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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

Trini and her friends pitch in to clean up Angel Grove while Rita attempts to cover the world in pollution.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Zack teaches a young child to believe in himself while the Rangers battle the vicious Hatchasaurus and Cardiatron.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.1
20 min

The rangers are not sure what to do when they realize that time's running out. Jason volunteers to go to the other dimension to get the candle before it burns out, and Billy manages to find a way. Jason runs into Goldar who stands in his way literally preventing him from getting it. As Jason and Goldar battle for the green candle, a monster attacks the city and the other rangers need Jason's help. Zach goes in after Jason and retrieves him. Jason follows reluctantly and helps the rangers in battle. With time not exactly on their side, things are beginning to look dim for the Green Ranger in more ways than one. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.0
20 min

Tommy's nervous about asking Kimberly to the dance but goes for it anyway. Before he can, the Putties transport him to another dimension where a green candle that's linked to his powers is lit. He discovers that when the candle burns out, his powers will go back to Rita! Tommy manages to escape but without the candle, which is still burning. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.8
21 min

Rita tries to convince a monster to do her bidding after Squatt and Baboo eat the monster's eggs.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.0
19 min

Tommy eagerly auditions for a karate commercial especially when he sees that he's up against a clueless Bulk. Meanwhile, the rest of the rangers are enjoying a day at the beach.....until Scorpina crashes the party and traps them in a cocoon from which they can't seem to escape. To make matters worse, no one can contact Tommy since he took off his communicator! Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Poor Kimberly is having possibly the worst day of her life as she encounters misfortune after misfortune. Tommy tries to make her feel better and things are looking up, until Rita makes Kimberly's day go from bad to worse and Tommy is injured while trying to save her. The four remaining rangers race against time to rescue Kimberly before she is gone for good. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.9
20 min

Jason and his cousin Jeremy find a map that leads to a powerful ancient mirror.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.5
20 min

The Rangers must overcome their own fears to escape Rita's Island of Illusion.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.7
21 min

Rita traps the Power Rangers on a mysterious island where not all is as it appears.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 4.7
20 min

Rita turns Kimberly's grandmother's spinning wheel into her dangerous new weapon.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 4.5
21 min

Rita's Frankenstein monster crashes the Power Rangers' costume party.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Jason and Tommy have entered a team competition but can't work together despite Billy and Zach's best efforts. The duo are even more troubled upon discovering that they have to go up against a couple of ninjas that appear to be professionals. Meanwhile, Finster creates Super-Putties that are nearly invincible. Tommy and Jason are charged with working together to find a weapon that will defeat the putties while the rest of the rangers must fend them off. The duo nearly succeed when they are faced with the guardian of what they seek. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

Rita and her evil Spit Flower monster set out to ruin Kimberly's design for a float in the world peace parade.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Zack must overcome his fear of spiders to face Rita's newest monster.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.5
20 min

Squatt and Baboo create their own Shellshock monster to impress Rita.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.3
20 min

Kim confronts the evil Tommy in the Youth Center, but he simply informs her that she and the other Rangers will soon be destroyed. Utilizing his Dragon Dagger's flute mode, the Green Ranger summons forth the ancient Green Dragonzord from Angel Grove bay. It begins to rampage through the city, crushing and blowing up buildings. Zordon's transmission is finally reestablished with this dimension. The Megazord is recovered, and victoriously faces the Dragonzord. The Green Ranger's Sword Of Darkness is destroyed, freeing Tommy from the evil spell. He's disoriented, but regrettable recalls everything he did while evil. The Rangers offer him a place among them, and he gladly accepts. The Dragonzord forms with the Megazord, creating the Dragonzord in Battle Mode. Zordon welcomes Tommy to the team, claiming the 6th Ranger was prophesied. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

Goldar grows and attacks Angel Grove, and nearly eats Bulk and Skull. Meanwhile, the search for Zordon heats up, but while the Rangers are out, Green Ranger sneaks back into the Command Center, and attempts to sabotage it again. Alpha's prepared, capturing him in a stasis shield briefly. Rita frees him, and uses her Magic Wand to make him grow! He joins Goldar and Scorpina in fighting the Megazord, as Rita casts a spell to eclipse the sun and cut off its solar power reserves. Though the Power Sword helps add a boost of energy, the Megazord falls to the trio of evil. The Zords separate and scatter into a burning hole in the ground. Our heroes retreat in defeat, but learn from Alpha's brief short re encounter, the true identity of the Green Ranger: their new mood-swinging pal, Tommy Oliver! Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.2
20 min

Jason continues battling Goldar in the Dark Dimension, and eventually, the Green Ranger as well. Luckily, in the nick of time, the Rangers and Alpha are able to lock on to his Communicator and teleport him out of there. But with Zordon still lost and the Command Center still in shambles, the victory is bittersweet, at best. To make things worse, Rita summons Scorpina, a female warrior long buried in a cave, with the ability to transform into a monstrous scorpion when in giant mode. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

With the Command Center still incapacitated from the Green Ranger's attack, Billy and Trini attempt to repair it and Alpha 5. Tommy returns to Earth, and acts cold and rude to Kimberly. Soon, after a successfully training run on the beach, Rita gives Tommy the Sword Of Darkness, which acts as a catalyst for keeping him under her evil spell permanently. Our heroes remain at a loss for a plan, but devote as much time into it as they can. Because of that, Jason informs Tommy at school that he'll be unable to work out with him later. Unbeknownst to Jason, the possessed Tommy then teleports him to the Dark Dimension! Trapped, with no way out, no way of morphing, and no way of contacting his teammates, Jason faces Goldar alone... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

Tommy, a new kid in town with martial arts skills that rival even Jason's, catches Kimberly's eye. Not just her, but Rita Repulsa also sees potential in him. She has her Putties kidnap him, and bring him to the moon. There, Rita places a spell over Tommy, turning him into the evil Green Power Ranger! Using his Dragon Power Coin, Tommy infiltrates the Command Center, gives Alpha 5 a virus, and trashes most of the control consoles. Zordon attempts reasoning with him, but fails, and gets cut off from our dimension. The Green Ranger then fights the other Power Rangers in battle, and with the Evil Space Aliens' help, takes our heroes by surprise while they're in their Megazord. The Ranger take the beating, and retreat to the damaged Command Center in the RADBUG. They restore Alpha, but fail to learn anything about the mysterious Green Ranger. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Billy shows Kimberly a new machine he made that is supposed to transport people from one spot to another. Curious to see how well it works, they both get inside and end up switching bodies instead! Bulk and Skull show up and get inside later that day, unbeknown st to Billy or Kimberly and they switch bodies too and accidentally break the machine! Now Billy(in Kimberly's body) must fix the machine so that they can be restored. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.8
20 min

Billy is inspired by Trini's uncle Howard - a brilliant scientist and expert in martial arts.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Kimberly is in trouble when her uncle Steve succumbs to a sleeping potion in the middle of flying an airplane with her on board.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Billy draws on the powers of his friends to rescue the girl of his dreams.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

With the Ranger teens distracted, Baboo sneaks to Earth and drugs their lemonade with a magical potion. Billy and Kimberly are the only two to take a sip, but the effects on them are quite odd. They both start acting like punks, picking on kids at the high school, and even scaring Bulk and Skull. The other 3 Rangers have more important issues to deal with, namely Rita's Terror Toad monster. Zordon traps the two out of control teens in the Command Center, and sends Alpha off on a dangerous mission alone to seek the Singing Squash, with which to restore Billy and Kim to normal. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 4.8
21 min

The gang fights Rita's minions at a carnival in order to save Trini's cousin Sylvia.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Zack worries that his friends have forgotten today is his birthday while Rita sends him an unwelcome present.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.4
21 min

It's hobby week at Angel Grove High. The Ranger teens have all brought in various items reflective of their personalities. Trini brings in her doll collection, along with her favorite one of all, a blue elf named Mr. Ticklesneezer. Rita ends up stealing him, and turning him into a monster. Ticklesneezer goes around shrinking things and collecting them into bottles. This includes the Megazord, as the Rangers meet their first real defeat, only to have it turn out to all be just a dream of Trini' Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

The rangers' young friend, Willie, has created his best invention yet and enters it into a science fair. Bulk and Skull happen upon the science fair and cause Willie to be disqualified! Disheartened, Willie flees to reflect on things when he's kidnapped by Eye Guy so that the monster can steal his vast intelligence. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.5
19 min

Kim and Trini get the task of being big sisters to a mischievous little girl named Maria. Rita kidnaps the bratty child, with intent of using her to open a magic trunk filled with Power Eggs. The Rangers end up facing the Chunky Chicken monster to save the annoying girl. All of this, plus, Billy unveils his specially modified VW Beetle, known as the RADBUG. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

There's a food festival at the juice bar and the rangers are doing their part to help run it to raise money. Everything goes well until Bulk and Skull start a food fight that wastes most of the food. To make things worse, Rita, who is feeling very ill, unleashes a monster with a voracious appetite for just about everything, including the Power Rangers weapons! Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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