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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.6
44 min

Finch receives thirty-eight numbers from the Machine. They are all for New York police officers, four who are known to be within HR's ranks. Reese knows Carter's focus has been to bring down HR, which she can only do by finding out who the head of HR is. And he also learns from Fusco that things seem to be breaking down between HR and the Russians, led by Peter Yorgorov. Reese is worried that Carter, who has not told anyone that she's found out that Alonzo Quinn is the head of HR or that she was present at the shooting deaths of Officer Mike Laskey and Detective Raymond Terney, is orchestrating HR's downfall, hence the reason for the thirty-eight numbers. Carter implies as much to Reese. She also tells both Reese and Fusco that she needs to handle this issue on her own, despite their respective arguments that they can help. Carter decides to enlist those only on an as need be basis, but she has to be careful who she can and cannot trust, especially those outside her inner circle. ... Written by Huggo

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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

While Finch still keeps Root hostage, he who can't understand why the Machine is in contact with her, he is the first to make contact with their latest number, that of hypnotherapist Hayden Price. The fact that his credentials seem made up, and that the therapy session in which Finch has with him seems more like a fishing exercise to obtain answers to secret website questions, lead Finch to quickly come to the conclusion that Price is a con man, out to bilk his patients. However, he still believes that Price is the intended target. In following Price's world, Reese, Shaw and Finch unexpectedly intersect with Carter, who, with Laskey by her side, is still trying to find out the head of HR to bring them down. One of Price's clients is antiques dealer Sven Vanger, who they learn has been laundering money for HR in a somewhat creative manner. They have to find why Price's life may be in danger because of his connection to Sven and indirectly to HR. But Price's true profession begs the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

Reese and Finch go on separate missions. Finch has noticed that Shaw has been less responsive than she even usually is and he sends Reese to go find her. Reese initially discovers evidence that Shaw was abducted, but later finds more evidence that she may have gone willingly with her abductor: Root. He has to find what Root is up to, she who has been in contact with the Machine, which is feeding her information for her latest mission requiring Shaw's assistance. In the meantime, Finch works on their latest number, that of Timothy Sloan, an estate investigator for the New York Public Administrator. Finch is pretty sure that he is the target because of what he has found during one of his investigations. Finch will learn that that investigation is of Jason Greenfield, who died two weeks ago of a heroin overdose and whose case file is not Sloan's. It is Sloan's personal connection to Greenfield and Greenfield's activities as a computer hacker that are the key. And Carter learns a little ... Written by Huggo

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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.4
44 min

In his typically quiet way, Finch tries to tell Shaw that she needs to soften her approach and be more caring toward those they are helping. When that tact doesn't work, he has what he believes is a private discussion with Reese about the issue, which also doesn't yield any tangible results. However, Shaw is tasked with direct contact with their latest number, that encounter which may require Shaw to be more caring to achieve their end goal. That number, an alien registration number rather than a social security number, is for Genrika Zhirova from Russia, she who has virtually no electronic footprint. When Shaw meets her, she understands why: Gen is only ten years old. She originally came to live with her now-deceased grandfather a few years back, and now lives virtually uncared for under the official guardianship of a distant junkie cousin. She also sees herself not as a spy in training, but an actual spy as she tries to uncover information on illegal activities in her drug-infested ... Written by Huggo

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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The next number the machine dispenses is for Vanessa Watkins, a hard-nosed prosecuting attorney who, when Finch and Reese first meet her, has just reported her husband, Jeremy Watkins, missing from their yacht. While Vanessa has put away many a criminal over her storied career, Jeremy has let many go as a flashy and high-priced defense attorney. As her number came in after the report of him missing, they know Jeremy's presumed death is not the reason for the number, yet they don't know if Vanessa is the target or the perpetrator. They learn that the lead investigator on the case of Jeremy's death, Detective Cameron, is looking at her for her husband's murder as all evidence found thus far implicates her. Cameron's main problem?: he doesn't have a body, and thus needs Vanessa to confess to make a conviction stick, which she may or may not know. They will also learn that Cameron has a personal vendetta against her, which places a major obstacle in tracking her as she tries to elude ... Written by Huggo

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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

The next number the machine dispenses is for Ian Murphy, a young man who lives off his investments. Years earlier he was a struggling college student who inherited $100,000 which he now has in a diverse portfolio of investments. Reese and Shaw initially follow him on a date. While Reese decides to check out his apartment, Shaw continues her tail. What they both find leads them to believe that Murphy is the perpetrator, stalking then killing the long list of women he meets through online means and of whom he has been keeping detailed dossiers. There is at least one woman dead already, Dana Wellington, and another, Jenna Lakritz, missing. Reese devises a plan to trap Murphy using the feminine wiles of their slightly expanded team of Carter, Shaw, and Zoe Morgan. The one of the three that Murphy eventually chooses finds a story a little more complicated than they originally thought. Meanwhile, Root knows that someone will soon be coming to kill her. Using information from the machine, ... Written by Huggo

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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The next number the machine dispenses is for Wayne Kruger, an Internet genius and head of a company called Life Trace, which allows people to find others through information readily available already on the web. However, Finch learns that Life Trace's primary goal, its money making venture, is as a data broker, selling the information it gathers to people who will pay for it. As Kruger prepares to make what is perhaps the biggest deal of his career, he wants to be as open and transparent as possible with his prospective clients... or so he says. Finch, Reese and Shaw also learn that there was a class action lawsuit against Kruger and Life Trace by people who were ultimately hurt by the information that was provided through the site. They believe Kruger is the target, as someone or some people, probably a coalition of those behind the lawsuit, want to expose Kruger in very public means for not being as open concerning his own life as he purports. They have to wade through the list of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Nobody knows where the Machine has now relocated itself, but it is still in contact with both Finch and, by association, Reese and their new partner Shaw, as well as Root. Still institutionalized, Root may have a short term problem in dealing with her psychiatrist, whom she sees as being stupid, and from whom she has not been provided access to any electronic devices including telephones. Carter, now demoted to patrol following her HR-initiated wrongful shooting incident, has her own new primary agenda. She has also not told Finch or Reese of her association with a past number. And the Machine has dispensed another number to Finch, that of navy sailor, petty officer second class Jack Salazar. Upon first sighting, Reese, despite or partly because he chose the military over a prison sentence for an assault five years earlier, likes Salazar, a man who seems to stand up for his principles and his friends and who knows how to take care of himself using his fists. After Reese loses track of... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.7
44 min

Carter is dealing with internal affairs about a possible wrongful shooting on her part which resulted in a fatality. During the process, Terney shows his true colors to her. She has to figure out how to get herself out of her predicament, as well as prevent HR from carrying out its grand plan, even if it means helping the enemy. Meanwhile, the machine has rebooted itself, and has provided Root with 24 hour unfettered access to what it sees. The one thing it will not tell her is where the machine is located, which is her ultimate goal so that she can set it free. She seemingly has Finch assisting her. Although she knows that Reese is following her, she is unaware that Finch also maneuvered the machine in providing Reese, and by association his current sidekick Shaw, who he tells from where the information is coming, that same unfettered 24 hour access. Beyond the location of the machine, what Reese also wants to know but which the machine will also not divulge is Finch's whereabouts.... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.6
44 min

It's been ten days since the machine has provided a number, which means Carter has had ten days of dead bodies piling up. Finch discovers that a company called Decima is responsible for the virus which is causing these problems of inconsistency. The machine finally does dispense a number, it belonging to Ernest Thornhill, whose business of late has been buying up pay phone companies. As Finch and Reese track Thornhill, who they have yet actually to see, they find out some important information about him and exactly why the machine dispensed his number. But also aware of that fact is Root, who, using her own brand of persuasion, convinces Finch that they need to work together to battle Decima and the virus. Reese becomes aware that Root is back in the picture, he who gets some help from an old acquaintance in tracking Finch and Root. Their competing goals will all come to a head at midnight Eastern time, when the virus is scheduled to do its job. Meanwhile, Carter, in conjunction with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Reese and Finch head to Atlantic City for their next number, that belonging to Lou Mitchell, an irascible, widowed and retired watch repairman, who, like many of his age, has a small electronic footprint, meaning that Reese and Finch will have to use other means than electronic to follow him. In viewing Lou's activities, Reese sees a man living on a fixed income but who is constantly at the casino and constantly losing, over the past few months in the order of several hundred thousand. But Reese also sees some visual signs that he may have been involved with the mob in his younger days. But in following Lou's movements, Reese and Finch see that Lou is not alone in his goings-on although he does not acknowledge those others, who are all seniors like himself, and they don't acknowledge Lou or any of the others. When Reese and Finch learn what Lou is up to and why his number came up, they want to intervene through the casino to prevent the incident involving Lou from happening, but ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.5
44 min

Sam Shaw and her associate Michael Cole receive numbers from the machine much like Finch and Reese, but they receive the ones relating to terrorist threats, which they are to extinguish. Working as field agents for the US Government, they, however, do not yet know the source for the numbers. Shaw and Cole end up being the next numbers Finch and Reese receive. Despite Shaw and by association Cole having killed many in the past, Reese and Finch receive their numbers as the intended targets. The perpetrators are insiders who want to dispose of them because they are questioning and thus getting close to finding out the source of the numbers. Shaw specifically is initially unaware that she is targeted because of where they are heading toward in that questioning. As Shaw tries to find out who gave the kill order on her, Reese and Finch have problems keeping her safe if only because of her suspicious nature as a killer agent, and her loner attitude. What they all are also unaware of is that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

While Reese leaves his newly acquired dog, Bear, with Fusco who will continue to investigate Alicia Corwin's death in New York, Reese and Carter head to Bishop, Texas to follow a lead about Root, and hopefully a still alive Finch who also hopefully did not need to divulge how to access the machine to Root in order to stay alive. Reese believes that Root's real name is Hanna Frey, who went missing in 1991 at age fourteen. In the eyes of the authorities, Hanna, who spent the evening at the library the night she went missing and was reported to have gotten into a man's car after her stint at the library, is presumed dead. Reese and Carter manage to speak to many of the still alive players associated with Hanna or that evening, including Hanna's father, Barb Russell the librarian, Sheriff Landry, and Cody Grayson, a boy at the library that night who is a suspect in Hanna's disappearance since he had previously followed her home. The information they are able to collect - including from ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

Reese is feeling at a loss with Finch having been kidnapped by Root aka Caroline Turing, the woman who the machine had identified as a person of interest, but who had set the machine up so that she could find Finch. Reese however does discover that Finch had set the machine up to use him as the contingency if anything were ever to happen to him, although it takes some deciphering on Reese's part to discover how the machine communicates the numbers. Reese hopes that the next number will be for Finch as the next person of interest. That's why Reese is disappointed when he learns that the next number belongs to Leon Tao, an accountant who stole $8 million from gangsters, an arm of the Aryan Nation. With Fusco's assistance, Reese tries to protect himself and Leon while getting Carter to do some legwork on Alicia Corwin's death, which is the primary lead they have on Root and Finch. They are unaware that there are other factions working against them, those faction who are hiding aspects of... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.7
44 min

Reese and Finch will need all the help they can get with their latest number, a young woman by the name of Caroline Turing, whose specialty as a therapist is to counsel high powered clients who expect and require complete discretion. They quickly learn that she is the intended victim as Fusco informs them that HR has entered into a lucrative contract funded by an unknown person or organization to take her out. Because of the mysterious nature of Caroline's clients, one of whom they believe is funding the assassination attempt, Finch and Reese call in an old friend whose own sources may provide greater information on those mysterious clients. The cat and mouse game begins to get multi-layered. As Reese and Finch try to get Caroline to safety, they are tracked by both HR who is after Caroline, and the FBI, with Carter's knowledge, who is after Reese. Added to the mix is someone from Finch's past, who, unknown to him, is trying to locate him. Through the process, Carter and Fusco come to... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

The next number the machine dispenses is that of Scott Powell, who is seemingly undistinguished from the many in the working middle class. He works as a construction projects manager for the city, he is a family man with a wife and two children, and the Powells live a typical suburban middle class lifestyle. But as Finch and Reese dig a little deeper, they find that he was laid off from his job eight months ago which he has not told his wife, he is still unemployed but pretends to go to work every morning, he has maxed out their credit cards, and he has been blogging negatively about Congressman Michael Delancey, whose policies led to the municipal cutbacks which cost Powell his job. As Reese sees a desperate man who has hit rock bottom, he believes that Powell will try to kill Delancey. As Reese and Finch do some more investigating, they do see that Delancey is the probable target, but that there is another more powerful force behind the violent act. That powerful force threatens ... Written by Huggo

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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.3
42 min

A mysterious demon is using the Charmed Ones' spells and potions to vanquish demons. Meanwhile, Paige is using magic for her own personal gain so that she can relax whilst taking over as Head Wiccan. Could the two be connected? Or is it just a Wrong Day's Journey into Right...?

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The demon Jeric frequently needs to find a fresh witch so his lover, the Egyptian goddess Isis, can inhabit her body, which always dies and is mummified. This time he picks as victim Phoebe. Darryl, who has a unique SFDP promotion opportunity, is on the trail of five mummy-murders in the US. Paige steals Isis's crystal but the scribing is just too late to prevent Jeric seizing Phoebe to a tomb in Egypt. When Piper and Page seek help from Cole, whose suicide attempts still all fail, he is well-informed and decides to propose Jeric a deal, exchanging Phoebe for Paige... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Trouble comes to San Fransico in the guise of a Siren: first killing the husband of Leo's charge, a future Whitelighter, then centering on Cole, hurting Phoebe in the process. After Paige quits her job as a social worker, bringing on Wicca full-time, she realizes the good she did as social worker, and the good in her as part Whitelighter. Piper's pregnancy symptoms grow more strange and the unborn baby switch's Leo and Piper's persona's. Written by Buffy_Fan_Forever

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

When the evil leader Raynor knocks Cole out by surprise at the brotherhood's, he scans his humans half's 'infection' with Love. Brother Tarkin wants too kill him, but Raynor decides to use his unique knowledge about the sisters, they just need to turn him back into evil Balthazor and break his love connection. Therefore he orders Cole to get the two halves of a protective amulet and kills the witches himself to make the sisters doubt him; and he has more tricks up his sleeve, in fact no price is too high... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Piper tells Leo that she loves him, but she will only tell Dan one week later, since he is traveling. Prue is interviewed by the photographer of a magazine, who assigns her for a test photographing Maggie Murphy, a woman considered with bad luck. Prue saves Maggie from her attempt of suicide induced by a Darklighter and casts a spell of good fortune to help the good-hearted Maggie. The irritated Darklighter decides to curse Prue, and when she is in her limit, she is saved by Piper and Phoebe. Meanwhile, Leo retrieves his powers to save Prue, becoming immortal again. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Julia hears a TV broadcast and learns the military has set up a 10 mile quarantine zone around the dome. The residents of Chester's Mill receive visitors however - friends and family who can at least see them from the other side of the dome. Norrie has a surprise waiting for her. For others, the reunions are bittersweet. Barbie learns from one of the soldiers that the army is pulling out. Rev. Coggins thinks he's receiving messages from God but his hearing aid is playing a role. He keeps hearing the word MOAB which he thinks is a biblical reference. Barbie knows otherwise. Big Jim finds Angie in his old bomb shelter and frees her. Junior isn't finished with her yet. Written by garykmcd

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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

The military units outside the dome are packing up, much to the consternation of many of the townsfolk. There is a much greater problem however when Linda falls sick, the first of many as an outbreak of meningitis spreads across the town. Julia continues to have her doubts about Barbie and visits a site he had marked on his map. She finds her husband Peter's car at DJ Phil's trailer but he says her husband sold it to him. DJ tells her about the cabin and when Junior tells her about meeting Barbie at a cabin, she's desperate to get there but having fallen ill, has to get out of the hospital. Angie, still a prisoner in the bomb shelter, faces rising water after a pipe bursts. Norrie and Joe realize they have a seizure when they touch. Written by garykmcd

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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.9

Deputy Paul Randolph escapes from custody and Linda Esquivel sets out to find him. In the meantime, Big Jim Rennie puts together a posse together and recruits Barbie to help out. Angie suggests to Junior that they try getting under the dome through the old cement factory tunnels. Most of those tunnels were closed off but Junior sets off to see what he can find. Julia follows him. Julia continues to wonder what the odds are of Barbie just being in town when the dome appears. Carolyn is worried about her daughter Norrie who was away all night. Norrie spent the night at Joe's house but when Caroline finds her both Joe and Norrie have a seizure. Junior begins spreading rumors that Barbie is a psychopath who attacked him for no reason. Written by garykmcd

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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2

In a flashback, we learn that Barbie killed Julia Shumway's husband trying to collect a debt. Sheriff Howard Perkins' pacemaker exploded after he touched the dome wall. Big Jim and Rev. Lester Coggins spend their time ensuring their secret doesn't come out. Coggins searches the dead sheriff's house for anything incriminating them but makes a mess of it and sets the house on fire. With the fire department pumper truck outside the dome, there's danger of fire engulfing the entire town. Angie is still a prisoner in the underground shelter and the unstable Junior confronts Barbie convinced Angie slept with him. Joe McAlister estimates that the dome covers an area 10 miles across and some of the residents try to tunnel under it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Two months ago, Volker had two goons execute employee Horatio Jones, who was about to render public a dirty company secret he knew first hand. A boy playing with his remote control car happened to witness the execution and has since disappeared. Now the adult corpse is found, Patrick realizes about the young witness and concentrates on him. Lisbon can only focus on Volker. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

A senator's daughter's corpse is found on the street. Patrick quickly traces the murder to Dr. Michael Rubin's rehab clinic. There's no shortage of suspects and possible motives, including a ruby necklace she stole from her parents to pay for her drugs. Lisbon remains obsessed with Volker, even though judge Davis refuses to help her anymore. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Married gay Dr. Micah Newton (42) is found on a 24-hours golf club, skull smashed with a single expert club blow, by a colleague, according to Patrick. Lisbon's rudeness to LaRoche before the announcement he succeeds Hightower at the team's supervisor leads to her being replaced by Cho, who instantly does a fine job. Mycah got death threats as head of the transplant unit, making suspects of his successor, the surgery chief, and those denied priority for life-saving organs. Patrick works out the mystery of Micah's radiation badge being exposed badly, unlike his body, leading to expose a serious theft and the special status of patient Siberia, a Russian mob baron with an unconditionally devoted bodyguard. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Gold mining town Hadley's sheriff Trey Hughes calls the CBI after fellow prospector Melinda Drew found and former software developer Rick Loomis, divorced and recently moved in with his son adolescent son Jeff and new girl Cheryl Meade, who sneakily prepared to leave the naive adventurer. Patrick discovers that local claims seller Wes Attwood cheated, but he's found murdered in the trailer of local thief Scott Monroe, who didn't actually rob Rick. Patrick sets a gold trap. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Author Charlotte Mitchell is found in a locker, shot death during a freestyle fight between promoter-manager Leonard 'Len' Artash's KO-victorious boy Manny Flaco and hot-tempered Rowdy Merriman. The bullet came from recently release murder Joe Reyes's gun. Each fighter had a grudge against her and secrets she might uncover, which also may give significant others motives. J.J. LaRoche grills Rigsby as CBI arson suspect, on account of his pyrotechnic skills and paroled motor gang dad Stephen. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Wealthy San Francisco investment broker Landon Wale (45) was shot in the Sacremento company K-Ram's HQ. Patrick is criticizing the questioning technique of the detective Reece, who arrested him, holding the smoking murder weapon, having responded to a call for help from his own, dodgy brother in law Danny Ruskin. The SPD was responding to an anonymous call. Widow Concetta Wale realizes a solid golden Aphrodite statue is missing from their home safe. K-ram was a fake company, part of one of Danny's financial scams. Patrick is released in Lisbon's custody but dumps her to find and protect Danny first while the team tracks down the financial scams. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Dr. Alicia Seberg calls Jane from the Zitek Biosystems lab at Los Corrados to report she's (being) murdered: someone opened a flask of airborne Cryptohansa-B, one of the biological warfare germs Zitek develops antidotes against. Alas this one needs to be taken in advance. Her husband Dr. Cliff Edmunds and further colleagues Griffin Welks, Dr. Florian Tripp and Lilith Nash also had access to it. Alicia had an affair but Cliff knew and both accepted an 'open marriage'. Jane discovers the biometric access equipment was disabled for two months and manager Price knew. Janes takes offense at CDC inspector Dean Harken's arrogant rank pulling and sets an apocalyptic trap. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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