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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Jeremy is furious when Klaus tries to control him by putting Matt's life in danger. Damon coaches Jeremy as he prepares to take on Klaus' new vampires, but they find that Kol has beaten them to it. Kol makes it clear that he will stop at nothing to convince everyone to give up the search for the cure. Looking for a new ally, Rebekah reminds Stefan that they were once close friends. When Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Hopkins question Shane about his involvement in the Founders' Council deaths, Bonnie steps in with questions of her own, and Shane's responses push Bonnie to the edge of her powers. Elena negotiates with Klaus to keep Jeremy safe, but when danger suddenly appears from a totally unexpected enemy, Elena comes up with her own daring plan for Jeremy. Written by PoisonIvy

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Rebekah (CLAIRE HOLT) is back with a vengeance. Bonnie is uncomfortable when her father, Rudy Hopkins (RICK WORTHY - Supernatural), accepts the role of Interim Mayor.

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Pastor Young's posse is killed in an explosion, so sheriff and mayoress are reinstated. Tyler is back in his body and happy with Caroline, who can't help worrying constantly, while he chooses to seize the day. The Salvatore brothers disagree violently how best to help Elena, who has been turned into a vampire: either seeking Stefan's probably naive control attempts or Damon's 'short pain', while she still contemplates death as only way out. Matt provides an urgent compromise during pastor Young's memorial service, which is widely attended, also by his niece April and outsider Connor Jordan, whom Damon correctly mistrusted as he's a seasoned, well-armed slayer. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Alaric having informed the founders council, mayoress and sheriff are deposed and zealot pastor Young takes charges of a ruthless hunt for vampires and werewolves. Klaus makes love to Caroline as Tyler, who soon realizes their body switch but is sworn to secrecy. Becasue Elena made Stefano rescue mat from drowning first, she could only be kept alive by vampire blood, yet she refuses to turn completely. Damon grimly accepts having to leave her to his brother again. Klaus orders Bonnie to break the spell and scorns even fickler Rebekah. The pastor's posse lays siege to the house and captures the gathered vampires ad friends. Only Damon was outside and must rescue them from verbena or worse. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Alaric has informed the ancestral council, which agreed to depose monsters-compromised sheriff and mayoress and resume the ruthless hunt for vampires. The Salvatore brother make a pact to accept whoever Elena chooses, but she explains to Matt she must, yet can't decide. Original Elijah is back and convinces Stefan and Elena, to Damon's horror, to let his family help them deal with Alaric and Klaus. Tyler convinces Caroline she must leave him and flee as his bloodline is doomed by Klaus's fate, but when Alaric finally gets to his storage-hidden coffin and strikes with the last ultimate stake, the results are utterly different, due to a switch no vampire notices yet. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Alaric isn't dying but transformed into a slayer like Michael, destined to eradicate vampires. The Salvatore brothers agree to dismiss their rivalry for Elena and seek all possible allies, even Klaus, who wants to run but take Elena to create his hybrid army. Alaric orders Elena to kill Caroline, whom he captured, to become a proper vampire hunter. When he refrains from hurting Elena, she realizes the slayer spell bound his life to hers. Klaus switches sides and Bonnie is asked to recreate the lockup spell which immobilized Michael. Jeremy agrees to that end to let her stop his heart, a cosmic balance requirement. Klaus discovers that Tyler broke his sire spell as he attempts to free Caroline. But the actual spell works quite differently for the vampire fiends. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

Alaric is in jail accused by Dr. Fells of murder of the founders. Sheriff Forbes advises Damon to not interfere in her investigation. Damon recalls with Stefan the year of 1912, when a serial-killer killed founders in Mystic Falls. Meanwhile Elena and Matt break in the house of Dr. Fells to search for evidence to prove the innocence of Alaric. Damon and Rebekah forces Stefan to drink human blood and Matt and Elena witnesses Stefan biting the neck of a girl. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Now Klaus has Elijah back, they host a dinner party to negotiate a future with the Salvatore brothers, who actually procrastinate. Meanwhile combined witchcraft finally opens the mystery coffin, from which a scary surprise guest is released, but both families will be shocked. Alaric has been wounded dangerously by lover Dr. Fell, who happens to be supernatural, which makes saving him problematic, but Elena steps up. Caroline's father Bill Forbes refuses to survive his vampire bite by allowing Caroline to turn him into one like her. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Bonnie tries to open the coffin and overhears something, but Damon and Stephan arrive in the house and Damon kills the hybrid. Elena and Bonnie are preparing a birthday party for Caroline at school and Jeremy says goodbye for them. Tyler meets Caroline to tell that he would never hurt her since he loves her, but Klaus controls him. Stephan threatens Klaus and asks him to send his hybrids out of Mystic Falls and beheads one hybrid in front of Klaus to prove that he is not kidding. Klaus summons Tyler and compels him to bite Caroline, but Tyler reacts telling that he will not hurt Caroline. When Caroline arrives home, Elena, Bonnie and Matt are waiting for her; however they go to a tomb to celebrate her funeral instead. Out of the blue, Tyler appears and bites Caroline on the neck. Damon and Alaric go to a counsel meeting to raise fund to rebuild a bridge and Damon meets Klaus that tells that Stephan must stop beheading his hybrids. Meanwhile Alaric flirts with Dr. Meredith Fell and ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.7
41 min

In Chicago, Katherine meets Stefan in front of a store and she tells that Elena has the necklace that belongs to Rebekah. She also feels that Stefan is plotting a scheme against Klaus, but he does not share his plan with her. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Anna shows up to Jeremy and talks to him that she is alone in the afterlife. Gloria seeks out the necklace using a spell while Bonnie and Caroline visit Elena; out of the blue, her necklace burns her chest. Damon is upset with people trying to change him to be Mr. Nice Guy. Sheriff Forbes asks him to compel Bill to forget everything but Bill resists. When Damon decides to kill Bill, Caroline protects her father. Meanwhile Gloria tortures Stefan to discover who is wearing the necklace but Katherine unexpectedly kills the witch. Stephan discovers that Klaus fears a vampire hunter, Mikael, and tries to get more information from Rebekah. She suspects of his attitude and tells to Klaus that decides to return to Mystic Falls. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Klaus takes Stefan to Chicago, where he wants to resuscitate his sister Rebekah, who might hold the key to breaking the curse. Gradually, Stefan is reminded of his Prohibition period affair with her her while still bloodthirsty himself, and its tragic end. Tyler is rightly worried, turning for an ally to her mother sheriff Forbes, about the whereabouts of Caroline, whose bully father Bill actually holds her in a dungeon for 'vampire aversion therapy' of the most flagrant kind. Katherine puts Damon on feared Klaus's trail, so he can mount a rescue with Elena after putting her in her place. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Damon asks Elena to forgive him for forcing her to drink his blood but she does not accept his apologies. Soon Damon is raving and he has daydreams with his life with Katherine in the past and Elena in the present. Stefan tells Elena Damon's condition and she decides to seek him out. Stefan meets Bonnie and discovers that Klaus might save his brother and he looks for Klaus. Meanwhile Jeremy finds Damon and brings him to the Grill; however Sheriff Forbes shoots Damon but hits Jeremy instead and he dies. Alaric brings Jeremy's body and Bonnie tries to resurrect him using her witch powers, but there is a side effect. Stefan meets Katherine in the apartment and out of the blue, Klaus arrive with Elijah. Stefan learns that Klaus's blood can save his brother and he accepts the horrible condition imposed by Klaus to save his brother. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Klaus completes his preparations to break the moon curse but luring Tyler home to visit his mother after a non-accidental fall. The Salvatore brothers bicker worse then ever over how to protect Elena, who wants to take risks by doing things Elijah's way, which will kill her but relies on an ancient resuscitation elixir. Stefano takes her away on a 'last day' excursion. Matt finds helping the sheriff with Caroline about unbearable. Alaric's secret is finally discovered by Jenna, who takes it well but runs into tragic trouble. Klaus refuses to wait until the next full moon and unveils he even has a full backup plan. Tyler can't control his metamorphosis until he's safely locked into the tomb. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Original vampire Klaus forces captured Katherine to torture herself. Meanwhile Klaus takes henchman witch Maddox's advice to possess Alaric's body and use his history teacher job as cover to work on the school-kids and attend the high-school 1960s theme dance, where he hopes to tempt Bonnie to overexert her hundredfold witch powers against an unbreakable charm until she dies. Jeremy mistrusts Bonnie's assurance she can cope and consults Damon, who doesn't even confide in Stefan, to brilliantly mount an elaborate trap. Matt teams up with the sheriff for Caroline's sake. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Jeremy is delighted to have Bonnie restored to her powers, yet worried when accompanying her and Damon to the house where a 100 witches were burned to gather enough power to undo the moonstone's curse. Elena's mother Isobel Flemming's return startles her and even Katherine, as turns out doing Klaus's bidding for a gruesome 'prize'. John Gilbert confesses more wrong choices, also at Jenna's expense, yet unlike furious Alaric, Elena ends up choosing to keep her father in her life. The Salvatore brothers piece together from the Gilbert diaries what they believe equals a secret weapon. Matt can't handle the vampire truth and gets Caroline to wipe his memory. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

While Stefan seeks out Isobel, Damon asks Elena to take care of a dying Rose as he meets Jules. Damon asks Jules about the cure for a werewolf bite and she tells him that there is no cure. Caroline is involved in a love triangle with Matt and Tyler. When Rose's pain comes to an end, Damon hides his true feelings about her and has a mortal existential crisis. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Jeremy visits Damon and reveals that he knows where the moonstone is and that Tyler is not a werewolf; Damon asks him to get the stone. Meanwhile, Caroline has a long conversation with her mother Liz, but she ends up having to compel her. Bonnie stumbles into Mason where she has a vision of Elena kissing him, but Stefan realizes that the woman is Katherine instead. Stefan and Damon ask Bonnie to help them kidnap Mason using her powers. Damon knocks Mason out and the Salvatore brothers kidnap him. Damon tortures Mason to find out the intentions of Katherine. Bonnie reveals to Stefan that the moonstone is hiddeb inside a well on the old Lockwood property. When Stefan jumps into the well, he finds it is full of vervain water. Damon rips out Mason's heart then calls Katherine to tell her he has just killed Mason. Katherine plots her revenge which will begin with Jenna. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Mason earns the moonstone by telling Tyler how his Lockwood werewolf curse was triggered in his student days by an accidental fatal brawl while on a spring-break Miami excursion, all orchestrated by Katherine, but leaves out that he's in cahoots with her. Jeremy becomes a friend to a lonely Tyler. The Salvatore brothers get trapped in The forest by Sheriff Forbes after Mason convinces her that Damon is a vampire. Caroline exposes herself to save them. Written by KGF Vissers

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

John and Jeremy are almost dead when Elena arrives at home. Anna's blood saves Jeremy and a 911 call brings John to the hospital. Stefan uses his blood to save John and tells him to leave Mystic Falls. Damon uses his blood to heal Caroline and he discovers that Katherine has returned to the town. Tyler is comforted by his mysterious uncle Mason, who is the black sheep of his family. Damon is rejected by Katherine and Elena and takes his anger out on Jeremy. Katherine begins her game with Caroline, leaving a dark message to the Salvatore brothers. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

On the Founder's Day, Mystic Falls celebrates one hundred and fifty years with a parade and fireworks. Stefan is upset with the revelation of Damon's feelings toward Elena. Jeremy is estranged with Elena and Anna offers her blood to him to turn him into a vampire. The vampires from the tomb decide to kill the dwellers during the fireworks, but John Gilbert plots a scheme to destroy not only them, but also Stefan and Damon with Jonathan Gilbert's invention. Stefan is saved by Elena and Alaric, but Damon is captured by John and left in a basement on fire with the other vampires. John also kills Anna with a stake and Stefan is powerless to rescue his brother. Will it be the end of Damon? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

At the Founder's Day Gala, Elena and Caroline compete with each other for the title of Miss Mystic Falls against other girls from town, including Tina Fell and Amber Bradley. Meanwhile, Bonnie returns to town and Elena is happy to have her back, but Bonnie refuses to talk to her for has other issues as well. Elsewhere, John Gilbert attempts to intimidate Damon into helping him look for a mystical device, but his plan doesn't have the desired effect. Damon discovers that Stefan is hiding a dangerous secret that could impact everyone in town when Stefan is now stealing human blood and may revert back to his murderous self. Also, Jeremy continues to dabble in his relationship with Anna. Written by matt-282

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

While Stefan struggles to control his new situation of blood lust after feeding off Elena's blood to heal, she and Jeremy are surprised by a visit from their uncle, John Gilbert, who arrives in Mystic Falls with an agenda. Meanwhile, Alaric has an awkward talk with Elena about his wife Isobel. At a Founder's Day event, Stefan displays a rare party attitude and Damon's attempt to find out why Uncle John has returned to town takes an ugly turn. An incident at the party causes trouble between Matt and Tyler, and the relationship between Matt and his immature and irresponsible mother, Kelly, reaches a new low. Elsewhere, Elena's effort to comfort Jeremy in the wake of Vicki's murder falls short and he decides to take matters into his own hands to track down the vampire who killed her. Written by matt-282

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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

When Stefan and Damon make a dangerous new enemy, Stefan suddenly finds himself in a perilous situation when a handful of the vampires from the tomb abduct him and hold him hostage in their farmhouse to torture him. Damon and Elena try to convince Alaric to work with them to help rescue Stefan. Meanwhile, Matt is hopeful that his mother, Kelly, may be back to stay. Jeremy tries to convince Anna to turn him into a vampire. Anna refuses, but she soon learns that Jeremy's reason is not what she thought. After her car breaks down in a storm, Caroline makes a horrific discovery that shocks everyone in town. Written by matt-282

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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Matt and Caroline are surprised by the sudden reappearance of Matt's estranged mother Kelly who arrives back in Mystic Falls with an agenda. Stefan and Elena are worried about Damon's new attitude, while one vampire from the crypt is loose and killing. Meanwhile, Damon is asked by Sheriff Forbes to take part in a fund-raising bachelor auction. Elsewhere, Alaric discovers shocking secrets from his own past over his late wife. With help from Jenna and Stefan, Elena is determined to find out everything she can about her birth mother, but the truth may be more than she can handle when she learns about Isobel's past, her gruesome demise... and her connection to Alaric. Written by matt-282

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.6
40 min

After reading a journal kept by a Gilbert ancestor, Jeremy begins to sketch again, a hobby he quit when his parents died. Meanwhile, Sheriff Forbes notifies Damon of another vampire attack and Damon offers to try to track down the killer. Alaric helps Jeremy, Tyler, and Mayor Lockwood in different ways with Jeremy's grades, Tyler's football practice, and the mayor with information about the vampire attacks and of his obsession with tracking the one who killed his fiancée down. Also, Elena makes a shocking discovery about Stefan and of his intentions. Written by matt-282

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.6
42 min | 55 min | 49 min

On his birthday, Stefan is surprised by a visit from Lexi, one of his oldest vampire friends. Still upset by the way events ended at the Halloween haunted house, Elena does her best to stay away from Stefan, but Lexi gives her some unsolicited relationship advice. Meanwhile, both Elena and Jenna are surprised by a change in Jeremy's behavior in the wake of Vicki's disapearance. But only Elena knows that Damon's mind-wipe powers did something to her brother. At Damon's insistence, Caroline tries to get his medallion back from Bonnie who continues to study her wiccan heritages with her grandmother's help. Elsewhere, Damon's offer to help Sheriff Forbes has sudden and tragic results since she does not know that he is the vampire that she and her circle of hunters are looking for. Written by corie

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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.7
50 min | 49 min

Elena demands that Stefan explain the frightening events that have been happening in Mystic Falls. In a string of flashbacks, Stefan explains how his rivalry with Damon began back in the Civil War when they met the love of their lives Katherine, the vampire who was the one that sired both of them. In the present, Damon impulsively takes control of Vicki's future, and a confused and frightened Vicki runs away. Also, Sheriff Forbes, Mayor Lockwood, Logan and the others take drastic steps to protect their town. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.5
42 min | 50 min | 50 min

With Damon still locked up and growing physically weaker, Jeremy and Vicki have gotten back together. Meanwhile, the school decides to hold a car wash to raise funds after the death of Mr. Tanner. At the car wash, Bonnie starts a fire using her special powers. She is horrified and confused so she goes to her grandmother for help. Elena and Stefan continue to have trust issues as he is still unwilling to tell Elena his secret. But later, Elena hears a shocking story about Stefan and Damon from a stranger who recognizes Stefan... from a vampire attack that happened almost 50 years ago. In a old news video, Elena can clearly see Stefan, who looks exactly like he does now. Meanwhile, Damon uses his powers to try to summon Caroline to let him out, and he kills Zach when he tries to stop her. Elsewhere, Logan and Aunt Jenna go out on a date, while it is revealed that Logan is part of a secret society involving the mayor, Sheriff Forbes, and most of the town officials whom are aware of the ... Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries


The Vampire Diaries

IMDb: 8.2
55 min | 49 min

Elena asks a reluctant Stefan to go with her to the annual Founder's Day dance. Vicki gets Tyler to ask her, but later accuses him of hiding their drug-induced relationship from his Mother. Meanwhile, Zach reveals a family secret to Stefan. Damon finally tells Elena the secret history about the Salvatore family and how she is the dead-splitting image of Stefan's lost love. Stefan tries to get Damon out of his life for good without giving away Damon's (or his) secret. Also, Elena thinks that Caroline is being abused by Damon when she sees the bite marks on her neck and tries to get her some help. Written by matt-282

Country: USA
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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 7.2
23 min

Peter, Joe, Cleveland and Quagmire travel to Korea in hopes of finding the last episode of an old forgotten Korean television soap opera that Quagmire started in 20 years ago, but as their journy begins Quagmire reunites with an old flame who introduces the gang to the culture of Korean Pop. Written by derekbagga

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Lois becomes the high school sex ed teacher, but is fired for having radical views. So she is replaced by a Christian group that uses fear, misinformation and lies to promote abstinence.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

When Joe buys a new home theater system, Peter decides to build his own, until he disturbs an ancient burial ground in the backyard, which soon haunts the house.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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