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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min

Ted Case joins the team to reopen the murder of vicar Leonard Whitechurch, a white man with a black wife who was stabbed in 2006 after receiving racist hate mail. His widow Alicia tells them that his curate Wendy had a crush on him but she hung herself two years after his death. The poison pen letters are traced to ex-convict and white supremacist Kevin Duncan but Ted believes the motive to be more complicated than purely racial. Duncan admits he wrote the letters in revenge as the victim disapproved of his dating his daughter Sally but a revelation from Leonard's younger son Luke exposes a rift in the family and leads to the solution of the murder. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.8
59 min

With evidence suggesting that his cosh was the murder weapon and a trumped-up assault claim from Sainsbury things look bleak for Gerry but DAC Strickland is sure of his innocence and lets him go. With dangerous men in pursuit Gerry goes on the run with Danny, to whom he relates that Ackroyd was as corrupt as any of the other suspects and was in Chapman's pay. They call on Tommy Naylor, who directs them towards honest Ted Case, another retired officer and he gives them evidence of Ackroyd's involvement with Chapman. This in turn leads Gerry back to Bryant and McCabe and arrests are made, followed by recrimination, chicanery, a funeral and a departure. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.3
59 min

Gerry is personally involved when the body of Martin Ackroyd, his first inspector when he joined CID, is discovered having been missing for thirty years. Prime suspects are former officers Bryant and McCabe, whom Ackroyd believed to be corrupt and are now involved with career criminal Dominic Chapman, as is Ackroyd's ex-superior Ronald Sainsbury who colludes with them to discredit Gerry. Gerry tracks down Tommy Naylor, another crook the dead man had in his sights and whom Bryant and McCabe unsuccessfully attempted to frame. Gerry decides to take the law into his own hands after his daughter Caitlin is threatened but this only makes him seem guilty of the murder in Sasha's eyes. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.4
61 min (DVD)

After librarian Ellen Barker is murdered investigating officer Grace Mackie contacts Danny, who had been in the same amateur sleuthing group as the dead woman. He suspects that Ellen was working on an old case but had come too close to the truth and been silenced. He works out that Ellen was trying to reopen the murder of Sally Tunstall, for which Barbara Haynes' son, now dead, was convicted. Danny and Nathan Wicks (fellow ex-cop and group member), visit Barbara and her neighbour Caroline Tate who, with her former husband Gabriel John Stokes and Sally, was a member of a commune. Stokes, now a government minister, confesses to an affair with Sally that destroyed his marriage and admits that Ellen visited him but left unharmed. When Nathan admits that he was infatuated with Ellen he is arrested but Danny follows another line to expose the double killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.7
61 min (DVD)

The team notice that DNA from teen-aged market trader Spencer Rogers, arrested for throwing a brick on the motorway, matches that of interpreter and chess club member Agnes Bradley, murdered in 2010 and when Spencer's mother Kelli tells Sasha that Spencer was the result of her being raped by an unknown man it is apparent the rapist is the murderer. Suspects include Jeremy Powell, who, according to chess club captain Viktor Proust, smarted because he could never beat Agnes and Chilean diplomat Carlos Alvarez who had Agnes black-listed after one of her translations warned students against his womanizing. Whilst the rest of the team is busy trying to catch the murderer Steve is occupied with bringing his hate-filled dying father Robbie to a hospice in London. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
62 min (DVD)

When film critic Oliver Houghton's corpse is found in a sewer Sasha is reluctantly forced to work with Ned as Oliver had been a witness in the unsolved case of gay artist David Straka two decades earlier. Both men were drowned and Danny sees the river Fleet as a link since it featured in David's last project. David's friend Ruth Shireen tells the team that David and Oliver got involved with the occult due to the unpleasant Cyril Watkins though Cyril, now Cecily after gender realignment, explains that there was no harm intended. However a woman playing the part of a sacrificial victim in David's film about the mysteries of the Fleet accidentally died. A trip to the sewers locates her corpse and Sasha beats Ned to finding out her identity and solving both cases. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.0
61 min (DVD)

Bryony Willis receives an anonymous note to say that her father, peace activist Winston Lovett, did not accidentally blow himself up but was murdered. The team visits Bryony's estranged mother Alison, who points them towards two feminist campaigners who had issues with Winston - Mary Griffith, an inveterate agitator and lecturer Frances Kane. To the team's surprise Frances admits that she and Winston were actually undercover cops infiltrating the protest movement. Then Bryony reports a stalker, whose identity brings closure and reconciliation to the case. Throughout Sasha resists the attempts of her ex-husband Ned to get back with her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
59 min (DVD)

Fresh from her successful SWAT raid on a group of Russian gangsters DCI Sasha Miller arrives at UCOS to replace Sandra. She is friendly and informal but initially fails to win over Gerry, who misses Sandra. Her first case involves the twenty-five year old murder of Italian Allesandro Manzini, reopened when a knife is found at the allotment he once tended. Massimo, whose son married Allesandro's daughter Giulietta, tells the team that there was anti- Italian feeling on the allotment, especially from two World War Two veterans, whilst lorry driver and druid Ray Barlow is also suspect, having disappeared after the murder. This suspicion is heightened when Giulietta and Ray admit to an affair but Dan's research into wartime Italy changes everything, leading to a confession. Sasha's private life, however, does not run so successfully. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.6
59 min (DVD)

Seventeen years earlier Sandra's first case involved the disappearance, never resolved, of music student Lesley Hewitt and now Lesley's sister Emma has been sent a photo of Lesley walking in a park just before she vanished. Sandra believes that a jogger in the picture was a serial killer responsible for the deaths of other young girls, possibly working with a female accomplice as Emma says that Lesley was offered a gig before she vanished. Ex-model Annie Banks and bookshop owner Stuart McKelvie are also in the photo, taken by Greg Banks, a recently deceased photographer whose studio contains several pictures of women who were abducted and killed. Annie and Stuart initially claim not to know each other but Sandra breaks down their stories and discovers that Annie knows who the jogger is. After concluding the case Sandra leaves UCOS to work with Max Clement. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min (DVD)

Following the 1997 General Election Ben Ransley, a young researcher for successful MP Liz Jackson, was murdered and the case is reopened on the discovery of £40,000 in an off-shore account in his name. Ben's best friend, arrogant lobbyist Eddie Trenton, gives Sandra a photo of Ben with his girlfriend, who turns out to be Hana, the Bosnian wife of tycoon Peter Russell, and she also disappeared in 1997. French policeman and former war crimes prosecutor Max Clement comes to London and tracks down Hana, whose whole family was killed in the Bosnian war. Hana believes Ben, with whom she was set to elope, was killed by the man who got her to England and introduced her to Peter but Dan discovers that Ben was in a position to leak information about a government arms deal, which would have been injurious to certain people. This solves the case. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
59 min (DVD)

UCOS reopen the thirty year old murder of porn king Jim Hockney when his daughter Sara reveals that a DNA test proves she is not his daughter. Her mother Jane cannot provide any answers as she and Jim both had several sex partners. Jim's girlfriend at the time, singer Angela Gold, was charged but acquitted of the murder and now seems to have disappeared. Brian's replacement Dan Griffin arrives, albeit late and is initially treated with hostility by Gerry, who thinks he is a spy. Nonetheless Dan tracks down Angela though in the meantime Sandra learns that Jim's brother Colin sold Jim's porn empire very shortly after his death to his main rival Gavin Reason. Furthermore Jane and Gavin were lovers, Gavin proving to be Sara's father though he was unaware at the time. However it is Gerry's collection of some of Jim's old films, supposedly confiscated by Vice Squad, that identifies the murder weapon and leads to the culprit. The case closed the team watch Angela perform at Ronnie Scott's ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.1
59 min (DVD)

Now dismissed from UCOS Brian is persuaded by Esther to help her friend Margaret Kirby find her brother Peter Sale, who disappeared six years earlier. In the mean time Brian is bothered by journalist Maxine Wilson, whom he believes has been sent by Embleton to discredit him, and needs Strickland's help to get rid of her. Brian visits Jonathan Epstein, jailed for killing his wife Florence for her money, along with his girlfriend Annabel, who seemingly disappeared with the cash. Sale was Epstein's accountant but Epstein does not know his whereabouts and after the visit Brian is attacked. Accompanied by Esther, Brian sets out to find clues to locate Sale, in the process crossing paths with UCOS, who are investigating a con artist with links to Epstein. Eventually Sale is found and, before parting company with UCOS, Brian discovers that somebody is an impostor and Esther has to save him from being killed by them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.9
59 min (DVD)

To the annoyance of Gerry, who arrested him for killing his wife sixteen years earlier, Scott Bunce is released from prison when evidence is found to suggest an unsafe conviction. His daughter Lizzie, who saw him standing over the corpse, and the neighbour who saw him leaving the house afterwards are both convinced of his guilt and Lizzie is terrified of seeing him. Then Bunce disappears after a gangster associate of his is severely beaten up. Brian visits his estranged son Mark, who tells him he is about to become a grandfather. They make their peace as Mark helps Brian find proof of Bunce's innocence, leading to the exposure of the real killer. However Brian, after being declared a hero, is told by Strickland he must leave UCOS for giving Sarah Kaye the tape he illegally made of Embleton's confession. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.0
58 min (DVD)

Whilst Brian faces disciplinary action for a death in custody from his past the rest of the team discover the gun that killed drug-trafficker Christian Highsmith in 1998. The same gun killed a young boy, Danny Bossano, in 1982 in Gibraltar, a port of call for the ships on which Christian allegedly hid the drugs. The UCOS team go to Gibraltar to meet Superintendent Cruz, the local cold case chief, who believes Danny was part of the dope-smuggling gang. The fact that the gun was army issue also leads to the evasive commander Adam Sinclair whilst Sandra quizzes casino owner Harry Truman, who had been a friend of Christian. Gerry and Steve visit Truman's casino but accidentally get locked in a shipping container whilst shipping agent Gordon Fletcher, an associate of Truman, is found dead. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.7
59 min (DVD)

Following an attempt to kill Stephen Fisher, Strickland summons the team to a secret meeting. He tells them that thirty years earlier he and Fisher were part of an intelligence group investigating the IRA but their source journalist Simon Bisley was killed in a hit-and-run and the investigation ended. Now others of the group are being murdered. Bisley had linked the IRA to a career criminal Carl Dillon who, according to Gerry's informant Tinker, has just recruited two assassins and a telling document which could incriminate Dillon was stolen from Bisley's office. However Brian believes that a rogue member of the former secret service team has a vested interest in stealing the document and silencing their colleagues over it, giving Strickland the means to go after them though the team is dissatisfied with the result. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.1
59 min (DVD)

The team reopen the murder of East German refugee Max Klein, whose last words were 'Blue Flower'. Visiting the site of his death Sandra and Steve meet Grace Cusack, whose son was killed at the same spot a year before Max's death and tells them he came to England to look for his daughter Mia who had escaped East Berlin ahead of him. Meanwhile Gerry and Brian visit a recycling centre where Max worked and learn that he stole bundles of documents but are challenged by arrogant Inspector Rosser, who claims that they could interfere with his investigation of the centre in connection with identity fraud. When Mia is located she denounces her father as a member of the Blue Flower group which was pro-Stasi though ultimately the deaths of Grace's son and Max prove to be related and less political than expected. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.9
58 min (DVD)

Some months after his mysterious disappearance the corpse of young police computer operator Martin Longthorn is smuggled into the morgue at a London teaching hospital. Though he died of an aneurysm the UCOS team are involved as his date Catherine, the last person to see him alive, claims he disappeared suddenly after taking a very important phone call. Investigation of Martin's computer shows he was apparently a member of the Roguenet Group, an organization that hacks into corporate companies and banks to sabotage them. However it turns out that he was actually infiltrating them to unmask their leader Boz, making his death seem more suspicious. Brian, meanwhile, is jealous of Gerry's rapport with Steve, leading to Esther making an effort to rectify the situation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.9
59 min (DVD)

In 2003, 17 year old Georgia Wright vanished after a university disco in Scotland. Now traces of her blood are found following a garage raid in London, bringing dogged retired police inspector Steve McAndrew to UCOS to ask them to investigate. CCTV proves that Georgia was not one of the robbers but worked at the garage as a cleaner,,disappearing soon afterwards. They then get a lead in that Shane Morrison,,one of the last people to see Georgia alive, is a fantasist, who persuaded another girl Sophie that he was a secret agent, forcing her to live life on the run with him. The team believes that Morrison is still about and has Georgia in his power. Though the others initially find Steve irritating and his accent incomprehensible, Gerry warms to him over a few whiskeys and, the case over, Sandra has a proposition for him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.9
59 min (DVD)

At Christmas 2008, Foreign Office employee Annabel Tilson's body was found in a frozen lake, the assumption being that she killed herself after suffering a miscarriage and demotion at work when her lap-top, containing sensitive information, was stolen. Now her twin Minnie has unearthed a video showing that Annabel met somebody prior to her death and was probably murdered. Sandra learns that Annabel was deliberately made a scapegoat to get her out of the way on discovering her married boss's affair with a colleague. She also stumbled on insider information trading, but the key to her death turns out to be her personal, rather than professional life. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.6
59 min (DVD)

The team is less than pleased when arrogant civil servant Stephen Fisher coerces them into investigating the murder - in 1851 - of Abigail Padua, a mathematical expert whose death led to the collapse of her family business and a widespread financial crisis. With no living witnesses and a different geography to the time the team must pore over the original statements to prove that the killer was a witness who lied to the police. However, they, with Strickland's backing, have another mystery on their hands - Fisher's obsession with cracking the case, which itself could have far-reaching effects in the modern business world. Jack however is able to thwart Fisher before he leaves the unit for good to spend his last days in France. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
58 min (DVD)

A website highlighting unexplained disappearances alerts the team to the death of young mechanic Christopher Collins seven years earlier. Sandra discovers he was really called Tommy Barton, and was on a witness protection scheme having testified against drugs baron Derek Robinson. He was, though, a drug smuggler himself and was having an affair with his boss's wife. In tracing the killer the team is much aided by the hypnotherapist treating Brian's insomnia and they also learn that UCOS will not be terminated to save money. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.7
59 min (DVD)

Stephanie Parr tells the team that her biker boyfriend Reese Chapman, as a rite of passage, must kill a rival gang leader who supposedly murdered his father Eddie, founder of the violent criminal Braves biker gang when she is sure the killer was Marcus York, the club's current president. Superintendent Barlow asks the team to back off as he is surveying the Brave for drug-peddling but when Stephanie is attacked Sandra resolves to continue, despite a lack of witnesses for fear of York and Barlow's unhelpful attitude. David, Stephanie's father, holds the key but the identity of the killer does Barlow no good. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.1
59 min (DVD)

In 2004 physics professor Philip MacKenna was apparently abducted from a Paris-bound train. His journey was last minute, after a colleague was robbed, and witnesses at the time proved to be using false identities, suggesting a plot to kidnap him for his expertise. Now his wife is getting cryptic emails, impossible to trace, suggesting he is alive, but she has been holding back a secret. A tip off from a Whitehall mandarin leads the team closer to the truth. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
59 min (DVD)

Sandra's old flame, Inspector James Larsen, asks the team to reopen the case of Mal Baxter, a supposedly respectable antique dealer apparently killed in a robbery. However James believes Baxter was an informant and a fence, killed by someone he had crossed. Whilst his family and ex-partner Tony Morgan refute such claims, other dealers are less generous in their opinions and keep bringing the team back to a job lot Baxter bought containing a valuable gold statue, which could have been the murder weapon. At an illegal night time auction, or Nazareth, where the statue is the principal lot, the team start to uncover the truth. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
58 min (DVD)

In 2009 market trader Kathy Green died after drinking drugged coffee. The UCOS team suspect but cannot prove a link with Anthony Gunnell, a man who raped women after doping them with coffee from his refreshment van. Through Helen, the nurse who looked after Kathy's senile mother in her last days, they learn that Kathy had an illegitimate daughter who was adopted and whose attempted reconciliation with her mother went badly. In solving the case Sandra recognizes parallels with her own unsatisfactory relationship with her visiting mother. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
59 min (DVD)

In 1999 promising young boxer Eddie Mayfair was shot dead but his rival in the ring and chief suspect Milton Joseph had an alibi and other likely suspects have all since died or disappeared. Now the murder weapon has been found at last. Eddie's widowed mother has moved in with his former agent Harry Gallo and his old sweetheart married his sparring partner Danny. Jack discovers that Eddie was in a rival street-gang to Milton, long before they met in the ring and Milton's gang members were the men who have now all disappeared. The biggest breakthrough, however, occurs with the knowledge that Eddie was meant to throw the fight with Milton as certain people had money on that result - the same people who killed Eddie to stop him talking. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
59 min (DVD)

The team is asked by Dawn Abbott to reopen a fourteen year old case of a fire at the Union drinking club, which killed gangster Mark Johnson and three staff members. It was thought to be an accident but Mark told Dawn days before the fire that he thought somebody was out to kill him. Mark's brother Danny resents any suggestion that he was involved but fire investigator George Mackie tells the team that he thought at the time that the blaze was suspicious and the widow of the painter whose materials were supposedly to blame for the fire recalls that he was handsomely paid soon afterwards. Ultimately the culprit proves not to be a person with a grudge but a serial arsonist hoping to get away with as many fires as possible. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min (DVD)

Sandra does not believe recently released paedophile John Davies when he owns to killing 5-year old Yasser Gorton-Blackledge, who disappeared after going on a Free Palestine march with his left wing parents Anne and Fred in 1985. Now divorced, Anne still campaigns for liberal issues but Fred is a hard right reactionary and misogynist. Davies eventually admits to Sandra that he was bullied into confession by Anthony Vernon, a violent disciple of Fred who once hoped to make his name in journalism from Yasser's case. Another ex-activist, kindly nurse Gillian Withall, adopted a little boy at much the same time that Yasser disappeared and, as Gerry and Brian read through the files MI5 compiled on the Gorton-Blackledges it becomes more than likely to them that Yasser is still alive. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min (DVD)

Whilst Strickland's friend Alistair Dudley is entertaining them on his cruiser at a marina, the team see Leanne Sweeting harangue another boat owner Lawrence Fisher. In 2001 a collision between a tug captained by Leanne's father Neville and a cruiser owned by casino boss Grant Milburn collided, killing five people including Milburn. Neville was blamed but Leanne believes Fisher sabotaged Milburn's boat, as they were business rivals. Certainly Fisher profited by the tragedy in business terms. Milburn was going to open another casino and his croupiers were also prostitutes, but the case is altered by the knowledge that Milburn's wife's lover was also on his boat and engaged in a brawl at the crucial moment. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.5
59 min (DVD)

The team meets a girl called Jo, who is heckling Right Wing comedian Ray Harris. Her aunt Sarah Jones and Sarah's partner Daniel disappeared twenty-five years earlier whilst engaged in a campaign against Ray's sexist and racist routines. The pair actually infiltrated an extreme group of Nazi supporters called the Twenty-Fours, which numbered Ray, policeman Frank Paterson and Ricky Hanson who killed Jack's wife. Frank was also undercover,trying, unsuccessfully, to bust Hanson's drug racket but now joins with Sandra to nail Hanson once and for all, with unexpected help from Hanson's son Luke, who has made a shocking discovery about his father. Ricky Hanson is charged with murdering the couple - and, at long last, there is closure for Jack too. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.1
58 min (DVD)

Five years earlier Dean Scott was found dead of shot-gun wounds and suicide was the verdict. Now ex-hooker Alice Hill tells the team she was at Dean's house at the time and believes he was murdered. Mike Barnes, Dean's shifty partner, rooked his widow Pam and turns out to be an ex-bank robber, who used the loot to start the business. The search switches to the other robbers, one of whom has gone straight and the other - who fought with Dean the night before the death because he was seeing Pam - is under witness protection. The missing loot is found but the fact that Pam and Alice already knew each other complicates the murder theory. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
58 min (DVD)

Ex-actress Gloria Gransford draws the team's attention to a clip, posted on the Internet, from a film she made in 1990 called 'Shadow Show', after which the producer Max Stone was stabbed to death and leading lady Eva Roderick disappeared. Director Don Maddox, Gloria's ex-husband, is egotistical and evasive, and the only other surviving crew member from the film - who posted the clip - is found dead. His young boyfriend goes on the run and located Eva, who now has a new identity. A siege situation develops, which Brian defuses. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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