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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Turtle understandably doubts Johny Drama's hope Brooke Shields might dig him at their set while he plays her brother Little Rick. Now Mandy has dumped Chris, Vince is looking forward to her birthday party- the professionals abhor the press bringing that out, even Warner Bros fears that could make Aquaman appear a home-wrecker. Cameron offers them a private diner at his restaurant The Geisha House. Even after a good meeting with Mandy and the boys at Jerry's Deli, E advises against it, but is ignored. Sloan tells E the painting agent Ari Gold gave Vince, who was prepared to buy it as a gift for Mandy, is another fake; E questions Ari, who doesn't confess but still switches the copy with the real thing he gave his wife as anniversary present. Mandy is tickled-pink with the Nitsch. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.7
29 min

On the Aquaman set, Vince admits to his co-star Mandy he's still in love with her, which director Cameron hears trough their mikes and so does E, whose confidence is shocked by all his secrecy. Ari Gold, Vince's Jewish agent, is holding a bat mitzvah for his daughter Sarah; as usual he's frantic about his guests, such as his senior partner Terence McQuewick and his daughter Sloan, who is reputed to have an infallible eye for male acting talent and really digs Vince, so Ari fears Terence wants to 'steal Vince'. The boys carefully get fancy party dress at Vinces expense, except E who pays his own clothes and refuses to waste good money on labels like Armani; when he meets Sloan, he does dress up, making the others warn him he's setting himself up for another scorned crush. Drama and Turtle get stuck on an old peoples table and regret having eaten little before the party as they don't get to the yummy stuff having missed the synagogue service with appetizers, nor knew they had to order, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.6
31 min

Vince first accepts to have dinner with his Aquaman-opposite star Mandy Moore and her fiancé, a minute after they were introduced, then hesitates and ends up chickening out, after Internet comics reporter R.J. Spencer interviewed him about his wedding proposal to her while he still was an unknown, something even E never knew. Spencer is not only literally insulted when Vince walks out instead of answering but is implacable whatever E does or offers. He demands $350,000 or his website will stop at nothing to sink Aquaman because of Vince. Meanwhile at Comic-Con in San Diego Johnny Drama enjoys his relative star status with the comics fans, as Torvald from Viking Quest, but slowly gets pissed off as he is outclassed by spin-off Angel Quest star Vanessa Angel. However she ends up telling him she always had a crush on him and finds him cruel he always held her off, so he finally dares tell her he's just as interested. Vince and E's problem is surprisingly solved by the Pussy Patrol girls.... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.3
26 min

Vince has the Aquaman lead; James Cameron is casting his opposite from five top-actresses. The group can stay in Jessica Alba's luxurious Malibu residence. Johnny 'Drama' Chase has a shot at a Hallmark TV movie, but can he make it in time across LA through miles of traffic? He does, but gets worked up about another actor he had an incident with and works it out and the surfer molests his car and is arrested just after hearing he was chosen. Vince is to have diner with Aquagirl Mandy Moore, with who he once had a serious romance ending in a grave incident... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Coinciding with a storm hitting the eastern tri-state area which may require evacuation of coastal residents, the machine has not provided any numbers in three days, leading Reese and Finch to believe that there might be something wrong with it, especially what Stanton may have done to it prior to her death. When the machine does provide a number, it provides six men simultaneously, five who are officially missing or have ceased their electronic footprint. Reese and Finch decide to focus on the sixth, Jack Rollins - Finch at his New York apartment, Reese at his rented home on Owen Island just off the northeast tip of Long Island - while Carter is tasked with finding out more about the missing or off-the-grid five. Their early guess is that their unknown perpetrator has killed the five taking over their identity moving from person to person, Rollins the next on the list. A common bond between their three individual investigations is Special Agent Alan Fahey, an FBI paper pusher. By ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Reese and Finch get jobs as a bellhop and concierge respectively at the upscale, 700 guest Coronet Hotel where the next number, Mira Dobrica, works as a maid. They figure that whatever will happen by or to Mira will happen at the hotel since she works 60 hour weeks there. Mira is a streetwise woman, who arrived in the US in 1999 as a refugee from the war in Kosovo. Reese and Finch believe she will be the target. Figuring out who the perpetrator is will be difficult as the 700 guests are primarily unknown. After their initial stint at the hotel, they believe the case will have to do either with the illegal side operations of the hotel's front of house manager, the overly officious Derek Fowler, something in Mira's background from the Kosovo war, or whatever their old friend Zoe Morgan is working on, she who is wandering around the hotel. What they are unaware of is that they have an outside threat from two different parties that have been tracking them. Meanwhile, SAIC Brian Moss, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.1
42 min

When Leo drags Piper to a soothsayer-gardener for magical marriage counseling, they are body-swapped. An attack from demon Vaklav, a demon photographer who traps people into a hell collage trough his camera, brings white lighter Sam Wilder on the trace of his charge and designated successor J.D. Williams, who disappeared 50 years ago and didn't age. Sam appeals to his unsympathetic biological daughter Paige to help J.D., who meanwhile is 'minded' by Billie Jenkins, while agent Murphy helps investigating. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When summoned for Chris' Wiccaning, Grams puts a spell on her grandchildren to stop their sibling rivalry and inadvertently reverts the sisters back to bickering teenagers.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Spider Demons kidnap Piper, infect Chris and cause him to mutate into a spider.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

While the Sisters and Leo are still pondering P-names for the newborn, he proves to have an effective protective force shield during a first demonic attack. The Elders refuse to take care of him, although there's clearly a Hawker Demon at work, to sell him to order placed by a Crone on an evil magic market. At the newspaper, Phoebe was just showing baby pictures when the surprisingly young new owner arrives, Jason Dean, who clearly digs Phoebe both personally and professionally, but objects to her recent baby-centric columns. Paige masquerades as a hawker to set a trap at the evil market, alas on her own, and gets caught by two hawkers, who steal her powers and during Phoebe and Piper's rescue mission attack in the mansion, with a surprise outcome... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Piper accepts the invitation to the 60th Anniversary of Guadalcanal Reunion on behalf of Leo upsetting him. The ghosts of Rick and Nathan Lang, who fought with Leo in Guadalcanal and blame him for their deaths, find where Leo lives and seek revenge against him, hurting those that he loves. Meanwhile, the evil Cole uses malice in tricks to seduce Phoebe to move from the manor to a luxury apartment of his company. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Prue is led by Belthazor to a building that will be demolished, and she contacts the shut-in Vince, an empathic man that feels the emotions of the whole world. Prue casts a spell to release the power from Vincent and she actually absorbs his empathy ability. Later the Halliwell sisters and Leo disclose that Vince is actually the evil demon Vinceres that was trapped with the empathic power by Father Thomas to protect the world. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Cucumber




IMDb: 8.1

Henry proposes that all the evictees live in his house as his 'collective' and, backed by Cliff and Freddie, bluffs his way into getting his old job back. The group is also able to demolish Coltrane's statement that Lance was his first homosexual encounter, leading to a conviction for murder. Things turn sour when work colleague Veronica turns up, blaming Henry for Lance's death and eventually all the members of the collective move into their own accommodation. Last to leave is Freddie, after he has accused Henry of treating him like Lance, wanting him around but scared to have sex with him. Henry loses touch with Freddie until seven years later when they meet by chance and reflect on old times. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Cucumber




IMDb: 8.4

Supported by his young flat-mates Henry attends Lance's funeral where he learns that Daniel, now in custody, had a history of instability and Cliff suggests how he might kill him. Afterwards Henry breaks down as he realizes now how much he misses Lance. Freddie is unusually sympathetic and offers to procure a hunk called Aiden for group sex. On the way to locate him several confessions are made but when they catch up with him he is a disappointment and they return home, where Freddie offers Henry another act of kindness. Next day, due to a scam by the landlord, they and their friends are evicted though fortunately Henry can move them into his old house. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Cucumber




IMDb: 7.5

Though in a long term relationship with partner Lance insurance salesman Henry Best has a wandering eye and it particularly wanders over young canteen hand Freddie Baxter. Whilst hosting a corporate event Lance meets the attractive but apparently straight hunk Daniel while Freddie's flat-mate Dean asks Henry for advice regarding their accommodation. At a gay club Lance and Henry pull Francesco, a youngster visiting from Yorkshire, and go back to their flat though Lance shuts Henry out to have the boy for himself. Henry now knows how to get his revenge. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Between




IMDb: 8.1

When Adam convinces Wiley to escape, they learn whether they are truly contagious to outsiders. Chuck devises a daring escape plan of his own.

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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

CBI director Gale Bertram achieved a fragile deal with the FBI to keep the Red John arrest screw-up from the press. The field agents remain on war footing, even ready to banter physically. The rivalry extends to custody of key witness Lorelei Martins, whom Patrick is hell-bent on. Meanwhile the team, FBI agent Gabe Mancini and his partner must team up to investigate the apparently indiscriminate murder on Norris's hotel employees Rex Longo and Nicola Karlsen. Patrick uses it as deceptive change for Lorelei but still catches the unlikely killer. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

An escaped tiger smells and digs up the corpse of wealthy, retired car dealer Archer Braddock. He was murdered although he had terminal cancer, and thus met his recent wife, stepmother of his in-living daughter Liesl and estranged son, petty criminal and drug addict Aden. Archer tried numerous therapies, recently in brother Josesph's 'sun cure' and Dr. Leopold Scheck's high-tech pharmacological research institute. Patrick's mortuary trap goes wrong. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Argentinian crime baron Gabriel Porchetto's son and heir Gabriel Junior is shot expertly in the hot-tub during a party in their luxury cabin in a state forest. Gabriel senior is in the final stage of terminal cancer, so adolescent son Sergio Porchetto becomes his heir. Security chief Curtis Nett is remarkably uncooperative. Junior compromised the gang's business by challenging Luis Ozorio's Mexican drug cartel, the Zetas. Patrick tricks Senior and his boys to stage a trap. After a pendant is returned now the investigation into Grace's shooting that killed FBI agent and lover Craig O'Laughlin, his specter seems to haunt her, but when she gets lost in the forest while guarding presumed key witness Janpen, a hooker, it actually watches over her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Hikers find the washed-up, shot body of Sierra Vista video arcade Playland shift manager Ed Didirikson. The Texan, born Eddie Russo, was an ex-mobster in witness protection, but got the teenage clientèle drugs and illegal credit for ex-con John 'Tiny' Callahan. Ever-charming Jane checks out Russo's retired mob employer Sonny Battaglia, who suggests infidelity as a probable motive. Another concern are the US marshals and Scaramento police, who failed to guard Eddie properly. The killer strikes again. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Police consultant Patrick Jane is suspended after inadvertently driving a wife to shoot her devoted husband, by deducing a family drama at first sight. He's soon asked back to the CBI profiling unit, however, for what initially appears to be a victim of the serial killer Red John. He takes extreme risks and uses his dirtiest tricks to solve the sinister, complicated case which involves prescription drug lies and a diary. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD True Detective

True Detective


True Detective

IMDb: 8.3
86 min

Ray and Ani attempt to escape their desperate situation while Frank ties up some loose ends.

Country: USA
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HD True Detective

True Detective


True Detective

IMDb: 8.0
58 min

As Ray and Ani delve further into Casper's gruesome murder, truths unfold and more mysteries arise. Frank becomes more concerned about his business and missing money so persuades Ray to follow up on something, however this leads him into a situation with an unexpected outcome. Written by Moeen Ismail

Country: USA
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HD True Detective

True Detective


True Detective

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Det. Ray Velcoro works for the city of Vinci, California and has been on a downward spiral for years. He's divorced, drinks too much and has a violent temper. He's also in the pocket of local gangster Frank Semyon who years before provided the identity of the man who raped Velcoro's wife. He does odd jobs for Semyon, such as beating up a reporter who recently wrote a series on organized crime. Velcoro latest case is to locate City Manager Ben Caspere who hasn't been seen for several days. Sheriff's Det. Ani Bezzerides is good at her job but is estranged from her sister Athena - who does live cam porn - and her father who is now a new age guru of sorts. California Highway Patrolman Paul Woodrugh learns that he's been put on administrative leave after a young woman falsely claims he solicited sex to let her go free. These three police officers come together late one night when a man is found sitting on a park bench, dead. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Trying to piece together Dr. Hunter's lost formula, Rachel grapples with the fact Niels, her sworn enemy, is on board Nathan James, while Chandler works to gain intel and reverse the brainwashing Michener suffered at the hands of the Ramseys.

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

After the last batch of vaccine trials on monkeys was successful, it's time for six human Guinea pigs. After Tex and officer give the example, many crewmen volunteer. Danny is disqualified due to his recent sickness, but his girlfriend Kara is among the six (un)Lucky ones, like Miller. Several symptoms could mean the sickness wins, but the lack of consistency leaves Scott hope for another explanation, even after one death. Quincy's idea to administer immune Bertrise's plasma proves her right, the key is Niels's human gene, for which the Original strain provides a Trojan horse. Danny learns that Kara is expecting his healthy, immune baby. Captain Chandler's family meanwhile struggles at home, his father to constructs a radio, his sister to find provisions while contagion spreads. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

With Chandler and Tex held prisoner on the Russian ship, it is up to Slattery to devise a plot to free them.

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.4
40 min

After picking up a distress call near Jamaica, Chandler and a small team stage a rescue attempt. But a surprise attack leaves Chandler and Tex stranded at sea. Slattery and the crew search desperately to find their lost at sea Captain and his comrade, hoping to do so before their enemies beat them to it. Written by TNT Publicity

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

With monkeys for testing, they work towards a vaccine but with no cure in sight, a serious lack of monkeys and increasingly depressing distress calls, they think about returning to Nicaragua. Written by scott wardle

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 7.9

The ship suffers mechanical issues with their generators and engines. This also affects their RO water system. They ship is down to approximately 3,000 gallons of fresh water and that must last the estimated 6 days that it will take them to find land using their one good engine. The Captain and XO realize that they only have 4 days of fresh water, even using the strictest of rationing. It also affects their ability to cool the ship which results in major problems for the lab where the doctor is trying to find a cure. A former enemy now must be relied upon to help with the virus research but he has his own demands first. Written by Bill Hancock

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.1

Chandler and his crew head to the U.S. Military base at Guantanamo Bay in hopes of collecting food, medical supplies and fuel replenishments.

Country: USA
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HD The Last Ship

The Last Ship


The Last Ship

IMDb: 8.1

Battle ship captain CO commander Tom Chandler courteously accommodates zoologist Dr. Rachel Scott's wishes to research birds in the Arctic while his crew engages incommunicado in war games. When his patience is exhausted, a satellite call to the White House has his return order overruled by the Pentagon, the top-secret research is national security priority. Then a Russian force attacks her last and successful sample hunt, but is fought-off. Chandler orders a hasty return home, but finally learns the world is in the grip of an unprecedented pandemic which wiped out most of humanity. It started from Egypt but spreads over all continents, wiping out all demographic, economic and political order. They attempt to bring the bird virus sample, the only hope to develop a vaccine, to a US lab, but the disease already rendered the entire country lawless, hence too unsafe, so Scott must improvise in the primitive lab aboard. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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