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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The Atlantis crew are still looking for options for when the Wraith arrive. McKay and Zelenka think a control chair might be useful, but the thing hasn't even been working yet. Sergeant Bates has been investigating a uninhabited planet to use as a possible evacuation site. Meanwhile Teyla hasn't been sleeping much and seems agitated. She's being haunted by terrible nightmares of a Wraith feeding on her and Sheppard. She even imagines she's a Wraith herself. Sheppard arranges a meeting with a psychologist, Kate Heightmeyer, much to her dismay. Heightmeyer tries to dig deeper into Teyla's gift to sense the Wraith, making her decide to go the mainland. She asks an old Athosian woman, Charin, about it. Charin is prepared to tell a secret that Teyla's father wouldn't want her to hear. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Dr. Brendan Gall, one of the scientists on Atlantis, discovers a Lagrangian point satellite and Sheppard, McKay, Gall and another scientist, Dr. Abrams are sent to investigate. It was used by the Ancients as a last line of defense before Atlantis during the war with the Wraith 10.000 years ago, but it seems to be out of commission. Not long after the team picks up a distress call from a planet nearby. It's coming from a Wraith ship that crashed during the war and the team takes a look. McKay is absolutely convinced no living thing could survive that long, but the team discovers signs of Wraith cannibalism and a storage compartment for humans. McKay begins to doubt his assumption. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | Canada
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Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

The Atlantis team is sightseeing on Hoffa, a planet with an advanced civilization. After a few days chancellor Druhin tells them they've been working for decades on a cure that will prevent the Wraith from feeding on them. In fact, the entire society is focused on this one goal. It is nearing completion, but they expect the Wraith aren't coming for at least fifty years. Major Sheppard hesitates to tell them they've awoken them early. Atlantis offers help to speed things up and Dr. Beckett starts helping Hoffan scientist Perna. With Beckett's help, both soon find a substance that might have success. Dr. Weir gives permission to test it on 'Steve', the very hungry captured Wraith prisoner. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

It can't be a coincidence anymore. On five out of nine missions the Wraith seem to be aware of the presence of the away team and attack very quickly. Dr. Weir is sick of it and thinks somebody has been telling them about the away missions. Sergeant Bates immediately suspects the Athosians and Dr. Weir decides to interview them all. Gate activity is suspended and the Athosians are confined to their quarters, much to their dismay. Halling and others think about leaving Atlantis. Meanwhile Rodney discovers a new command subroutine. It operates the roof in the puddle jumper bay. Sheppard and Ford start exploring the planet and find land. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
50 min

Lucrezia will soon have to leave for Naples with her new husband, and is upset at having to leave her child behind. She soon develops a plan to rid herself of her principal opponent, but Micheletto proposes patience. He finds a solution to her dilemma. At Forli castle, Caterina Sforza formally proposes a union of the five powerful families against Pope Alexander. In Avignon, Cesare meets King Louis XII of France who wants his marriage to be annulled. Also in Avignon is Machiavelli, who advises Cesare that the King can be bought. Cesare wants an army most of all, but he is also looking for a bride, along with a French title and a dowry. The Pope tries to convince Bianca Gonzaga to return to her husband, but she has news for him. It is soon apparent that she is mad. Written by garykmcd

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HD Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty


Ugly Betty

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

To speed along the investigation into her house fire, Betty is pressured to date an annoying fireman. Wilhemina tries to prove to Don, an old flame from her past, that she's just Wanda from the block instead of an uber-bitch, and Amanda draws closer to Tyler, convincing Claire to hire him as an in-house model at Mode. Meanwhile, Hilda meets Bobby's parents for the first time. Written by ABC Publicity

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.4
46 min

The marines being recalled too late, Haqqani's Taliban commando force succeeds in taking over the US embassy, taking most staff hostage and threatening to kill them one by one unless the key staff, who took refuge in the 'vault', hands him the vital contacts list. Director Andrew Lockhart panics after seeing an execution and obeys, Haqqani escapes. The White House decides to break off diplomatic relations, transfer the CIA operations to Kabul, evacuate all staff and suspend Carrie. Only Peter Quinn slips out hunt Haqqani down without Pakistani permission, Lockhart 'informally' grants Carrie five days to get Peter back either way. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.7
48 min

Now that Aasar Khan has identified Dennis Boyd as the American mole without giving up who Dennis' handler within the ISI is, Carrie has to decide how to proceed now that the Taliban have recaptured Saul. At this point, Carrie isn't willing to let Saul die, especially after an unexpected telephone call she receives from the States. She and the team have to decide how best to play Dennis with what scant hard evidence they have on hand as to his activities. Carrie and the team also have to be careful about Martha finding out that they know he is the mole, Martha who may support her husband despite their problems. Regardless of Dennis, Carrie may have no option but to proceed with the prisoner exchange, despite knowing that Saul did not want to be used as a pawn for negotiation. Through it all, each side may have cards up their sleeve to manipulate the situation to their desired end goal, which on one side may not be all it appears on the surface. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.2
50 min

Carrie arrogantly accuses the ICI of sabotage all investigations but finds perfect gentleman general Aasar Khan cooperative enough to completely convince even Quinn. Hoping to avenge Ayaan she tries to track the medicine he was to bring to Taliban uncle Haissam Haqqani trough the knave's nurse-girlfriend, but the pills wreck her memory and self-control. ICI can easily have her arrested for armed street frenzy an brings her to the general's home, where the illusion to find Brody alive, to good to be true or ignored, mentally breaks her. Meanwhile Saul makes a failed escape attempt. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.8
51 min

After coldly shooting his cousin Ayaan, Taliban commander Haissam Haqqani enjoys his human shield Saul, now he can finally visit his family openly, even gets a triumphant welcome in their home town. Pakistan's military intelligence ICI provides the ambassador's husband with pills to substitute for Carrie's, so as to enhance rather the suppress her extreme emotions and loss of self-control. CIA director Lockhart arrives personally to scold Carrie's utter station failure and take charge of efforts to recuperate Saul. As a military operation seems hopeless, he resorts to demanding Pakistani government help, by blackmail on presidential authority, threatening to cancel the annual $2 billion aid. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.0
49 min

Carrie continues her ruse with Aayan, going through such time consuming measures as going over and confirming a back story with him for his new identity in leaving the country. In part because Aayan wants to retrieve a few personal items before leaving, Carrie sees some potential problems and other opportunities for Aayan to lead them directly to Haqqani before long. In the planning, Carrie has to decide who she considers acceptable collateral damage, including Aayan, who she has come to know as a sensitive, young man, and who has inadvertently fallen in love with her. With Quinn still angry with her, Carrie has to find other associates to assist in her latest covert mission. Also butting heads are Carrie and Fara, the former who accuses the latter of not doing her job by botching the co-opting of Aayan, while the latter reminds the former of her role in discovering that Haqqani is still alive. Nick, one of the agents in the Islamabad section, had been tasked with following both Saul ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.7
48 min

To Quinn's disgust, Carrie shamelessly seduces innocent virgin Aayan Ibrahim into bed to win his trust. Saul tails criminal ICI-henchman Farhad Ghazi at the airport, but ends up his captive without any CIA staff noticing. Quinn and Fara's stakeout meanwhile yields the imam who accompanied Ayaan's most-wanted uncle. Ambassador Boyd's husband Dennis finds her neither pleased nor surprised when he announces he's staying, indeed having missed out on an academic new chance, but does well as ICI spy. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Quinn reluctantly accepts joining Carrie's Pakistan team to examine his theory that Sandy's lynching was orchestrated by a Pakistani intelligence officer, or as turns out their thug 'subcontractor' Farhad Ghazi. Now Ayaan is without prospect, he considers and accepts a proposal from Carrie, posing as Fara's London editing chief, to sell his family's story for a safe scholarship in London, which doesn't even exist. Following him, the team discovers his uncle, Taliban commander Haissam Haqqani, wasn't killed by the drone. The ambassador's husband, a politics professor, is blackmailed and laves Islamabad feigning a dream job. Saul calls markers on retired Pakistani military intelligence general Bunny Latif but the incumbent is impressed nor amused. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.1
49 min

Blackmailed, the director had to give Carrie the post of Islamabad station chief, passing-over John Redmond, hence a near-hostile deputy. Peter Quinn is depressive, fleeing in alcohol and the chubby arms of his doting landlady, resisting therapy and Dar Adal, but his endless reviewing the footage of Sandy's lynching yields a distressing new theory. The ambassador to Pakistan ordered a lock-down, which Carrie shamelessly circumvents, dragging unamused security staff along. Saul gets a far from warm welcome, yet helps overturning the lock-down, being the ambassador's ex-fiancé. Aayan still shivers after abusive Taliban intimidation, so he refuses sell his drone-decimated family's story to CIA novice Fara Sherazi, who poses as a London-based reporter. Ayaan finds his medicine stash trashed by his girl friend's father, who even falsely reported him as a thief to see him expelled as med student. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.7
49 min

While conscience-wresting Quinn works out his frustration in a bar fight, landing him in jail for a night, heartless Carrie spends only one day actually caring for her baby daughter before dumping Brody's kid back on her unamused sister. Jordan Harris's secret, being archive-buried for trying to expose the illegal exchange of secrets, allows Carrie to blackmail careerist director Lockhart into returning her to the field, now as Islamabad section chief, to investigate. Dar Adal suggests Saul should seize the scandal to bid for the director seat again, but he prefers to remain in private security and accepts an offer from Carrie to modernize her new Pakistani post. Med student Aayan Ibrahim hides chemicals with his girl friend and is abusively intimidated by Taliban supporters. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.4
49 min

As CIA section chief in Kabul, Carrie ignores warnings about major collateral damage to sanction a drone strike on a hard-to-find Taliban leader, resulting in mass killings at a wedding in his family in Pakistan, which she calls their own risk. Orphaned moderate med student Aayan Ibrahim, the target's cousin, recorded the attack on video, which his relative Rahim posted on Internet behinds Ayyan's back. CIA informer-handler Sandy Bachman's identity becomes public and he's lynched by a mob, Quinn shoots two assailants during a disastrous attempt with Carrie to extract Sandy. CIA director Andrew Lockhart recalls both during the scandal investigation and orders Carrie to stay in the US, but Quinn gives her a tip to question archive-buried collaborator Hank Wonham. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.9
46 min

Brody has undergone cold turkey and is now lead asset in a CIA mission at the Iraq-Iranian border. Saul is set under pressure by senator Lockhart, while the mission enforces main setbacks. Carrie stands up trying to diverge the mission back in control. Written by TS

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Saul has only nine days left as interim CIA director and successor senator Andrew Lockhart opposes operation Majid, but the chief of staff agrees that Saul can continue the top-secret project so long. Saul also authorizes Quinn to lead a team to investigate Majid's suggestion that Brody didn't place the bomb and the real culprit is still in the States, handled by 'his' law firm. After Dar Adal 'warns' his golf contact, senior partner Leland Bennett, his deputy Paul Franklin is instructed to get rid of him. When he turns up armed, pregnant Carrie breaks orders and has to be shot, obsessed with the only chance to clear Brody. Saul's wife dumps her lover. Financial analyst Fara's Iranian exiled father finds out about her CIA employment when she's rebuked for taking sickies to mind sickly Mr. Sherazi. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Majid Javadi is firmly in Saul's grip and seems to run out of excuses to give in to blackmail, so he's put on an airplane back to Teheran as double agent. As the police found his family's corpses, Quinn must take the blame and invoke national security to go free. It works, but disgust him enough to consider leaving the CIA, yet he accepts to help find out what happened to Brody. Majid assures Carrie that not Brady, but henchmen of his law firm helped Abu Nasir's men bomb the CIA site. Confident Dar Adal deserts senator Andrew Lockhart when Saul rather keeps his successor-designate locked up 'accidentally' then call off operation Majid. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.1
48 min

While Saul pretends not to mind being passed over, nominated CIA director senator Andrew Lockhart turns to Dar Adal to 'clean out the closet'. Only Quinn is told about Carrie's triple agent mission. She's roughly abducted and fails Iranian secret service vice director Majlis's lie detector test, but plays the Venezuelan accounts fraud card. He still manages to dispose of his ex first. Jessica is relieved when Dana, who claims the Brody burden is unbearable, adopts her maiden name, but the faithless daughter leaves home to move in with another dubious new friend, Angela. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.4
48 min

Peter Quinn protests to Saul, on account of Carrie being blamed solely for the Brody and bomb disaster. Peter visits her in a CIA psych ward, where she's collocated due to her erratic aggression which extends even to him. Saul recruits a new financial analyst, Fara Sherazi, to investigate the financing of the Iran-directed terrorists he suspects, then leans heavily on the collaborating New York bankers. Unlike sensible Chris, mother Jessica remains clueless about the frustration about father motivating Dana's genuine suicide attempt. Worse, by opposing Dana's friendship with former therapy mate Leo Carras drives her into his arms and laundry-improvised bed. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 5.8
22 min

It's a few weeks before the wedding. In their continuing slap bet, Marshall wants the next slap he exacts on Barney to be the most painful thing that Barney has ever experienced. Marshall knows however that this threat means nothing to Barney as Barney is now immune to Marshall's constant taunting. Marshall, as such, proceeds to tell Barney a story of the extensive training he got from the masters of slaps to achieve his goal, that three part training which includes how to exact slaps of a combination of speed, strength and accuracy. Marshall not only has to convince Barney that he went through this training, but to convince Barney enough that Barney is once again traumatized by Marshall's constant taunting. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.0
22 min

In the sober light of day after Barney and Robin's romantic liaison, they have to decide if the night together meant anything beyond a roll in the sack. Regardless, they have to decide what to do about it with regard to their respective relationships with Nora and Kevin. Things are made more difficult when the four are supposed to be attending a social work function on a harbor cruise, which means that they are are captive together for the evening. Barney and Robin know that they have to be on the same page about what to do, but that may be easier said than done. Meanwhile, Ted has bought tickets to a groovapalooza concert for himself, Marshall and Lily. As is their regular concert routine, Ted also buys some weed for them to smoke at the concert. However, pregnant Lily doesn't think that either she or Marshall should get high in her state. When Marshall can't resist, he and Ted go on a stoned journey of discovery through the arena in search of some nachos for a hungry Lily. Their ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

After Barney's brother James meets Nora for the first time, he admits that he doesn't like Nora with Barney if only because her behavior is too reminiscent of their mother, Loretta. Kevin, in turn, states that it's not too unusual for people to end up with someone like their parent. That comment makes for a very uncomfortable romantic night for Marshall and Lily, the former whose discomfort is taken one step further. If Barney knew about James and Kevin's comments, his night may also be particularly spoiled as tonight is the night that he and Nora are going to make love for the first time. But other things may ruin their potential first time. Meanwhile, Kevin and Ted have to come to an understanding about the other's relationship with Robin. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Despite their therapy going well, Kevin announces to Robin that he is quitting being her therapist since he is moving to Alaska. Robin soon learns that that story is a lie. He quit being her therapist since he was attracted to her. Learning that information, she admits her feelings for him in a roundabout way, and they eventually begin to date. They have to decide whether they can get over the issues that they spoke of in therapy, and get over the unethical nature of their relationship, especially as everyone reminds them of how unethical it is. Marshall, now in his dream job of working for famed environmental lawyer Garrison Cootes, may now believe that the job is not as much of a dream as he imagined it would be. Cootes seems to be letting major polluters off the hook by accepting less than sizable settlements. Cootes and the rest of the staff seem elated by these meager settlements. When Marshall learns the reason why, he has to decide what to do with the information. Ted is taking... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Robin is attending court ordered therapy sessions stemming from an incident where she assaulted someone. The assault had something to do with her feelings for Barney, and not being able to deal emotionally with watching Barney court Nora, especially in the public and over-the-top manner he was doing it. As Robin tells the story, which includes her helping Barney as a friend erase the many loose hanging scams to pick up women so that Nora will think him a changed man, Robin's therapist, Kevin, gets more and more exasperated by the long winded nature of Robin's story. Part of that exasperation comes from what he sees as a tangent to the story he wants and needs to hear, but that Robin swears is cogent to the assault charge. That tangent concerns Ted inserting himself into Lily's pregnancy, as he has always seen himself, Marshall and Lily as an unbreakable threesome, like three peas in a pod. As Ted especially had issues with advice doled out by Dr. Sonya - Lily's somewhat ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Immediately after his drunken spree at Punchy's wedding, Marshall learns that he is one step away from landing his dream job working in environmental lawyer Garrison Cootes' law firm. That last step is for them to do a background check to make sure that there are no unseemly skeletons in his closet. Feeling that that drunken spree may have cost him the job and thus vowing never to get drunk again, Marshall does his own Internet search to find any of those skeletons. He finds one video, posted by a college colleague named Pete Durkenson, of Marshall doing a supposed fraternity prank called Beercules. Believing that video could cost him his dream job, Marshall tries to track down Pete to get him to remove the video. Finding a seemingly still immature Pete may get Marshall into even more trouble. Meanwhile, Nora finally agrees to meet with Barney, who tries to do whatever he can to make her believe he's a changed man, even if it takes a marathon in an all-night diner. And Ted decides to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

In the aftermath of Ted and Zoey's break-up, Ted is having second thoughts. He is freaking out about an issue with the GNB headquarters, and historically when Ted freaks out about something, he turns to dating an old girlfriend if only for something comfortable and familiar, however bad returning to that relationship ended up being. When Barney and Robin find out that Ted is going to meet Zoey to get back together with her, they have to try and figure out where that meeting place is so that they can stop him. Beyond piecing together this puzzle, Barney and Robin's quest leads to them discussing their own relationship. Meanwhile, Lily has come down with a case of food poisoning from some soup. Marshall eats the soup three hours later, which means that his symptoms of excessive vomiting will start three hours later than Lily's did. Marshall has a job interview with a major environmental law firm in a few hours, and he is just hoping that he can make it through the interview without ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Barney is going on his second date with Nora. He still denies that it means anything. But when Nora tells him up front that she only wants to date men that have the potential of being husband material, Barney does indeed tell her that he too is looking for a serious relationship. Does he mean it or is it all an act just to get her into bed? Barney himself may not even be sure, Lily is pretty sure she knows what he's really feeling for Nora, but only Barney's cardiologist may be able to tell for sure. Meanwhile, Robin is thinking about getting a dog again. Marshall tells her that her want for a dog is to replace the man missing from her life and that she really should go out and look for her next relationship. She follows Marshall's advice and picks up a guy she meets nicknamed Scooby, a fellow Canadian. But in Scooby, Robin may have gotten her original wish. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Zoey's husband, the Captain, doesn't know that Ted is the man for who Zoey left him. Intimidated by the Captain, Ted doesn't relish doing Zoey the favor of picking up a box of her belongings from her old apartment, but does it when she tells him that the Captain has left it with the doorman for her. So when Ted goes to pick up the box, he is dismayed to run into the Captain, who needs to talk to his good friend Ted about putting the man who stole Zoey away from him on the gangplank. Meanwhile, Marshall focuses his entire life on being good to the environment after watching a documentary on Garbage Island, this focus even to the exclusion of sex with Lily. Marshall finally opens up to his wife about why he has gone on this environmental bent. And Barney doesn't want to admit that his first date with Nora - his first ever date on Valentine's Day - resulted in him wanting another date with her. Robin tries to change that. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

It's approaching Valentine's Day 2011, and romance is not looking good for most of the gang. Robin and Barney have a laser tag date as friends on the actual day. Robin, single and proud of it, is spending the day before Valentine's Day with some single girlfriends in protest of the Hallmark day. Barney has renamed the 13th Desperation Day for all the single, desperate women who feel the need to hook-up with anyone by the end of the day so as not to be alone on the 14th. In his protest against this desperation, he vows to be home by midnight alone so that he say he doesn't have a date on Valentine's. Even Lily and Marshall are going to be apart on Valentine's as Marshall is still in Minnesota helping his mother after the passing of his father. Lily decides she needs to be with Marshall so makes an impromptu trip to Minnesota to be with her husband. What Lily sees at the Eriksen household is not quite what she expects. And Ted and Zoey have decided to take their relationship at a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Supernatural




IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Sam and Dean try to save the life of architect Evan Hudson who sold his soul to a demon so that his wife could live a long and healthy life free of cancer. While Sam protects Evan from hell hounds, Dean is tempted by the demon, who tries to convince him to trade his soul for his father's life, who she claims did the same to save Dean and is now suffering in hell for it. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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