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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

In Sherman Oaks, a neighborhood within Los Angeles, a man dies on impact in a hit-and-run traffic incident; a videotape shows that the killing was deliberate; the victim was Clay, a member of the staff of Monica, an atypical candidate running for the US Senate; Granger and G agree that, if the death is related to the campaign, then it's a matter of national security, so Callen and company investigate. Kensi and Deeks visit Clay's pad, where they find a clue; G and Sam visit the campaign headquarters, where they chat with Monica, and where a campaign worker hands them a disturbing clue; Kensi goes undercover as the replacement for Clay; Eric and Nell find a lead, and G and Sam pursue it; Kensi goes with Monica into the field, where a sniper opens fire; Kensi puts Monica on the deck; Monica decides to withdraw; Hetty takes a fresh look at the circumstances; the team figure out the puzzle, and Kensi nails the person responsible; Monica resumes her campaign. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

An eclectic group of four apparently unassociated men, all invited to a meeting, die in an explosion of an otherwise empty diner in Pasadena, California, in the Los Angeles area; all four took part in a program of the Office of Naval Intelligence, which had recruited high-IQ people to play a strategy game; Mathers, the man in charge of the project, tells G and Sam that a fifth man, Hoffman, did not attend the meeting; at Hoffman's pad Kensi and Deeks find the dead body of someone else while a teenage girl, Astrid, slips away; yet another man dies; the team locate Astrid, and Kensi chats with her on a cellphone; Mathers disappears; the team nab Hoffman, who describes Astrid, then the team figure her out; Nell, while playing a game for Hetty, describes a problem; G and Sam meet an official from the Pentagon; the team find Hoffman and Astrid together, and they finish putting the pieces together, then Kensi gets a new poker partner, and Hetty makes a threesome. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

In Afghanistan one survivor, the target himself, a terrorist, narrowly avoids the destruction of a building by a drone; one victim, however, is a discharged Marine, David, who was a gunnery sergeant in counterintelligence; Callen and company investigate. G and Sam talk with a representative from the Marine Corps, and Kensi and Deeks visit the parents; the father refuses to accept that his son returned to Afghanistan; Eric finds David's circuitous journey from Los Angeles to the Middle East; David's former employer and his girlfriend repeat two different cover stories from David; Eric and Nell find out for whom truly he recently started working; G and Sam visit the office of the new employer and get a warm welcome, then they take the one worker to the boatshed; Eric and Nell also visit the firm, where they learn about more recruits; the fearless foursome go to Dubai and beyond, where they take part in creative deception and work out everything; they safely head back home. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.0

In Los Angeles a driver rams an SUV, causing a wreck, then shoots and kills the second driver, and a third one blows away the first; the first two men were employees of a family-run gun shop in the San Fernando Valley. Special Agent Mike Renko, of the NCIS, seen previously, is an undercover worker of the same gun shop; G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks visit the shop; fireworks ensue; the team rescue Renko, then an unknown shooter critically injures him. Granger shows up and fills in Hetty, saying that a tip had indicated that the gun-shop operation is dirty. Renko dies after surgery; the stepdaughter tells much; G and Sam find another dead body. The team find clues and evidence, so they head out to make a deal, but it does not go down; Eric provides the location of the bad guy, nearby, and G realizes who is the bad guy behind it all; the fearless foursome meet him and watch while he explodes a car with Special Agent Lauren Hunter inside, then he surrenders. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Kensi and Deeks go undercover as a married couple housesitting in a gated community to identify a Russian sleeper agent believed to live in the neighborhood; a Russian businessman, who's also a link to the unknown agent, dies at a local hotel. G and Sam visit an old Russian friend of G, and Kensi tries to visit an aged neighbor; they all get reactions; Eric finds a lie, so Kensi sniffs around and finds herself in a chick fight; the other girl agrees to tell all, but she too dies; still, though, she gives a Russian name, and she says that he is nearby. G and Sam return to Arkady to find out why he lied; they find the dead body of Arkady's bodyguard plus two men trying to kill Arkady; Kensi and Deeks go to an interesting dinner, and Sam shows G a disturbing image; on the way home Kensi and Deeks run into trouble with a gay couple; however, they discover the Russian long-time sleeper agent, who recently became active. The team finish putting the pieces together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

After taking part in an investigation in Honolulu, Hawaii, G and Sam return aboard a military aircraft to Los Angeles; two detectives, Danny Williams and Chin Ho Kelly, from the task force called Hawaii Five-0, accompany them; they together seek to intercept a rogue epidemiologist, Prodeman, who stole nine vials of smallpox virus; Prodeman's traveling companion dies of hemorrhagic smallpox before landing at the LAX airport aboard a commercial flight; Prodeman eludes capture and leaves the airport. Sam and Chin tackle Prodeman near his motel; he gives the name of Dr. Rachel Holden, whom the team pursue; Kensi and Deeks play nurse and doctor and produce results; G turns over a motor home, but the team does not find any stuff; still, though, they figure out the whole thing, then they find the bad woman, who holds alternative views and acts on them, and they not only interrupt the distribution of free T-shirts but also prevent a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

During the morning drivetime, after a chick rear-ends a pickup truck (while applying makeup), a bomb in the bed explodes, and the man in the truck runs away; the man, Knowles, is a Marine former second lieutenant with a medical discharge under honorable conditions; FBI agents bust Knowles; Granger wants Callen and company to find out why the team did not previously know about a terrorist plot in the LA area. Nate resurfaces and says that the FBI has it wrong; Kensi and Deeks check out a diner and a goth waitress; the Hoover in charge behaves in an arrogant and obnoxious way; Kensi and Deeks ride a pair of bikes; G uses a light touch with a lock, but a car explodes. Kensi and Deeks trace a cello, which causes G and Sam to check a bedroom, which contains clues, which enable the team to look further and to assemble the puzzle and to minimize the damage of the third bomb. The Hoover in charge eats crow, the bad guy stays in custody, and things begin to look better. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

During artillery practice a group of Marines find the dismembered body of a Navy ensign, Aaron, who provided communication support to a SEAL outfit; Callen and company investigate; the fearless foursome visit the SEALs aboard Aaron's training base, where they meet defiance, hostility, and uncooperativeness; Nell gives a lead, so the team check a home, where a car leaves fast; the team learn about the relationship between Aaron and the ex-girlfriend of one of the SEALs; Sam finds out who bought a knife of a particular type. G, Kensi, and Deeks find much circumstantial evidence pointing to the SEALs, but Sam refuses to believe that the SEALs would kill for jealousy. Hetty, Eric, and Nell uncover some of Aaron's other activities. Sam attends a SEAL-to-SEAL meeting, during which he hears the whole story; he then takes care of the matter; Callen learns the cause of death. The SEAL team then heads to Pakistan and completes a risky rescue mission. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Yesterday in Los Angeles, while a young man tries to enter the Vietnamese consulate, an unknown gunman in a passing car shoots him, injuring but not killing him; tomorrow the SecNav will attend a Southeast Asia conference at the same consulate; Callen and company investigate. While G and Sam visit the victim in a hospital, his employer shows up; his personal effects include the name of a Marine first lieutenant; as Kensi and Deeks approach the consulate, a car explodes; the car belongs to a local lawyer of Vietnamese descent who's a leader in a group seeking to introduce democracy and other human-rights reforms into the oppressive regime of the socialist government of Vietnam. G and Sam check out the tailor shop and follow a van to a second place, where Sam later drives into the building and saves many lives. The team figure out everything, discover domestic dissonance, eliminate bad guys, reunite a family, and shoot baskets while Hetty officiates. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Granger summons Kensi to the chat room at the boathouse and invites her to sit on the left side of the table; Hetty summons all the others to the ops center, and Nell describes the death of a retired Marine master sergeant, Blake, about 05:00 this morning in an automobile crash. Blake served in the same sniper unit as did Kensi's father, Donald; Kensi was the last person in touch with Blake before he died; three times Granger asks Kensi to explain her business during her recent visits to Hawaii, and three times she answers (to learn the truth about his father's death, in 1997). Five members of the same unit (besides Donald) have died, all in car wrecks, and three of them have died in the past two months; the one remaining member, Jay, is missing without any known address or phone number; Kensi was also the last person to contact two of the others, as with Blake. Kensi's teammates start investigating and producing. Kensi takes a round. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

G and Sam acknowledge the fifth anniversary of their service as partners. Just outside the LAX airport four masked armed men stop a bulletproof van of the Diplomatic Security Service of the US Department of State, moving two couriers and a wooden crate, having originated in India and now bound for a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles; the bad guys seize the crate and escape with it; Callen and company investigate. G and Sam interview the couriers; Eric and Nell trace one of the trucks, two of the bad guys, and a van; then Kensi and Deeks find the van and the crate, check out the contents, and take part in a gunfight; a crew takes possession of the crate. Granger, the new assistant director, shows up and shows interest; Kensi and Deeks find a body and shoot a fed to death; G and Sam meet a private aircraft and suddenly meet also more people than expected; Sam attacks G, but Kensi and Deeks ride to the rescue; back at the boathouse the team put it all together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Both Alex and Jada, from Sudan in a previous episode, have reappeared in Los Angeles; while two NCIS agents (on a protective detail) escort Jada to an office in preparation for her giving a deposition, a masked man in an SUV attacks the trio in their car and escapes without injuring anyone. Kensi and Deeks get a name from Jada, then check a warehouse and catch a bad guy; Alex and his family disappear; Sam offers to play water games; Nell finds Alex, then the foursome chat with him; his behavior perplexes everyone; Kensi and Deeks visit an international business firm, from which they acquire important data; Alex finds the gang, surprises them, and chats them up, then they all pitch in and change their plans. Alex calls the main middleman and proposes a deal, which blows up; Alex gets his family back, and the gang keep Jada but lose the middleman, although another agency catches him later. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

During a late-night operation the team respond to an agent-needs-help message from Hetty's cellphone; Nell says that the call came from the boatshed, and that someone has disabled their eyes there; inside the shed G finds a stranger and decks him, and the others cover the scene with drawn arms, then they meet Owen Granger, the new assistant director, who introduces the next case. Brent Bolton has died from a gunshot wound, said to be self-inflicted, by a piece registered to his wife, Mia; they both have worked as employees of a think tank under contract to the US Department of Defense; they both also have been the subjects of open cases at the NCIS. The team learn about several people who are different people; Mia helps; they check out the cutting of hair and the shredding or nonshredding of documents and objects; then they find out how Brent died, but they lose one of the bad guys. Granger says that he did not join them to make friends; he speaks truth. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

At a local college of engineering an unknown man in black steals a prototype weapon from the lab of a professor who, under contract with the US Department of Defense, specializes in nonnuclear electromagnetic pulses, which have the capability to render disastrous nonlethal damage; Callen and company investigate. G and Sam speak with the prof, who shows squirrelly behavior, and whom they catch in a lie, which leads to a major problem. Kensi returns to school. Eric meets Nell's family, and he finds a Gremlin but no pony. During a second break-in at the lab, someone grabs a second device, which can make the damage of the first one much worse. The team quickly put many pieces together, then they do some legwork, and the puzzle becomes complete; G and Sam do a task on a roof by night to bring the problem to an end. Back at the shop Hetty taps a keg, the gang toast and drink, Eric hands a gift to Sam, and Deeks hands one to Kensi. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

During a joint sting (against Fisk, an illegal arms dealer) involving the NCIS and the LAPD, Deeks appears to blow away a peripheral bad guy whom he believes to pack, but who in fact has no piece; Hetty fires Deeks after the LAPD cuts all its ties with the NCIS; when Deeks leaves the office, he and Kensi have a friendly chat. G and Sam spook Fisk's lawyer and then tail her; Deeks receives a request for help in smoking out a mole inside the LAPD; Kensi visits a suspect and describes a plan; Deeks goes out on a ledge; Kensi belatedly learns about a ruse; Deeks and Kensi go after whom they believe to be the mole, and G and Sam go after Fisk and some high explosives; slowly the team find out and figure out who's the mole, and who are the good guys. A SWAT team, along with G and Sam, grabs a bunch of bad guys; G, Sam, and Deeks dodge the flying debris and nail the real mole. Deeks returns to the NCIS, but he has trouble in talking with Kensi about a thing. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Six days ago Sam returned to Sudan to work with a CIA task force, looking into the presence of the Al-Qaeda there; since then unknown people have tortured and killed two CIA agents near Khartoum, the capital, and the agency has lost contact with Sam; a third unidentified body, matching that of Sam, has turned up; Hetty agrees that a mole appears to be inside the CIA. G grabs his bag and goes to Khartoum, where he sees the charred body and reports to Hetty, saying that it's that of Michael Saleh (from a previous story); G meets a new friend and fellow inquirer; G meets Sam, and they go to work. Meanwhile back at home Kensi and Deeks have a frustrating conversation with a CIA guy. Sam receives two interesting invitations and deals with them; Kensi and Deeks find the mole and deal with it; Sam runs into bad trouble, but G helps greatly. G and Sam return to the US and take a third person with them. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

One man kills a second one for a small but heavy plywood box, then a third man kills the first one and takes the box; one victim bears a Navy ID card, so Callen and company investigate. The dead sailor was a seaman, Davis, on UA for six weeks from USS Enterprise, recently stationed in the Red Sea off the coast of Sudan, in northeastern Africa; G recognizes the other vic as a British arms dealer with ties to terrorist groups. Back in the USA the Davis widow describes her husband's involvement with the box and its contents; after a gunfight G and Sam hear more about the contents. Eric pursues a clue, then the gang find the body of the thief, and they meet a friend of Sam, who reveals the real nature of the contents, which raise huge concerns; they snag a part of the contents; Eric and Nell direct them to the remainder, and Kensi discovers the target, where the gang grab the rest of the stuff and the other bad guys, and they forestall a huge disaster. Both Eric and Nell get flowers. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

A Marine, Maslin, administratively separated without an honorable discharge, attacks and beats a Japanese man tourist, who dies later; Callen and company investigate; G and Sam realize that they're not the only people looking for him; Kensi and Deeks also turn up nothing. With Eric's help, G and Sam find Maslin plus some bad guys with bad wheels without plates; Maslin tells a long story, which the team at first fail to verify; G and Sam meet a highly respected Japanese businessman visiting Los Angeles; next the US Department of State requests that the NCIS withdraw from the case. The team begin to gather confirmation, and Kensi offers housekeeping services, but nobody buys; Deeks gains an advantage. Hetty advises the team to become modern ninjas, so every member of the team takes on a new role, providing services to a departing aircraft and its cargo and passengers. Everything goes according to plan, a couple become reunited, and a Marine sees a better future. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

A woman former lieutenant commander dies by gunfire in Santa Monica, California, near Los Angeles, shortly after calling her previous boss in the Office of Naval Intelligence, a commander, asking to meet him on an urgent matter; Callen and company investigate. While talking with the victim's fiancé, G and Sam find cash and two foreign passports for aliases; continuing at the boathouse, they pick up confusing information; next they find the warm body of a woman professor of engineering. Eric and Nell learn about deposits into bank accounts, a former NSA agent, and an image of Hetty, who makes a visit to an old friend while G and Sam do some tricks; meanwhile Eric and Nell find clues and pursue them, and Kensi and Deeks go trolling, then G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks take a boat ride and catch some bad guys. The team finish putting all the pieces together, then Hetty again visits an old friend, but this time she says that she arrived too late. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

While raiding a pawnshop in Hollywood, targeting a notorious Mexican drug cartel, a SWAT team from the Los Angeles PD kills two low-level cartel soldiers plus a wanted Muslim terrorist; the LAPD requests help from Callen and company, who then search for an alliance between the two rogue groups. G and Sam hear about Hoovers, but the FBI assures Hetty that they're not involved. The team talk with a Mexican police chief, who seeks a major player in the cartel; G and Sam learn that they're not the first; the gang visit a piñata store, where they find visitors, a firefight, and a body. Next Kensi joins the staff of the store and await the phony Hoovers; they all meet at the boathouse, and the guests, who are something else, send the team in quest of a special object at an ocean terminal in San Pedro, where two more men show up, and where confusion and fireworks abound; the team quickly move to a nearby shipyard, then they finish working out everything. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

On the oceanfront at Venice, California, in the Los Angeles area, an unknown gunman kills a TV journalist, Adriana Gomez, who has received death threats from Libyan nationalists (after she created a series of stories about an anti-Qaddafi rebel and folk hero); Gomez contacted a commander, Gavin Madison, in Naval intelligence, who's an expert on Libya; Callen and company investigate. G and Sam visit Cdr. Madison at home, find two bad guys, exchange fire, and drop one and lose one; Kensi and Deeks visit a Libyan restaurant and get a lead; G and Sam check out a defunct auto-glass shop, where they find a large clue; Kensi and Deeks, along with G and Sam, rediscover the loose Libyan; G and Sam find also a body in a trunk; Sam goes shopping for a lamb, and G, Kensi, and Deeks pitch in; they meet people and deal with them. The team figure out the puzzle and create a solution, which includes Sam's making announcements. Hetty tells G more about his ancestors. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

In Beverly Hills two masked thugs kidnap Dennis Calder, a wealthy and successful software developer, one of whose prototype programs someone apparently used for a cyber attack on a computer of the US Department of Defense (DoD), prompting the National Security Agency (NSA) to place him under surveillance. Callen and company help the NSA. Kensi and Deeks find out what's no longer in Calder's office, and G and Sam find Calder's honey and take her to the boathouse; then Kensi tutors Calder's son, Deeks gives Calder's wife a tennis lesson, and Eric traces an electronic intruder, whom G and Sam chase, and who takes a terminal leap in front of a Cadillac. Kensi finds another computer, so she and others find out what else has taken place, then a major attack breaks loose against the DoD. Eric and Nell continue to produce clues, Deeks takes a ride in a wheelchair, and Nell takes a ride in a bucket. The team find Calder and the bad guys, and G chats with Hetty. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Having followed Hetty from Prague in the Czech Republic to a beachside house on the Baltic Sea in Romania, G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks check out the neighborhood while G recovers some of his childhood memories, and while Hetty chats with the head of the Comescu family, who describes the history of a family feud and a connection with G. Nell persuades Eric to eat and drink inside the ops center, and the two of them support the work of the others in the field. Hunter, Hetty's successor in Los Angeles, shows up under puzzling circumstances, then Deeks leads three prisoners to G, Sam, and Kensi; the team learn about Hunter and her background, and G speaks with Director Vance and with Hunter. G creates a diversion, then the team shoot their way into the house, where they find Hetty, where G decides whether to trust Hunter, and where Hunter finds them and grabs a notebook computer. The team prepare to make tracks, but Hetty has lost some blood. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Hetty, having turned up in Prague in the Czech Republic, goes to a home, finds two menacing local thugs, proffers a message, and blows them away. Meanwhile Lauren, Hetty's successor, does not get a warm welcome. G and Sam check out one of Hetty's pads, where they find armed intruders, three of whom G and Sam dispatch, and one of whom soon has a wreck. Director Vance visits the gang and chats them up, then he and Lauren walk out. Hetty meets three more locals. Eric finds a lead, which G and Sam pursue; G attends a meeting with backup; complications arise, but the team overcomes. Vance eventually tells G that the current op, Operation Comescu, concerns G himself, and that the Comescu family want G dead. G asks to go to Prague, but Vance refuses, so G lays down his badge and leaves, as do Sam and Kensi; G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks all go to Prague and onward to a beach house in Romania. G experiences a flashback, and Hetty presents the message. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

An unidentified man dies after a severe beating and an intense burning of his clothes; a specific radiopharmaceutical present in the body implies a connection to a previous case; Callen and company investigate; Eric identifies the victim, G and Callen check out his pad, and Kensi and Deeks check out his wheels. G and Sam visit the Prince o' Whales, where they meet a star and gain some information; Nell finds some bacon, then G and Sam meet a guy who just wrecked his house; G instructs him on the wonders of modern electronic technology. To trap a suspect, Sam poses as bait; a chase and an explosion ensue; an errand boy says that the head man has a dirty bomb, and that he intends to use it; later the gang visit a rally to honor military veterans; Deeks takes a bomb-sniffing dog, who sniffs a bomb; the team grab the head man. Hetty resigns, and her successor arrives; Hetty disappears from Los Angeles and reappears in Prague in the Czech Republic. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

After a key witness, Ray, testifies in a federal arms-trading prosecution, he retires as an informant; the team give him a new identity, Charlie, and direct him to a new location; next Callen and company turn their attention to the missing military weapons; however, within two hours Charlie disappears after a shooting in Los Angeles; Deeks goes back undercover while the other members check out the scene. Kensi and Deeks chase around with Ray; a firefight breaks out, and Kensi takes out one shooter, but Ray disappears again; G and Sam seek entertainment and find some, then the gang take Ray's estranged wife to the boathouse, where she talks, where she and Deeks reminisce and catch up with each other, and where Deeks eventually makes a confession; G and Sam make Ray a special deal involving his pregnant honey. During another firestorm the musketeers run a scam on the executioners and therefore on the new convict in a federal prison. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

A major player in the private-sector aerospace industry, Drewett, whose firm operates under contract to the US Department of Defense (DoD), dies inside a test chamber at his facility in Palmdale, California, near Los Angeles; Callen and company investigate, in part to determine the security of US military (DoD) technology. Eric goes undercover as an FAA inspector; G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks, taking a more direct approach, meet Drewett's business partner, Holt, and Drewett's daughter, Ariel, who suspects murder and gives a name; Holt stalls, argues, and resists; Eric does nicely in his assignment but runs into a big problem. Later everyone in the field watches a big bang; the team find Holt's body, then they go to a flea market in Saugus, between Palmdale and Los Angeles, where they not only watch a transaction but also grab and detain all the participants in it. All the pieces fit together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

A Latino man dies by garroting on a parking lot at the pier at Malibu, California, near Los Angeles; NCIS receives photographs of an exchange between the victim and a Navy lieutenant commander, Chambers, in Naval intelligence, who disappeared two days ago, the day of the death; Callen and company investigate. In a motel room G and Sam find a silenced pistol and the itinerary for a visit in LA by an anti-Chavez, and supposedly pro-USA, Venezuelan politician; Nell holds an interesting conversation with Chambers's boss, a four-stripe captain; Kensi talks with Chambers's ex-wife, Deeks plays on a trampoline, and they check out a car wash. The team believe that they face an attempt to assassinate the visitor. With the help of the ex-wife, the team try to run a scam on the unknown bad parties; Kensi looks for a biscuit, and the gang find Chambers; later G and Sam catch two bad guys, and Kensi and Deeks grab a swimmer in a pool, thereby thwarting the assassination. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

One of Sam's aliases receives an e-mail message from Abdul Habaza, who in a previous episode flew back to Yemen. Hetty and the rest of the team hope that Abdul will eventually lead them to Saadat, Abdul's brother, believed to be the leader of the Warriors of Islam. Sam finds a dead body, a fake passport, and a one-way ticket to Yemen, so he (with G as backup) goes back undercover and to Yemen, where G meets Nate, and Sam meets Abdul, who promptly moves Sam; G tails them. Along the way Sam passes a test, but another man does not; Sam takes charge of a 7-year-old boy, who is a hostage and a son of a Saudi prince. Meanwhile Kensi and Deeks find Saadat, Abdul's brother, in West Hollywood; Nell suggests that Abdul is the leader of the Warriors of Islam, who have issued a deadline for a hostage exchange. However, the team conclude that a trap awaits in Yemen; G and Sam, with support, work out everything and return the hostage to his father. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

While Deeks follows his morning routine, during what appears to be a holdup of a convenience store, a gunman shoots him twice in the chest with a pistol; Deeks goes into surgery; G and Sam investigate at the scene; Kensi waits at the hospital; Eric and Nell prompt their computer. The team realize that two bad guys had staged the supposed robbery as a deliberate ambush; Eric traces the suspects' car to the hospital, where G and Sam see it and engage them; the driver dies, and the other man escapes but winds up at the boat shed. The team set up G for an undercover meet; while talking with Kensi, Deeks suggests a dangerous idea; Kensi tells Eric that G's walking into a trap; Kensi dashes off to the trap, and Deeks suddenly figures out who's the real target; G and Sam tear back to the hospital, but they arrive late, for the party has already ended. The team put all the pieces together. Hetty brings Deeks up to date on his next of kin. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

G and Sam, undercover as bears on bicycles for the California Highway Patrol (CHP), have infiltrated a group of dirty cops, who provide escort services for criminal activities, believed (but not yet confirmed) to be based among certain corrupt Marines at Camp Pendleton; one morning they find the dying ringleader, on a medical retirement from the CHP; the team check a possible connection within the CHP. Kensi and Deeks find a crime scene; with some effort G and Sam find the point woman, wounded, who gives answers, including a link to Camp Pendleton; G and Sam meet the bad guy and agree to do a job for him; Eric IDs him; while on that job G and Sam encounter a major problem, an 18-wheeler escapes, and they lose their bikes. Hetty receives word of an empty quiver, and Nell receives a video clip from the White House; G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks visit a pottery factory, secure the empty quiver, and grab the bad guy and a chick physicist. Kensi and Deeks exchange promises. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Inside a fictional federal prison several Muslim inmates initiate Moe by beating him; Sam, listed as Moe's next of kin, receives a call from a hospital near the pen; Sam goes to Moe, who, by his choice, returns to the same prison under the terms of a pre-existing deal with the NCIS (previously unknown to Sam). Meanwhile, when G visits his sister's grave, he finds an object identical to one he received while he was a child; G, recalling two memories, thinks that someone, whom he once almost met, wishes to meet him. Sam goes undercover inside the pen; Kensi and Deeks check out pole dancing and suddenly see a deadline; snooping further, the dynamic duo find both a device and a plan. Hetty says that there's something more; Sam stirs the pot on the inside, and Nate plays a head game and then more; Sam, Moe, and another man escape, but Sam experiences a personal loss. The next step in a larger plan takes place, and Hetty asks G to call her. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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