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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.8
22 min | 30 min

As usual, Baber and Fatima are arguing about everything. Layla and Jamal, witnessing the bad behavior of the respective parent, gets Reverend Magee's take on the situation: each is lonely and needs a companion. Layla and Jamal simultaneously agree the only place for people to meet nowadays is through cyberspace. Layla registers Baber on a Muslim dating site. Although initially suspect, Baber is intrigued that there seems to be a perfect match. Not wanting to get to know his match on cyberspace, he instead wants to meet her in person. Layla helps him through the process of setting up a real date. But Layla learns later through Jamal that Baber's date and dream woman is Fatima herself. Layla thinks it's not a good idea for Baber to keep his date, until Baber himself admits what he sees as his failures as a man and husband material. To help his self esteem, she encourages him to keep his date. Meanwhile, Sarah schedules a photo op for the Mayor, thinking it good publicity, but not ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Before returning to Mercy, Amaar decides to make a pilgrimage to Mecca to re-energize his faith in Islam. Arriving in Mercy, he claims he is a humbler man. To make him prove this fact, Baber, who is still a bit angry that his own tenure as Acting Imam was not well received, makes Amaar reapply for his old job as Imam. Trying to be humble, Amaar does accept needing to reapply. Not making the process easy, Baber, as one of the stipulations, make Amaar memorize the second chapter of the Koran, something according to Baber that all good Imams should know by heart. Meanwhile, J.J.'s parents are swinging through Mercy while they are in Canada on other business. The Hamoudi's think their visit is an opportune time to hold an engagement party for Rayyan and J.J. Rayyan does not want an elaborate party but rather an informal small tea. What starts out as good intentions on Sarah and Yasir's parts to honor their daughter's wishes turns out to be a huge party out of circumstance. And Rayyan and ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.9
22 min | 30 min

Confused with his own feelings about Rayyan and J.J.'s impending marriage, Amaar decides to go back to Toronto to his old life. There, his parents express their concerns about his life in Mercy. He treats all his encounters, even dates and his law clients, like he was counseling as an Imam. Back in Mercy, Baber is happy in his new old role as acting Imam, but no one else is happy. Yasir decides to go to Toronto to see if he can talk Amaar into coming back to Mercy. With Rayyan and J.J.'s engagement, J.J. finally gives Rayyan an engagement ring, the ring which is a family heirloom. It is a large ostentatious ring which Rayyan hates. She doesn't know whether to tell J.J. her feelings. But Rayyan also sees the ring as a symbol that J.J. does not really know her as a person, and she's not too sure if she wants to marry a man that doesn't know her deepest thoughts and feelings. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.4
22 min | 30 min

Rayyan has decided to accept J.J.'s marriage proposal. The Hamoudi household is ecstatic, except for Sarah, if only because she feels that it is the right of the mother of the prospective bride to tell the world that her daughter is getting married. But Yasir has beat her to the punch when he - off the cuff - mentions this fact to the mayor who in turn tells the rest of the townsfolk of Mercy. The only way that Yasir feels he can make it up to Sarah is to find someone - anyone - in Mercy who doesn't know the news so that Sarah can tell him/her. The only other person who is not ecstatic is Amaar, who is in love with Rayyan himself. But he is also confused. As Imam and Rayyan's friend, he feels he has a duty to support his friend both professionally and personally. What's worse is that J.J. needs a place to stay in Mercy and decides Amaar's the most appropriate place. However because of this close contact, Amaar gets some inside information to use against his new roommate: J.J. is a ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.0
23 min

Baber gets into a physical altercation, the frustration from which causes him to get into a car accident with the parked car of his nemesis. The accident results in Baber getting a back injury. He'd go to the town's only chiropractor to get his back looked at, but the chiropractor happens to be his nemesis. Instead, Rayyan prescribes him a painkiller which has unintended and unwanted results. Meanwhile, Yasir has returned from Dubai. He's in the doghouse with Sarah as he forgot to buy her a gift. But Yasir comes back to some other news: J.J. wants to marry Rayyan. But first, J.J.'s father, as is Muslim custom, has to speak to Yasir to arrange for the marriage to happen. Before this discussion, news slowly leaks of J.J.'s intentions, resulting in mixed reactions. Yasir is excited and preoccupied about J.J.'s father's impending telephone call from Dubai. Sarah is mad as she feels a wedding should be all about the mother, which this doesn't seem to be. Amaar is brooding as he feels he ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.4
23 min

Things are going well in J.J. and Rayyan's courtship, that is until J.J. learns that Rayyan has had a couple of traditional western dates in her life, which is not traditional in Muslim culture. These past dates scare J.J. since he never has dated in any sense. What's worse for J.J. is that Rayyan has mementos of these past indiscretions that she keeps in a shoe box. This shoe box may be the end of J.J. and Rayyan's relationship. Amaar inadvertently helps them over this hurdle. Meanwhile, Sarah agrees to participate in a fund raising talent show. Having taken lessons as a child, she decides to do a tap dance routine. Both Rayyan but especially Baber think she shouldn't because dancing in front of the opposite sex is considered lewd and thus un-Muslim. Baber further believes Sarah is setting a bad example for Layla. However Layla uncovers some evidence that makes Baber change his tune. Baber does change his tune - he thinks Sarah shouldn't do the dance because he finds out she's an ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

Yasir approaches J.J. with the idea of an arranged marriage with Rayyan. J.J. is slightly taken aback until he finds out that Rayyan has agreed to this, which means she likes him. J.J. agrees. The concept of chaperoned dates is awkward for Rayyan, J.J., Yasir and Sarah. The other person taken slightly aback is Amaar. Amaar ends up staying with the Hamoudis after a break in at the mosque, the apartment above where Amaar lives, Amaar arriving at the Hamoudis just in time for Rayyan and J.J.'s date at the house. But what's worse is that in the close quarters, Amaar sees Rayyan in the Muslim equivalent of being naked. Rayyan feels she and J.J. need to get away from Amaar, and thus go on a daytime hike date with Baber as chaperon. The date goes awry as Baber takes his role as hiker a little more seriously than that of chaperon. Meanwhile, Amaar is obviously bothered, but he attributes it to the break-in. Others assume otherwise. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

On Baber's directive, Layla gets an internship. What he doesn't count on is that she gets an internship at the radio station with Fred as her boss. Layla likes the job, but doesn't like Fred's manipulation of their personal relationship, which he uses on air to further denigrate Muslims. But Fred starts to change his tune after seeing Layla as a real person and not just an unknown Muslim. Ultimately, Layla decides to sacrifice her professional aspirations to do a Fred a business favor. Meanwhile, Yasir is in the running to get a government contract building a pumping substation in Mercy. The problem is that he knows nothing about pumping substations. He enlists the help of J.J., the son of his former business partner, J.J. who happens to be an engineer. J.J. is also Rayyan's geeky childhood friend. But J.J. has grown up into a successful, handsome man. With J.J.'s help, Yasir gets the contract, but what's better for Yasir is that there seems to be a spark between J.J. and Rayyan. ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.2
23 min

During Ramadan -- the Muslim month of fasting -- Amaar asks his congregation to give up their faults. For Yasir, it's lying. For Sarah, it's gossip. For Baber, it's anger. Meanwhile Rayyan and Baber must work together to replace the mosque's worn carpets. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.4
23 min

The Mayor wants to scrap Wheat Week, Mercy's beloved summer festival. It's Sarah's job to find a way to put a positive spin on the cancellation. And Yasir struggles to enjoy a football match on his new big-screen TV, while Rayyan and Fatima suffer from bad hair days -- which can happen, even under a headscarf. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

While Ann is away on vacation for ten days, Sarah pleads to be Acting Mayor. Ann agrees, but Sarah takes the job a little more seriously than Ann would have liked. Sarah faces her first big test when Joe knocks over and breaks the Welcome to Mercy highway sign. In replacing the sign, Sarah takes Baber's idea of placing Chinese on it to respect their Chinese sister city. Baber also suggests putting Arabic on it and the Italian Association suggests putting Italian on it and the Association for the Blind suggests putting braille on it and so on and so forth. When Sarah unveils the new sign, all languages seem to be covered except English. Sarah is not the only one facing problems in her new role. Yasir is feeling a little emasculated in his role as first lady, especially when he is asked to make a speech to the ladies auxiliary. Wanting to regain his manhood, he speaks about a subject near and dear to his heart: power tools. He decides to make it a broader public initiative. Sarah ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

There's trouble at Amaar's Koranic studies class when he intercepts a note from Layla indicating she's got a crush on him. He does what any good teacher would do: he runs to Rayyan for help. Meanwhile, when Yasir and Sarah help Fatima study for her citizenship test, they come close to driving her out of the country. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.0
23 min

When Fred Tupper mocks Amaar's attempts to curl, Amaar sets up Mercy's -- and perhaps the world's -- first Muslim curling team. Rayyan's got natural talent, but is she so good that the team will lose her? Meanwhile Sarah uses Islamic tradition to get Yasir to pay for a shopping spree. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

It's New Year's Eve and Yasir is depressed. Another year's gone by and he hasn't reached the goals he's set for his business. Rayyan throws a dinner to cheer him up, and over dinner Rayyan, Baber, and Amaar share stories of where they were doing exactly five years ago. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.9
23 min

Christmas is around the corner and Sarah's blue. She misses the fun and pageantry of her pre-conversion Christmasses. Rayyan vows to make this year's Muslim festival, Eid al-hada, a little more Christmassy to cheer up her mom. And: the Christmas rush leads to trouble at the mosque, where Amaar and Magee come into conflict over limited parking. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.0
23 min

Mayor Popowicz, tired of having to use the public washroom at City Hall, decides, with Sarah's advice, to have a luxurious private bathroom/spa built off her office. Sarah has ulterior motives in suggesting such as she wants to use the spa herself. Despite a possible conflict of interest, Yasir wants the contract to do the work. Luckily, Yasir's bid is the lowest, primarily due to a cheap source of materials; he gets the contract. However, Yasir does whatever he can to stop the job from happening when his cheap materials source falls through and he has no way of completing the job without taking a major economic loss. The mayor does whatever she can to get her private spa, ultimately at the expense of the female public, especially those at City Hall. Baber is invited to deliver the keynote address at an economics conference in Chicago. He seems nervous and is adamant about not going. Rayyan learns directly from Baber that he is on the American no-fly list, which probably accounts for ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.0
23 min

Baber runs afoul of a little-known Muslim concept: the evil eye. Is his run of bad luck the will of God? Or his own fault? Meanwhile Rayyan lets her conscience run away with her after inadvertently stealing a chocolate bar from a convenience store. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.3
23 min

A Canadian Security Intelligence Service agent visits town, arousing suspicions around the mosque. Guest starring The Daily Show's Samantha Bee. Suspicions are aroused when CSIS agent Nancy Layton (The Daily Show's Samantha Bee) comes to visit Mercy. She says she's here to fish, but Fatima thinks she's up to no good. Amaar argues for common sense: of course the government wouldn't spy on Mercy mosque... would it? Meanwhile, Amaar opens a store in the mosque to sell Islamic merchandise. He enlists Rayyan and Baber to run the store, unleashing Rayyan's competitive nature. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

Ali, an old friend of Amaar's from their law school days, passes by Mercy on his way to the coast. Friend is too strong a word as their relationship is based more on competition with each other rather than friendship, at least on Amaar's side. This competition continues as Ali is no longer a lawyer but like Amaar is an Imam, his cash rich mosque in the big city, Toronto. All the Muslims in Mercy love Ali, leaving Amaar feeling out in the cold. Despite needing to leave to continue on his journey, Ali decides to stay a few extra days to speak at the weekly services on the pleading of the Muslims in Mercy. With the advice of Reverend Magee, Amaar, jealous, feels like he needs to assert his superiority over Ali by delivering the most compelling service. When the service day comes, Ali and the weather deflate Amaar's plans. Amaar feels at the end of his rope when Ali shows his true colors to the Muslims in Mercy. But which persona is the real Ali? Meanwhile, a drought has hit Mercy and ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.0
23 min

When Toronto Maple Leaf's star Darcy Tucker endorses a brand of beet juice made in Mercy, the company's stock goes through the roof. Sarah helps the Mayor re-brand the town as beet capital of Canada. But will the beet train lead them to riches or derail the whole town. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.6
23 min

A bored Rayyan, who is on a break from work, has a double effect on Amaar. First, she agrees to help him with his youth fair, which he has coined Islamapalooza. And second, she comments on his cough, which starts a cycle of other off the cuff medical advice to him, resulting in him having a case of what she suspects is hypochondria. However when no one shows up to Islamapalooza, Rayyan changes her medical diagnosis of Amaar. She nows suspects that Amaar had the flu, which he unsuspectingly passed on to all the Muslim children in Mercy. Rayyan also has an effect on her mother. Gambling is considered a sin in Islam, and as such, Rayyan tries to convince her mother to stop buying lottery tickets. However Sarah can't resist the urge, and she ends up winning $5,000 on her latest buy. She unsuccessfully tries to hide this fact from Rayyan. Ann advises Sarah to guilt Rayyan into accepting the lottery win by lavishing gifts on her. However, good Muslim Sarah decides to be more philanthropic ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

There's trouble in Mercy when a mystery woman shows up at the mosque wearing a face veil. Sarah finds it oppressive. Fred finds it creepy. Baber falls in love. But he doesn't have a way with women so he enlists Yasir to turn him into a ladies' man. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

In an effort to be more popular, Layla decides to put subtle streaks in her hair. However leaving the bleach on too long makes the streaks a little more noticeable than she wanted. To hide the too obvious dye job from Baber, she decides to start wearing the hijab at home. Baber is thrilled, but soon begins to suspect she has ulterior motives. When Baber finds out about the dye job, he decides to confront Layla on her home turf: school. She is forced to either come clean to Baber or wear the hijab at school. Ultimately the tables are turned when Layla wants to wear the hijab after a compliment from the school's it girl, Kelly. Meanwhile, Dave Sharpe, manager of the local cable access station, asks Amaar to host a new show on Muslim. The only reason Dave wants Amaar is that he has an ethnic quota and the host of the show on Judaism just quit. Regardless, Amaar agrees and sees the opportunity solely to sermonize. However, being cable access, there is little money, and Amaar is forced... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

Rayyan wants to assert what she states as more feminine control over the mosque by wanting to make the community announcements at Friday prayers instead of an ailing Baber, but in reality she herself wants more control. Amaar, calling Rayyan's bluff, appoints Sarah to make the community announcements instead. Sarah, in the job, is different than Rayyan would have wanted, and Sarah gets mixed reviews. Ultimately, Rayyan does achieve her original goal of having a role of responsibility at the mosque, but it ends up not quite being what she envisioned. Meanwhile, Yasir has lost the contract for property maintenance of the local cemetery because of lack of cemetery business. In order to regain the contract, Yasir decides to market the remaining plots at the cemetery as a Muslim cemetery. Everyone at the mosque is excited about the prospect of being buried amongst fellow Muslims, except an ambivalent Amaar who does not want to die in Mercy. Their excitement changes to consternation when ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.1
23 min

Jeff, a non-Muslim fireman, is attracted sexually to Rayyan. All the women of Mercy are attracted to Jeff, but Rayyan, the good Muslim, keeps her distance. However, the whole town is talking about Rayyan and Jeff, even though they're not even dating. Sarah, Layla, the mayor and Rayyan's nurse are excited. Yasir is concerned and decides to meet Jeff under false pretenses. Baber thinks Rayyan is setting a bad example and as such threatens to send Layla away to an Islamic boarding school to get her away from Rayyan's bad example. But Amaar, who reprimands Rayyan - perhaps as a display of jealousy - makes Rayyan reconsider Jeff's date proposal. After Jeff tries to kiss Rayyan on their date, Rayyan realizes that she is just using Jeff and decides that Islam is too important to her to risk dating a non-Muslim. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.3
23 min

Yasir's overbearing mother comes to town, wanting Yasir to take a second wife, specifically a widowed woman back in Lebanon. Obviously, Sarah is outraged, not only with her mother-in-law's request, but also with the way that Yasir kowtows to his mother's every wish. Since Yasir, Sarah and Mother Hamoudi can't resolve their problem, Sarah moves out and ends up sleeping in Ann's office. Based on an off the cuff comment by ex-lawyer Amaar, Yasir thinks his solution is to show Mother Hamoudi a fake pre-nuptial agreement between himself and Sarah stating that he can't take another wife. The ruse works on both Mother Hamoudi and Sarah, who moves home. Meanwhile, Reverend Magee is facing a marriage issue of another kind. Johnny and his partner want to get married at the church, which the reverend sanctions. But a gay marriage sparks debate amongst the townsfolk. The Muslim community has its own issues with this marriage. Baber can't and won't pray in a mosque that shares the building with ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

Reverend Magee isn't looking forward to the Archdeacon Gladwin's upcoming visit. The reverend is worried about the increasing money issues due to declining attendance, and he can't let the very strict archdeacon know that what little money is coming in is coming from Muslim rent. Yasir suggests that a full congregation for the archdeacon's sermon would be a good idea, those people being the Muslims. They get a crash course in Christianity from ex-Anglican Sarah, who was as devout a Christian as she is a Muslim. But what's worse is the fact that the archdeacon arrives a few days early. The archdeacon sees the obvious Muslim faces in the congregation but only thinks that the reverend has done a good conversion job. The plan goes awry when Baber, who was not told of the plan, erects a new larger and audio-ized Mercy Mosque sign above the church door just as the archdeacon has finished his service inside. But the archdeacon isn't upset. Rather he extorts the Muslims rent money - he wants ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.3
23 min

White Marlon is a new convert to Islam. He is extreme in his beliefs and denounces those who are not as devout as he. His arrival sparks talk about Sarah's faith, or lack of, as a former convert to Islam. She bets Rayyan that she can so be a good Muslim by praying five times a day for the next month. This proves to be a little more difficult than expected as she prays all the time and gets no sleep, which affects her job and her relationships. Back with Marlon, Baber is excited to see such enthusiasm for the faith, until he spends time alone with Marlon. After that, Baber, like everyone else, thinks Marlon has gone just a little too far in his beliefs. Yasir, Sarah, Rayyan, Fatima and Baber decide that they need to get Marlon to quit being a Muslim, and pull a prank on him showing that the Muslims of Mercy are not devout and thus not worth being with. After the prank, they feel they have done the wrong thing by trying to deflate someone else's faith in Islam. However, Marlon, a ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.3
23 min

Fatima and Rayyan are on a crusade to get a female lifeguard at the pool. Rayyan has suggested to Fatima, who has sprained her knee, that taking the women's aquafit class would help recovery, but as Muslims they cannot appear in their bathing suits in front men. They feel they can't take the class as the lifeguard/aquafit instructor is male Johnny, despite the fact that Johnny is gay and has no interest in Fatima, Rayyan or any woman. The mayor agrees to hire a female lifeguard/aquafit instructor if they can find the money in the city's budget and if Rayyan and Fatima can get 150 signatures on a petition. As Rayyan and Fatima proceed on their mission, Sarah tries to thwart her daughter's task as the money in the budget is coming from a business trip she has planned to China. As such, she tricks Fred into supporting her view, Fred who causes a media maelstrom around the issue of kowtowing to the Muslim community. Rayyan finds out and is angry with her mother. Ultimately, the pool pump ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.3
23 min

To reach out to the non-Muslim residents of Mercy, Amaar wants the mosque to hold an open house. First he needs Yasir, through one of his electrician subcontractors, to fix the problem wiring in the mosque. Businessman Yasir doesn't have the time to participate since it's his busy season, but changes his tune once he learns he can hand out business cards at the open house. Trying to cut corners, non-electrician Yasir decides to fix the wiring himself. The mayor loves the idea of the open house, especially since she sees it as a good photo op and can push her tax plan to the attendees. The open house looks to be moving forward and well attended if only because Fatima is catering and despite Fred's anti-Muslim rantings on his radio show. However Fatima, Rayyan and Baber threaten to boycott the event unless each is allowed to make presentations, to which Amaar ultimately but reluctantly agrees. The big event arrives and everything seems to be going smoothly, that is until Yasir's wiring ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.1
23 min

Baber is facing a battle of the generations and a battle of the sexes. His daughter Layla, participating in a fund-raising run, is irking her dad with her choice of running attire. She also experiences her first period, which she hides from Baber since that transition into womanhood means that she must now wear a shawl over her head. Rather than face the battle with her right now, he decides to wait until at least next month. At the mosque, his battle of the sexes concerns his want to erect a barrier between the men and women prayer areas. The feminist Rayyan thinks this medieval thinking. Fred even comes to the rally cry for the women of Mercy. However, the situation is not that cut and dry as traditional Muslim Fatima wants the barrier. Finally, Amaar as the Imam, makes his decision: half the mosque will have the barrier, half the mosque will not, so that each person can make up his and her own mind where he/she wants to pray. No one is happy, but as Amaar says, unhappiness is the ... Written by Huggo

Genre: Comedy,
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Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2


Little Mosque on the Prairie season 2

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Yasir has rented space in the local church under the guise of using it as an office for his construction business, but really is using it as an Islamic mosque for the local Muslim community in addition. This act coincides with the arrival from Toronto of Amaar, who Yasir hired as the new Imam to replace Baber, deemed too orthodox in his views. Amaar's arrival also coincides with the start of Ramadan, a celebration on which there is much community dissent both concerning how to calculate when it begins, and what food should be served after the fast: Fatima wants a traditional goat feast, whereas Sarah, going back to her western roots, wants a lighter meal of cucumber sandwiches. But bigger problems ensue when Reverend Magee and the town finds out about the mosque. Amaar, the new spokesperson for the Islamic faith in Mercy, isn't very proficient in his public relations attempt, in part due to his Toronto background, and makes matters worse after appearing on Fred's radio show. Perhaps ... Written by Huggo

Genre: Comedy,
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