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HD Suits




IMDb: 9.5
44 min

Mike teams up with Jack Soloff to co-counsel a case; Esther Litt returns to solve a problem; Donna and Harvey work on their friendship. Louis get into a fight with Harvey

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Suits




IMDb: 9.2
44 min

Louis's sister wants to get a divorce, without getting her brother involved. Harvey takes her case. Zane and Mike are having some major disagreements on their case.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Suits




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Harvey and Mike find themselves on opposite sides of a takeover battle that threatens to turn into a knockdown, drag-out fight - a fight complicated by Rachel's relationship with Mike. Meanwhile, Louis finds himself partnered with recent SEC defector Jeff Malone in defending Pearson Specter from disgraced DA Eric Woodall. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.3
60 min

To cause dissention among the Glee Club members, Sue forces the students to compete against each other, but the real showdown happens when she and Will get called into the principal's office. Meanwhile, the Glee kids rally to support Quinn after some shocking news is revealed. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.3
86 min

Jason is determined rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheater, and makes a daring return to Atlantis, which is becoming an even more dangerous realm under Pasiphae's villainous rule. The hero and his friends face treachery at every turn, and come to realise that the only hope for the future is to kill the queen.

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Jason is captured and returned to the city but Pasiphae seems reluctant to kill him and is relieved when Cassandra tells her that the gods oppose his execution. Instead he is put into the gladiatorial arena, giving Aeson the chance to rescue him, as lepers traditionally bore away the corpses of the arena dead. Having revealed to Jason that he is his father Aeson escapes with him to rejoin his friends in the woods and although he himself is mortally wounded he is able to return his son to the light. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Jason is on the run with his friends, who are shocked by his recklessness and arrogance - fulfilling the Oracle's view that knowing Pasiphae is his mother would 'blacken his heart'. A worried Pythagoras sneaks back into Atlantis and learns from Melas and Cassandra that Jason's father Aeson can give him the love to counter Pasiphae's baleful influence but he is a leper hiding from society. Pythagoras locates him but before he can meet up with his son Jason is separated from the others and attacked by soldiers - with Medea once more somewhat mysteriously coming to his aid. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Learning that the gods have refused to acknowledge her as the rightful ruler of Atlantis Pasiphae tortures Ariadne in an attempt to make her voluntarily declare her step-mother as the true queen. Jason and his friends are in hiding but Medusa persuades Pythagoras to sneak into town and, helped by the inventors Daedalus and Icarus and a repentant Melas, steal Pandora's box. Guilt-ridden for her part in the Oracle's death Medusa uses it to revive the curse on her and turn her hair into snakes and, with her severed head in his hand, Jason enters Atlantis to confront Pasiphae and save Ariadne. However Pasiphae reveals to him their true relationship, staying his hand from killing her. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

As Jason is due for execution in two days unhappy high priest Melas protests to Pasiphae, who has his adopted daughter Cassandra as her hostage to make him betray Jason. Hercules tries to free Jason but is himself caught and imprisoned with him though Ariadne and her loyal advisor Delmos arrange for their escape, which leads to their own arrest by the traitor Cilix. Pasiphae now prepares to declare herself the ruler of Atlantis and a reluctant Hercules prevails upon Medusa to tell the truth and save them all. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

When news reaches Pasiphae of Ariadne and Jason's impending marriage, she is terrified that Atlantis will be lost to her forever and resolves to do all she can to stop the union, no matter the cost. But Pasiphae's pursuit of power has far-reaching and devastating consequences, and as the battle for Atlantis continues, it seems no-one is immune to her touch.

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Atlantis looks doomed to fall as Pasiphae lays siege to the city, now unprotected by the palladium. The last remaining hope rests with Jason, Hercules and pythagoras. And Hercules is about to make a discovery that will shake him to the core and change everything. Written by rock-in

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

A year has passed, Minos is dead and Ariadne now rules but the exiled Pasiphae has gathered a huge army from Colchis to take back Atlantis. Ariadne recalls Sarpedon, her father's old counsellor whom he banished, unaware that Sarpedon bears a grudge and is a traitor, employing the sorceress Medea to steal the palladium, an icon upon which the city believes its safety hangs, and give it to Pasiphae. After being told by the Oracle that the fate of Atlantis depends upon him Jason sets out with Pythagoras and Hercules and steals back the palladium from Pasiphae's tent but, having escaped,they find themselves trapped in a cave with a Cyclops whilst Pasiphae's army surrounds Atlantis. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.3
43 min

The eighth of thirteen serial killers that recently escaped from prison has just been apprehended. The latest capture and many of the others were led by Agent Luke Alvez, who sees his role in the FBI solely as a manhunter. He accepts the invitation to join the BAU in the search for number nine, Daniel Cullen aka the Crimson King, who seems to have surfaced in the Tempe, Arizona area. Alvez's interest in Cullen is a personal one. Cullen's latest victim, a young man named Brian Phillips, emerges from the desert with all the hallmarks of Cullen's victims: his arms bound behind his head to an arm stretcher, and a word carved into his abdomen, in this case the letters BAU. Hotch and Tara quickly notice that the abdominal wounds are not hallmark to Cullen, being much more shallow than Cullen would have inflicted. In interviewing Brian and gleaning from him what little he remembers of his abduction, the team comes to the conclusion that the perpetrator of this crime is not Cullen but the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU travels to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where two young women, in two separate incidents, were found dumped at the side of the highway, strangled to death. Both were semi-clad, wrapped in a shower curtain, which they later learn is commercial grade used by hotels, but neither victim was sexually assaulted. By tracking the last known whereabouts of one of the victims, they are able to trace her to a nearby motel where an unusual piece of evidence is found leading to that belief that there are two unsubs, one male and one female. On the BAU's directive, Pittsburgh PD discover that several murders can be attributed to the pair dating back to 1994, with a few breaks in time periods. But another subsequent victim not fitting the profile of any of the other victims and finding a victim of one of the past crimes who survived the attack may lead the team to the identities of the unsubs. In tracking the pair, the team may also learn how solid or fragile their actual partnership is, and if... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

Hotch receives a telephone call from his estranged New York based brother Sean, who he has not heard from in four years and coincidentally while Hotch and Jack are in New York visiting Beth. Now working as a bartender in a club, Sean wants Hotch's help in a death that occurred in the club, where the woman in question quickly bled out through her eyes, mouth and nose just before her death. Hotch convinces the team that this death is the basis for a case when Sean tells him that his own girlfriend also recently died the same way. The team quickly learns that these two deaths are not the only ones, most to hit drug users in clubs. But what confounds the team is that a few victims, such as Sean's girlfriend, were non-drug users. The drug found in each of the victim's systems was Ecstasy. They later learn that the form of the drug that killed the victims was a more lethal variety that has not yet been known to have hit the US. They have to find the source of the drug and how it was ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

Two weeks after the fact, Reid is still reeling over the murder of his girlfriend, Dr. Maeve Donovan, by her stalker. His friends try to reach out to him, but he remains in seclusion, not talking to anyone. They have to figure out a way to bring him back to a state where he at least reaches out for help in dealing with his grief. As such, he doesn't accompany the team on their next case, that of two murders in San Francisco, California, where the two seemingly unrelated victims were found in public places, wrapped in clear plastic and their bodies drained of almost all their blood while they were still alive. Early in their investigation, they find two more victims who have one more similarity: their eyelids were removed. The combination of the eyelids and the body placement of all four victims leads the team to figure out what the unsub is doing with the blood. They still have to figure out why the blood is so important to the unsub to discover who he is before he kills again. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The team travels to Kansas City, Kansas where three members of the upper middle class Yamada family - its parents and teen-aged daughter - are found murdered and dumped at the side of the road, with its adolescent son, Scott Yamada, still missing. The deaths are meant to look like a murder/suicide committed by the father. The bodies were reported by a drifter who disappeared shortly thereafter. Another upper middle class Kansas City area family - the Acklins - who have a similar family make-up, have also just gone missing. There are no direct ties between the two families. Although father Mike Acklin was in the middle of a lawsuit, their family life seems as perfect as the Yamadas,... at least on the surface. The team discovers that both families went to great lengths to present themselves as being perfect to the public eye while being truly dysfunctional. Uncovering other similarities between the families and finding the drifter may lead to the team discovering motive, if the Acklins... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

The team is still attending to the latest bank robbery committed by the Face Cards. Following an explosion inside the bank orchestrated by the queen of diamonds, the team, after assessing the human casualties, find that the two surviving robbers - the king Chris Stratton, and the still unidentifiable queen of diamonds - have managed to escape, this method which they surmise was the queen's plan all along, with her association with the Stratton brothers and the robberies only a front for her grander plans. They also discover that Will, who was inside the bank at the time of the explosion and who was shot by Chris prior to the explosion, is probably still alive and the sole remaining hostage of Chris and the queen. After viewing the surveillance footage of inside the bank prior to the explosion, the team find out that their earlier assessment of the queen having an accomplice on the outside was only half correct, as the accomplice was one of the supposed hostages inside the bank. The ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
40 min

It's a lazy Saturday morning, a day off for the BAU. Beth has come over to Hotch's house to spend the day with him and Jack. JJ is playing with Henry while Will goes off to work. Morgan is going through Prentiss' just purchased house with her, the purchase pending the inspection which she seems to want to go badly as she seems to have buyer's remorse. Reid is Garcia's unofficial date to a sci-fi convention since she and Kevin split over his planned marriage proposal. And Rossi is heading home to bed after an all night cigar aficionado event... or so he says to Garcia and Reid, who he runs into. Their collective quiet is shattered when they are called to a botched bank robbery attempt, at which Will and his partner are one of the first on the scene. The reason the team is called in is that this robbery is the latest in a string committed by a group calling themselves the Face Cards, since the three robbers wear a mask of a playing card king, queen and jack respectively. At each of the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU is called to Atlanta, Georgia to investigate the deaths of two prostitutes. Each victim was stabbed multiple times - indicating anger and strength - with the dead bodies placed carefully in different parks in the outskirts of town. The differences in the kill and the body placement indicate that there are possibly two unsubs, one dominant and one submissive who exist in a co-dependent relationship. In addition, $250 was found on each victim, meaning that theft was not a motive, and the victims were not sexually violated, meaning that sex was either not a motivation or that the angry killer is impotent. Similar bruising on the victims' thighs and a subsequent victim who is somewhat outside the victimology of the initial two dead lead the team to understand with who they are dealing as the unsubs. Meanwhile, Hotch is hoping that his participation the upcoming FBI Triathlon will mark a milestone not associated with the race itself. And Prentiss, Garcia and JJ plan on a girls' ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU is called to the Los Angeles area as three men were found dead in a lifeguard station closed for the season. Two were wrapped in plastic. All died a from a single gunshot wound to the head and were castrated postmortem. All three were not local, and had differing physical characteristics, differing socioeconomic backgrounds and differing sexual orientations. Other aspects of the deaths indicate that the unsub knew his victims. As subsequent victims emerge, the team learns that all were going through some sort of personal loss, which is why they were targeted since the unsub too probably experienced that same loss. The victims' missing vehicles, a female victim whose method of death was dissimilar to the males, toxicology reports and pin-pointing the common loss between all bring the team closer to finding the unsub, and who his ultimate targets are. Meanwhile, Rossi vows to complete this investigation by week's end so that Hotch can go on his first date since Haley's death. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The BAU is called to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where two men are violently bludgeoned to death within minutes of each other one evening near a hospital. The way the dead bodies are positioned shows that the unsub is remorseful about his act. They know that the unsub needs to be a physically strong man to be able to exact such killings on other physically strong men. Subsequent victims are found to be beaten solely by the unsub's hands, and that the unsub is no longer showing that remorse, which to the team indicates that he will probably strike again for his new pleasure of blood lust. The nature of the beatings also shows someone who is knowledgeable about fighting, such as a boxer. Hence the team digs into the world of the Philadelphia boxing scene trying to find some connection to the location of the dead body sites near the hospital. Meanwhile, Hotch contemplates going on his first date since Haley's death. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

Hotch calls an early morning meeting, the first he's called since Gideon left, which raises the curiosity of the team. He tells them that because of budget issues, there is going to be some restructuring at the FBI, and although he would like them all to stay with the BAU, they may be approached by other units. The meeting affects Garcia and Rossi the most, and Rossi ends up having a subsequent late-night meeting in his office because of it. Meanwhile, the team is called to assist in the investigation of a local car accident in which an unidentified male driver careened over a cliff and ultimately succumbed to his injuries. They are called because the murdered bodies of two young adults were found in the trunk of his car. They are later identified as Jake Wattay and Paige Hawley, both of whom are on the missing persons list, each on the list for differing amounts of time and who are from different parts of the country. Because of the nature of their injuries, the team believes there ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
60 min | 42 min

Hotch is back at the helm of the BAU after turning down Strauss' offer of a full retirement package. He and Morgan have a heart to heart about Morgan's tenure as head of the unit. Meanwhile, while transporting a fugitive into custody in Lockport New York with a local police officer named Bunting, Prentiss is injured when the fugitive is assisted in a getaway by an unknown partner. That fugitive is Dale Shrader, who had just been paroled from prison, where he was serving time for a series of bank robberies in which the moneys stolen were never recovered. Since his release two days earlier, Shrader killed a junkie named Stacy Ryan who was the sister of someone Shrader served time with five years prior, and kidnapped his daughter Jenny as an act of revenge toward his ex-wife Connie. These two acts are seemingly a dichotomy in personality. During the getaway, Shrader killed Bunting. Prentiss did see the partner, but the BAU do not know who that partner is. They have to delve into ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

While on a book tour in Cleveland, Rossi learns from Zoe Hawkes, a keen criminology student, that there has been a spike in homicides in the city, she thinks that it is the work of one serial killer. Rossi thinks nothing of it since, on the surface, the homicides have nothing in common - that is until Zoe herself is killed while searching for clues. The BAU quickly realizes the connection: the M.O. of each case is a replica of more famous serial killer, with the perpetrator being a student of serial killers. Beyond the BAU needing to find the unsub before he kills again, Rossi has to reconcile his own feelings that he was somewhat responsible for Zoe's murder. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Four years earlier in Roanoke, Virgina, the BAU were in pursuit of Brian Matloff, alleged to be the Blue Ridge Strangler who killed three women. While Morgan was chasing him, Matloff fell several stories from a building roof. Miraculously, Matloff survived, but fell into a coma, from which he has just awaken. The authorities may have problems now in convicting Matloff since he claims to have amnesia, and their only key witness has since passed away. All remaining evidence is circumstantial. Surprisingly, Matloff agrees to a cognitive memory recognition exercise, since regardless of guilt or innocence he states that he wants to know who he is/was. However, some argue that if Matloff does not regain his memory, he is no longer the person he was and thus no longer a threat to society. So, is this a ruse perpetrated by a cold blooded killer? An unknown woman who was Matloff's sole regular visitor may be able to shed some light on the case. Regardless, the father of one of the Blue Ridge ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 42 min

The last the BAU saw of serial killer Frank, he vowed never to kill anyone again if he only had Jane in his life. Because he was holding children hostage, the BAU allowed Frank to take Jane and escape incarceration in exchange for releasing the children. Frank has reentered Gideon's personal life. Apparently, Jane has come to Washington D.C. to look for Gideon. Frank in turn is holding a friend of Gideon's named Sarah until Jane is returned. Later, Gideon goes missing. The BAU have no idea what has happened to him. All they know is that Sarah is found dead in his apartment which is covered with blood spatters, and that he was seen leaving his apartment also covered in blood and brandishing a gun. However because Sarah was eviscerated of a right rib bone which was found in her hand, the BAU know that Frank is back. Since Gideon is still a suspect in the murder, they know they will not be asked to join the investigation. Gideon manages to telephone Hotch to let him know what he knows. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
45 min | 42 min

In Golconda, a desert nowhere in Nevada, the team questions erudite Frank, a presumed, extremely prolific serial killer since 30 years who always takes a right rib as part of elaborate abuse before the murder, using the rape drug ketamine. He is assumed to have another victim alive hidden, missing Katherine Hale. He seems somehow to find his preys, apparently without common characteristics, along an Interstate road, often passing trough Golconda, but why and traveling unnoticed how? Survivor Crazy Jane is found, presumably the only one, but she believes to have been abducted by aliens. Frank is released for lack of proof and acts daringly... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Red (James Spader) leads Liz (Megan Boone) in the search for a deranged chemical weapons expert who unleashed a rare but fatal disease in the Washington, DC subway.

Country: USA
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HD Dominion




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Alex enlists the help of Michael and Claire as he attempts to exorcise captive eight-balls of their angel possessors, but finds it's not so easy. David closes in on William's underground acolytes. Riesen overturns David's plans to usurp power with a new alliance. Written by Anonymous

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HD Dominion




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Alex begins his training with Michael, but soon after has a vision that causes him to go rogue.

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HD Dominion




IMDb: 7.8
41 min

Alex attempts to escape his responsibilities as the Chosen One by leaving Vega, but an encounter with Gabriel's forces leave him and Michael fighting for their lives; Riesen goes too far in the name of security.

Country: USA
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