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IMDb: 6.9
22 min

The kids are now headed to Slateport City. But while eating berries, Ash bites into a Tamato Berry and burns his mouth! They reach a Pokémon Center and Ash goes off to practice Ice Beam with Snorunt, while May goes off to make PokéBlock. In the garden, Team Rocket is trimming hedges to earn money, but they're stepped on by an unrepentant Munchlax. They notice the Berry Blenders and get an idea. Brock and Max watch people make PokéBlock. May comes in with her killer top-secret recipe for PokéBlock: May's Purple Surprise! But it tastes terrible to Brock and Max. The Pokémon also hate it. But Munchlax wanders in and loves it! Team Rocket shows up dressed as professional PokéBlock tasters who claim to know all the secrets. Meowth and Wobbuffet then steal the PokéBlock while everyone's distracted. Oddly enough, Jessie also likes May's PokéBlock. But then the kids notice all of the PokéBlocks are missing and they blame it on Munchlax. It goes out into the garden and eats all the berries, ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.8
22 min

The second round of the Pacifidlog Contest begins! Erica and her Jynx face a suspiciously familiar team--the Jester and Meowth. Meowth is afraid of Jynx, so the Jester orders him to use Transform. Meowth disguises himself as a Sunflora, then a Kirlia, and finally a Wailord, but the scam is uncovered. The Jester reveals herself as Jessie and Team Rocket tries to snatch Jynx, but its Hyper Beam puts a stop to that! Erica jealously watches Joshua and Houndoom battle May and Skitty. The winner depends on which attack is stronger: Houndoom's Flamethrower or Skitty's Blizzard! They're well-matched, but Houndoom finally stumbles. With time up, May is ahead of Joshua in the points. On the final contest stage, Erica realizes May and Joshua both gave it their best. That matters more than petty jealousy, so Erica apologizes and shakes May's hand. Once their battle starts, Skitty has a hard time with Jynx's attacks so May decides to use Assist again and again, with mixed results... and she's ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.8
22 min

The second round of the Pacifidlog Contest begins! Erica and her Jynx face a suspiciously familiar team--the Jester and Meowth. Meowth is afraid of Jynx, so the Jester orders him to use Transform. Meowth disguises himself as a Sunflora, then a Kirlia, and finally a Wailord, but the scam is uncovered. The Jester reveals herself as Jessie and Team Rocket tries to snatch Jynx, but its Hyper Beam puts a stop to that! Erica jealously watches Joshua and Houndoom battle May and Skitty. The winner depends on which attack is stronger: Houndoom's Flamethrower or Skitty's Blizzard! They're well-matched, but Houndoom finally stumbles. With time up, May is ahead of Joshua in the points. On the final contest stage, Erica realizes May and Joshua both gave it their best. That matters more than petty jealousy, so Erica apologizes and shakes May's hand. Once their battle starts, Skitty has a hard time with Jynx's attacks so May decides to use Assist again and again, with mixed results... and she's ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Pacifidlog at last! May is practicing for her contest, and Ash wants Snorunt to practice Ice Beam. But Snorunt's wild aim hits Team Rocket instead and scares another Coordinator's Aipom. Skitty chases it, and May chases Skitty. She finds Skitty playing with another Coordinator, Joshua, and the two talk about the upcoming contest. Erica, a Coordinator who really likes Joshua, loses her cool when she sees them together and gives May a piece of her mind. Ash and the others show up, but so does Team Rocket! The villains grab Pikachu and Snorunt, so May and Joshua team up to stop them. Erica's so mad that May and Joshua are working together, she has Jynx use Hyper Beam to send Team Rocket flying. Then it's time to register for the contest, where Team Rocket also has a plan to enter the contest--with Meowth! The first competitor in the Pacifidlog Contest is the Jester and her Meowth. Both of them look awfully familiar, as does the Giovanni ice sculpture Meowth carves using Fury Swipes! ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Pacifidlog at last! May is practicing for her contest, and Ash wants Snorunt to practice Ice Beam. But Snorunt's wild aim hits Team Rocket instead and scares another Coordinator's Aipom. Skitty chases it, and May chases Skitty. She finds Skitty playing with another Coordinator, Joshua, and the two talk about the upcoming contest. Erica, a Coordinator who really likes Joshua, loses her cool when she sees them together and gives May a piece of her mind. Ash and the others show up, but so does Team Rocket! The villains grab Pikachu and Snorunt, so May and Joshua team up to stop them. Erica's so mad that May and Joshua are working together, she has Jynx use Hyper Beam to send Team Rocket flying. Then it's time to register for the contest, where Team Rocket also has a plan to enter the contest--with Meowth! The first competitor in the Pacifidlog Contest is the Jester and her Meowth. Both of them look awfully familiar, as does the Giovanni ice sculpture Meowth carves using Fury Swipes! ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

May and her friends are headed to Pacifidlog Island for the last Pokémon Contest before the Grand Festival. But their boat has engine trouble and the pilot, Carlos, lands on a nearby island. To reach Pacifidlog in time, our heroes must cross the island to the port and take a ferry. But the island is full of Donphan, and it's breeding season--all the male Donphan perform a Roll Out dance of love to impress the females, which can be dangerous for any Trainers who happen to be in the way! Along the way, May and her friends cheer on a Donphan who wants to impress a brown female Donphan. Snorunt's Ice Beam turns the ground into an ice skating rink, and Donphan trips. Ash chases Snorunt, who won't go back into its Poké Ball, but just as he gets it back, the Donphan send everyone running! May and Ash make it to the port as the last ferry is about to leave... and May bravely decides to turn around and look for Max. May's Grand Festival debut will have to wait another year, but everyone is ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

May and her friends are headed to Pacifidlog Island for the last Pokémon Contest before the Grand Festival. But their boat has engine trouble and the pilot, Carlos, lands on a nearby island. To reach Pacifidlog in time, our heroes must cross the island to the port and take a ferry. But the island is full of Donphan, and it's breeding season--all the male Donphan perform a Roll Out dance of love to impress the females, which can be dangerous for any Trainers who happen to be in the way! Along the way, May and her friends cheer on a Donphan who wants to impress a brown female Donphan. Snorunt's Ice Beam turns the ground into an ice skating rink, and Donphan trips. Ash chases Snorunt, who won't go back into its Poké Ball, but just as he gets it back, the Donphan send everyone running! May and Ash make it to the port as the last ferry is about to leave... and May bravely decides to turn around and look for Max. May's Grand Festival debut will have to wait another year, but everyone is ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.8
22 min

When Ash and May see Drew training his Masquerain, May can't resist the challenge of a practice match. Beautifly and Masquerain battle it out in a Silver Wind showdown that's interrupted by who else but Team Rocket and their Magikarp submarine! They use a giant vacuum to snatch the Pokémon but accidentally snatch the Trainers as well, and in the confusion, Max bumps the sub's engine switch. The submarine rockets off until it hits an island, sending everyone flying! Now Jessie, James, and Meowth need to find Wobbuffet. Brock, Max, and Ash need to find Drew and May. And Drew and May are found by Roderick, a one-time coordinator who knows the ins and outs of Mirage Island. But when Drew and May try to get a closer look at Mirage Island's famed Liechi Berries, they fall into a river! Wynaut to the rescue! A herd of Wynaut rescue the pair and shelter them in their cave, where they've got plenty of Liechi Berries to eat. Elsewhere, Wobbuffet reunites with Team Rocket, and they're inspired ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.8
22 min

When Ash and May see Drew training his Masquerain, May can't resist the challenge of a practice match. Beautifly and Masquerain battle it out in a Silver Wind showdown that's interrupted by who else but Team Rocket and their Magikarp submarine! They use a giant vacuum to snatch the Pokémon but accidentally snatch the Trainers as well, and in the confusion, Max bumps the sub's engine switch. The submarine rockets off until it hits an island, sending everyone flying! Now Jessie, James, and Meowth need to find Wobbuffet. Brock, Max, and Ash need to find Drew and May. And Drew and May are found by Roderick, a one-time coordinator who knows the ins and outs of Mirage Island. But when Drew and May try to get a closer look at Mirage Island's famed Liechi Berries, they fall into a river! Wynaut to the rescue! A herd of Wynaut rescue the pair and shelter them in their cave, where they've got plenty of Liechi Berries to eat. Elsewhere, Wobbuffet reunites with Team Rocket, and they're inspired ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash is now three months away from Ever Grande City and the Hoenn League, while May is gearing up for her next contest in. But after they stop for a rest, two of May's Poké Balls suddenly vanish! All evidence points to a Linoone as the culprit. Ash tracks it to a house and meets Kimmy and his family. Kimmy is a boy whose Linoone, Token, is obsessed with collecting round objects--even if they're not his! Kimmy and his parents help search, but there's no sign of May's Poké Balls until Token appears with the Poké Balls still in his mouth. Team Rocket, impressed by Token's Pickup ability, capture Token and fly off in their balloon. Kimmy tries to stop them but falls and gets hurt, which startles Token into dropping the Poké Balls. Pikachu frees Token but Team Rocket simply grabs Pikachu instead and flees. Token chases Team Rocket's round balloon--it likes round objects because it used to play Fetch with Kimmy when it was still a Zigzagoon. James' Cacnea tries to stop Token with Needle Arm,...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash is now three months away from Ever Grande City and the Hoenn League, while May is gearing up for her next contest in. But after they stop for a rest, two of May's Poké Balls suddenly vanish! All evidence points to a Linoone as the culprit. Ash tracks it to a house and meets Kimmy and his family. Kimmy is a boy whose Linoone, Token, is obsessed with collecting round objects--even if they're not his! Kimmy and his parents help search, but there's no sign of May's Poké Balls until Token appears with the Poké Balls still in his mouth. Team Rocket, impressed by Token's Pickup ability, capture Token and fly off in their balloon. Kimmy tries to stop them but falls and gets hurt, which startles Token into dropping the Poké Balls. Pikachu frees Token but Team Rocket simply grabs Pikachu instead and flees. Token chases Team Rocket's round balloon--it likes round objects because it used to play Fetch with Kimmy when it was still a Zigzagoon. James' Cacnea tries to stop Token with Needle Arm,...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

We rejoin the action in the middle of Ash's match against Juan, the Sootopolis Gym Leader. Ash's Grovyle has been confused by Luvdisc's Sweet Kiss and before it can snap out of it, Luvdisc knocks it out with Water Gun! Corphish must step up to take Grovyle's place. Team Rocket has dressed James up as Juan to attract an audience for their Water Illusion show, but back at the Gym, it's a tense back and forth as Corphish confronts Luvdisc. Luvdisc is fast, and when Corphish's attack creates a rain-like shower of water, its Swift Swim makes it even faster! But once that effect dissipates, Corphish wins the round, only to be defeated by Juan's next Pokémon, Whiscash. With no Water Pokémon and no talent, Team Rocket's Water Illusion is a very poor Water Pokémon talent show, but they've got a Plan B: sell merchandise and autographs! Naturally Team Rocket tries to swindle all their customers, but it turns out that Juan's fans include some tough Water Pokémon Trainers--never mess with a lady ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

We rejoin the action in the middle of Ash's match against Juan, the Sootopolis Gym Leader. Ash's Grovyle has been confused by Luvdisc's Sweet Kiss and before it can snap out of it, Luvdisc knocks it out with Water Gun! Corphish must step up to take Grovyle's place. Team Rocket has dressed James up as Juan to attract an audience for their Water Illusion show, but back at the Gym, it's a tense back and forth as Corphish confronts Luvdisc. Luvdisc is fast, and when Corphish's attack creates a rain-like shower of water, its Swift Swim makes it even faster! But once that effect dissipates, Corphish wins the round, only to be defeated by Juan's next Pokémon, Whiscash. With no Water Pokémon and no talent, Team Rocket's Water Illusion is a very poor Water Pokémon talent show, but they've got a Plan B: sell merchandise and autographs! Naturally Team Rocket tries to swindle all their customers, but it turns out that Juan's fans include some tough Water Pokémon Trainers--never mess with a lady ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

As Ash and his friends are taking a break, Max hears a cry for help and finds a sick Ralts. It's too weak to walk but needs to be treated at a Pokémon Center, so Max decides to carry it there. However, Team Rocket wants Ralts for themselves, dressing up as Gardevoir and Kirlia to steal it. When the Pokédex sees through Meowth's disguise, Team Rocket decides to fight, and Max must take Ralts and run while his friends fend off Team Rocket. Ralts becomes too ill to travel at all, but Max doesn't know what to do until Snorunt makes him an ice pack for Ralts fever. Now they can set off again, but Team Rocket makes another grab for Ralts. To everyone's surprise, they're sent packing by a real Gardevoir and Kirlia. They want Ralts returned, and its a tense stand-off until Gardevoir decides Max can be trusted and lets him continue. By the time Max reaches the Pokémon Center, Ralts is terribly sick. When Ash and the others arrive, Max bursts into tears and runs to May. Its a tense wait until ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.2
22 min

As Ash and his friends are taking a break, Max hears a cry for help and finds a sick Ralts. It's too weak to walk but needs to be treated at a Pokémon Center, so Max decides to carry it there. However, Team Rocket wants Ralts for themselves, dressing up as Gardevoir and Kirlia to steal it. When the Pokédex sees through Meowth's disguise, Team Rocket decides to fight, and Max must take Ralts and run while his friends fend off Team Rocket. Ralts becomes too ill to travel at all, but Max doesn't know what to do until Snorunt makes him an ice pack for Ralts fever. Now they can set off again, but Team Rocket makes another grab for Ralts. To everyone's surprise, they're sent packing by a real Gardevoir and Kirlia. They want Ralts returned, and its a tense stand-off until Gardevoir decides Max can be trusted and lets him continue. By the time Max reaches the Pokémon Center, Ralts is terribly sick. When Ash and the others arrive, Max bursts into tears and runs to May. Its a tense wait until ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.0
22 min

In a snowy region of Izabe Island, Ash and his friends take a rest at a Pokémon Center. As they're greeted by Nurse Joy, a Snorunt steals Ash's badges right out of his backpack! Nurse Joy explains that this mischievous Snorunt is just having fun, but Ash certainly isn't. He sends Corphish and Pikachu to get his badges back, and the chase is on! The chase leads to the kitchen, where Team Rocket is busy helping themselves to all the food. Snorunt sends the thieves packing before leaping out the window, hotly pursued by Ash. As Snorunt taunts Ash, it slips and falls down an icy slope. Ash manages to save it, but he's knocked out in the process and his friends are unable to find him before a blizzard forces them back indoors. Ash awakens in a snug snow shelter built by Snorunt. It swipes his hat and takes it to the Pokémon Center, alerting Ash's friends. They follow Snorunt back to the shelter on snowmobiles but just as they reach Ash, Team Rocket grabs Snorunt and Pikachu! Snorunt breaks...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.0
22 min

In a snowy region of Izabe Island, Ash and his friends take a rest at a Pokémon Center. As they're greeted by Nurse Joy, a Snorunt steals Ash's badges right out of his backpack! Nurse Joy explains that this mischievous Snorunt is just having fun, but Ash certainly isn't. He sends Corphish and Pikachu to get his badges back, and the chase is on! The chase leads to the kitchen, where Team Rocket is busy helping themselves to all the food. Snorunt sends the thieves packing before leaping out the window, hotly pursued by Ash. As Snorunt taunts Ash, it slips and falls down an icy slope. Ash manages to save it, but he's knocked out in the process and his friends are unable to find him before a blizzard forces them back indoors. Ash awakens in a snug snow shelter built by Snorunt. It swipes his hat and takes it to the Pokémon Center, alerting Ash's friends. They follow Snorunt back to the shelter on snowmobiles but just as they reach Ash, Team Rocket grabs Snorunt and Pikachu! Snorunt breaks...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash is approaching the next town on Izabe Island when a sudden surge in the river destroys the bridge he was about to cross. An Absol is spotted in the wreckage, and the locals arrive to capture it. The town's bridges were mysteriously destroyed after the usually reclusive Absol began to appear in town about a month ago, so people now blame Absol for the disasters. Absol escapes, but the town has hired Absol hunters: Team Rocket in disguise! One boy, Nicky, still believes Absol is harmless--his brother, Gordon, set out to prove Absol's innocence weeks ago but never returned. Ash joins Nicky to find the truth, and they spot Absol just before a geyser erupts from a cliff, stranding Nicky, Max, and Pikachu. To everyone's surprise, Absol helps save the day, as does a Heracross that turns out to belong to Gordon. Gordon has finally returned after learning more about Absol. With his help, our heroes figure out that Absol was trying to warn the townspeople about the spring that feeds the ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash is approaching the next town on Izabe Island when a sudden surge in the river destroys the bridge he was about to cross. An Absol is spotted in the wreckage, and the locals arrive to capture it. The town's bridges were mysteriously destroyed after the usually reclusive Absol began to appear in town about a month ago, so people now blame Absol for the disasters. Absol escapes, but the town has hired Absol hunters: Team Rocket in disguise! One boy, Nicky, still believes Absol is harmless--his brother, Gordon, set out to prove Absol's innocence weeks ago but never returned. Ash joins Nicky to find the truth, and they spot Absol just before a geyser erupts from a cliff, stranding Nicky, Max, and Pikachu. To everyone's surprise, Absol helps save the day, as does a Heracross that turns out to belong to Gordon. Gordon has finally returned after learning more about Absol. With his help, our heroes figure out that Absol was trying to warn the townspeople about the spring that feeds the ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Lost in a desert, Ash and his friends see lots of identical pits in the ground--Trapinch burrows! A young woman named Elisa warns them they're trespassing on hazardous territory: these burrows connect to the many caves of the Trapinch Underground Labyrinth. Enter Hal, a Pokémon researcher and Elisa's old friend. He's being chased by a Donphan, but Elisa's Meganium clams Donphan down. It turns out that Hal once fell into a Trapinch burrow and discovered a lake in the Labyrinth--a lake where Trapinch gather and evolve into Vibrava! Now he's attached a transmitter to a Trapinch so he can find the lake again. Team Rocket appears and seizes Pikachu with their Diglett Supreme machine. But after Brock's Ludicolo breaks it and more Trapinch chew the machine to bits, Team Rocket and Pikachu don't have a leg (or machine) to stand on, and they fall into a burrow! Ash, Elisa, and Trapinch jump in after them, followed by Hal. As Max, Brock, and May wonder what to do, they fall into the burrow ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Lost in a desert, Ash and his friends see lots of identical pits in the ground--Trapinch burrows! A young woman named Elisa warns them they're trespassing on hazardous territory: these burrows connect to the many caves of the Trapinch Underground Labyrinth. Enter Hal, a Pokémon researcher and Elisa's old friend. He's being chased by a Donphan, but Elisa's Meganium clams Donphan down. It turns out that Hal once fell into a Trapinch burrow and discovered a lake in the Labyrinth--a lake where Trapinch gather and evolve into Vibrava! Now he's attached a transmitter to a Trapinch so he can find the lake again. Team Rocket appears and seizes Pikachu with their Diglett Supreme machine. But after Brock's Ludicolo breaks it and more Trapinch chew the machine to bits, Team Rocket and Pikachu don't have a leg (or machine) to stand on, and they fall into a burrow! Ash, Elisa, and Trapinch jump in after them, followed by Hal. As Max, Brock, and May wonder what to do, they fall into the burrow ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and Brock face off for a friendly training battle. Ash pits his Torkoal against Brock's Lombre, which it seems like a mismatch until Torkoal lets loose with Overheat, sending Lombre rocketing across the forest. The kids run after it, where they meet a Mawile that's become quite attracted to Lombre, along with its Trainer Samantha. Brock sees Mawile's crush as a way to get close to Samantha, and begs Lombre to be nice. Samantha performs ribbon dances with Mawile, so the two of them demonstrate. The entire group starts walking to a nearby town, when Brock spots a bouquet on the road. He goes to grab it, but it's a Team Rocket trap. They grab Mawile, and Lombre doesn't put up much of a fight. It takes Torkoal and Corphish to sort things out, and Corphish develops a crush on Mawile! But Mawile doesn't like Corphish, breaking its heart. That night, Samantha and Mawile are set to perform for a huge crowd, but the show is interrupted by Team Rocket once again. In a cloud of smoke, they ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and Brock face off for a friendly training battle. Ash pits his Torkoal against Brock's Lombre, which it seems like a mismatch until Torkoal lets loose with Overheat, sending Lombre rocketing across the forest. The kids run after it, where they meet a Mawile that's become quite attracted to Lombre, along with its Trainer Samantha. Brock sees Mawile's crush as a way to get close to Samantha, and begs Lombre to be nice. Samantha performs ribbon dances with Mawile, so the two of them demonstrate. The entire group starts walking to a nearby town, when Brock spots a bouquet on the road. He goes to grab it, but it's a Team Rocket trap. They grab Mawile, and Lombre doesn't put up much of a fight. It takes Torkoal and Corphish to sort things out, and Corphish develops a crush on Mawile! But Mawile doesn't like Corphish, breaking its heart. That night, Samantha and Mawile are set to perform for a huge crowd, but the show is interrupted by Team Rocket once again. In a cloud of smoke, they ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Ash and friends continue their journey across Izabe Island, where they spot a giant stone Poké Ball atop a cliff. They meet a sage named Sigourney, who tells them the story of the giant ball. Once upon a time, a great destructive power was released, but was sealed inside a giant stone Poké Ball by a powerful sage and left in the lake. Team Rocket overhears this and of course, wants to steal the giant Poké Ball. They show up at the lake and drop bombs on the stone ball, breaking it open. A huge Claydol emerges and headed toward the village, blasting energy that destroys everything in its path. Ash tries to catch it in a regular Poké Ball, but it doesn't work, and neither does attacking it. They realize they need to lure the Claydol toward the other giant stone Poké Ball. Team Rocket wants to help too, though they have their own wicked motives. Sigourney reads from an old book that Claydol likes eggplants, so Ash and James dress up as eggplants to lure the Claydol to the rock. It turns ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Ash and friends continue their journey across Izabe Island, where they spot a giant stone Poké Ball atop a cliff. They meet a sage named Sigourney, who tells them the story of the giant ball. Once upon a time, a great destructive power was released, but was sealed inside a giant stone Poké Ball by a powerful sage and left in the lake. Team Rocket overhears this and of course, wants to steal the giant Poké Ball. They show up at the lake and drop bombs on the stone ball, breaking it open. A huge Claydol emerges and headed toward the village, blasting energy that destroys everything in its path. Ash tries to catch it in a regular Poké Ball, but it doesn't work, and neither does attacking it. They realize they need to lure the Claydol toward the other giant stone Poké Ball. Team Rocket wants to help too, though they have their own wicked motives. Sigourney reads from an old book that Claydol likes eggplants, so Ash and James dress up as eggplants to lure the Claydol to the rock. It turns ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.7
22 min

The kids are still headed for Izabe Island, where May will compete in her next Pokémon Contest with Bulbasaur. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has just bought a cartload of berries to make PokéBlocks out of. Unfortunately, they aren't a type that PokéBlocks can be made out of. On board the boat, May meets a Trainer named Harley and his Cacturne. He is quickly annoyed by her though, because she doesn't recognize what a Cacturne is, nor does she bestow highest compliments on his cookies! Just prior to the Purika City contest, Max is nowhere to be found, until he runs up alongside Harley. May goes out and impresses the crowd with her Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf and Vine Whip, while Harley's Cacturne stuns the crowd with its lightning-fast Bullet Seed. Both of them progress to the next round. In the next round, Cacturne quickly takes out an Azurill. Harley tells May that her opponent, a Surskit, is slow in battle, so her Bulbasaur moves in close to the Surskit. She is surprised when Surskit's Quick ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.7
22 min

The kids are still headed for Izabe Island, where May will compete in her next Pokémon Contest with Bulbasaur. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has just bought a cartload of berries to make PokéBlocks out of. Unfortunately, they aren't a type that PokéBlocks can be made out of. On board the boat, May meets a Trainer named Harley and his Cacturne. He is quickly annoyed by her though, because she doesn't recognize what a Cacturne is, nor does she bestow highest compliments on his cookies! Just prior to the Purika City contest, Max is nowhere to be found, until he runs up alongside Harley. May goes out and impresses the crowd with her Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf and Vine Whip, while Harley's Cacturne stuns the crowd with its lightning-fast Bullet Seed. Both of them progress to the next round. In the next round, Cacturne quickly takes out an Azurill. Harley tells May that her opponent, a Surskit, is slow in battle, so her Bulbasaur moves in close to the Surskit. She is surprised when Surskit's Quick ...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.4
22 min

The kids travel to Wales Island, where both Ash and May have plans to train. May is thrilled when her Bulbasaur learns a new attack--Petal Dance. She shows it off to the others by having Bulbasaur blast through an ocean wave. Max is gathering twigs in the forest when he is surprised by a Cradily. He tells the others but they don't believe him, because Cradily are extinct. Max goes searching by himself, and eventually finds a lab full of Lileep. Ash and the others eventually run into the Cradily, along with a scientist named Annie. She takes them back to the lab, where they are reunited with Max. There, Professor Proctor and Annie explain to the kids that all of the Pokémon there were cloned from fossils. Someday Professor Proctor hopes to make the island a fossil Pokémon amusement park. One of the Anorith at the lab is about to evolve, so they bring it out and watch it become an Armaldo. Team Rocket shows up, and grabs the newly-evolved Armaldo in a net. It blasts them away on its own...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.4
22 min

The kids travel to Wales Island, where both Ash and May have plans to train. May is thrilled when her Bulbasaur learns a new attack--Petal Dance. She shows it off to the others by having Bulbasaur blast through an ocean wave. Max is gathering twigs in the forest when he is surprised by a Cradily. He tells the others but they don't believe him, because Cradily are extinct. Max goes searching by himself, and eventually finds a lab full of Lileep. Ash and the others eventually run into the Cradily, along with a scientist named Annie. She takes them back to the lab, where they are reunited with Max. There, Professor Proctor and Annie explain to the kids that all of the Pokémon there were cloned from fossils. Someday Professor Proctor hopes to make the island a fossil Pokémon amusement park. One of the Anorith at the lab is about to evolve, so they bring it out and watch it become an Armaldo. Team Rocket shows up, and grabs the newly-evolved Armaldo in a net. It blasts them away on its own...

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash is battling with another Trainer by the waterfront, not realizing he is being watched by a mysterious sailor. After he wins, Ash is confident and boastful. The kids decide to grab something to eat. Team Rocket is currently working in a small restaurant, when the old sailor walks in and demands some hot milk. While he is there, Ash and friends sit down outside and talk about battling. The man approaches them, and Max recognizes him as Drake of the Elite Four! Drake invites all of them (including the disguised Team Rocket) to his boat, where he challenges Ash to a battle. Drake sends out his Shelgon, and though it is slower, it waits for Pikachu to get just close enough to take it down with Dragonbreath and Dragon Claw. Ash calls out Grovyle against Drake's Altaria, and though Grovyle has a better time leaping on the masts of the ship, it gets knocked out by some powerful moves from Altaria, including Aerial Ace and Solar Beam. Team Rocket takes advantage of a weakened Pikachu to ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash is battling with another Trainer by the waterfront, not realizing he is being watched by a mysterious sailor. After he wins, Ash is confident and boastful. The kids decide to grab something to eat. Team Rocket is currently working in a small restaurant, when the old sailor walks in and demands some hot milk. While he is there, Ash and friends sit down outside and talk about battling. The man approaches them, and Max recognizes him as Drake of the Elite Four! Drake invites all of them (including the disguised Team Rocket) to his boat, where he challenges Ash to a battle. Drake sends out his Shelgon, and though it is slower, it waits for Pikachu to get just close enough to take it down with Dragonbreath and Dragon Claw. Ash calls out Grovyle against Drake's Altaria, and though Grovyle has a better time leaping on the masts of the ship, it gets knocked out by some powerful moves from Altaria, including Aerial Ace and Solar Beam. Team Rocket takes advantage of a weakened Pikachu to ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash's battle with the Mossdeep Gym Leaders is set to begin. He calls out Swellow and Pikachu versus Tate's Solrock and Liza's Lunatone, taking into account the strange planet-filled aerial battlefield they will be using. Pikachu and Swellow appear to be at a disadvantage, but it is quickly negated by the fact that Tate and Liza aren't working together. Their Pokémon's attacks cancel each other out, and the two even collide head-on when attacking. Team Rocket interrupts the battle, capturing Lunatone and Solrock with their robot and then escaping in their balloon. Swellow and Pikachu destroy the balloon, freeing the two Rock- and Psychic-types. The Gym battle must resume, but the Gym has been destroyed--so it is decided they will battle by the water. Unfortunately for Ash, Tate and Liza now have their teamwork back, and they deliver a real pummeling to Ash's Pokémon. Each of his attacks is countered successfully, until he charges his team with Pikachu's Thunder and they break through ...

Country: Japan
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