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HD Grimm




IMDb: 8.4
60 min

While Hank goes on vacation, Nick and Renard team up to investigate the death of a local geologist who was cooked from the inside out after taking volcanic rock samples from Mount Hood. Meanwhile in Austria, Frau Pech takes Adalind to a Gypsy woman to learn the value of her baby, but the former Hexenbiest desires something other than money. Written by M.D. McKean

Country: USA
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HD Grimm




IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Nick is puzzled by several corpses with unusual semi-internal combustion symptoms. After Nick and Hank are attacked by a fire-breathing dragon, which fits the riddle, Monroe teaches Nick about the suspect feral breed, not actual dragons but close, and brings him in contact with a member, Ariel Eberhart, fire-breather at his favorite nightclub. She seems however more interested in Nick than is safe for his relationship with Juliette, and is the daughter of the murdering 'dragon'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mom




IMDb: 7.6
19 min

On the fourth season finale, Christy tries to help when Bonnie gets into trouble with the IRS. Realizing she's in over her head, she encourages Bonnie so seek help from her newfound brother, Ray (guest star LEONARD ROBERTS).

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.0
51 min

Carrie gets bad news. Saul makes a plan. Quinn accepts his situation.

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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 7.3

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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

A question by Kevin about the origins of a No Boogie-boarding sign outside MacLaren's makes the gang reminisce about Hurricane Irene which hit New York in the summer of 2011 and which was the impetus to the incident that prompted the sign to be erected. Safety conscious Ted wanted to leave the city before the approaching hurricane. While Barney, Lily and Robin thought that Ted was overreacting, Marshall, who was between jobs and had just lost his medical insurance until his new job started in two weeks, was suffering from hypochondria and wanted to leave. But telephone calls from various parents, news of the strength of the hurricane as it got closer and closer to New York, and interpersonal relationships between the five at that time made them continually change their individual minds about whether to go or stay. Meanwhile, Barney is at a point of doing whatever he can to get out of wearing the ducky tie. He thinks he has a way to convince Marshall to let him get out of wearing the... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Ted is telling his kids the crisis he endured at the announcement of his mother's second marriage to free thinking Clint, whose every word about Ted's mother is of a sexual nature. Not being able to contain his horror not only in her marrying a man like Clint but her marrying for a second time before Ted even enters into his first marriage, Ted runs off in the middle of the reception. But when he emerges 72 hours later, Ted is a new, happier man. He has circumvented his own non-marriage status by buying a house. Although he considers it his dream house, the gang see a run down uninhabitable rat trap. The home inspector concurs. Lily thinks she has at least a cathartic solution to Ted's problem. But it's Marshall who knows deep down what Ted will do. Meanwhile, Robin and Barney have differing stories about which of the two of them cried at Clint's sexually charged wedding serenade to and about Ted's mom. And Marshall comes up with a new guessing game he calls was I a kid or was I ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Ted freaks out when Stella invites him to a wedding six months away, which is twice as long as they have been dating. Believing they are moving at two different speeds in their relationship, Ted breaks up with her. But after Ted has a potentially near fatal accident, he comes to the realization that he loves Stella and that he wants her back. A misunderstanding between Ted and Stella about the break-up may jeopardize them getting back together again. The accident also brings into clearer light the status of Ted and Barney's currently estranged friendship. Meanwhile, Marshall and Robin argue about what constitutes a miracle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Although Ted is happy that the firm's client liked his design for the Spokane National Bank making him now the boss, he doesn't like a lot of what having to be the boss entails, like the fact that most of his former colleagues, who are now his employees, dislike him solely because he is the boss. The worst part is that his former boss, the arrogant and mean spirited Hammond Druthers, is now one of those employees, although he still treats Ted poorly. Brady, one of the managing partners of the firm, recommends to Ted that he fire Druthers. Ted has every intention of firing Druthers and having fun doing it, but he begins to have mixed emotions about doing it after spending some time with Druthers and finding out about his life. Meanwhile, Barney, Ted and Robin find a nude painting of Marshall that Lily painted of him while they were in college. Beyond the embarrassment that Marshall feels especially as Barney, Ted and Robin taunt him with public exposure of the painting, the painting ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 9.4
57 min

Ruthless FBI Agent Knox is relentless in his efforts to bring down Nucky. Narcisse pressures Nucky to give up Chalky to save what his left of his crumbling empire as Knox uses William's precariously vulnerable situation in a murder case to gain valuable information about the workings of the organization. Written by duke1029

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.5
57 min

Nucky takes inventory after being warned of a skunk in his cellar. On the lam following a close call, Chalky and Daughter take refuge outside Wilmington with Oscar Boneau, his mentor from years ago. Gillian considers selling her mansion and starting a new life with Roy Phillips. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.9
53 min

Tipped off by Sally Wheet, Nucky enlists Eli and Agent Knox to check out the extra cargo in Florida shipments. Margaret ponders a deal with Rothstein to improve her family's living conditions. Capone grows suspicious of Torrio; Nucky faces a dilemma; Eli makes peace with Willie. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.7
56 min

Nucky refuses to back Chalky in his conflict with Narcisse. Julia considers her options after Gillian makes her custody case in court. In Cicero, Van Alden stands up to Al Capone and comes clean to O'Banion. Rothstein looks to trade an insurance benefit for a cash infusion. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.8
57 min

Nucky's shipment from Florida arrives with some unexpected cargo. Eli is backed into a corner. Agent Knox uncovers new dirt on the Thompsons. After talking things over with Nucky, Willie reconsiders his recent life choices. Chalky throws down the gauntlet to Valentin Narcisse, upholding his leadership on the Northside. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.1
56 min

Eli confronts Nucky after Willie makes an unpopular decision. Margaret has a surprise encounter at her job on Wall Street. Joe Masseria orders Lucky Luciano to return to Tampa and deal with Vincenzo Petrucelli. Gillian goes cold turkey with Roy Phillips' help. Still seething over his brother's death, Al Capone tries to get Johnny Torrio to turn on rival gangster Dean O'Banion. As the relationship between Chalky and Daughter Maitland deepens, Valentin Narcisse exerts his control over Dunn Purnsley and the Northside. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.0
58 min

After a cautious reunion with Margaret in New York City, Nucky heads to Tampa to work out details of his land deal with Bill McCoy and reconnects with Sally Wheet. Richard Harrow returns to Atlantic City and makes a confession to an ailing Paul Sagorsky, who encourages him to get over the past and return to Julia and Tommy. Having lost J. Edgar Hoover's confidence, Agent Knox finds a new way to gain Eli's trust. Meyer Lansky decides to go it alone on the Tampa land deal when Lucky Luciano gets spooked by Vincenzo Petrucelli, an investor with ties to Joe Masseria in New York. Chalky takes out his frustrations on Daughter Maitland. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 9.0
59 min

Nucky heads to Philadelphia to deal with the fallout from Willie's liquor fiasco. Eddie Kessler is detained by Agent Knox, who uses physical and psychological tactics to elicit information about Nucky's organization. A desperate Gillian turns to an unexpected source to score a fix, and is rebuffed in her attempt to reunite with Tommy. In Cicero, Van Alden is recruited by the Capones to pay an election-day visit to factory workers who are opposed to the Capones' candidate of choice. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Nucky gets to know Arnold Rothstein over a card game and sizes up an unexpected partner for his Tampa land deal. A newly-promoted Eddie Kessler gets detoured after making a train-station delivery. When one of their collectors is incapacitated, Al and Frank Capone decide to finish his route, enlisting a reluctant Van Alden to tag along. Agent Knox fills Hoover in on the Thompson operation, vowing to exploit Nucky's weakest link. Chalky is intrigued by Daughter Maitland's presence. Dunn Purnsley goes to Harlem and is courted by Valentin Narcisse. Willie and his college roommate, Clayton, carry a practical joke too far. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.2
56 min

Nucky has reservations about investing in a Tampa land deal engineered by transplanted bootlegger Bill McCoy. While there he meets speakeasy owner Sally Wheet. Valentin Narcisse books a sexy Jazz singer, Daughter Maitland, to perform at the Onyx and gauges Dunn Purnsley's allegiance to Chalky. Willie, Eli's son, turns to Mickey Doyle and his bootleg warehouse to elevate his social standing at college. Gillian agrees to pose as Roy Phillips' wife to impress a possible partner. Harrow tries to bury his past, though not before taking care of some unfinished business with Emma. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.4
58 min

Now working as a delivery man for Dean O'Banion, Van Alden is ordered to keep tabs on Al Capone, joining the ascendant mobster to help keep Cicero voters informed at a political rally. Dr. Valentin Narcisse arrives in Atlantic City, clashing with Chalky and Nucky over the loss of an employee. In Washington, Agent Knox aligns himself with J. Edgar Hoover, acting director of the Bureau of Investigation. Harrow fails to finish a job in Milwaukee, while Eddie demands a promotion after 11 years of service. With a business opportunity on the horizon, Nucky departs for Florida. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.3
59 min

Following his battle with Gyp Rosetti, Nucky makes a peace offering to Joe Masseria while working the odds with Arnold Rothstein. While Chalky is busy running the Onyx Club on the Boardwalk, the impulsive Dunn Purnsley clashes with a booking agent. Fresh-faced Federal Agent Warren Knox arrives in Atlantic City to learn the ropes from Agent Sawicki. Gillian seeks custody of her grandson, Tommy, while trying to find a good man to keep the Artemis Club afloat. Eli's college-age son, Willie, turns to Nucky for career advice. Al Capone enlists his brothers, Frank and Ralph, to help him expand his business in the Chicago suburb of Cicero. Richard Harrow returns to his violent ways. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 9.4
60 min

A gang war erupts in Atlantic City, with Gyp and nine men of his own and 40 of Joe Masseria's against Nucky, Eli, Capone's Chicago crew, and Chalky's men. Gyp's holed up at Gillian's; Nucky at a lumber yard. It's a war of attrition, with Nucky having to keep Capone and Chalky's men from killing each other while he negotiates with Rothstein by phone. Rothstein runs his own game with Luciano, Lansky, and heroin, Margaret calls on an older couple, and Richard is out there somewhere focused on protecting Tommy. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 9.5
50 min

A rough 24 hours for Nucky: Margaret and the children are gone, Eddie needs a hospital, and Eli is in Chicago hoping for reinforcements. Nucky turns to Chalky, who still wants a club on Atlantic City's strip. Gyp turns up the heat, stationing his men everywhere and offering $25,000 to anyone in Chalky's neighborhood who gives up Nucky. Will Chalky protect Nucky? And even so, is that enough firepower to face Gyp with Joe Masseria's men? Gillian snoops in Richard's room, and heroin is burning a hole in Luciano's pocket. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 9.1
58 min

Nucky doubles down on his war with Gyp and Joe, sending emissaries to Chicago to enlist Torrio's help and dispatching Owen to murder Joe at a Turkish bath. The bishop disbands Mason and Margaret's classes; Mason suggests they continue the classes at a store front, Margaret says good-bye. Robert faces down Julia's father and then spends a night with her under the boardwalk. Gyp gets a lesson in rogue waves, and a few cases of whiskey wash up on the Jersey shore. Nucky rejects an idea of Chalky's. Back in Chicago, Nelson's wife distills aquavit and Nelson peddles it to Norwegians. It's only a matter of time before he runs afoul of someone. And what of Margaret's affair with Owen? Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Nucky is reeling from a concussion, recovering in a suite at the Ritz Carlton. Nucky wants to enlist partners in a war against Joe Masseria and Gyp Rosetti, but can Nucky hold it together for a meeting with these potential allies - and how will they react? Margaret manages a birthday party for Emily as her affair with Owen takes a serious turn. Richard asks Gillian for a night off from babysitting to meet Julia at a Veterans' Hall dance. Esther Randolph oversees the arrest of George Remus. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.8
59 min

In the foreground, Nucky makes a play to derail the Attorney General, and Gillian puts a revenge plot in motion. Around the edges, Margaret accompanies Owen to the countryside to look for a pony for Emily and then has a personal conversation with Dr. Mason, Nelson (with his wife's help) finds a new vocation, O'Banion takes his case against Capone to Johnny Torio, and Nucky has to sort things out with the plucky and independent Billie. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.2
59 min

Easter Sunday, 1923. Gyp joins his family for dinner, pays a visit to church, and meets with his boss. Richard, with Jimmy's son in tow, goes to Julia's house where her father is again an angry drunk. At the empty bordello, Gillian entertains her substitute for Jimmy. Nucky, Margaret, and the children accept a dinner invitation from Eli, his wife, and brood of eight. Can this go well? Is a rapprochement a possibility? Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 7.8
56 min

After being detained by Daugherty's men, Nucky approaches his onetime nemesis, Esther Randolph, and later entertains an intriguing proposition from Gaston Means. Margaret and Owen investigate a fire; Richard connects with a damaged vet and his daughter. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.4
59 min

After venting with Nucky about his liquor travails, Rothstein sends Gyp a message. Van Alden and Sigrid receive an unexpected visitor; Gillian worries about keeping her business afloat; Margaret has awkward moments at the hospital and at Madam Jeunet's. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

Owen and Nuck uncover a petty whiskey thief who steals from everyone including Masseria, but are forced to hide out in his cellar to save their lives. Capone, who works for Torrio on Chicago's South Side, intensifies his feud with florist/gangster Dean O'Banion. Because the sideroads are almost impassable because of the severe winter conditions and makes a fateful decision to challenge to try to bring his convoy of liquor to Rothstein by challenging Gyp's Tabor Heights roadblock. Written by duke1029

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.3
56 min

Nucky reluctantly joins Margaret to receive a high honor from the Church. Gyp makes a deal with Nucky. Van Alden regrets trying to socialize with his co-workers; Margaret takes her pitch to a higher authority; Richard sets the record straight. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.2
58 min

Nucky mixes business with pleasure in NYC; Gyp makes a power play in Tabor Heights; Chalky and his daughter fail to agree on her future with Samuel; Eli gets a new boss and faces new realities at home; a major liquor shipment takes an unexpected detour. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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