One is hers and one may have ended with murder.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD The Crazy Ones

The Crazy Ones


The Crazy Ones

IMDb: 7.3
22 min | 30 min

During flamboyant buddy Zach's vacation, Andrew enjoyed teaming up with considerate George. When Zach realizes his quirks diminish Andrew's eagerness to be his wingman, his semi-jocular suggestion to try other partners is taken seriously, but although it works professionally for Andrew, both friends are miserable without their mate. A campaign for baby animal suits arouses Simon's hope of grandchildren, from Sydney, whose sexually enjoyable relationship with laid-back neighbor hunk Owen is under increasing stress as she tries to hide and deny the truth. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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