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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.2
46 min (DVD)

Moya is under sudden attack - an alien ship has locked weapons, is about to fire and is not listening to any white flag-waving messages. Crichton and the others are jolted from sleep and race from their rooms, while Zhaan flies out to the enemy ship to negotiate. On the very good assumption that she'll fail, D'Argo and the rest work on reactivating the defence shield they purloined from the Peacekeepers. They're right to try, as Zhaan can't stop the aliens from firing - and firing when the shield is only barely working. It is just powerful enough to prevent Moya from being destroyed. But the combination of weapons fire and a fluctuating, weak shield produces the very oddest of effects. For after the opening salvo, all of the crew on Moya find that they have swapped bodies.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.8
46 min (DVD)

Zhaan, still wracked by guilt-ridden nightmares, relates to Crichton what happened to them after they starbursted away from the burning Gammak Base, abandoning Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo to an unknown fate. While desperately searching for news of their friends, Zhaan, Chiana and Rygel found themselves on the planet Litigara - a world where lawyers comprise ninety percent of the population. After being framed for a minor offence, Zhaan was jailed - a major complication given that Pilot was already having difficulty stopping Moya from StarBursting away to look for Talyn. Zhaan was unwittingly drawn further into the ugly domestic politics of Litigara when she was once again framed for a crime. But this time it was murder. With Moya champing at the bit to get away, it fell to Chiana and Rygel to defend Zhaan: a seemingly impossible task given the Byzantine laws of the Litigaran world.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.8
46 min (DVD)

Zhaan, still wracked by guilt-ridden nightmares, relates to Crichton what happened to them after they starbursted away from the burning Gammak Base, abandoning Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo to an unknown fate. While desperately searching for news of their friends, Zhaan, Chiana and Rygel found themselves on the planet Litigara - a world where lawyers comprise ninety percent of the population. After being framed for a minor offence, Zhaan was jailed - a major complication given that Pilot was already having difficulty stopping Moya from StarBursting away to look for Talyn. Zhaan was unwittingly drawn further into the ugly domestic politics of Litigara when she was once again framed for a crime. But this time it was murder. With Moya champing at the bit to get away, it fell to Chiana and Rygel to defend Zhaan: a seemingly impossible task given the Byzantine laws of the Litigaran world.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.8
46 min (DVD)

Zhaan, still wracked by guilt-ridden nightmares, relates to Crichton what happened to them after they starbursted away from the burning Gammak Base, abandoning Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo to an unknown fate. While desperately searching for news of their friends, Zhaan, Chiana and Rygel found themselves on the planet Litigara - a world where lawyers comprise ninety percent of the population. After being framed for a minor offence, Zhaan was jailed - a major complication given that Pilot was already having difficulty stopping Moya from StarBursting away to look for Talyn. Zhaan was unwittingly drawn further into the ugly domestic politics of Litigara when she was once again framed for a crime. But this time it was murder. With Moya champing at the bit to get away, it fell to Chiana and Rygel to defend Zhaan: a seemingly impossible task given the Byzantine laws of the Litigaran world.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.7
46 min (DVD)

The crew, starving and desperate, head for a mining colony within a giant Budong carcass. To get supplies, they must contend with B'Sogg, the camp's overlord, who has his eye on Chiana. Zhaan, worst affected by the lack of food, needs meat to survive a Delvian defense response which makes her sprout buds of toxic pollen. The crew go to work, in their different ways, to get meat for Zhaan. Chiana works on B'Sogg, offering herself in return for his help. Rygel tries his hand at the local gambling tables, but loses badly to the resident hustlers. D'Argo and Altana, an old friend of Chiana's, go crystal mining within the carcass. When Altana is attacked and killed by the Keedva, a vicious creature that roams the mining tunnels, Crichton soon discovers that B'Sogg, the colony's self-styled Keedva slayer, is in fact controlling the creature. B'Sogg unleashes the Keedva on an unarmed Crichton, leaving him to kill or be killed.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.7
46 min (DVD)

The crew, starving and desperate, head for a mining colony within a giant Budong carcass. To get supplies, they must contend with B'Sogg, the camp's overlord, who has his eye on Chiana. Zhaan, worst affected by the lack of food, needs meat to survive a Delvian defense response which makes her sprout buds of toxic pollen. The crew go to work, in their different ways, to get meat for Zhaan. Chiana works on B'Sogg, offering herself in return for his help. Rygel tries his hand at the local gambling tables, but loses badly to the resident hustlers. D'Argo and Altana, an old friend of Chiana's, go crystal mining within the carcass. When Altana is attacked and killed by the Keedva, a vicious creature that roams the mining tunnels, Crichton soon discovers that B'Sogg, the colony's self-styled Keedva slayer, is in fact controlling the creature. B'Sogg unleashes the Keedva on an unarmed Crichton, leaving him to kill or be killed.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.7
46 min (DVD)

The crew, starving and desperate, head for a mining colony within a giant Budong carcass. To get supplies, they must contend with B'Sogg, the camp's overlord, who has his eye on Chiana. Zhaan, worst affected by the lack of food, needs meat to survive a Delvian defense response which makes her sprout buds of toxic pollen. The crew go to work, in their different ways, to get meat for Zhaan. Chiana works on B'Sogg, offering herself in return for his help. Rygel tries his hand at the local gambling tables, but loses badly to the resident hustlers. D'Argo and Altana, an old friend of Chiana's, go crystal mining within the carcass. When Altana is attacked and killed by the Keedva, a vicious creature that roams the mining tunnels, Crichton soon discovers that B'Sogg, the colony's self-styled Keedva slayer, is in fact controlling the creature. B'Sogg unleashes the Keedva on an unarmed Crichton, leaving him to kill or be killed.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 7.5
46 min (DVD)

Chiana returns to Moya with a fortune-telling portrait she picked up from a passing trader. The crew watch in horror as the portrait correctly predicts that Chiana will break her leg - and even worse, be burnt to death. As the crew, one by one, meet their death as foretold in the portrait, Zhaan realizes her old foe Maldis, an evil sorcerer, is behind the terrifying goings-on. He is trying to re-corporealise and is feeding on the fears of Crichton, D'Argo, Chiana and especially Zhaan. Zhaan warns Crichton that he may be called upon to trust her implicitly at a crucial moment. Zhaan then kills them both and they pass into Maldis's realm. As his strength grows, Maldis is able to create an exitway from the painting into Moya. But as he does, Zhaan makes her move and, with Pilot and Aeryn's help, weakens his grip enough to allow the crew to escape from the painting and destroy Maldis.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 7.5
46 min (DVD)

Chiana returns to Moya with a fortune-telling portrait she picked up from a passing trader. The crew watch in horror as the portrait correctly predicts that Chiana will break her leg - and even worse, be burnt to death. As the crew, one by one, meet their death as foretold in the portrait, Zhaan realizes her old foe Maldis, an evil sorcerer, is behind the terrifying goings-on. He is trying to re-corporealise and is feeding on the fears of Crichton, D'Argo, Chiana and especially Zhaan. Zhaan warns Crichton that he may be called upon to trust her implicitly at a crucial moment. Zhaan then kills them both and they pass into Maldis's realm. As his strength grows, Maldis is able to create an exitway from the painting into Moya. But as he does, Zhaan makes her move and, with Pilot and Aeryn's help, weakens his grip enough to allow the crew to escape from the painting and destroy Maldis.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 7.5
46 min (DVD)

Chiana returns to Moya with a fortune-telling portrait she picked up from a passing trader. The crew watch in horror as the portrait correctly predicts that Chiana will break her leg - and even worse, be burnt to death. As the crew, one by one, meet their death as foretold in the portrait, Zhaan realizes her old foe Maldis, an evil sorcerer, is behind the terrifying goings-on. He is trying to re-corporealise and is feeding on the fears of Crichton, D'Argo, Chiana and especially Zhaan. Zhaan warns Crichton that he may be called upon to trust her implicitly at a crucial moment. Zhaan then kills them both and they pass into Maldis's realm. As his strength grows, Maldis is able to create an exitway from the painting into Moya. But as he does, Zhaan makes her move and, with Pilot and Aeryn's help, weakens his grip enough to allow the crew to escape from the painting and destroy Maldis.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.6
46 min (DVD)

A datacam tape is uncovered showing Aeryn as part of a Peacekeeper firing squad that executed a previous Pilot aboard Moya. The rest of the crew want some answers but Aeryn is not happy to re-visit her past - especially her relationship with Velorek, the man charged with forcibly bonding a new Pilot to Moya. Pilot too has memories that he would prefer not to uncover, and refuses to communicate with the crew. Crichton and Aeryn finally break through to talk to Pilot, and he is able to admit his own complicity in the demise of his predecessor, and his overwhelming desire to bond properly with his beloved Moya.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.6
46 min (DVD)

A datacam tape is uncovered showing Aeryn as part of a Peacekeeper firing squad that executed a previous Pilot aboard Moya. The rest of the crew want some answers but Aeryn is not happy to re-visit her past - especially her relationship with Velorek, the man charged with forcibly bonding a new Pilot to Moya. Pilot too has memories that he would prefer not to uncover, and refuses to communicate with the crew. Crichton and Aeryn finally break through to talk to Pilot, and he is able to admit his own complicity in the demise of his predecessor, and his overwhelming desire to bond properly with his beloved Moya.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.6
46 min (DVD)

A datacam tape is uncovered showing Aeryn as part of a Peacekeeper firing squad that executed a previous Pilot aboard Moya. The rest of the crew want some answers but Aeryn is not happy to re-visit her past - especially her relationship with Velorek, the man charged with forcibly bonding a new Pilot to Moya. Pilot too has memories that he would prefer not to uncover, and refuses to communicate with the crew. Crichton and Aeryn finally break through to talk to Pilot, and he is able to admit his own complicity in the demise of his predecessor, and his overwhelming desire to bond properly with his beloved Moya.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.2
46 min (DVD)

The crew returns from a Commerce Planet with a load of crackers and a meek alien called T'raltixx, who promises he can alter Moya's electromagnetics to make her untraceable. Crichton is skeptical; it seems too good to be true. But he is soon proved wrong when T'raltixx demonstrates his machine on Crichton's module, making it disappear before their eyes. As they travel to his transformation yards to get a device fitted to Moya, they must travel through the Five Pulsars that T'raltixx warns may have an adverse effect on them. As they pass through the pulsars an intense paranoia affects the crew. They start convincing themselves and each other that their fellow shipmates are conspiring against them. It starts off with petty squabbles over the crackers but soon escalates with D'Argo brutally force-feeding Rygel and Crichton opening fire first on D'Argo and then on Aeryn. While the crew are preoccupied, T'raltixx starts to take over Moya, rewiring and rerouting power to create an intense ...

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.2
46 min (DVD)

The crew returns from a Commerce Planet with a load of crackers and a meek alien called T'raltixx, who promises he can alter Moya's electromagnetics to make her untraceable. Crichton is skeptical; it seems too good to be true. But he is soon proved wrong when T'raltixx demonstrates his machine on Crichton's module, making it disappear before their eyes. As they travel to his transformation yards to get a device fitted to Moya, they must travel through the Five Pulsars that T'raltixx warns may have an adverse effect on them. As they pass through the pulsars an intense paranoia affects the crew. They start convincing themselves and each other that their fellow shipmates are conspiring against them. It starts off with petty squabbles over the crackers but soon escalates with D'Argo brutally force-feeding Rygel and Crichton opening fire first on D'Argo and then on Aeryn. While the crew are preoccupied, T'raltixx starts to take over Moya, rewiring and rerouting power to create an intense ...

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 8.2
46 min (DVD)

The crew returns from a Commerce Planet with a load of crackers and a meek alien called T'raltixx, who promises he can alter Moya's electromagnetics to make her untraceable. Crichton is skeptical; it seems too good to be true. But he is soon proved wrong when T'raltixx demonstrates his machine on Crichton's module, making it disappear before their eyes. As they travel to his transformation yards to get a device fitted to Moya, they must travel through the Five Pulsars that T'raltixx warns may have an adverse effect on them. As they pass through the pulsars an intense paranoia affects the crew. They start convincing themselves and each other that their fellow shipmates are conspiring against them. It starts off with petty squabbles over the crackers but soon escalates with D'Argo brutally force-feeding Rygel and Crichton opening fire first on D'Argo and then on Aeryn. While the crew are preoccupied, T'raltixx starts to take over Moya, rewiring and rerouting power to create an intense ...

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 5.9
46 min (DVD)

Upon learning of her brother's death, Chiana leaves Moya in Aeryn's Prowler. Crichton and Aeryn find her on royal burial grounds living with a group of people with some strange customs, including throwing themselves off a cliff. Meanwhile Rigel loots what he can of the burial grounds, but finds the treasure is cursed. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 5.9
46 min (DVD)

Upon learning of her brother's death, Chiana leaves Moya in Aeryn's Prowler. Crichton and Aeryn find her on royal burial grounds living with a group of people with some strange customs, including throwing themselves off a cliff. Meanwhile Rigel loots what he can of the burial grounds, but finds the treasure is cursed. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 5.9
46 min (DVD)

Upon learning of her brother's death, Chiana leaves Moya in Aeryn's Prowler. Crichton and Aeryn find her on royal burial grounds living with a group of people with some strange customs, including throwing themselves off a cliff. Meanwhile Rigel loots what he can of the burial grounds, but finds the treasure is cursed. Written by trekkie4christ

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.6
46 min (DVD)

Having heard stories about another Luxan, D'Argo drags the others on a search that ends when he comes across an old, dying Luxan. However, she also happens to be an Orican - a Luxan holy woman, and she wants D'Argo to help her die. D'Argo has no choice but to take part in a death ritual, but as he helps her cross to the next realm, Nilaam sees a chance to alter her fate. Changing the ritual, Nilaam, instead of dying, emerges as a beautiful young Luxan. As far as she is concerned she has used what she thought was D'Argo's spiritual energy to regenerate and give herself a second life. However, it soon becomes clear that the energy she has used was not from D'Argo, but from Moya, and the consequences for the living ship are catastrophic.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.6
46 min (DVD)

Having heard stories about another Luxan, D'Argo drags the others on a search that ends when he comes across an old, dying Luxan. However, she also happens to be an Orican - a Luxan holy woman, and she wants D'Argo to help her die. D'Argo has no choice but to take part in a death ritual, but as he helps her cross to the next realm, Nilaam sees a chance to alter her fate. Changing the ritual, Nilaam, instead of dying, emerges as a beautiful young Luxan. As far as she is concerned she has used what she thought was D'Argo's spiritual energy to regenerate and give herself a second life. However, it soon becomes clear that the energy she has used was not from D'Argo, but from Moya, and the consequences for the living ship are catastrophic.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 6.6
46 min (DVD)

Having heard stories about another Luxan, D'Argo drags the others on a search that ends when he comes across an old, dying Luxan. However, she also happens to be an Orican - a Luxan holy woman, and she wants D'Argo to help her die. D'Argo has no choice but to take part in a death ritual, but as he helps her cross to the next realm, Nilaam sees a chance to alter her fate. Changing the ritual, Nilaam, instead of dying, emerges as a beautiful young Luxan. As far as she is concerned she has used what she thought was D'Argo's spiritual energy to regenerate and give herself a second life. However, it soon becomes clear that the energy she has used was not from D'Argo, but from Moya, and the consequences for the living ship are catastrophic.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 7.6
46 min (DVD)

Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo have narrowly escaped death, but now find themselves stranded in an asteroid field. Ironically the person who saved their lives is Crais, who is nearby in Talyn learning from Aeryn how to control the young Leviathan - the only thing Aeryn could offer in return for their lives. When Moya returns to the asteroid field to look for her offspring, and Crichton decides to remove Crais from control of Talyn, the events set in train finally give Scorpius the chance he's been waiting for to recapture Crichton.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 7.6
46 min (DVD)

Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo have narrowly escaped death, but now find themselves stranded in an asteroid field. Ironically the person who saved their lives is Crais, who is nearby in Talyn learning from Aeryn how to control the young Leviathan - the only thing Aeryn could offer in return for their lives. When Moya returns to the asteroid field to look for her offspring, and Crichton decides to remove Crais from control of Talyn, the events set in train finally give Scorpius the chance he's been waiting for to recapture Crichton.

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HD Farscape




IMDb: 7.6
46 min (DVD)

Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo have narrowly escaped death, but now find themselves stranded in an asteroid field. Ironically the person who saved their lives is Crais, who is nearby in Talyn learning from Aeryn how to control the young Leviathan - the only thing Aeryn could offer in return for their lives. When Moya returns to the asteroid field to look for her offspring, and Crichton decides to remove Crais from control of Talyn, the events set in train finally give Scorpius the chance he's been waiting for to recapture Crichton.

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HD No Activity

No Activity


No Activity

IMDb: 8.8

A video of a rugby star has gone viral after he did something very inadvisable to some fish at a post-match celebration party. At the house where they're guarding kidnapped Elizabeth and Bernie, Neddy explains rugby bonding rituals to Steve. Downstairs, Elizabeth and Bernie worry about how their kidnappers are going to treat them. And in the car outside their house, it's Stokes' birthday. Written by AnonymousB

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD No Activity

No Activity


No Activity

IMDb: 8.8

A video of a rugby star has gone viral after he did something very inadvisable to some fish at a post-match celebration party. At the house where they're guarding kidnapped Elizabeth and Bernie, Neddy explains rugby bonding rituals to Steve. Downstairs, Elizabeth and Bernie worry about how their kidnappers are going to treat them. And in the car outside their house, it's Stokes' birthday. Written by AnonymousB

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD No Activity

No Activity


No Activity

IMDb: 8.8

A video of a rugby star has gone viral after he did something very inadvisable to some fish at a post-match celebration party. At the house where they're guarding kidnapped Elizabeth and Bernie, Neddy explains rugby bonding rituals to Steve. Downstairs, Elizabeth and Bernie worry about how their kidnappers are going to treat them. And in the car outside their house, it's Stokes' birthday. Written by AnonymousB

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.3

During Argentina's junta rule in 1951, two Neonazis hide the prototype of a devise meant to revive the Third Reich in a booby-trapped cave of Patagonia's extinct Diaquita tribe's lost city Camarena. They accidentally trigger it and die in the explosion. Decades later, an archaeological team digging there hires Nikki as explosives expert, with VIP to protect the treasures. Ukrainian general Koyla Trofimov is on the trail of the 'hyper-dimensional' device. Tasha and Quick stay home to install Kay's stater of the art security system for composer 'Weird Al' Yankovic, but Val accidentally took the control device with her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.3

During Argentina's junta rule in 1951, two Neonazis hide the prototype of a devise meant to revive the Third Reich in a booby-trapped cave of Patagonia's extinct Diaquita tribe's lost city Camarena. They accidentally trigger it and die in the explosion. Decades later, an archaeological team digging there hires Nikki as explosives expert, with VIP to protect the treasures. Ukrainian general Koyla Trofimov is on the trail of the 'hyper-dimensional' device. Tasha and Quick stay home to install Kay's stater of the art security system for composer 'Weird Al' Yankovic, but Val accidentally took the control device with her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.3

During Argentina's junta rule in 1951, two Neonazis hide the prototype of a devise meant to revive the Third Reich in a booby-trapped cave of Patagonia's extinct Diaquita tribe's lost city Camarena. They accidentally trigger it and die in the explosion. Decades later, an archaeological team digging there hires Nikki as explosives expert, with VIP to protect the treasures. Ukrainian general Koyla Trofimov is on the trail of the 'hyper-dimensional' device. Tasha and Quick stay home to install Kay's stater of the art security system for composer 'Weird Al' Yankovic, but Val accidentally took the control device with her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.2

At the Boydguard Expo celebrity kidnapping/countering competition, VIP is to take on New York's market leader, Ty Bolander's Hamptons Security. But federal judge Kreiger has hired a goon to find and eliminate an undercover cop, which he extracts from Val's favorite barman, Relic. Both target lists get exchanged during a brawl in Foam, leading to mislead kidnapping. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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