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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash's battle with the Mossdeep Gym Leaders is set to begin. He calls out Swellow and Pikachu versus Tate's Solrock and Liza's Lunatone, taking into account the strange planet-filled aerial battlefield they will be using. Pikachu and Swellow appear to be at a disadvantage, but it is quickly negated by the fact that Tate and Liza aren't working together. Their Pokémon's attacks cancel each other out, and the two even collide head-on when attacking. Team Rocket interrupts the battle, capturing Lunatone and Solrock with their robot and then escaping in their balloon. Swellow and Pikachu destroy the balloon, freeing the two Rock- and Psychic-types. The Gym battle must resume, but the Gym has been destroyed--so it is decided they will battle by the water. Unfortunately for Ash, Tate and Liza now have their teamwork back, and they deliver a real pummeling to Ash's Pokémon. Each of his attacks is countered successfully, until he charges his team with Pikachu's Thunder and they break through ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Ash and friends finally arrive in Mossdeep City and head straight to the Pokémon Gym--only to find it empty because everyone in town is at the Space Center for the shuttle launch, including the Gym Leader. At the Space Center, the kids begin snooping around, and Ash stumbles upon a Pokémon battle between two siblings named Tate and Liza, who are there because their father is piloting the shuttle. They are the twin Gym Leaders of Mossdeep, who promise to battle Ash after the shuttle launch. For now, they take Ash and friends on a tour of the center. Corphish wanders off when Ash isn't looking, sneaking on board the shuttle. Team Rocket breaks into the shuttle and heads for the cockpit, only to encounter Tate and Max! They tie the two boys up, and the shuttle takes off. Before they get very far, the shuttle is grabbed by the Baltoy that live in the Space Center. Corphish frees Max and Tate, and Tate's Solrock takes out Team Rocket with Psychic. Tate must now land the shuttle, and he and...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Ash and friends finally arrive in Mossdeep City and head straight to the Pokémon Gym--only to find it empty because everyone in town is at the Space Center for the shuttle launch, including the Gym Leader. At the Space Center, the kids begin snooping around, and Ash stumbles upon a Pokémon battle between two siblings named Tate and Liza, who are there because their father is piloting the shuttle. They are the twin Gym Leaders of Mossdeep, who promise to battle Ash after the shuttle launch. For now, they take Ash and friends on a tour of the center. Corphish wanders off when Ash isn't looking, sneaking on board the shuttle. Team Rocket breaks into the shuttle and heads for the cockpit, only to encounter Tate and Max! They tie the two boys up, and the shuttle takes off. Before they get very far, the shuttle is grabbed by the Baltoy that live in the Space Center. Corphish frees Max and Tate, and Tate's Solrock takes out Team Rocket with Psychic. Tate must now land the shuttle, and he and...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

The kids land on Muscle Island, where another ferry will finally take them to Mossdeep City. Team Rocket also lands on the island, fleeing their sub because they think it will explode. It sinks instead. Ash and friends run into a group of people working out. The head of the camp, a guy named Rocky, offers food and the opportunity to train with them. Everyone except for May (who gets dragged in) decides to take up the workout offer. Team Rocket also starts exercising when James decides that it will help them catch Pikachu better. Elsewhere, Rocky challenges Ash to a battle, bringing out Walrein and Quagsire. Ash chooses Pikachu and Grovyle. Pikachu can't hit Walrein because Quagsire blocks every attack, immune to electricity because of its dual Ground-and-Water-type. Walrein retaliates with Ice Ball, which hits Ash's Pokémon hard. Ash then realizes that Ice Ball gets slower the more it's used, taking advantage of that delay to let Grovyle use Leaf Blade and Pikachu use its Thunder ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

The kids land on Muscle Island, where another ferry will finally take them to Mossdeep City. Team Rocket also lands on the island, fleeing their sub because they think it will explode. It sinks instead. Ash and friends run into a group of people working out. The head of the camp, a guy named Rocky, offers food and the opportunity to train with them. Everyone except for May (who gets dragged in) decides to take up the workout offer. Team Rocket also starts exercising when James decides that it will help them catch Pikachu better. Elsewhere, Rocky challenges Ash to a battle, bringing out Walrein and Quagsire. Ash chooses Pikachu and Grovyle. Pikachu can't hit Walrein because Quagsire blocks every attack, immune to electricity because of its dual Ground-and-Water-type. Walrein retaliates with Ice Ball, which hits Ash's Pokémon hard. Ash then realizes that Ice Ball gets slower the more it's used, taking advantage of that delay to let Grovyle use Leaf Blade and Pikachu use its Thunder ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

En route to the ABC Islands, Ash and the gang are passed on the way to Island A by a group of children racing on top Huntail or Gorebyss. It turns out that there is a fierce rivalry between the citizens of Islands B and C: Clamperl evolve into Gorebyss on Island B, while they evolve into Huntail on Island C. The children all attend school on Island A, and fight often during class. At the Pokémon Center they find Professor Birch in a pool. He is studying the different Clamperl Evolutions, and the kids travel with him to a cave on Island C where Clamperl are known to evolve. They are followed by a boy named Keith from Island B. They travel to a similar cave on Island B, followed by Nancy from Island C. When everyone returns to the Pokémon Center on Island A, they find out that Keith actually wants a Huntail and Nancy wants a Gorebyss. After doing some research, Birch reveals that the Evolution is dependent on the items Deepseatooth and Deepseascale, but he doesn't know how. Team Rocket ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

En route to the ABC Islands, Ash and the gang are passed on the way to Island A by a group of children racing on top Huntail or Gorebyss. It turns out that there is a fierce rivalry between the citizens of Islands B and C: Clamperl evolve into Gorebyss on Island B, while they evolve into Huntail on Island C. The children all attend school on Island A, and fight often during class. At the Pokémon Center they find Professor Birch in a pool. He is studying the different Clamperl Evolutions, and the kids travel with him to a cave on Island C where Clamperl are known to evolve. They are followed by a boy named Keith from Island B. They travel to a similar cave on Island B, followed by Nancy from Island C. When everyone returns to the Pokémon Center on Island A, they find out that Keith actually wants a Huntail and Nancy wants a Gorebyss. After doing some research, Birch reveals that the Evolution is dependent on the items Deepseatooth and Deepseascale, but he doesn't know how. Team Rocket ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The kids are relaxing at the Grand Wazoo Resort on Wazoo Island when a man emerges from the water completely covered in seaweed. His name is Adam, and he is a treasure hunter who believes he has just uncovered the location of the King Neptune, a cargo ship that was wrecked long ago. Adam and the kids go searching for the wreck in a sub, secretly followed by Team Rocket in their Magikarp sub. Team Rocket fires a missile at them and zips ahead. Adam and the kids manage to find their way to the cavern where the ship is located, where lots of Relicanth have made their home. Adam finds a trunk. Team Rocket shows up again to take the trunk, also destroying the ship. Team Rocket then destroys the exit to the cave as they leave, and heads to the surface. Adam's sub follows the Relicanth out and catches up with Team Rocket. Angry at the destruction of their home, the Relicanth use Hydro Pump on Team Rocket, while Pikachu finishes them off with Thunder. Opening the trunk, Adam discovers that ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The kids are relaxing at the Grand Wazoo Resort on Wazoo Island when a man emerges from the water completely covered in seaweed. His name is Adam, and he is a treasure hunter who believes he has just uncovered the location of the King Neptune, a cargo ship that was wrecked long ago. Adam and the kids go searching for the wreck in a sub, secretly followed by Team Rocket in their Magikarp sub. Team Rocket fires a missile at them and zips ahead. Adam and the kids manage to find their way to the cavern where the ship is located, where lots of Relicanth have made their home. Adam finds a trunk. Team Rocket shows up again to take the trunk, also destroying the ship. Team Rocket then destroys the exit to the cave as they leave, and heads to the surface. Adam's sub follows the Relicanth out and catches up with Team Rocket. Angry at the destruction of their home, the Relicanth use Hydro Pump on Team Rocket, while Pikachu finishes them off with Thunder. Opening the trunk, Adam discovers that ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

The kids are heading to Maisie Island on a ferry when they spot a Spoink floating on a log. They quickly realize it's the same Spoink they helped before. When they save it and bring it aboard, it trips, dropping its pearl overboard. Ash's Pokémon go looking for the pearl with no luck. When they arrive on the island, they meet a scientist named Isaiah who is doing research on Clamperl and their pearls--which end up as Spoink pearls. The jewel of his collection is a rare blue pearl. Team Rocket sneaks in and tries to steal the blue pearl, only to be beaten out by Spoink stealing it first. Everyone goes looking for the little Psychic-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, the blue pearl accidentally gets switched with the pink pearl from a wild Clamperl. When this fact is discovered, everyone goes looking for the Clamperl and Team Rocket steals it away. Team Rocket is trying to get the Clamperl open when the kids catch up to them. Spoink protects the Clamperl, who uses Water Gun to send the thieves ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

The kids are heading to Maisie Island on a ferry when they spot a Spoink floating on a log. They quickly realize it's the same Spoink they helped before. When they save it and bring it aboard, it trips, dropping its pearl overboard. Ash's Pokémon go looking for the pearl with no luck. When they arrive on the island, they meet a scientist named Isaiah who is doing research on Clamperl and their pearls--which end up as Spoink pearls. The jewel of his collection is a rare blue pearl. Team Rocket sneaks in and tries to steal the blue pearl, only to be beaten out by Spoink stealing it first. Everyone goes looking for the little Psychic-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, the blue pearl accidentally gets switched with the pink pearl from a wild Clamperl. When this fact is discovered, everyone goes looking for the Clamperl and Team Rocket steals it away. Team Rocket is trying to get the Clamperl open when the kids catch up to them. Spoink protects the Clamperl, who uses Water Gun to send the thieves ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Finding no direct route to Mossdeep and their next Pokémon gym battle, Ash and friends are forced to stop by a smaller island on which they discover a training institute for future Pokémon battle judges. Ash forges a friendly connection with a young student who claims to have gained three rather strong Pokémon--a Wartortle, a Charmeleon, and an Ivysaur--by luck alone. This boy's attempts at judging are fraught with error as well, as he continues to doubt his ability. If he doesn't soon discover some unfound reserves of confidence, however, he'll have little chance at stopping Team Rocket--who are even now laying plans to capture his Pokémon.

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Finding no direct route to Mossdeep and their next Pokémon gym battle, Ash and friends are forced to stop by a smaller island on which they discover a training institute for future Pokémon battle judges. Ash forges a friendly connection with a young student who claims to have gained three rather strong Pokémon--a Wartortle, a Charmeleon, and an Ivysaur--by luck alone. This boy's attempts at judging are fraught with error as well, as he continues to doubt his ability. If he doesn't soon discover some unfound reserves of confidence, however, he'll have little chance at stopping Team Rocket--who are even now laying plans to capture his Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

May recovers from an early fault in her performance, gaining a strong position in the Lilycove Pokémon Contest, falling--surprisingly--behind Jessie, whose Chimecho uses its universal appeal to win the judges over instantly. Jessie botches things soon enough, however, and in the final round May faces an apparent choice between victory and saving her opponent's Pokémon from injury.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

May recovers from an early fault in her performance, gaining a strong position in the Lilycove Pokémon Contest, falling--surprisingly--behind Jessie, whose Chimecho uses its universal appeal to win the judges over instantly. Jessie botches things soon enough, however, and in the final round May faces an apparent choice between victory and saving her opponent's Pokémon from injury.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Ash and friends arrive in Lilycove City, where May quickly sets to studying the art of Pokéblock preparation under a local master, a craft said to be key to successful Pokémon coordinating. Meanwhile, Ash also prepares for his upcoming gym battle under the tutelage of a wizened instructor who promises to have Ash's Swellow performing a masterful Aerial Ace in no time at all.

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Ash and friends arrive in Lilycove City, where May quickly sets to studying the art of Pokéblock preparation under a local master, a craft said to be key to successful Pokémon coordinating. Meanwhile, Ash also prepares for his upcoming gym battle under the tutelage of a wizened instructor who promises to have Ash's Swellow performing a masterful Aerial Ace in no time at all.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Yet another Team Rocket plot fails to go off quite as planned, but this time the error works to their advantage. When their latest overwrought invention explodes, the ensuing shockwave not only sends the team of villains flying off into the horizon, but also wipes Pikachu's memory clean. As Meowth is the first one to stumble onto Pikachu and learn of its plight, he quickly turns the situation to his advantage, informing Pikachu that it is a long-standing, loyal member of Team Rocket and that Ash is his sworn enemy.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Yet another Team Rocket plot fails to go off quite as planned, but this time the error works to their advantage. When their latest overwrought invention explodes, the ensuing shockwave not only sends the team of villains flying off into the horizon, but also wipes Pikachu's memory clean. As Meowth is the first one to stumble onto Pikachu and learn of its plight, he quickly turns the situation to his advantage, informing Pikachu that it is a long-standing, loyal member of Team Rocket and that Ash is his sworn enemy.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and friends make a quick detour to go sightseeing in a banana grove famous for the many Slakoth that live there. When they arrive, however, they learn that a marauding Snorlax has invaded and begun quickly devouring the bananas in between naps. Having some experience dealing with these troublesome Pokémon, Ash volunteers to help. His task is complicated, however, by the Snorlax's mastery of Yawn, an attack that puts all listeners in the vicinity to sleep. If this Snorlax isn't dealt with quickly, the grove's reserve of bananas will be completely devoured.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and friends make a quick detour to go sightseeing in a banana grove famous for the many Slakoth that live there. When they arrive, however, they learn that a marauding Snorlax has invaded and begun quickly devouring the bananas in between naps. Having some experience dealing with these troublesome Pokémon, Ash volunteers to help. His task is complicated, however, by the Snorlax's mastery of Yawn, an attack that puts all listeners in the vicinity to sleep. If this Snorlax isn't dealt with quickly, the grove's reserve of bananas will be completely devoured.

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

When the residents of a remote town begin behaving strangely, it is unclear whether a meteorite crash, the appearance of a mysterious Pokémon known as Lunatone, or perhaps both are to blame. Anxious to solve this mystery and restore the town to sanity, Ash and friends set out in search of both the meteorite and this Lunatone. Meanwhile, both Team Rocket and an odd band of conspiracy theorists seeking to put their stamp on any and all Pokémon mysteries converge on the same spot.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

When the residents of a remote town begin behaving strangely, it is unclear whether a meteorite crash, the appearance of a mysterious Pokémon known as Lunatone, or perhaps both are to blame. Anxious to solve this mystery and restore the town to sanity, Ash and friends set out in search of both the meteorite and this Lunatone. Meanwhile, both Team Rocket and an odd band of conspiracy theorists seeking to put their stamp on any and all Pokémon mysteries converge on the same spot.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and friends assist a fellow traveler whose Camerupt had gotten bogged down making a dangerous river crossing. When they learn the young man was carrying movie reels and projection equipment to bring the art of the moving picture to remote towns without theatres, Ash and friends, recollecting pleasant theatre experiences of their own, decide to help him reach the next town on his route.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and friends assist a fellow traveler whose Camerupt had gotten bogged down making a dangerous river crossing. When they learn the young man was carrying movie reels and projection equipment to bring the art of the moving picture to remote towns without theatres, Ash and friends, recollecting pleasant theatre experiences of their own, decide to help him reach the next town on his route.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Ash faces Winona, the gym leader in Fortree City, in hopes of winning a Feather Badge, his sixth in the Hoenn Region. Winona quickly brings out the big guns, Attacking with a powerful Altaria. Ash's Grovyle, however, proves, with speed and endurance, to be the better battler. But Winona's next choice proves more formidable: her Pelipper defeats Grovyle without missing a breath, and quickly lays into Pikachu. Meanwhile, Team Rocket to raid the gym and interrupt the battle.

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Ash faces Winona, the gym leader in Fortree City, in hopes of winning a Feather Badge, his sixth in the Hoenn Region. Winona quickly brings out the big guns, Attacking with a powerful Altaria. Ash's Grovyle, however, proves, with speed and endurance, to be the better battler. But Winona's next choice proves more formidable: her Pelipper defeats Grovyle without missing a breath, and quickly lays into Pikachu. Meanwhile, Team Rocket to raid the gym and interrupt the battle.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends finally arrive in Fortree City, a town whose residents hold great respect for the skies above, even building their homes high up in the trees to live within the sky they so revere. This sky worship works to Ash's disadvantage however when he challenges the gym leader to a battle only to learn that the gym is closed for an annual sky festival. Disappointed, they head to view this festival, even as Team Rocket approaches with a goal of their own--capturing the Pokémon at the festival for themselves. For James, the festival brings back fond memories of a Chimecho he had once wanted as a boy.

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends finally arrive in Fortree City, a town whose residents hold great respect for the skies above, even building their homes high up in the trees to live within the sky they so revere. This sky worship works to Ash's disadvantage however when he challenges the gym leader to a battle only to learn that the gym is closed for an annual sky festival. Disappointed, they head to view this festival, even as Team Rocket approaches with a goal of their own--capturing the Pokémon at the festival for themselves. For James, the festival brings back fond memories of a Chimecho he had once wanted as a boy.

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

A meteorological station is under attack by both Teams Aqua and Magma, who hope to capture the powerful Pokémon, Castform, which is able to control the weather at will. To make matters worse, when Ash and friends arrive at the station, they bring Team Rocket hot on their tail. Can a handful of young Pokémon trainers and this mysterious new Pokémon possibly prove to be a match for three powerful crime syndicates?

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

A meteorological station is under attack by both Teams Aqua and Magma, who hope to capture the powerful Pokémon, Castform, which is able to control the weather at will. To make matters worse, when Ash and friends arrive at the station, they bring Team Rocket hot on their tail. Can a handful of young Pokémon trainers and this mysterious new Pokémon possibly prove to be a match for three powerful crime syndicates?

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends--with Team Rocket hot on their tail--wander into a wood known as the Shroomish Forest. Hungry and destitute as ever, Team Rocket quickly begin gorging themselves on the plentiful fruits they find there, against the protests of several Shroomish. When these Shroomish evolve into Breloom, however, they not only gain Team Rocket's attention, but threaten the balance of the entire forest with their ensuing rage.

Country: Japan
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