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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Rick Mason is the host of a trashy tabloid TV show, the kind that likes to create confrontations among guests, all in the hopes of getting ever better ratings. For his latest program, the guests are a young boy and his mother and the psychiatrist who molested him three years before but has now been released from prison. The show has barely started when the boy's estranged father bursts onto the stage and shoots the psychiatrist, killing him. Detectives Briscoe and Logan seem to have an pretty straightforward case but soon begin to suspect that Mason may have set up the confrontation and was well aware that such a confrontation could be violent. ADA Stone is keen to prosecute Mason but it will be difficult to overcome Mason's popularity and to convince a jury of his guilt. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

A young, independent deaf woman is murdered, but what is it her scorned lover or her obsessed mentor? Detectives Briscoe and Logan scour phone transcripts, while forensics narrows the search. It's up to prosecutors Stone and Robinette to persuade the truth out of the victim's mentor, the founder of a local institute for the deaf. Written by Anonymous

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

When patrolman Rick Newhouse comes under fire, he requests backup and two patrol cars are dispatched. Both arrive too late and Newhouse is killed. The subsequent investigation clears everyone involved but Detectives Logan and Briscoe smell a rat and get Captain Cragen's permission to investigate on their own. They find that both patrol cars arrived at the scene at virtually the same time though one was 20 blocks further away when they set out. When a passerby says he he saw a patrol car sitting around the corner while the shooting was going on, they know Newhouse was left on his own. What they find is that Newhouse was gay and his fellow officers were giving him a hard time about it making it clear he wasn't welcome in their precinct. ADA Stone charges three cops with second degree murder though he knows the odds are stacked against getting a conviction. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of Nicholas Iliescu, a furniture dealer who was shot in the back of the head and then dragged by a car. In the course of the investigation, they learn that people who shopped at Iliescu's store subsequently had their credit card number used illegally. It points to Nicholas's brother Alex Iliescu and one of his sidekicks, Tommy Dinescu. Before they can do much about, the police find Alex in his apartment, dead from a number of stab wounds. Alex had only been in the U.S. for a short while but his teenage son, Leon Iliescu, had been living with his Uncle Nicholas for many years. The evidence points to Leon as being responsible for killing his father. His lawyer however tries to use the boy's cultural differences as his defense. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

The police receive an anonymous tip concerning a number of mysterious deaths at a renowned New York clinic specializing in the treatment of diabetes. Detectives Logan and Briscoe learn that they had 6 emergencies in one night and the medical examiner agrees that that is a disproportionately high number. The deaths could have been the result of insulin overdoses and they initially suspect some of the staff. When that doesn't pan out, they look at the medical equipment used to measure the patients sugar level. They find that that someone infected the hospital's computer program to give false blood sugar readings. They trace it to a young computer hacker, John Cook, whose father was unsatisfied with the treatment he received at the clinic. Getting a conviction however isn't going to be easy however. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of Dr. Faye Walsh, a genetic researcher who is found shot in the back in her university laboratory. The killing has all of the hallmarks of animal rights activists with lab rats having been released and slogans written on the wall. They arrest one activist but he has a alibi for when Walsh was killed. The case takes a sudden turn when they learn the victim thought her husband, Donald Walsh, was having an affair and had even hired a private detective to look into it. An administrator at the lab, Susan Boyd, admits to the affair but flatly denies having anything to do with Faye's death. She agrees to a plea bargain offered by ADA Stone and testifies against Walsh. Afterwards however, Stone begins to wonder if Boyd is a fantasist who has made the whole thing up. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of Navy Lt. Tracy Hagen, who was found dead in her hotel room where a ship's crew was having a wild party following 6 weeks at sea. Using video one of the sailors took at the party, they question two officers one of whom, Ensign Evan Walters, admits being the last person with her before she died but has no memory of what might have happened. The Navy insists on taking jurisdiction in the case and Walters is quickly found guilty. ADAs Stone and Robinette find a number of holes in the Navy prosecution's case and continue their own investigation. When the medical examiner confirms that Hagen died of a slow brain hemorrhage and could have been injured 30 minutes before she died, the evidence points to another officer who had a previous incident with her. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate a vicious knife attack on two nurses Vicky Hemmings and her roommate Aloma, who survived. Briscoe recalls a similar attack in Brooklyn and learn that that the Brooklyn victim, Mary Davis, and Vicky had worked at the same walk-in clinic. The Brooklyn detective, Lt. Brian Torelli, make an arrest where the suspect David Zifrin confesses to the crime. When Briscoe and Logan interview the suspect, they quickly realize he is mentally challenged and seriously doubt he actually committed the crime. ADA Stone agrees but his Brooklyn counterpart doesn't and Stone soon finds himself appearing as a witness for the defense. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of Dawn Bryan. The young African-American woman once had a bright future ahead of her. She was a good student and was even voted most likely to succeed. It seems to have all come tumbling down when she got cooked on crack. She was shot with a .45 caliber gun and their first suspect is her supplier and sometime live-in boyfriend who hoes by the street name of Skate. The dead woman's family are devastated by the loss of their daughter but they feel they lost her long ago when she became hooked on drugs. When the evidence points to a family member as the likely culprit, ADA Stone and DA Adam Schiff both feel a good deal of sympathy. Paul Robinette however doesn't think anyone should have leniency and pushes for a grand jury indictment. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of Jennifer Gorham who is found in Central Park. They quickly realize it isn't a mugging as they first thought as someone left a trail for them to follow. All of the evidence points to Jennifer's fiancé Dan Garrett who searched her apartment after the incident. He eventually claims Jennifer's death was an accident but also that he had been having an affair with his therapist, Dr. Diane Mead, who told him him that he could not have her if he continued with Jennifer. DA Adam Schiff thinks it will almost impossible to convict a doctor for the actions of a patient but ADA Stone thinks he has a chance at a conviction. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of an elderly holocaust survivor who apparently took her own life using her husband's prescription medication. The woman was ill and dying and it seems legit. Until they hear that she had recently become very concerned about news reports of a Nazi enforcer who was convicted in Europe of war crimes in absentia. The police quickly learn that she had become convinced that her husband is that man. ADA Stone charges the husband, David Steinmetz, with her murder but realizes that proving him to be the man convicted of war crimes will be a major challenge. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of 61 year-old Barbara Spiegleman who is found dead on her kitchen floor, stabbed in the back. The police have several possible leads. She had forced her daughter to leave her husband, who she didn't like. They focus however on Steven Gregg, her new boyfriend who is over 20 years her junior, after learning from the dead woman's estate attorney Kevin Doyle that Gregg will inherit $2 million. It's a weak case and ADA Stone offers him a deal, something his attorney Sally Knight urges him to accept. ADA Robinette knows something is wrong however when Gregg gets the facts wrong at his allocution hearing. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Briscoe and Logan investigate a possible abduction of a young girl, Samantha Silver, who disappears from a crowded department when she is out shopping with her nanny. Her father is Gary Silver, a well-known Broadway producer. The case takes a major twist however when they locate the child with her mother, who claims she had taken the child because her ex-husband has been sexually molesting her. Her claim is backed up by several child protection advocates and a pediatrician's report that seems to confirm the little girl was molested. ADA Stone knows however that these types of cases are difficult to prosecute as they inevitably have to rely on the child's testimony. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the death of a Nigerian woman, Kelani Amoda, who died soon after her arrival in New York City. She was a drug mule and had ingested packets of heroin but one obviously burst killing her and her unborn child. Her husband was already in New York and she had arranged a job with a Nigerian oil company's US offices. Her visa was sponsored by her tribal chief Ola-Gimja Nwaka who also holds diplomatic status in the United States. ADA Stone has every intention prosecuting Nwaka and receives some cooperation from the Nigerian Embassy's lawyer, Sir Idris Balewa. Stone's case is shaky however but Sir Idris has a solution for that. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

With Phil Cerreta recovering from his gunshot wounds, Detective Logan is partnered with Det. Lennie Briscoe, an old hand whose brash demeanor is somewhat off-putting. Their first case is a shooting death outside a nightclub just around closing time. The shooter, Mary Kostrinski, freely admits killing the man saying she was in fear of being raped. Dr. Elizabeth Olivet's opinion is that the woman was in genuine fear of her life. The police investigation and her account of events don't add up. She's charged with murder but Stone is prepared to deal to get a conviction, especially after Olivet is called as a defense witness. She has bigger fish for him to fry. Meanwhile, Phil Cerreta decides not to return to the streets. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

A man with ties to Columbian drug cartels and his wife are murdered inside a crowded restaurant. Cerreta is shot when he goes undercover to sting a gun seller. Prosecutors debate whether to offer a deal to the gun dealer who shot Cerreta to convict the killer. Written by Anonymous

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the shooting of two young men. They were known small-time drug dealers and one had convictions for armed robberies. They focus on one particular shopkeeper, George Costas, after part of his story doesn't check out. They subsequently learn that he was previously involved in shooting a robber and was something of a local hero as a result. It turns out the two dead men did try to rob him and he did shoot them. Costas however then reloaded his gun and ran after them outside his store to finish them. The question for the jury is whether Costas was simply acting in self-defense or whether he's a murderer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

After Dr. Elizabeth Olivet is assaulted by her gynecologist, Dr. Alexander J. Merritt, she turns to Detectives Cerreta and Logan to have him investigated. They certainly believe her story but getting evidence that would stand up in court is another thing. The one woman who made a similar claim against Merritt has serious psychological problem and would unlikely make a good witness. Olivet returns to Merritt but this time records their encounter, where he rapes her. With this evidence, ADA Stone feels he has a strong case but Olivet's close working relationship with the police dooms them. He does come up with another way to get evidence against the doctor. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the murder of a young woman who is found floating in the river with her hands handcuffed behind her back. They had had a similar case of young man but the police weren't able to make any headway with that case. A police department forensic anthropologist is able to reconstruct their faces and they turn out to be brother and sister who were in the USA illegally working in the garment industry. When they learn that a city inspector was found dead in the river also handcuffed, the police are certain they are dealing with illegal immigrants working as virtual slaves. It leads them to sweat shop owners Ellis and Betty Drake and to Rudy Amendariz who has been supplying them with the slave labor. ADA Stone's case is weak however and getting a conviction will depend on getting one of the three to testify. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the death of a young man, Roberto Martinez, who died of a heart attack behind the wheel of his car. Despite his young age, Martinez had a pacemaker which apparently failed. His family is suing the company that manufactured the pacemaker but they also want a criminal investigation. What they learn is the the device implanted in Martinez was previously used in another patient. The doctor in that case claims she donated the device to a medical school after her own patient received a new one. The pacemaker was acquired and refurbished by Bruce Sutter but it appears he may have changed the expiration date of the battery. A detailed examination however reveal's the problem may have been one of quality which leads them back to the manufacturer and eventually charge the owner's son, Steven Cleary, with murder. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate a shooting where Marcus Tate is killed at a town hall meeting of the African-American Congress. The suspected shooter is described as a white male but no one seems to have seen anything more. The investigation leads them to Mitchell Koblin, who is married though separated from his African-American wife, Sandra Koblin, who works for the ACA. The bullet that killed Tate is of no forensic value but one of his bodyguards was definitely shot by Koblin's gun. The ACA is a radical organization though Tate was moderating his message against whites and Jews. That Koblin is Jewish creates a tense atmosphere in the communities and ADA Stone needs to act quickly to prevent violence in the streets. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate murder of professional photographer Julian Decker who is found with a pair of scissors in his back. The forensic evidence indicates he had sex not long before being killed and they initially focus on some of the many women he used as models. Decker's accountant admits to the police that hew supplemented his income as a photographer by pimping for some of his models. DNA evidence says there's an 80% probability that Angela Brandt, a divorced mom with a teenage daughter, is the woman he had sex with. When the judge throws out the DNA evidence they try to find another way to link her to the murder. They soon realize they've arrested the wrong woman. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the shooting death of Marshall McFadden, a merger and acquisitions expert worth hundreds of million. He was found sitting at his desk at his office and the gun was left at the scene. He may have had many enemies given that he often bought companies only to break them up for resale and closing unprofitable units. Their first suspect is Simon Vilanis who, after working for 40 years, lost his pension, health care and even his place to live after McFadden bought out the company he worked for. Simon's gun was used in the shooting but it's quickly apparent that someone had taken his gun to commit the crime. They then learn that just as McFadden was to be indicted, the Justice Department unit investigating was shut down. There were ties between McFadden and a major bank, one that was run by DA Adam Schiff's good friend Dwight Corcoran. Adam wants Corcoran to pay the full price for what he's done. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the stabbing death of Councilman James Vogel who is found lying in the middle of the street. Vogel had been on city council for many years and was well-liked by everyone. They learn that he had received a large sum of money from his father who acknowledges giving him the money but insists he didn't ask him why. They quickly conclude that Vogel was being blackmailed and that a local newspaper was going to out him as being gay. He had been corresponding with a prison inmate who has just been released on parole but it's his lawyer that they focus on. For ADA Stone, the challenge will be to find someone who is willing to admit in open court that they too were being blackmailed. For his part, Vogel's father is doing everything he can to protect the family's reputation. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the shooting death of Tim Chong a brilliant physics student who was in the running to a national scholarship. He was gunned down just outside his school. His friends Katie Silver and Carl Borland were with him just moments before when he had been harassed by Asian gang members. Tim had been a member of the gang for a very short while but the police find that it's a dead end. They subsequently learn that Carl's mother, Marian Borland, was highly protective of her son who was Tim's only competition for the prestigious scholarship. When they get evidence that Mrs. Borland lied about the time she left work, she and her eldest son Randy are charged with murder. ADA Stone has to get a conviction without a murder weapon after the gun used in the shooting is ruled inadmissible. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Cerreta and Logan investigate the murder of a Jewish diamond dealer after he is found murdered and burned to death in an alley. Five African-American youths were seen running from the scene. They were arrested and finally acquitted after it was proven they didn't do it. As the investigation continues, it leads to pleas for justice by the victim's brother, who may know the real truth about his brother's murder. Written by danny gonzalez

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

A baby is found frozen to death and abandoned at nearby hospital. Cerreta and Logan at first are lead to believe that the baby was killed out of negligence, then discover that the building where the death took place is nearly empty with only a few tenants and no heat. The investigation soon leads to a slum lord and a violent ex-con who had been harassing the tenants into moving out of the building out of greed. Written by danny gonzalez

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

A young teenage runaway is arrested after discharging a gun in a diner. Cerreta and Logan look into the reasons why she had run away and learn that she had been raped at the halfway house she had been staying in. The investigation leads to a free thinking nun and the caretaker of the halfway house. Written by danny gonzalez

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the murder of a young woman, Judy Bream, who is found bound and gagged atop an elevator car. In going through the records, they find at least two other cases of women who were killed and found in very similar circumstances. Clearly they have a serial killer on their hands. Two of the women had the same gynecologist, a doctor with many complaints registered against him. The third victim used a different doctor but there is a connection in that both doctors used the same accountant: Albert Lawrence Cheney, a convicted sex offender. The police question him for 12 hours non-stop and they eventually learn he has a storage locker. There they find photos and other evidence of his crimes. ADA Stone however immediately runs up against the admissibility of the evidence given the excessive interrogation techniques used by the police. With a shaky case, the dead woman's parents want him extradited to their home state which has the death penalty. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Cerretta and Logan investigate the murder of a school boy who's found shot in the head in an abandoned factory. It soon leads them to a prep school student (Harley Cross), who's had a history with guns thanks in part to his father's upbringing. Written by danny gonzalez

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

After the wife of a wealthy husband is found with her skull bashed in outside of a nightclub, Cerretta and Logan think it's linked to a serial killer using a baseball bat until it leads back to the husband, who is then protected against prosecution by his domineering mother and an unlimited amount of money. Written by danny gonzalez

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Cerretta and Logan investigate the murder of young woman and two businessmen atop the roof of a parking garage. Which leads to a professional hit man, a crooked lawyer and a convicted defense contractor who may be linked to the murders themselves. Written by danny gonzalez

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