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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.9
49 min

Although Surrey is imprisoned for an assault on a distantly related nobleman for a perceived insult, Henry believes his fierce temperament would be more useful in the border war against the warring Scots than in prison. Now free, Surrey is victorious and brings back Scottish nobles to Henry as hostages in order to leverage a peace treaty to England's advantage. Henry is ecstatic when he learns of King James' death and the birth of the monarch's daughter, the future Mary, Queen of Scots. Bishop Gardner sees this as a sign from God and Henry presses the captured nobles to support an engagement between the infant Mary and young Prince Edward. He also permits Gardner to use torture to expose heretics in the court. Alarmed by Ambassador Chapuys at King Francis' new alliance with the Turks, Henry signs an alliance with the Spanish Holy Roman Emporer in the upcoming war with France in which England expects to regain its French provinces. Catherine Parr, married to the rich but dying Lord ... Written by

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.3
54 min

After receiving a letter from an anonymous source the King decides to investigate the accusation that two other men knew Catherine 'carnally' while she was under the service of the Dowager Duchess, and he confines his Queen to her apartments with only Lady Rochford. The investigations uncovers many lies and many truths, which results in the execution of one of Catherine Howard's former lovers Francis Dereham, her current lover Thomas Culpepper, Lady Jane Rochford and Herself. Written by kyky

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Henry prepares for a politically important trip to Northern England and mend tie with the defeated rebels. He also wants to use the trip to settle border disputes wit his nephew, King James of Scotland. Henry elevates the Queen's arrogantly obnoxious uncle, the Earl of Surrey, who takes his his new title Knight of the garter, as a birthright, but shows little respect for his new appointment. Queen Catherine continues her dangerously passionate affair with Thomas Culpepper in the King's absence. While staying with Anne of Cleves at her estate on his journey north, Henry takes the opportunity to sleep with his former wife. Written by

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.8
55 min

As the holidays approach, Henry insists that Anne of Cleves, who remained closes with both Mary and Elizabeth, be invited to the court celebration of Christmas and New Year's. The King's festering leg ulcer causes him to cut short his activities and neglect his amorous young queen both socially and connubially. Her uncle, the elitist Earl of Surrey, seeks to supplant the Seymours and tries to cuckold Richard Seymour by seducing his wife. After a preliminary encounter, she rebuffs him only to take brother-in-law Thomas Seymour as her lover. Surrey's sense of his growing power leads him to circulate an unflattering poem about the Seymours referring to them as wolves and the Howard family to lions. Joan Bulmer breaks the vow of silence she made to Catherine about their sexual indiscretions before she was Queen by telling Lady Rochford about their amorous activities. After Culpepper becomes Rochford's lover, she indiscreetly tells him about the Queen's past and even perversely offers to ... Written by

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.9
57 min

Whitehall Palace, London 1540. Thirty years into the reign of King Henry VIII and it's been a long, hot summer: London is experiencing intense heat and there has been no rain for two months. But while his subjects wilt, the King's vigor remains undiminished. The Reformation goes on and Henry has just married the beautiful Catherine Howard, his fifth Queen, who is a mere seventeen years old. Catherine is different from earlier wives in more ways than age: far from being nobility she was 'discovered' by some of the King's friends in a boarding house for wayward young ladies. Joan Bulmer the new Queen's best friend from her youth, is hired as a lady in waiting; aside from her friendship she knows too much scandalous detail about Catherine's sexual past to be outside the court. The Queen's 'low' background combined with her youth and beauty, arouses a lusty familiarity in certain members of Henry's court. Most notably the King's handsome and ambitious new groom Thomas Culpepper, who makes... Written by JPeter1017

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.8
53 min

With a French fleet in the Channel, England needs an alliance with the Protestant League, hence Cromwell's endorsement of a wedding to German Anne of Cleves though the king is disappointed that she is less beautiful than her portrait, which fact reflects badly on Cromwell, who urged Holbein to lie in his painting. Brandon and Edward Seymour are amused at Cromwell's discomfort. Mary, a Catholic, is less than cordial to her new stepmother, though Elizabeth favours her. The king's putrid leg wound means that Anne finds him equally repulsive in bed whilst Bryan's obsessive pursuit of Pole once more ends in predictable and comedic failure. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.7
55 min

A paranoid king has Pole's relations executed for treason as he looks for a new wife. Front runners are Christine,Duchess of Milan, who sensibly rejects Henry, having heard how vile he is, and Anne, Duchess of Cleves, who is Cromwell's favourite as she is a staunch Protestant. Oily Bishop Gardner splits on Protestant 'heretic' John Lambert, who is killed for his beliefs and who is a friend of Cromwell, whom the bishop tries, unsuccessfully, to incriminate.Based on Holborn's portraits of Anne and her sister, the king opts for Anne as his bride. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.6
52 min

Devastated by Jane's death, Henry locks himself away, drawing fantasy palaces, with caustic court jester Will Sommers as his sole companion. Edward is brought up in maximum security at Hampton Court, whilst Henry's daughters move to the country. Pole continues to escape Bryan's assassination attempts and takes sanctuary with Cardinal Von Waldberg but in England courtiers are being murdered and Brandon, still afflicted by the massacre of the Pilgrimage of Grace, blames Cromwell. Emerging from seclusion the king presents his six articles for the basis of a new,revised church. To Cromwell's dismay they resemble a thinly-veiled return to Roman Catholicism. Henry has a last tumble with Lady Ursula, who leaves the court to be wed. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.3
50 min

Aske is hanged in chains. Henry learns that Pole is attacking him in writing from the safety of the French court and sends Bryan to arrest him but he has already fled. A reluctant Brandon is forced by the king to kill many innocents in Yorkshire as an example to scare would-be rebels. He is sickened at what he has been made to do and haunted by his victims. Jane is also sickened when she learns how Cromwell - and her husband - have benefited financially from the closure of the abbeys. Suitors are put forward for Mary, a Portuguese alliance being favoured. Jane gives birth to a son but dies shortly afterwards. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

In 1536, Henry VIII, now age 45 (but still looking 30), marries Jane Seymour. She is known to have Catholic sympathies and, with Imperial ambassador Chapuys, helps reconcile Mary with her father, though Mary must sign a paper to declare that she is illegitimate. Jane's brother Thomas and one-eyed Francis Bryan are given posts at court. Meanwhile, Cromwell and his henchman, Rich, order the destruction of monasteries in Yorkshire, giving their treasures to the king. Protesters led by lawyer Robert Aske embark upon the Pilgrimage of Grace, a peaceful rebellion against Cromwell's actions and other social grievances, gathering strength as they march south. Henry sends Brandon with an army to meet them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.8
50 min

May 1536, Henry hopes Anne Boleyn's beheading and marriage annulment will allow an anti-French alliance with the emperor. Eager for a 'renaissance', Henry can't even await the arrival of the reputed executioner from Calais to 'ask' Jane's father John Seymour for her hand. She asks him to reinstate princess Mary as heir. Charles Brandon enjoys fatherhood and tells Thomas Boleyn he may leave court, stripped of everything. Anne confesses haughtily but dies graciously. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Jane Seymour's brother, Edward, is appointed a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. Anne believes she can still marry off Elizabeth to France and repel the Seymours, but Cromwell is only following Royal orders to get rid of the Boleyns and switch to the imperial side, as her father Thomas senses. They believe to have triumphed when Henry refuses Chapuys's discrete alliance offer, but Cromwell tortures musician Mark Smeaton into a false confession of adultery with Anne. Brereton confesses to ensure the Queen's death, Sir Henry Norris and her own brother George Boleyn are equally found guilty and precede her beheading, only Thomas Wyatt is -wrongly- acquitted. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Cromwell convinces Henry the religious houses' immorality justifies spoliation, which even finances plays to show the people the papist 'debauchery'. Henry wants the French king's junior son to marry Anne's daughter Elisabeth. The French envoy, an admiral entertained by duke Charles Brandon, proposes, rather then legitimize the royal son, the dauphin to wed Katherine's daughter Mary- or the emperor's. Charles tells Chapuys he believes Anne is a witch. After More's ghost haunts Henry, Anne further looses openly unfaithful Henry's favor. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.5
55 min

Efforts to legalize the Henry's marriage and further advance his authority and power come to steadfast obstructions. Sir Thomas More and Bishop Fisher demand that only God can govern the church. Arrested and confined to the Tower of London, both men are confronted with charges of high treason and a possible beheading unless they receive the Oath of Allegiance. In the mean time, Henry's adventurous eye endures to stray. Written by Nicolettea

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
55 min

Having sends Cranmer to be envoy to the Emporer and encourages him to investigate Ltheranism when he passes through Nuremberg. Henry, realizing that he will not get a divorce from the Papacy ,cuts off all ties with Rome and declares himself head of the church in England. Katherine is banished as Anne is made the Marquess of Pembroke. Despite Brandon's opinion that she may not be a virgin, Henry is besotted with her and journeys with her to France to announce that she is to be the next queen of England. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.0
52 min

Henry presses to have his marriage annulled but still meet5s resistance from the church in England. Thomas Boleyn bribes Bishop Fisher's cook to poison the chief opponent of the marriage and other clerics who are dining with him. Thomas More does not take any of the deadly soup, but the toxic brew kills four bishops and incapacitates Fisher. Although he is tortured, the cook goes quietly to his death of being boiled alive rather than risk the consequence Boleyn's threats against his family. When she finds Katherine is still making Henry's shirts, Anne insists on her exile from the court, but Katherine refuses to give up her queen's jewels. Officially the Pope tries not to alienate Henry or the Emperor, but privately sanctions Anne's assassination. Written by

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.3
50 min

Now cardinal Wolsey lives in misery as penniless archbishop of and in York, barred from court, hoping in vain Anne Boleyn who broke his hold on the king will reward his efforts as she once wrote, honors and offices are mainly distributed to the Boleyn clan, with Norfolk in charge -Charles Brandon neglects his joint presidency- of the royal council. While the devout, rather ascetic new chancellor Thomas More is determined to crush heresy, personally attending the stake, Thomas Cromwell convinces Henry that under Luther's vision the king is above all earthly laws, even his annulment should merely be treated as a theological matter, so he is commissioned to put the case before European theology faculties, while ambassador Boleyn must approach pope and emperor. Once he tastes the burden of government, Henry reproaches the council less virtue and worse results then the cardinal, especially now the treasury is empty and troubles spread, but when Cromwell learns trough a physician about ... Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

In what could be their last case as partners, Jake and Charles go to great extremes to apprehend a local bike thief. Terry shockingly isn't in the lead for Mr. Nine-Nine (the detective who has solved the most cases), leaving Rosa determined to boost his ego. Meanwhile, Amy spends some precious time with Holt. Written by sarah_l91

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Jake and Charles convince Terry to take a weekend camping trip as a much needed babymoon, but they soon realize it might not be the idealistic weekend for which they had hoped. Meanwhile back at the precinct, Holt gives Rosa some important relationship advice and Amy enlists Gina's help to prepare her for an important presentation.

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The precinct heads to Tactical Village Day, a mandatory training course in which all regional precincts compete. While there, Amy runs into Teddy (guest star Kyle Bornheimer), a fellow officer she used to date. Meanwhile, Holt becomes addicted to a game on his phone and Rosa is pissed at Charles for not inviting her to his wedding. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Jake's dream comes true when he gets to spend the day with his hero, Jimmy Brogan (guest star Stacy Keach), a former crime reporter. But the dream becomes a nightmare when Jake's comments about Holt and the precinct are considered on the record. Meanwhile, Terry and Charles try to teach Rosa how to be less terrifying on the witness stand. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 7.9
23 min

Detective Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) is a talented, but carefree police detective at Brooklyn's ninety-ninth precinct who, along with his eclectic group of colleagues, are used to having a lax captain around the office. However, when tightly-wound Captain Ray Holt (Andre Braugher) takes over, he is determined to make this dysfunctional group of detectives into the best precinct in Brooklyn. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 8.2
40 min

The team is forced to freeze Cabe's body when he's hurt by exploding shrapnel during a mission in the desert.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

To prevent the murders of three unidentified federal judges, the coded instructions must be intercepted and deciphered at the prison where a major gang's boss is held. The warden reluctantly accepts and tries to 'protect' even less enthusiastic Silvester, whose only communication means gets busted while challenging the biggest goon to get into the infirmary. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The new Homeland Security director Adriana Molina reinstates the team to prevent a nuclear, out of control Russian spy satellite crashing on California. Everyone enjoys returning, but Walter isn't only handicapped by a manual prosthesis but also hides his third-disabling mental condition except for Paige, who dares not respond when he finally admits loving her. The mission keeps going wrong for those and external reasons, yet Walter pulls it off. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.9
41 min

Walter's team sets out to rescue lost hikers in the woods, but their helicopter crashes. Sylvester stays with the badly wounded pilot, but a bush fire chases them. Walter's party meanwhile finds the lost commoners but get closed in by the fire. Cabe meanwhile mobilizes a military helicopter rescue team. A couple about to get engaged only strengthens Walter's feelings for Paige, but he remains in denial. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Walter worries when Ralph's father thanks him for physics advice to improve his catching technique as it enables him to apply for a better club, out of state. Cabe needs the team's help when his ex, lawyer Rebecca, urgently needs protection after having discovered secret payments in a major political campaign lobby firm. They soon work it it concerns the murder by bomb aboard a yacht on a Congressman whose water rights bill could cost the agricultural industry billions, and become targets themselves, yet Walter risk his life to retrieve proof. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Homeland Security director Merrick suspends the team after hey fail an absurd test to work with Marines. Walter and agent Cabe are desperate to earn reactivation by demonstrating its effectiveness in a daunting case. A bomb in a law firm proves a terrorist attack at the Internet itself, Walter's theory, confirmed soon by more bombs. The team must work along or even against a shadow federal bureau, whose chief agent Keeler proves far worse then just defensive of jurisdiction claims. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.5
41 min

Scorpion follows an eccentric genius and his team of geniuses who operate as a think tank called upon by the federal government to fix seemingly unsolvable emergencies. The financially-strapped team is hired by the federal government to fix defective software at the Los Angeles airport (LAX) that has knocked out all communications. Written by Denny Conroy

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Teachers




IMDb: 7.9

Ms. Snap gets in trouble after a tweet; Ms. Feldman tries to urge a shy girl out of her shell.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Stone tells Voight, a witness who was testifying in the trial of a serial rapist, was killed. He wants Intelligence to prove he did it. While he didn't do it personally, he has enough money to pay someone to do it. They first think it's a friend of the witness who's a druggie but he says he didn't do it but someone used him to get to his friend. They later learn that they hired a private investigator who's a cop who was dismissed for excessive force. He says the family hired him to find out who the witness is but he says he turned them down. They later think one of defendant's siblings might be the one who handled it. Stone offers Antonio a job at the S.A.'s office which he considers taking. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Motive




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

The killer: Dr. Monika Harper, a pediatric surgeon, who emigrated to Canada from the Czech Republic in 1995. The victim: Hank Cousineau, a news shop owner who was once in the military, with one of his assignments being on the UN peacekeeping mission in the Balkans. Hank was killed in the back of his store by his throat being slashed, from which he bled to death. By the extremely straight and singular wound and Hank's dead body position, Betty and Homicide determine that his killer looked Hank straight in the eyes while he was sitting in a chair while his throat was slashed. Homicide initially believes that his killers are a group of young men who were demanding protection money from local shopkeepers, Hank who used his own form of justice in the matter. But Homicide's focus changes to that of the Harper family when they find that over the past week Hank's routine had changed drastically, which was overtaken by him stalking the Harper family: Dr. Monika Harper, her husband Professor ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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