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HD Dominion




IMDb: 7.7
41 min

Alex rejects his new role as the Chosen One, but then a sleeper threat in Vega forces him to spring into action and protect the ones he loves. Meanwhile, Michael meets with Gabriel one last time before the war between angels and mankind reignites; and Gen. Riesen and David Whele try to tie up loose ends. Written by Anonymous

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HD Battle Creek

Battle Creek


Battle Creek

IMDb: 8.2
44 min | 60 min

A naked corpse in the woods is identified as Eddie Jacocks. Autopsy shows however that he drowned in a dark substance, actually maple syrup. The finger is pointed at the Midwest's syrup cartel, but judge Walters refuse a warrant to search the leader's premises. Russ gets bitten by a dog while trying to intrude and abuses a henchmen during interrogation, leading to his suspension. Milt hires his as 'consultant' to help set up an elaborate trap by creating a competitor, but their team actually stumbles upon another line of thought leading to two incompatible confessions. Meanwhile Fontanelle White, on migraine sick leave, finds his medicinal marijuana supplier sold him inefficient junk, but even with Milt's help it's hard to legally punish him. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

In trying to get Barry's speed back, team Flash unintentionally creates a zombie - Girder. With Barry/Flash no longer there to help retrieve him, Iris comes up with a plan to use herself as bait to lure zombie-Girder back to S.T.A.R Labs, which Joe thinks is too dangerous to allow. With Henry shaken by the fact of seeing his son dissolved away, and Harry distracted by the blast putting his daughter in a coma, the team needs these fathers to concentrate their efforts on each other's behalf in order to address their immediate dilemmas. Written by tomislav bitunjac/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Supergirl




IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Valentine's day special episode. Alex is super excited for her first Valentine's Day with a girlfriend, but Maggie is not keen on the Hallmark holiday, which leads to their first real fight. But Maggie will make it up to Alex by recreating a special night.

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.3
60 min

In the parallel universe, Olivia is submitted to an EPV test since her sister died during the delivery of her baby. When she returns to her apartment, she is abducted and taken to a facility where she is submitted to a procedure that accelerates her pregnancy. Meanwhile the Fringe Division seeks her out while her mother Marilyn is informed that Olivia's EPV was confirmed. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.4
55 min

In the parallel universe, a man releases his twin brother from an area in quarantine, removing him from the amber. The Fringe Division investigates the case that is classified since The Secretary does not want that the population learns that the family and friends are alive enclosed in amber. Olivia interviews Matthew, who is the twin brother of Joshua, and suspects that he is lying. Meanwhile The Secretary lures Olivia and convinces her to be submitted to n experiment while she has daydreams with Peter. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.7

Brandon follows the orders of The Secretary and injects drugs in Olivia to brainwash her to convince that she is the Olivia from the parallel universe. However she succeeds to escape from her imprisonment on the Liberty Island and swims to Manhattan. She abducts the taxi driver Henry and forces him to drive to the Opera House expecting to return home; however the place is quarantined. Then she heads to the Massive Dynamic and finds that the company does not exist in the alternate universe. Meanwhile the Fringe Division is assigned by The Secretary to hunt Olivia. What will she do? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 7.3
43 min

After a teenage girl is pronounced brain dead, her mother takes her off life support, but when doctors operate quickly to remove her organs, the deceased girl shockingly awakens screaming an alphanumeric code. Equally as perplexing as her resurrection is that she is now somehow able to speak Russian and possesses classified information only a high-ranking soldier would know. While the girl's mind-bending condition intensifies, Walter dusts off some old lab videos and hypothesizes the unthinkable, sending Olivia and Peter to investigate the bewildering case. Written by FOX Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 9.6
41 min

Victoria's close to figuring out who Emily is. And when she does she goes after her and everyone who helped her. Margauex and Daniel are about to go into business together when her brother shows up and claims to respect their father's wish that she take over the company. But he and Daniel go out and get drunk and Daniel wakes up with a dead girl next to him. Conrad's arraigned on the charges brought against him and is denied bail. But while in jail a guard claims someone wants to help him and he gets Conrad out and tells him someone will meet him and is shocked to see who it is. Emily upon learning what Victoria did goes after her. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 8.3

Nolan helps Emily to the private recordings of therapy sessions, including her own, with Dr. Michelle Banks, who doesn't recognize the Amanda Clarke she, bribed by Victoria, kept committed till majority, and Victoria's, which show she never wanted a daughter, to be sneakily switched with a DVD to promote a handicapped children charity, thus making Charlotte hate her mother. The shrink is discredited and abducted, to a storage facility rented by the Grayson corporation, also leaked to the press. Daniel is seduced to break his parole terms by meeting the unforgiving victim of a drunk driving crash he accidentally caused before his successful alcohol rehab, Tyler even gets him drunk again. Declan is furious that Jack won't simply sell the bar they inherited, but mother's heirloom ring helps him date Charlotte, while he hangs on to a recording proving socialite rival Adam's infidelity. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.5
47 min

MacGyver oversees the approval of a billion-dollar project on behalf of the Phoenix Foundation. The developer, fearing that MacGyver won't approve of the plan, hires a beautiful woman to try to persuade MacGyver to approve it. If that doesn't work, her orders are to kill MacGyver. Written by Muldernscully

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.3
49 min

A bunch of criminals has managed to buy a truck load of U.S. Air Force Snake-eye Missiles (I.D. No. 37820446, for example). When they are moving them from the truck into a warehouse, a bunch of black-clad men rappel down the side of the building and get into a firefight where nobody gets hit. They do manage to steal the truck, though. Meanwhile, MacGyver is in a party to meet a professor friend of his. But some guys for someone named Hank are watching the professor. And now they might have another one to deal with. Mac just wants to know about the glitch the professor found in the Snake Eye missile's guiding system - and how to fix it. The way it happened was that one of the professor's student, Kate, hacked into the DoD's computer, discovered the designs of the missile and detected the glitch. She knows how to fix it and the professor is willing to talk about the subject when MacGyver can guarantee that no nastiness falls onto Kate. Hank's men try to grab the professor outside ... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Quinn and Torres' first day with the team has them investigating a death at a Quantico reunion. They learn the victim was in the middle of a spat with someone when he just dropped dead. They learn the victim was a bully when he was in school. They also find a bomb and they suspect the one who died brought it. Abby informs them that the guy was poisoned 20 minutes before he died so they rule everyone at the reunion. They go to his place and find a lot of stuff, they learn they were all stolen. So could he have stolen them and did he do it alone or did he have help and if so did one of them kill him. Written by

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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

An inflatable raft washes ashore in Maryland, carrying three survivors of a missing Navy helicopter; the pilot also is missing; Gibbs and company investigate in cooperation with Borin (of the CGCIS). Gibbs and Duckman, using their covert prowess, speak with the two conscious crewmembers; Tony, McGee, and Borin meet a local scavenger, and Tony and McGee find the body of the pilot, with a gunshot wound in his head; Gibbs and Ducky contemplate the possibility of suicide. The crew chief of the chopper says much to Gibbs, as does the widow; Gibbs and Ziva visit the carrier and have a confrontational chat. Tony and McGoose visit the third survivor, who has regained consciousness, and who contradicts the other two; the musketeers further check out the crew, and they learn more; skillful questioning elicits tearful confessions from the first two shipmates; the team and the other Abby arrest the bad guy. Gibbs prepares to deliver an item to the son of the dead pilot. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

A patient, Damon, a Marine corporal, escapes from a secure lockup psycho ward at the Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland; he then hijacks a car and kidnaps its owner, who's one of the psychiatrists on his case; Gibbs and company investigate. Damon has received two weeks of treatment for the post-traumatic-stress disorder after returning from Iraq, where he escaped and took his three men with him after killing their captors, who had tortured and questioned them. Abby finds that Damon is on a complex steroid regimen. At a rehab gym Gibbs, Tony, McGee, and Ziva encounter Damon, who attacks all of them. The gang figure out the whole thing, and they deal with it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

A seaman discovers the bruised, raped, and strangled body of a young woman wearing the torn dress blues of a lieutenant (junior grade) beneath bleachers at an athletic field aboard the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia. Gibbs and the gang investigate. Ducky sees a significant mark on the neck of the victim; he recognizes its connection to a 10-year-old cold case, which suddenly becomes hot again. Ducky misses an important appointment to pursue the two related matters. Abby assures all that DNA does not lie. The team find consistencies and inconsistencies, but they resolve the problems, and they find two murderers. Tony has trouble with spilled liquids. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Aircraft tycoon Robert Twyman is in receipt of notes stating that if he does not 'confess' his spoiled son Calvin will be killed; and indeed the boy is strangled. Twyman's butler, Wallace's strange behavior makes him suspect; but Robert believes the culprit is journalist Rosie Everton, seeking a meaty story. When Rosie is also murdered, Mallory arrests Robert; but Father Brown believes that visiting psychologist Mordaunt Jackson holds the key to solving the murders. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Father Brown

Father Brown


Father Brown

IMDb: 7.2
48 min

After Colonel Reginald Adams and his actress wife Anne-Marie have forbidden their young daughter Ruby to marry American communist John Van Ert Anne-Marie is found drowned. Inspector Valentine believed she fell in the lake whilst drunk but Father Brown proves it was murder. Learning that the couple argued, Valentine arrests Reginald just as Anne-Marie's long-lost brother James Trewlove arrives from Nairobi. Anne-Marie's will leaves James nothing, with the chief beneficiary being the church whilst Ruby is bequeathed the Flying Stars,a valuable necklace. During a performance of a play at the Adams' house the necklace is stolen. Father Brown manages to unmask both thief and Anner-Marie's killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.5
46 min

The Enterprise gets surprise messages and visits by stunningly crafty means for the rogue Ferengi 'DaiMon' (commander) Bok, who announces he'll exact retribution on Picard after 15 years for killing Bok's son in a legitimate space battle. The object of vengeance is Jason Vigo, a 23 year-old dashing climbing athlete and adventurer, whom Bok claims is Picard's son by the late Miranda Vigo. Jason is picked up for protection and found genetically compatible with both, but carrier of a rare hereditary degenerating disease. Data finds Jason's roguish minor criminal record. Ferengi reveal Bok was deposed as mentally unstable, but he still gets his ultimate confrontation, when the whole truth proves crucial. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 6.9

Emma panics that the wedding will be stiff and boring and concludes that they must do something different and less formal. After watching a video online, she decides the participants should dance their way into the church, something that is not popular with the rest of the wedding party. Amidst all of the wedding chores, a celebrity appears in Stockholm and wants to hire Bruce on his wedding day - something Bruce finds hard to turn down for economic reasons. Written by umj

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 7.3

Bruce gets an assignment as The guy again and must embark on marijuana hunting and surprised by the cultural difference when it comes to marijuana in Sweden and the USA. In the end he manages to find a supplier but is blown. Emma is now aware of their high stress levels forced pushing another thing in their fully booked schedule, a avstressningskurs. When she tries to apply their training to potential bank customers will be her acute burnout symptoms impossible to ignore. Gustav continues his attempts to live as the 33-year-old he is and try to get a job. By falsifying his CV, he manages to get a top job in the grocery trade. But it is not long before he revealed. Written by umj

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Bruce planning to propose to Emma but after a conversation with Viveka and Birger he becomes unsure of her attitude toward marriage. Emma becomes willy-nilly viral when an unfortunate picture of her begins to spread on the internet. Viveka and Birger think it's time for Gustav leave home. Written by umj

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 6.6

Bruce ends up in a compromising situation with Aubrey Plaza. Emma and her brother Gustav try to reunite their parents. While Bruce encounters problems when he should return to Sweden.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 6.5
23 min

Emma is trying to get her ex-boyfriend to leave her apartment. Viveka wants to relive her youthful glory days and takes a night on the town with her daughter.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 6.9

Bruce and Emma are faced with a major decision while Bruce gets an offer to return to the United States by Amy Poehler. Aubrey Plaza visiting Sweden and continues to haunt Bruce in an attempt to get him to return to America. Bruce takes on some Swedish celebrities as clients. Written by umj

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

Evans resigns from his job to move to Sweden with the love of her life. But during his first day in their new home country he faces new habits, environments, and especially his girlfriend's strange family.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Lorelai's parents insist that Luke come to Friday night dinner, and she says yes without asking him. Paris is ousted as the editor of the Yale Daily News, and staff elects Rory as the new editor. Needless to say, Paris is not pleased. In other events, Michel confides in Lorelai, and Rory gives her father a tour of Yale. Written by Alex

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

An incident at the salt mine escalates the tensions between Jericho and New Bern. Jake receives assistance from an unexpected acquaintance.

Country: USA
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.3

The Jericho men return early from New Bern, where they helped building the wind-turbines, but Eric Green is missing since three days. Jake is determined to find his brother, and takes Hawkins with him; the town is almost in ruins after Ravenwood's gang. Sheriff-mayor Phil Constantino suggests maybe Eric doesn't want to be found after April's death; next the word is he returned to Jericho with Heather, but a note with an address is slipped to them; there they kidnap deputy Perkins, Hawkins prepares to torture him, the bluff works. They go examine the secretive factory. They find an inventory of Jericho's resources, a map how to carve it up between Constantino and Perkins- and a ammunition factory. Constantino's men apprehend them- in jail Jake sees Eric. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 8.9

George Sr. suggests a last-ditch effort to save the family by holding a fund raiser to raise money to pay their legal expenses. Michael suggests to Lindsay that she take over the house work, and he sends George-Michael to an expensive boarding school. Meanwhile, Maeby has trouble with a snowboarding film and Tobias tries to be a discipline daddy. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 8.8

Lucille recruits George Michael to take Buster's place at the annual mother son dinner dance. While Michael and GOB are busy tracking down the seal that ate Buster's hand, Tobias signs away the family's life rights in order to get a part with his former acting coach Carl Weathers. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 8.2

Some company funds have been unfrozen, and everyone in the family wants a cut of it. Michael makes a bad investment on his uncle Oscar's land, and takes the blame for it. Meanwhile George Michael spots a mysterious man who looks a lot like his grandfather, and the Bluth Company institutes a new whistle-blowing policy. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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